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<leeward> SDL is indeed super easy to use with Zig.
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<oats> huh, new standard for enum literals
<oats> never occured to me that the style for a .VariantLiteral was in conflict with the style for TypeNames :P
<oats> good stuff, that makes sense
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<pmwhite> oats: is this a language change I don't know about?
<oats> just a style guide thing
<pmwhite> Oh, interesting, thanks.
<pmwhite> I think I like that better anyway, since enum/union items are more or less the dual of strict fields.
<oats> pmwhite: as in product/sum types?
<pmwhite> Righto.
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<andrewrk> do we have self-hosted parsing of integer literals anywhere?
<andrewrk> e.g. handling 0x prefixes
<andrewrk> looks like it would be parsing the prefix followed by std.math.big.Int.Mutable.setString
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<daurnimator> at least in json
<daurnimator> or not actually!
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<scientes> andrewrk, yeah, that is what I used
<daurnimator> scientes: just use `SinglyLinkedList(void).Node`?
<daurnimator> maybe add an options argument for null terminated vs circular?
<scientes> no you always use circular
<scientes> there is no reason not to
<scientes> it is doing more than it needs to
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<daurnimator> then why not change the existing to be circular
<scientes> all of it's complexity is completely unneeded, but if you are going to fight me about it just reject the whole thing
<scientes> you don't need generic for this
<daurnimator> you don't need it; but some people like it as an extra feature....
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<mikdusan> hmm isn't this basically an instrusive singly-linked list?
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<daurnimator> mikdusan: yes (which we already have): main difference is circular vs null terminated.
<mikdusan> another day yet again affirms I suck at algo :(
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<FireFox317> andrewrk, will you be streaming any time soon? :P
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<companion_cube> will there be a "lightweight" distribution of zig without anything from llvm? I'm thinking of stuff like compiling on a raspberry pi, or other very slow and small targets
<mq32> companion_cube: i think that's planned with stage 2 to make LLVM an optional high-perf backend
<companion_cube> sounds perfect
<scientes> companion_cube, you want llvm for that
<companion_cube> to target ARM, you mean?
<mq32> target "slow and small" targets
<mq32> because well-optimized code matters even more on them
<scientes> yeah you still want an optimizing compiler
<companion_cube> well depends on the program
<companion_cube> and if you cross compile, or compile locally
<scientes> no, you want an optimizing compiler with SSA optimizations
<scientes> these are non-trivial projects
<companion_cube> hm ok, I guess I need to remember that cross compilation is trivial :D
<scientes> and also the rasberry pi is not that limited
<companion_cube> sure, it's still a bit small for comfortably use OCaml
<scientes> when I developed systemd I was on a ARM laptop
<companion_cube> (which is my comfort zone)
<companion_cube> when you what?
<scientes> *contributed to
<companion_cube> but surely an ARM laptop is less limited than an (old) raspi
<scientes> yeah but its not a game boy
<companion_cube> ah, sure
<companion_cube> it's more about what's convenient than what's possible, since almost everything is possible (except for compiling firefox, lolol)
<scientes> especially after the rust integration
<companion_cube> is it really worse than C++? :)
<companion_cube> what kills you is linking in both cases
<scientes> companion_cube, but that cannot be fixed
<scientes> that is just how linking works
<companion_cube> yes, but templates (in all of c++, rust, and zig, I think?) tend to produce a lot of symbols :)
<scientes> zig does not have that problem, as exported functions are all C abi functions
<companion_cube> the day there are big Zig programs, this will also become a problem…
<companion_cube> you could say the same for rust, if you use it to produce a .so it's all C ABI
<scientes> no, zig does not have the symbol table problem, period
<scientes> all exported symbols are explicit
<scientes> just like C does not have this problem
<fengb> Rust throws millions of IR at LLVM
<fengb> And hopes that LLVM figures it out
<companion_cube> just like C++ 🤷
<scientes> fengb, rust and zig both excercised parts of LLVM that did not work :)
<companion_cube> scientes: still not following. What rust exports is also all explicit, C-ABI stuff.
<companion_cube> when used in a polyglot project, that is
<scientes> well I haven't looked at rust's produced IR
<mq32> <scientes> no, you want an optimizing compiler with SSA optimizations
<mq32> note that zig uses SSAT which probably allows good optimizations as well
<oats> fengb: heyo, I just saw your talk on emulators for the previous Showtime. Really cool stuff, the whole packed union thing was pretty enlightening :)
<fengb> Thanks!
