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<hazeycode> hmmm `const options = @import("build_options");` isn't working for me. I get `error: unable to find 'build_options'`. Just built and installed master, PATH is correct, no luck
<hazeycode> version 0.5.0+3c7f030a6
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: turns out the buffer in the TEB is only 261 bytes in size (MAX_PATH+1). Rather than the actual maximum of 32K
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<daurnimator> alexnask: but yes, the TEB is per thread... the T stands for Thread :)
<daurnimator> uh wrong ping; sorry alexnask
<alexnask> How dare you /s
<alexnask> :)
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<fengb> daurnimator: would you know of a good way of hooking stream based fmt.format onto fifo?
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<fengb> is there a reason why we manually zero-terminate on Buffer.fromOwnedSlice?
<daurnimator> fengb: because std.Buffer should really be called "0-terminated-growable-vector" unless you need zero termination you should never use it
<mikdusan> BufferZ
<fengb> Eh really? Then Buffer.allocPrint has a bug
<fengb> Oh wait maybe I’m wrong
<daurnimator> Though I do see a memory leak!
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<fengb> Oh I see
<fengb> (Not the leak. The zeroing happens on resize)
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<daurnimator> nevermind the leak was an illusion
<fengb> I feel like we need a better interface. Buffer and Fifo both implement an adhoc outstream, probably because implementing it for real is annoying
<fengb> Making it harder to convert format over >_>
<daurnimator> fengb: the intention of my whole mixins thing was to unite it all
<daurnimator> std.Buffer is almost always the wrong answer
<daurnimator> you really want either ArrayList or LinearFifo
<daurnimator> depending on if you ever delete from the start
<fengb> I'm just converting the print function to work with the stream based format
<fengb> And trying to figure out what it does because I don't want to break things >_>
<daurnimator> fengb: hang on; I'm updating now.
<daurnimator> should make your std.fmt tests easier to figure out
<fengb> Oh... I deleted those in favor of using a SliceOutStream
<fengb> Not deleted. Converted to SliceOutStream since it was easier
<wilsonk> point of interest: mimalloc ( speeds up compilation of zig by about 5%, whether building single or multi-threaded (up to 64 cores). That is just by simply setting LD_PRELOAD to use mimalloc. Slight increase in memory usage due to the way it allocates...about 2%. So it might not be the best for the CI machines but might be worth it on your home machines. (P.S. only about 3% faster build of llvm-9.0 on
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<daurnimator> `zig test lib/std/event.zig --test-filter event.Loop` is currently failing 1 out of every ~5 tests for me
<daurnimator> andrewrk: ^^
<wilsonk> what does it fail with daurnimator?
<daurnimator> wilsonk: it just hangs waiting on a futex
<wilsonk> I just get 'no tests to run'
<daurnimator> wilsonk: you should see: Test [1/1] event.loop.test "std.event.Loop - basic"..
<wilsonk> hmm, I just updated zig ten minutes ago but no...I am just getting 'no tests to run'.
<wilsonk> ok, massaged it with a sledgehammer to run that one test...seems to work fine here after 30 tests (removing any cache each time)
<daurnimator> wilsonk: I can even re-run the same test binary
<daurnimator> happy to send over to you to see if you can replicate
<wilsonk> sure
<daurnimator> how should I send the file to you? >.<
<wilsonk> one sec here...hmm, my IRC client must be a little borked. Can you PM me? I can't seem to PM you
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<andrewrk> daurnimator, yep that's the main reason it's not covered by CI yet
<daurnimator> andrewrk: oh okay
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: heh.... just found another usage of std.Buffer you put in. Why do you keep reaching for it?
<metaleap> daurnimator: would suggest a brute-force rename of "Buffer" in std, and once that's merged then for all users the habit will fade / be revisited on a per-case basis
<andrewrk> daurnimator, you seem to think std.Buffer is deprecated? why?
<daurnimator> metaleap: yep. I'll probably do that as soon as is merged
<andrewrk> I don't agree with any of those claims
<daurnimator> andrewrk: and #4405 is proof of those claims....
