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<tdeo> ah, that makes sense, nix should probably set that
<andrewrk> oats, I don't think we have that yet, would be handy tho
<tdeo> note i was packaging something written in zig, not zig itself
<oats> andrewrk: hmm, maybe could be a fun project
<oats> would something like that probably go in std.fmt?
<andrewrk> yes
<pixelherodev> Patch almost done
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<andrewrk> good because I'm about to implement function calls :D
<pixelherodev> Oh nice :)
<pixelherodev> While you do that, anything else I can help with?
<andrewrk> yes there are plenty of things. I'll start naming things and you tell me what sounds more interesting
<andrewrk> windows PE support or mach-o object file / executable support
<andrewrk> debug info
<pixelherodev> Anything more codegeny? :)
<andrewrk> an assembler / inline assembly parsing
<andrewrk> implementing math operations
<pixelherodev> That sounds good :)
<andrewrk> other architecture support
<andrewrk> improving the allocation strategy of ELF sections / .text blocks
<pixelherodev> Lots of things to do I see :)
<pixelherodev> Just need to run tests, I think
<pixelherodev> Would tests cover codegen?
<andrewrk> ./zig build test-stage2
<pixelherodev> Ugh, need to update compiler first :P
<pixelherodev> Pukes on nosuspend
<pixelherodev> On a different note, thanks for the opportunity to improve my Register definitions in my own project :)
<andrewrk> :)
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, what machine code should zig generate for an indirect call based on an offset table?
<andrewrk> we could split off another offset table for functions, and make a "trampoline" offset table with jumps. I think this is what .got.plt does
<andrewrk> in this case you would simply call the appropriate offset table address
<mq32> andrewrk: what about a full trampoline table? Just have the "function symbol" be a "jmp patched_locatioN"
<mq32> and everything just calls into that jump
<mq32> or did i understand you wrong and you just proposed that?
<andrewrk> I think we're talking about the same thing
<mq32> i think that's the simplest variant to implement and should be quite fast as well
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<andrewrk> sounds good
<andrewrk> now I just have to convince an assembler to tell me the encoding for that call instruction :)
<mq32> i386: // B844332211 mov eax,0x11223344
<pixelherodev> I can give it
<mq32> wait
<pixelherodev> What call form?
<mq32> / FFE0 jmp eax
<pixelherodev> Jump or call?
<mq32> which is sad, because oyu can only jump-relative
<mq32> although, should be working as well, right?
<pixelherodev> Yeah, absolute 64-bit jump is FF /4
<mq32> (the whole site, it's awesome docs on x86)
<pixelherodev> To use a register, the second byte should be 0b11100RRR
<pixelherodev> Where RRR is the register's ID
<pixelherodev> For an extended register (e.g. r8), it'd be 0x41 0xFF 0b11100RRR, where RRR is the lower three bits of the id
<pixelherodev> Uh hm
<pixelherodev> Need to implement memory and such now :P
<pixelherodev> Holy craps
<pixelherodev> zls just munched up my entire RAM!
<pixelherodev> :(
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<ifreund> i think there have been a couple bugs like that fixed already
<ifreund> infinite loops in the parser if theres an errror or somethjing
<pixelherodev> ... I'mma update just in case
<mq32> Outstream.print() is not made for long messages :D
<mq32> i just hit eval branch quota
<blueberrypie> what is the quota?
<pixelherodev> 1000 by default IIRC?
<pixelherodev> You can change it
<pixelherodev> @setEvalBranchQuota
<pixelherodev> Hmm, does ZLS mention errors with broken ASTs?
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<tdeo> it should
* pixelherodev shrugs
<pixelherodev> Not important right now
<mq32> afaik ZLS only refreshes analysis when the tree can be parsed
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: should genSetReg support all sized registers?
<pixelherodev> 8-bit, 16-bit, etc; when the operand fits?
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<pixelherodev> Doesn't seem to update with a partial AST after the partial AST patch :P
<pixelherodev> Actually, I take that back
<pixelherodev> My AST was apparently *really* obnoxiously bad :P
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<pixelherodev> Alrighty, almost done...