<scientes> mq32, link? can't find anything about SSAT
<scientes> fengb, my god
<mq32> me neither, i think you have to ask andrewrk
<scientes> cause the compiler seems to use SSA, but its only 2 phase, so it isn't round-trip, et cetera
<mq32> rust creates horrible IR
<companion_cube> have you tried with -O ?
<companion_cube> it's a lot more reasonable :p
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<scientes> companion_cube, but without -O the codegen is horrible
<companion_cube> no optimization is done, I think, so yes
<scientes> companion_cube, it even converts to a multplication without a loop, which gcc can't do
<scientes> companion_cube, (n-1)(n-2)/2 + n
<scientes> the closed form of the loop
<mq32> clang C output is still only 50% size with -O
<companion_cube> yes yes, but rustc also does its own optimizations
<scientes> companion_cube, it does not do the closed form thing however
<companion_cube> mq32: I think rust emits a lot more non-aliasing statements?
<scientes> it is not that type of compiler
<BaroqueLarouche> how zig stage1 fare ?
<companion_cube> I don't know much about llvm IR
<companion_cube> but it's clearly tailored to C++
<scientes> companion_cube, MLIR looks like the future
<scientes> which is a llvm project
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<scientes> swift and flang and tensorflow are using it
<fengb> Wait, tensorflow is a compiler?
<fengb> Apparently MLIR was invented in tensorflow too
<companion_cube> is MLIR less… C++-y?
<companion_cube> (in the semantics)
<scientes> companion_cube, no, and that is my biggest problem in trying to grep it
<scientes> it looks nice, and has a few gains over llvm
<scientes> but still c++
<scientes> and without a C ABI
<scientes> and I don't understand what a tensor is
<scientes> I need a better description of the *why*
<leeward> scientes: tensors are like vectors in more dimensions.
<scientes> yeah but they are a physics thing, so why are the computer people so into them suddenly
<leeward> I don't have any idea. As far as I can tell, someone thought it made a good name.
<leeward> like entropy in
<greenfork> or like "vectors" (dynamically sized arrays)
<leeward> Yeah, that's a good point.
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<DrDeano> With my problem that I get a OOM when using ChildProcess, it works when it is in the init function for my RuntimeStep, but when moved to the make function, it throws the OOM, but can't work out why
<DrDeano> (Context: I need to crease a build Step to run a process that doesn't return and need access to stdout)
<rooke> Darn zig does not like `pub const StateFunction = fn (State) StateFunction;` which... I guess makes sense
<rooke> functions are only good compile time values right?
<mq32> that should work though
<mq32> it's a function pointer
<rooke> its complaining about a dependency loop
<mq32> oh
<mq32> yeah, true
<rooke> I'm assuming it isn't ok with a function which returns its self
<rooke> Which... makes sense, its just a pretty way to do finite state machines
<mq32> yeah, true
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<andrewrk> DrDeano, sometimes you can get OOM when you have memory corruption and so the integer that tells how many items to allocate is really big
<andrewrk> DrDeano, have you checked your program running in valgrind?
<andrewrk> FireFox317, I know I'm overdue for a stream :) let me see if my sister's internet service can handle it
<andrewrk> I have some family stuff happening this weekend but potentially could show off some self-hosted progress early next week
<DrDeano> @and
<DrDeano> oops
<DrDeano> andrewrk i shall try that
<gonz_> andrewrk: Did you see the response on the LLVM mailing list?
<andrewrk> DrDeano, to make valgrind even more effective, use std.heap.c_allocator and build with -lc
<gonz_> Paraphrasing: Having different definitions of `_m_prefetchw` in Windows headers & LLVM headers shouldn't matter because only one should be used regardless.
<gonz_> So, we end up using different ones when compiling with Zig. Any way not to?
<gonz_> s/different ones/both
<andrewrk> gonz_, just looked. here you can see we put the c headers dir before the libc headers dir: can you show the full clang invocation commmand that zig is using for you? it's --verbose-cc if using the zig cli or -### if using zig cc
<leeward> Is there a mechanism for specifying different library paths for different targets? I have a thing I want to build for a few targets, but it depends on libraries written in C.