<andrewrk> I don't think this is going to get merged as is
<daurnimator> Most of that PR is swapping out std.Buffer for std.ArrayList(u8)
<daurnimator> there was no reason for std.Buffer with it's "keep a null bytes appended" behaviour to be used in those locations
<andrewrk> I see
<andrewrk> I'll take a careful look
<andrewrk> right now though - bedtime. good night. sorry I keep catching you with no brain power left
<daurnimator> andrewrk: these are my prime hacking hours :P
<LakeByTheWoods> How in love is everyone with the the comma getting un-indented after a multiline string literal in array initialisers and argument lists? It seems odd to me.
<LakeByTheWoods> eg:
<LakeByTheWoods> const a = [][]const u8{ \\aaa, \\bbb};
<LakeByTheWoods> Well that was a fail
<daurnimator> LakeByTheWoods: where else would it go?
<LakeByTheWoods> const a = [][]const u8{ \\aaa, \\bbb};```
<LakeByTheWoods> ```const a = [][]const u8{ \\aaa, \\bbb};```
<daurnimator> LakeByTheWoods: use a pastebin to demonstrate.
<LakeByTheWoods> WILCO
<LakeByTheWoods> My gut tells me everything inside the {} should be indented.
<daurnimator> LakeByTheWoods: both look sorta weird to me. If you think the 2nd should be what we do instead I wouldn't complain.
<daurnimator> LakeByTheWoods: I assume this is in reply to #4580 ?
<LakeByTheWoods> It's regarding that work yeah
<LakeByTheWoods> Better (albeit contrived) example that sells my suggestion better:
<LakeByTheWoods> (actually that example is wrong, shouldn't have a trailing comma)
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<itszath> hey, I'm really new to zig though I have known about the project for quite a while; I was wondering if somebody could point me towards an idiomatic way of adding more information to an error
<itszath> e.g. including column/row with an error in a tokenizer
<itszath> thanks, I'm gonna go with the modified second workaround with the struct field then
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<metaleap> itszath: can also sniff in lib/std/zig/ast.zig --- in this case, the Ast struct keeps a list of error details and parse() only really returns error.OutOfMemory or none at all (as of today). in a scenario of errors the ast's root is un-set and the errors.len != 0. easy to work with and every sort of error has as much detail as it needs
<metaleap> plus in general you might wanna differentiate between "domain errors" (high level) and "operational errors" (low level / kernel / syscall or bad inputs) anyway, with try/catch/error-unions being a great fit for the latter
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<jessermeyer> What's the cast I should use when I'm passing a string to a function expecting a c-string? pointer type child '*const [27:0]u8' cannot cast into pointer type child '[*c]const u8'
<jessermeyer> var validation_layer = "VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation";
<jessermeyer> .ppEnabledLayerNames = &validation_layer,
<jessermeyer> ptrCast worked.
<jessermeyer> I guess this makes sense in retrospect. Strings in Zig are pointers.
<fengb> I’m surprised the cast wasn’t automatic
<jessermeyer> Me too actually.
<jessermeyer> Is there a reason for that?
<mikdusan> wait wut?
<mikdusan> can u make a reduction
<jessermeyer> Yes.
<jessermeyer> Should I report this as an issue?
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<TheLemonMan> jessermeyer, you're missing the outer `const`, try making validation_layer a `const`
<mq32> i think there is just a whole pointer indirection missing
<mq32> "&validation_layer" is a pointer to *u8, not to **u8
<jessermeyer> I thought that was a **u8
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<jessermeyer> Since the zig string is a pointer to an array.
<jessermeyer> (Right?)
<jessermeyer> Ah, the constness hits me again.
<TheLemonMan> yep, literals are pointer to arrays
<jessermeyer> I've been avoiding const since those tend to disappear from the debugger's view.
<TheLemonMan> the error message is correct but could be improved to point out what's the difference between the two types
<jessermeyer> But that didn't appear to fix the issue actually...
<jessermeyer> \win32_tbd.zig:101:9: error: expected type '[*c]const [*c]const u8', found '*const *const [27:0]u8' const validation_layer = "VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation";
<jessermeyer> In terms of implicit casting expectations..
<jessermeyer> Is that a reportable issue?