<pixelherodev> Just need loading from regs and loading from memory, then pass tests...
<pixelherodev> Yeah it definitely works
<pixelherodev> AST was just *really* awful :P
<pixelherodev> I'm even going to implement *more* than is currently there while I'm at it :)
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<foobles> andrewrk sorry to bother you, but any idea off the top of your head of what could cause an assertion error at compile time, when using ir_create_basic_block_gen, and then appending it to ira->new_irb.exec.basic_block_list?
<andrewrk> mq32, pixelherodev: if we use a trampoline, then we need a call to a hard coded address
<mq32> yeah, that would require something like the offset table atm
<andrewrk> if we use an offset table then we need a call to an address that is stored in compile-time known memory addr
<mq32> but that table would consist of a whole lot of jmp-instructions where we just patch the offset in the jmp instead of some integer value
<andrewrk> that's what I mean about a trampoline
<andrewrk> foobles, can I see the full error message?
<andrewrk> also no need to feel like you are bothering me, as long as you understand that I may not always respond! it's ok to try to ping me
<mq32> what's the difference to the indirect call via a offset table? We still need to know the hardcoded address of the offset table, right?
<andrewrk> currently, the hard coded address of the offset table is known by the compiler
<andrewrk> and the index of each decl within the offset table is also known by the compiler
<andrewrk> so the vaddr of the offset table entry is known as a numerical value
<andrewrk> we can make the offset table be whatever we want it to be
<andrewrk> the simplest thing would be if there was a call instruction like this: `call [got_addr]`
<foobles> Ah sorry, i got caught up in something. All it says is "assertion failed" :/
<foobles> do i need to compile LLVM again in debug and then do a debug build?
<foobles> assertion failed. This is a bug in the Zig compiler.Unable to dump stack trace: debug info stripped
<andrewrk> foobles, once we get past stage1 and onto self-hosted as the main compiler, this should get better, but for now - do you have access to a posix environment? linux perhaps? it's easier to set up release llvm + debug zig there
<andrewrk> maybe even wsl? I hear some people have that working
<mq32> andrewrk: there's an instruction "call [got_addr_rel]"
<mq32> where the address is relative to the position after the call instruction
<foobles> i will try wsl, unfortunately I don't have linux
<mq32> ah wait, got means "global offset table", right? :D
<andrewrk> ya
<mq32> andrewrk
<mq32> i found it
<mq32> 48 FF 25
<mq32> jmp [addr]
<andrewrk> ok, so then we would have a separate section ".got.plt" for functions, each entry would be `call addr`, and then function calls would be `jmp [got_plt_addr]`
<mq32> quick question: i compiled my project with x86_64-linux-musl
<mq32> what could be the reason that my file is not executable?
<andrewrk> what, it's missing the +x bit?
<mq32> nope, xbit is set, file exists, "file" stats that it's a ELF64 … file
<mq32> but using /lib/ as a dynamic linker?
<andrewrk> foobles, the alternative is to have an additional build of llvm,clang,lld built in debug mode. the wiki has instructions for setting this up
<andrewrk> this is really slow and I don't recommend doing normal development this way
<foobles> oh alright thanks
<andrewrk> but if you need debuggability you can do this to get introspection into a crash
<andrewrk> and it's worth it even though it's annoying
<foobles> ill try that, i dont really know how to use linux even if i do get wsl >_>
<foobles> thanks, thats a good lead
<andrewrk> I do it occasionally on windows when debugging the compiler
<andrewrk> mq32, currently zig assumes musl implies static linking
<andrewrk> I'm not sure how you could have used zig to build an executable that dynamically links musl
<mq32> yeah that was my plan anyways :D
<tdeo> well, there are a few linux distros that use dynamically linked musl
<andrewrk> yes but zig does not integrate with them - it builds its own musl source files from source
<foobles> by the way, when did the "performance or safety. choose two" slogan come about? because that is very similar to Bazel's "{fast, correct} choose two"
<mq32> my default is .arch_os_abi = "native-native-gnu.2.25..2.25"
<mq32> but it looks like musl has this as well?