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<gonz_> andrewrk:
<andrewrk> leeward, if using build.zig, it's pretty straightforward to make different choices based on the target
<FireFox317> andrewrk, ah thanks! Don't worry, its okay if you dont stream, but I just find them really interesting :D
<andrewrk> gonz_, the line here might be interesting to look at: C:\Users\ricka\code\zig\sqlite-sandbox\dependencies\sqlite-amalgamation-3310100\sqlite3.c:26683
<leeward> andrewrk: And I'd use different addLibPath calls for the different targets?
<andrewrk> gonz_, based on this info we should be able to understand why this is happening, and then it should be clear where to go from there
<andrewrk> leeward, right
<gonz_> andrewrk: That line blanket includes `windows.h`
<leeward> ok, thanks
<andrewrk> gonz_, oh right of course, that's clear from the next line.
<gonz_> Basically, when we finally reach `winnt.h:3324` we stumble on a redeclaration of `_m_prefetchw`
<andrewrk> gonz_, ok well one thing to note is that clang is not finding mm3dnow.h from msvc. the conflict seems to be in winnt.h. I think it would be helpful to post this on to the llvm mailing list
<andrewrk> my best guess is that clang headers are missing some #define that will make winnt.h not make a conflicting definition
<andrewrk> gonz_, btw have you tried -target x86_64-windows-gnu instead of x86_64-windows-msvc?
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<gonz_> As an argument to `zig build`?
<andrewrk> there's a way to set it to use mingw-w64 instead of msvc for libc by default in your build.zig. but just as a test, yeah you could pass -Dtarget=native-native-gnu
<andrewrk> it's possible that zig may do this by default in the future
<andrewrk> the nice thing about using mingw-w64 for libc on windows is that zig ships with it so it works the same everywhere, microsoft doesn't mess with it, and you can cross compile for windows with it
<andrewrk> if you get linker errors it's just some libraries that can easily be activated, let me know
<gonz_> Is this a new option? It doesn't accept `-Dtarget=`.
<andrewrk> I haven't seen your build.zig, are you using standardTargetOptions ?
<gonz_> No, I had no idea that was a thing. I only have `standardReleaseOptions`
<gonz_> I made it back in January from the basic init template
<gonz_> Hmm, how are you supposed to use the `CrossTarget` that's returned from `Builder.standardTargetOptions`?
<alexnask> `exe.setTarget(target);`
<gonz_> Here's the paste with the target set to `native-native-gnu`
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<JimRM> Hey so I have a question about linker scripts + assembly files!
<JimRM> From a C project I have the following:
<JimRM> .boot.text 0x0 : {
<JimRM> KEEP (*(.traps))
<JimRM> . = 0x80000; /* Space for command line. */
<JimRM> __start = .;
<JimRM> __text_start = .;
<JimRM> KEEP(build/head.o (.text))
<JimRM> KEEP(build/jtag.o (.text))
<JimRM> }
<JimRM> the problem I am having with zig, is the head.o file is not at a well known path for me to use in the linker script
<JimRM> It's probably my lack of knowledge regarding linker scripts - but I thought I'd ask here in case anyone had a good solution?
<JimRM> BTW head.o is compiled from head.S
<FireFox317> JimRM, I think when just using the zig compiler (`zig build-exe` or equiv) the path will be relevant to cwd(), when using build.zig this might be from the zig-cache directory or something.
<JimRM> Yeah, I probably shouldn't be arranging my binary using filenames but instead sections.
<JimRM> The linker script was something I managed to get working a year ago.. and haven't dared touch since :)
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<FireFox317> yeah, i actually dont know if linker scripts support file names, sections it definitely does :P
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<gonz_> andrewrk: Setting the target to `native-native-gnu` worked, actually.
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<leeward> Dammit, you're screwing up my search results when I'm trying to find information about actual stack overflows.
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<gonz_> andrewrk: Does `native-native-gnu` have some obvious downside otherwise? I would rather just rely on code shipped with Zig
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<gonz_> It would also open up for having people you potentially teach in the future not having to install a bunch of stuff beyond the zig compiler, right?
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<andrewrk> gonz_, nope there isn't really a downside. and yes it means you don't need msvc installed
<andrewrk> that's why I'm considering removing msvc integration support entirely. however I'm sure some folks will bring up good things to consider when I make that proposal
<gonz_> Do you think debugging will be affected? I finally feel like zig is very debuggable now on Windows
<gonz_> With standard debuggers, even just normal VSCode (WinDbg?)