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<TheLemonMan> bleh, spent an awful lot of time hunting down a nasty bug in a linker script
<TheLemonMan> and it turns out it was lld that was royally fucking up some address computation
<jessermeyer> Poor linker =(
<TheLemonMan> yeah, linkers are hard
<TheLemonMan> the implicit casting only acts on a single layer
<TheLemonMan> and so it tries to convert [*c] to * but fails miserably because the child types are not compatible
<jessermeyer> Should it be opened up to N layers?
<jessermeyer> As a proposal?
<TheLemonMan> *shrug* don't know if that's supposed to work or not
<jessermeyer> Why are the child types not compatible? Doesn't [*c]const u8 map to *const[N:0]u8 semantics (but not the other way around)?
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<TheLemonMan> nah, there's an implicit cast from *[N]T to [*c]T
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<jessermeyer> I'll open an issue for wider discussion, if not for visibility for future programmers. A pointer to an array of strings is not an unusual interface parameter for C libraries, so at least people who hit this can search for it.
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<jessermeyer> var extension_names_to_enable = {"VK_KHR_win32_surface", "VK_KHR_surface"};
<jessermeyer> Is there a reason that doesn't just work?
<TheLemonMan> you're missing the leading dot?
<jessermeyer> Well I don't know if anon-structs is how I want to, in general, represent an array of comptime known strings.
<jessermeyer> And in this situation that doesn't seem appropriate. All I want is to pass Vulkan the address to an array of strings.
<TheLemonMan> then you're missing the leading type
<jessermeyer> But the string lengths here are different from each other, and if I tell Zig to infer it, it doesn't want to.
<metaleap> [2]Str{"one","two"} where Str = []const u8
<metaleap> and _ for auto-length should work, whats the err msg?
<alexnask> [_][]const u8 { ... } should work
<jessermeyer> Let me double check I didn't typo.
<jessermeyer> Yeah I typo'd and misread orientation of the array syntax from the documentation.
<jessermeyer> var extension_names_to_enable = [2][:0]const u8{"VK_KHR_win32_surface", "VK_KHR_surface"}; works.
<alexnask> Cheers
<jessermeyer> Thanks for spotting my mistakes!
<jessermeyer> Is there a reason why the type [2][:0]const u8 couldn't have been inferred by the compiler from the context?
<jessermeyer> I understand if the user doesn't _want_ null-termination then that's one consideration.
<TheLemonMan> an anonymous tuple may work better there if you don't want to waste too much energy typing
<jessermeyer> How do I ptrCast the tuple to a pointer to an array of strings?
<jessermeyer> The compiler gave me some caution with note: '*struct:104:42' has no in-memory bits
<TheLemonMan> you write `var foo: T = .{ ... }` ?
<fengb> Ugh that annoying thing
<fengb> You can’t make a runtime tuple with literals since the compiler turns them into comptime fields
<jessermeyer> Ok, good to know that would work, but it's much too much baggage for this straight forward problem.
<metaleap> jessermeyer: each string literal gets "inferred" to a fixed-len+1-sized u8 array, so an array of string literals at this point doesnt get "inferred" (more like coerced-inferred) into an array-of-[*:0]const u8
<metaleap> (about your question why it couldnt infer)
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<jessermeyer> Yeah, this may be related to the child-type inference issue I posted about earlier today.
<metaleap> although i think there's no inferring array types from anon-literals *at all* at this point, i always write them out. but in the string-case, it'd be even trickier
<jessermeyer> In general I do not expect syntax discontinuities going from a single element type to an array of that type like this.
<alexnask> fengb This bug is probably gone with PR #4573, I will try it and add it as a testcase
<metaleap> jessermeyer am actually quite content with no inference of slice/arr types. currently i can scan code and immediately tell just from anon-ness that it's a struct-or-union.
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<jessermeyer> I agree that too much inference is a poison.
<metaleap> and [x]X{..} is easily recognizable as slice/arr initializer. no "manual type-resolving via looking at result location" required :D
<jessermeyer> In this case, the [n]X is just redundant and obvious, and I imagine that follows for the common case.
<fengb> Not quite. It’s ambiguous if it’s an array of slices or array of pointers
<jessermeyer> I wouldn't call that a common case.
<fengb> In this case I mean
<jessermeyer> And an instance of inference poison.
<jessermeyer> Could you elaborate? This case is just an array of strings.