<mq32> because i need getentropy
<tdeo> "good/cheap/fast, choose two" is the phrase it comes from i believe
<mq32> oh…
<mq32> wait
<mq32> i link a C library that was built against system libc, but: static link ,it's an archive (.a) file
<andrewrk> foobles, idk, I just wrote that along with the rest of the home page content one day. it's intentionally slightly provocative
<daurnimator> mq32: does musl guarantee ABI compat across versions?
<daurnimator> (I was going to ask you that in #musl to provoke a conversation but you're not in there)
<mq32> daurnimator: not sure, i just do the thing now i wanted to do anyways:
<mq32> build BearSSL with zig!
<tdeo> well musl went through a bunch of effort to keep abi for 64 bit time_t
<mq32> am i allowed to be confused?
<fengb> No
<mq32> this is sad. then someone should help me unconfuse myself :D
<andrewrk> what library are you expecting to provide getentropy?
<mq32> right now my target is native-native-musl
<andrewrk> ok I see that musl provides getentropy
<mq32> musl/src/misc/getentropy.c:7:int getentropy(void *buffer, size_t len)
<andrewrk> I also see that we compile that file when building musl
<andrewrk> - this is not musl
<mq32> yeah that's what i figured as well
<andrewrk> are you using a build script?
<mq32> yes
<andrewrk> are you sure you have set the target on all the build artifacts?
<mq32> yes
<mq32> (trivial, there is only one)
<mq32> with -Dtarget=native-native-gnu.2.25..2.25 it works
* daurnimator just saw and I think most of the changes in there reduce readability. petition to revert ?
<andrewrk> mq32, can I see a --verbose-link ?
<mq32> sure, i can also link you the repo :)
<andrewrk> whoa, whoa, i'm not sure I'm ready for that kind of commitment :P
<mq32> for which onE? the musl build i suppose?
<andrewrk> the one with the confusing error
<mq32> wall of text:
<mq32> i may have some idea what is the problem
<mq32> i use the same config for test runner and executable
<mq32> including target
<mq32> this is my build file
<andrewrk> pro tip: :%s/ /\r/g
<andrewrk> for vim users
<mq32> replace space with \r? :D
<andrewrk> mq32, I see no setTarget for gurl
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<mq32> it's in the loop
<mq32> module.setTarget(target);
<andrewrk> oh I see, nice
* mq32 is lazy
<andrewrk> sorry :)
<mq32> no problem
<mq32> btw, big love for BearSSL as building is just "throw all C files into the compiler and press go"
<andrewrk> mq32, ok so this is definitely trying to link against a zig-built dynamically linked glibc
<andrewrk> mq32, ah yeah I love it when that works too :D
<mq32> i want all my projects from now on to be: "do zig build, then use your full suite of programs coming out of this repo"
<andrewrk> mq32, maybe try --verbose and then figure out why the -target is not being set correctly?
<andrewrk> based on the linker output, zig definitely thought you wanted glibc as the target libc
<mq32> it is!
<mq32> see the paste, search for -target
<andrewrk> I don't see target in there
<andrewrk> -target is not sent in the linker line
<mq32> look in "line 9"
<mq32> The following command exited with error code 1:
<mq32> then comes a whole lenghty thing and then there's the -target invocation to zig build-exe
<andrewrk> oh I'm sorry, I failed to copy+paste
<andrewrk> interesting, this is very strange. this is starting to look like bug territory
<mq32> yep, i fear so
<mq32> i just updated to the latest build from the website and i'll try again
<andrewrk> but it does look like maybe straightforward to troubleshoot bug territory
<mq32> andrewrk: i have narrowed down the bug quite well
<mq32> zig build -Dtarget=x86_64-linux-musl
<mq32> works
<mq32> so it's something in the "native" detection setting
<andrewrk> interesting
<andrewrk> that might be in self-hosted code in fact
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<mq32> i get a bug report that gurl does not compile on freebsd atm
<mq32> <styan> xq: It did not compile on FreeBSD 13-CURRENT "InvalidAbiVersion"
<foobles> heck yeah
<foobles> i accidentally compiled llvm in debug a long time ago
<foobles> and just left it there in case
<foobles> well, the case has come B)
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<foobles> eigh, im trying to build zig in debug. linking is working fine -- it's just giving me erros about how /O2 and /RTC1 are incompatible options :/
<pixelherodev> Alrighty, going to finish this tonight.
