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<andrewrk> a little teaser demo of the #5583 branch:
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<shachaf> What sort of time command is that?
<mq32> andrewrk: does that mean that zig now compiles 1 Mio LOC/s
<mq32> ?
<mq32> :D
<andrewrk> now all we have to do is not introduce a perf regression :P
<andrewrk> shachaf, I think it's built into fish shell?
<mq32> yep ^^
<shachaf> Oh, fish, I see.
<andrewrk> I think there is a lot of room for improvement because clang does this faster with a respective .c file
<shachaf> I wrote my own time replacement to get some of this information because none of the system commands did it.
<shachaf> (Though a lot of those numbers are just always 0 on Linux anyway...)
<mq32> andrewrk: do you have optimizations enabled on that build? :D
<andrewrk> zig compiler optimizations, yes
<andrewrk> interesting, about 50% of the time spent is in the parser
<mq32> but nice to see that it's acceptably fast already
<andrewrk> wait... I think zig is emitting memset to undef even in release-fast πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ
<mq32> this is probably a huge handbreak :D
<andrewrk> especially considering there is a call in every allocation
<mq32> ouch
<andrewrk> that was a small improvement, not a breakthrough
<andrewrk> it's good to know that (1) gains can be made in the parser, and (2) gains can be made by parallelizing parsing and analysis, since these are easy to separate
* mq32 is hyped
<mq32> this is gonna be good
<andrewrk> looks like some gains to be made with a better hash table impl, been meaning to check if it would be better to have arrays of keys / arrays of values rather than arrays of entries
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<mq32> i think it's actually worth the split
<mq32> for larger tables especially
<mq32> and i think the compiler will gain some huge hashtables
<andrewrk> yeah, makes sense
<mq32> cache locality isn't our friend D
<andrewrk> ok, yeah wow the parser is the bottleneck in this example
<mq32> *grin*
<mq32> i love such optimization stuff
<mq32> you find a bottleneck
<mq32> you improve that
<mq32> you repeat
<ifreund> this is a fairly abnormal example though tbh
<andrewrk> agreed
<mq32> and at one point, you're back to the original bottleneck :D
<andrewrk> totally agree it's a dumb example, but still having fun with it: this is currently 7x faster than clang and clang is using 3x the memory for the equivalent source
<mq32> neat
<andrewrk> and this is still with the ability to do incremental updates btw
<andrewrk> I need to wire some more things up to demo that but you'll be able to e.g. change the message and have it update instantly
<afontain_> sweet
<ifreund> this is super cool
<mq32> neat
<mq32> except for the parse taking so long :D
<andrewrk> I haven't looked critically at the relevant parser code, maybe some ideas will turn up
<andrewrk> could be a fun area to contribute to as well; we already have a solid gotta-go-fast benchmark for the parser
<Cadey> oh no
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<blinghound> Hi all! I'm a zig noob and trying to test the c compilation capabilities. I'm attempting to compile sqlite3 into an object file on windows, but I get an error 'conflicting types for '_m_prefetchw''
<blinghound> my compilation command was 'zig cc -I{sqlite3.h location} -c sqlite3.c -o sqlite3.o -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 -O2
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<afontain_> it would help if you showed the two files
<afontain_> I've already got an idea what the cause could be
<blinghound> sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h?
<blinghound> they are the source files straight from the sqlite site
<blinghound> In file included from .\sqlite3.c:26721:In file included from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.18362.0\ucrt\..\um\windows.h:171:In file included from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.18362.0\ucrt\..\shared\windef.h:24:In file included from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
<blinghound> Kits\10\Include\10.0.18362.0\ucrt\..\shared\minwindef.h:182:C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.18362.0\ucrt\..\um\winnt.h:3324:1: error: conflicting types for '_m_prefetchw'_m_prefetchw (^C:\Portable Apps\zig-windows-x86_64-0.6.0+2bb3e1aff\lib\zig\include\prfchwintrin.h:50:1: note: previous definition is
<blinghound> here_m_prefetchw(void *__P)
<blinghound> sorry for the formatting, I'm a noob!
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<blinghound> ok this command successfully compiled 'zig cc -o .\sqlite3.o .\sqlite3.c -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 -c -O2 -target x86_64-windows-gnu'
<blinghound> was it because I didn't specify a target?
<blueberrypie> zig might be using musl as the default target
<blueberrypie> maybe that isn't compatible? i don't know.
<ifreund> blueberrypie, blinghound: i think msvc is the default target
<ifreund> iirc there's an open issue for this
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<ask6155> hello!
<ask6155> what does this return type mean?