<fengb> Literals “foo” are array pointers that can either be coerced into `[]u8` slices or `[*]u8` multi pointers
<fengb> In most Zig code, I’d expect slices, but then you can’t pass that to C
<alexnask> I don't think there is any place in the compiler atm that uses the types of multiple expressiosn to infer a common type (not an argument either way, just an observation)
<TheLemonMan> not really, peer result location is used for eg. if/switch expressions
<alexnask> Ah, good point
<alexnask> I knew I'd probably missed smth
<jessermeyer> I see, array of strings -> array of pointers.
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<jessermeyer> Yeah, almost every 'wtf' I've encountered in Zig so far as been at the intersection of Zig and C.
<mq32> hm
<mq32> how can i add a package import for a package import?
<mq32> just declaring two packages with the same name does not work
<mq32> is --pkg-begin recursive?
<frmdstryr> yes
<frmdstryr> nest them
<mq32> oh
<mq32> looks like zig build does not support that yet?
<frmdstryr> it only supports one level
<frmdstryr> it should be made recursive
<mq32> hm, how can i make that work?
<alexnask> I'm hitting a really weird bug, using std.testing.allocator in a tuple initializer crashes on windows (access violation in copy_const_val when copying the allocator field) and works on linux
<mq32> ah so addPackagePath does not expose that yet
<frmdstryr> needs to also add args for sub_pkg
<frmdstryr> in theory, I haven't tried it
<jessermeyer> The array of u8 arrays is continuing to bite me.
<jessermeyer> Apparently the u8 array and the array of u8 arrays are stored rather differently.
<jessermeyer> As demonstrated on the watch window on the right.
<mq32> extension_names_to_enable is an array of 2 slices
<mq32> not of two pointers-to-zero-terminated
<jessermeyer> O_O
<mq32> [:0] is a zero-terminated slice
<mq32> [*:0] is a zero-terminated pointer
<jessermeyer> Very subtle.
<jessermeyer> @ptrCast is super dangerous here!
<mq32> i think you don't need the ptr cast then :D
<mq32> @ptrCast is by-definition super-dangerous
<mq32> that's why it's needed and is not done implicitly
<jessermeyer> Yeah I was sort of forced into using it earlier.
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<jessermeyer> Well this has been rather educational. I learn more about C programming in Zig than I do programming in C oftentimes.
<jessermeyer> const c_string = [*:0]const u8; is how I'm going about this henceforth.
<mq32> :D
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<frmdstryr> When using instream.readStruct is there any way to specify the endianness (or just reverse it)?
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<mq32> alexnask: Huge ♥ for std.interface !
<mq32> just played around a bit and it just works and is super-convenient
<alexnask> Glad you like it :) I'm planning on adding a proof of concept Allocator interface in the tests later today
<mq32> nice!
<mq32> i think i'll refactor more of my code to your interface
<alexnask> @mq32 lola.Object is a std.interface.Interface here right?
<mq32> yep
<alexnask> I would recommend wrapping the interface type in another struct to avoid having to use .call and to make init a little less clunky
<alexnask> At least that's the pattern I will probably be using
<mq32> the interface only has two methods
<mq32> and those are getting called at exactly one place :D
<alexnask> Right, the boilerplate isn't worth for sure then :)
<mq32> yep
<mq32> but the UserFunction and AsyncUserFunction will surely get a interface
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<mq32> can i iterate over a HashMap and remove elements from it?
<mq32> alexnask: It works! I now have a small garbage collector for my LoLa objects :)
<mq32> Runtime is now fully feature-complete again
<jessermeyer> Congrats!
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<mq32> thanks :)
<mikdusan> 2 slow
<mq32> yep
<mq32> this example is now executed correctly again
<mq32> from c++-shared_ptr-hell to a nice and slim Zig API
<alexnask> :D
<mq32> The language even got better on the way there
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<alexnask> Has anyone tried zig on WSL?
<alexnask> Everything seems to work fine on my system except for zig test, which hits an integer overflow in vdso.zig when running the test executable
<alexnask> Nvm I'm blind, clock_gettime seems to be the issue, I will try again after updating Windows though it could be a WSL bug
<fengb> Y2k38? :P
<alexnask> Nah the overflow happens in vdso lookup
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<jaredmm> I use WSL, but I haven't run any tests in it.
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