<andrewrk> I don't see why that would be affected by this
<gonz_> One of the good things that've come out of the bad is that if someone is actually doing C on Windows they probably already dislike MSVC
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<gonz_> AFAIK
<gonz_> With the poor C99 support and all of that
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<leeward> I am very happy to be able to generate Windows binaries without having to install Windows myself. CI can tell me if it breaks.
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<gonz_> Right, I think the ability to target Windows when not on Windows is not in question
<gonz_> It's whether or not to support MSVC as a compiler when on Windows, I guess?
<leeward> Right, I know, I'm just fawning.
<gonz_> My perception is that C programmers aren't fond of MSVC because historically it kind of didn't care about C
<leeward> I have nothing to add to the MSVC debate. I'm pretty sure I've never actually used it.
<andrewrk> gonz_, it's wether to support detecting and linking against MSVC's libc when using zig to compile C code
<gonz_> Allright
<gonz_> I'll probably be switching over to just specifying this target everywhere now
<gonz_> If it means I get to just rely on stuff that's shipped with Zig
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<gonz_> and there are no obvious downsides outside of that
<gonz_> In terms of defaults I think this makes a lot more sense to do, to be honest
<leeward> Is native-native-musl not as good as native-native-gnu?
<andrewrk> leeward, musl is a linux libc. in the discussion with gonz_ the context was windows
<andrewrk> if you are building natively and linking libc, best to let zig auto detect your native C ABI and use that
<andrewrk> however if you are cross compiling for linux, musl is a nice option if you want to create static binaries
<daurnimator> a couple of things: 1. it should remain possible to write a library in zig to use from an msvc codebase (think e.g. game engine)
<leeward> Oh, I didn't realize musl was Linux-only.
<andrewrk> daurnimator, mingw-w64 is in fact ABI compatible with msvc
<daurnimator> 2. gnu vs musl makes a different choice for you currently: static vs dynamic linking. I think there's an issue open about dynamically linking to musl?
<gonz_> andrewrk: What would be the long-term solution that solves this header type mismatch, by the way?
<andrewrk> dynamic linked musl is a use case that I think has not been decided whether is in scope of zig or not
<daurnimator> andrewrk: so then 'gnu' abi and 'msvc' abi are the same? I guess the abi is more than the abi....
<andrewrk> gonz_, I think it's a bug in clang
<andrewrk> I think they are missing a #define somewhere to make windows not duplicate the definition
<andrewrk> daurnimator, yes that's right, the ABI part of the triple is more aptly named the libc part of the triple
<andrewrk> note that we also have versions as part of it now as well
<andrewrk> e.g. x86_64-linux-gnu.2.30
<daurnimator> andrewrk: which is weird for pure zig code that doesn't use a libc....
<andrewrk> The C ABI is relevant to pure zig for exported things
<daurnimator> howso?
<andrewrk> if you export a function, it follows the C ABI
<andrewrk> there is not a standard C ABI, it is implementation defined. so it means encoding information about the particular libc being targeted
<andrewrk> it's possible glibc changed its ABI over the course of its versions, although I do not have any examples on hand
<andrewrk> anyway it's harmless to over-specify the target even if that information is unused
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<daurnimator> its sort of weird specifying e.g. gnu-2.30 when I'm writing a zig-only piece of freestanding code for a microcontroller....
<andrewrk> use `none`
<andrewrk> riscv64-freestanding-none
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<gonz_> andrewrk: How do you pass arguments to mingw via `zig build`? It turns out you need to specify the subsystem via `-Wl,-subsystem,windows`. Or is it that Zig is already supposed to but likely it's been neglected because the code path isn't very used?
<gonz_> alternatively via `build.zig` (probably preferrably)
<gonz_> Ah, I should specify the reason... mingw has a console window pop up regardless of whether or not you're making a win32 app
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<daurnimator> gonz_: zig has a subsystem flag
<gonz_> Is it available from `build.zig` & `zig build`?
<gonz_> I assume the normal flow is that `WinMain` is detected and the subsystem set automatically
<gonz_> If that's the case it's curious why it wouldn't for mingw
<daurnimator> gonz_: yes. b.subsystem = ......
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<leeward> Is there a comptime way to concatenate strings?
<leeward> Or am I using fmt?
<leeward> Or am I using comptime fmt?
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<tgschultz> used to be able to do it with "A" ++ "B"
<tgschultz> pretty sure that still works actually or a lot of @compileError statemens I've written would have broken.
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