<ask6155> ?(NextError![]u8)
<ask6155> it is from the argiterator
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<mq32> that's an optional error union of either NextError or a slice of unsigned 8 bit integers
<ask6155> can you um.. dumb it down? :)
<mq32> []u8 is a range of u8
<mq32> NextError!T is an error union which is either one of the errors in NextError contains a range of u8
<mq32> and ?T is an optional type
<mq32> so it might be null or a value of T
<ifreund> to unwrap it you can do const argval = try (arg orelse @panic("no more args"))
<ifreund> except probably don't panic :D
<alva> In Rust and other languages it would be something like Option<Result<[]u8, NextError>> (except the slice type would be written differently)
<ask6155> if arg is a argiterator do i use .next in a loop to get all values?
<ifreund> yeah that's the idea
<ifreund> while ( |maybe_arg| { const arg = try maybe_arg; }
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<mq32> andrewrk: does zig right now mmap the code files or does it use read syscall?
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<leeward> What are people's idioms for "value that hasn't been unwrapped yet?" like ifreund's maybe_arg above? It seems like there should be a consistent pair that people expect to use: one for optionals and another for error unions.
<leeward> I've used _opt and _err, but don't particularly like them.
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<greenfork> some people don't like Hungarian notation at all and prefer to use just usual words
<leeward> Hungarian would be like oe_value
<greenfork> for me Hungarian means that you encode the type of variable in its name
<leeward> Yeah...there's an old Joel Spolsky post about that with systems vs apps Hungarian at Microsoft in the '90s.
<greenfork> it also doesn't seem as a common case when you don't want to unwrap it immediately or close to it
<ifreund> yeah i don't usually use any special name for optional variables
<fengb> foo vs the_foo πŸ™ƒ
<ifreund> only in rare cases where the name actually adds more clarity
<ifreund> e.g. a global variable that starts null but might get set by a callback
<fengb> I don’t usually make variables for optionals or error unions
<ifreund> (this is not something I do in programs over 100 loc to be clear)
<leeward> So in ifreund's example above, "maybe_arg" only exists to be unwrapped. You can't call it "arg" because that's the name of the thing it wraps.
<ifreund> sometimes I just use a leading underscore in cases like this
<leeward> With optionals, the pattern is `if (wrapped_thing) |unwrapped_thing| {}`
<greenfork> I go with C-style for short names in this case
<greenfork> `if (thing) |t| { ... }`
<ifreund> where I need a different name but don't really want to spend the energy to think about it
<leeward> I kinda like the leading underscore. It doesn't run the chance of being a reserved word in Zig, unlike C.
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<cvoges12> Getting (build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log) when trying to build main branch. I'm using musl and on void linux
<cvoges12> Dependencies are up to date
<leeward> I see an example in the standard library of `if (opt_name) |name|`, but also `if (prev_path) |pp|`, `if (stdout) |s|`, and `if (alignment) |a|`. Looks like shortening the optional wrapper to its first letter is pretty common.
<ifreund> yeah shortening definitely make sense to me, especially if the if block is short
<ifreund> cvoges12: i assume you've got clang, llvm10, and lld-devel installed?
<leeward> On the error union side, the vast majority of times "try" is used, it's on a more complex expression than a variable's name. In fact, the only one I see is in process.zig: `const arg = try arg_or_error` in argsAlloc.
<cvoges12> ifreund: Not devel. Just installed. Works fine. Thanks
<leeward> Hooray, problems solved!
<ifreund> nice, if that didn't work i dont know what i would do, i tested the template for 0.6.0 on musl :D
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<andrewrk> mq32, read()
<mq32> oh
<mq32> it might help to mmap the code, will make a huge speedup
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<andrewrk> perhaps, but it does make it much harder to handle errors of reading the code.
<andrewrk> you start getting SIGBUS instead of errno from read()
<andrewrk> also this is doing fstat followed by, essentially a single read, so I'm not sure if mmap really has much to offer here
<mq32> hm, performance-wise it's ultra-fast
<mq32> but i have to go
<andrewrk> does anyone know of a profiling tool that shows functions over a period of real time, like the one jblow demos in his videos?
<andrewrk> kcachegrind, for example, does the bottom-up thing where it sorts everything by total instructions, which can be useful, but I want to see an overview of actual seconds and where the time is spent in each function
<andrewrk> maybe this is called a flame graph?
<BaroqueLarouche> maybe tracy ?
<ifreund> perf + flamegraph does this
<ifreund> if you just want a list of functions ordered by time without the nesting callstack representation you can pass --flamechart
<ifreund> if you want a tldr on how to use flame graph i have this written down, i think it works
<andrewrk> the perf framegraph is doing the same thing that callgrind is doing, it's showing where the time is spent
<andrewrk> but I want to watch a timeline, where the X axis is time, and the Y axis is where am I in the program
<andrewrk> BaroqueLarouche, this looks amazing if I can get it to work
<ifreund> ah, I see
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<pixelherodev> andrewrk: I think kcachegrind *can't* do it, because callgrind data lacks that information
<pixelherodev> There might be a config option though
<andrewrk> BaroqueLarouche, tracy looks like exactly the user experience that I want, but it only works with c++ source code
<andrewrk> it integrates using C preprocessor macros
<pixelherodev> Guess we know a new Zig tool to make ;)
<BaroqueLarouche> oh no
<pixelherodev> Side note, I might be missing for a few days
<pixelherodev> I broke my OpenGL setup :(
<ifreund> switch to void, it's less time intensive than gentoo :P
<andrewrk> in theory we shouldn't need any zig-specific tools
<pixelherodev> "Error creating GL context" when I try opening a new terminal (my existing one is fine though)
<pixelherodev> ifreund: it's not a gentoo thing
<pixelherodev> my legacy gentoo setup (glibc) works fine
<ifreund> ah musl fun then
<pixelherodev> Yeah
<ifreund> basically we just need a new frontend to perf
<pixelherodev> Perf exposes time-based data?
<andrewrk> this is really quite impressive:
<ifreund> pixelherodev: perf records at a given frequency
<pixelherodev> I wonder if callgrind can
<pixelherodev> Not the time to check though lol
<pixelherodev> Downgrading to 20.1.0, then I'll be good to get back to work
<ifreund> tracy does look quite fancy
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<pixelherodev> Ahh, ccache, how I love you so
<pixelherodev> Got mesa rebuilt in minutes :)
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: mind posting the C code you measured?
<pixelherodev> I want to test it under cproc :P
<pixelherodev> Then again, I'd have to test the Zig one as well
<pixelherodev> I'll wait :)
<pixelherodev> Relatedly actually: is there a way to disable checking timestamps for zig-cache?
<pixelherodev> hmm
<pixelherodev> timestamps probably isn't it.
<pixelherodev> Hashing the AST would probably be a good way of doing what I'm thinking of
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<frmdstryr> Is there any way to get the path from a source file? Like python's module.__file__
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<ifreund> not yet, there is an open proposal for such a feature though
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<frmdstryr> Looks like sort was recently changed to in include a `context: void` parameter, what is a "void" parameter?
<ifreund> do we not have an std.os.setenv
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<andrewrk> frmdstryr, the related proposal is
<andrewrk> frmdstryr, sort now takes a context value of any type, and passes it to your comparator
<andrewrk> if you did not need a context value before, then you will pass `{}` to sort() and an unused `context: void` in your comparator function
<andrewrk> but you can pass any for that parameter and it gets passed to your comparator
<andrewrk> *any type
<stripedpajamas> can functions only be declared top level? trying to find examples of anonymous functions
<andrewrk> that's correct until #1717 is implemented
<stripedpajamas> got it, thanks
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<ifreund> are there any targets where c_int is not i32?
<pixelherodev> ifr in Zig, or at all/?
<pixelherodev> What's the question?
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<pixelherodev> a
<frmdstryr> @andrewrk what's the difference between context: void and context: var? From reading the docs on void it has no space so is zig doing some kind of magic with the stack or something to use it?
<andrewrk> ifreund, looks like msp430 has them at 16 bits, and also we don't have the answer figured out for some of those OS's
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<ifreund> andrewrk: thanks, thats a great reference
<ifreund> now I wish zig would disallow coercion between the two
<andrewrk> it does disallow it on the msp430 target
<andrewrk> frmdstryr, `context: var` lets you pass anything. `context: void` means you must pass the void value. in the case of passing void, it is a no-op at runtime
<ifreund> yeah, but allowing it on targets where c_int is 32 bits makes the code less portable
<ifreund> this is a very small problem in reality though
<ifreund> i don't even know what msp430 is
<andrewrk> well that's the thing though. you can already do `const foo = if (target_specific_thing) a else b;`
<andrewrk> so we already have to factor in the target in order to produce correct compile errors
<andrewrk> I don't think there is any other way to ensure portability other than testing for all the different supported platforms
<ifreund> you're saying we can't just forbid coercion for all targets? or that forbiding it wouldn't be desireable?
<frmdstryr> msp430 is a ti microcontroller
<ifreund> that sounds super awesome for CI
<ifreund> that would simplify things so much
<andrewrk> started to draft out some code to see what implementing it would look like. I think it might just be too hard
<andrewrk> *I started
<andrewrk> ifreund, I'm saying that I think it makes sense to base the type coercion rules around the actual bit sizes of integers rather than the "name"
<andrewrk> in the same way that u64 coerces to usize on 64 bit architectures but not on 32 bit architectures
<andrewrk> I get what you're saying. You want it to be easier to have the compiler help writing portable code
<andrewrk> but I think status quo is actually the best way to do it, with regards to this. we have to consider that a given project may be targeting only a specific set of targets
<ifreund> yeah, I see your point
<andrewrk> another thing to consider is that we want to support even more exotic architectures
<ifreund> and so we don't want to make things weird for people who stick to mainstream archs
<andrewrk> maybe on `-target brainfuck-crazyos-none` c_int is defined as 8 bits, but your project does not care about this particular target, for good reason
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<ifreund> alright, i'm just gonna s/c_int/i32/ my code, c_int is an ugly name :D
<andrewrk> c_int exists mainly for translate-c and the C ABI, so it makes sense to exist in the ABI boundary between your zig code and wayland.h or whatever, but that's about it
<frmdstryr> @andrewrk, I'm really confused, what is the usefulness of passing void?
<andrewrk> frmdstryr, it's not useful to pass void- but it's useful to pass something other than void
<andrewrk> imagine that you are sorting by name, in a global string buffer. your objects are of type `string_index: usize` and you want to sort them
<ifreund> is does translate_c do something special for c_int vs i32? i'm pretty sure it accepts a function signature on the ABI boundry with i32 where an int is expected
<andrewrk> frmdstryr, fn lessThan(context: []const []const u8, a: usize, b: usize) bool { return std.mem.order(u8, context[a], context[b]) == .lt; }
<andrewrk> std.sort.sort(usize, items, global_string_buffer, lessThan);
<andrewrk> this way your items array does not need each element to contain the reference to the global string buffer, saving possibly many bytes in memory
<andrewrk> it may help to consider this is the same pattern when spawning a thread
<frmdstryr> So void is acutally type?
<frmdstryr> or type id
<andrewrk> have a look at the std.sort API. there is no void there. it accepts any type for the context
<andrewrk> if you just want to fix your code, add `{}` to the call to sort() and `context: void` to your lessThan function
<andrewrk> the generated code will be unchanged
<ifreund> by the way, I'm pretty happy with where the std.log PR is right now, just waiting on a review to go through with the documentation updates before merge
<ifreund> I could understand if you want to hold off to figure out what to do with #2029 though
<frmdstryr> Yeah I fixed the code already, just trying to understand what the change is doing...
<frmdstryr> A void arg is it's like a comptime var but it has no influance on acutal function signature?
<ifreund> a void arg is nothing
<ifreund> by providing a comparison function with a void arg you say that it doesn't take any context
<ifreund> comptime compareFn: fn (context: @TypeOf(context), lhs: T, rhs: T) math.Order,
<pixelherodev> A void arg is best thought of as a lack of an argument
<pixelherodev> It means you're not passing *anything*
<ifreund> as you can see the type of the context arg is determined by what you provide
<ifreund> if you provide {} which has type void, it's as if there is no context arg in the codegen
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<andrewrk> ifreund, noted, thanks. I'll do a round of PR merges today, will be sure to check that one out
<ifreund> thanks!
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<andrewrk> ifreund, good timing, too. it will be handy for self-hosted:
<ifreund> yeah, I was thinking it would be :)
<ifreund> river is going to stay on 0.6.0 for the forseeable future but I backported the logging interface yesterday
<frmdstryr> Ah, I think I see now... maybe... if someone can confirm. A void arg is only used to avoid needing to change the function interface?
<frmdstryr> but unlike just using var, it will still give error if they try to pass a "non-void" argument to it.
<andrewrk> correct
<andrewrk> it is similar to passing `void` as the "Value" type of a hash map to make it a set:
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<ifreund> or the pattern used to make struct fields depend on a build option: my_field: if ( Foo else void,
<frmdstryr> Yes looking at thread helped with that one. It would be nice if a few cases like those would be mentioned in the docs under the void section as it's really confusing :)
<ifreund> feel free to open a PR :)
<Zannzen> is there a way to limit the amount of resources a `zig build` can use?
<Zannzen> (I'm assuming it's multithreaded internally but might be wrong there)
<andrewrk> This is just incredible. I must get this working from zig code
<andrewrk> Zannzen, sandboxing and related use cases of zig build is on the roadmap but not available today
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<Zannzen> andrewrk ok, thanks. I'm on a backup computer rn so will have to hope I don't blow through it's 2g/2g ram/swap :)
<Zannzen> or just spin up another vps to work on
<andrewrk> zig build is likely not the problem, but if you're building zig, the stage1 compiler memory usage might be.
<Zannzen> zig build has gotten close for building zls however yes stage1 did require almost all my swap
<Zannzen> worth it though
<Zannzen> surprisingly `make install` used the most (just copying the stdlib)
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