<pixelherodev> So close to done...
<pixelherodev> Going to fully implement genSetReg for x64 (*no* TODOs) then PR
<pixelherodev> Mostly done, just need loads from registers and a single branch in loading from memory
<foobles> anyone have similar issues with building on windows?
<foobles> building release seems fine
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<foobles> what i am doing for invoking cmake is just taking the recommended `cmake .. -Thost=x64 -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=[...]\llvm+clang+lld-10.0.0-x86_64-windows-msvc-release-mt -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release`
<foobles> but replacing -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug, and also changing it to llvm+clang+lld-10.0.0-x86_64-windows-msvs-debug
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<pixelherodev> andrewrk: test passes!
<pixelherodev> Just adding in a bit more (removing some of the TODOs) then sending your way :)
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<pixelherodev> andrewrk: should invalid operations trigger or unreachable?
<pixelherodev> Given that codegen should never produce them, I'm leaning towards unreachable
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<pixelherodev> Every form of genSetReg for x64 is now implemented :)
<pixelherodev> Not confirmed to be working though, as they're untested AFAIK
<pixelherodev> Final tally: 10 lines shorter than previous state, and implements *every single form of move* :)
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: #5363 opened
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<pixelherodev> Two PRs in one night :)
<pixelherodev> daurnimator: just to confirm, what exactly was the question on the x86 (NOT x64) registers?
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<daurnimator> pixelherodev: which question?
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: I think you're missing BPL, SIL, DIL, SPL?
<pixelherodev> Ahh
<pixelherodev> daurnimator: those don't exist?
<pixelherodev> s/?/
<pixelherodev> there's no such thing :)
<pixelherodev> Ah wait
<pixelherodev> The *L* ones exist, yeah, the *H* ones don't
<pixelherodev> There was a conversation about this earlier
<pixelherodev> tl;dr: it's impossible to use those four registers in a manner consistent with the others
<pixelherodev> They require an empty REX prefix in order to use
<pixelherodev> They also don't exist in x86 mode, which is why I was confused by the question
<pixelherodev> You asked about al, bl, cl, and dl on the x86.zig file
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: that was just me being blind
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: though many of your @intCast should be @as
<pixelherodev> daurnimator: I fixed that one already :)
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<daurnimator> I think I saw more than one?
<pixelherodev> Look at the most recent commit ;)
<daurnimator> `0xC0 | (@intCast(u8, @truncate(u3, << 3) | @truncate(u3,,` when `reg.isExtended() ==true` looks wrong
<pixelherodev> That's an @as now, isn't it?
<pixelherodev> `0xC0 | (@as(u8, & 0b111) << 3) | @truncate(u3,` is what you're referencing I think
<pixelherodev> And I'm fairly certain that's correct
<pixelherodev> Mind giving a line number to be sure we're on the same page?
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<daurnimator> oh github being weird: I was on the "compare commits" page rather than the "PR diff" page
<daurnimator> so when I refreshed I didn't get the new commits
* pixelherodev rolls eyes
<pixelherodev> GitHub hasn't been impressing me lately
<daurnimator> `(if (reg.isExtended()) @as(u8, 4) else 0) | (if (src_reg.isExtended()) @as(u8, 1) else 0)` can probably be written nicer?
<pixelherodev> Definitely, yeah
<pixelherodev> Expanded into a multiline one
<pixelherodev> `const B = if (src_reg.isExtended()) @as(u8, 1) else 0; const R... 4 else 0; B | R`?
<ifreund> is there a way to take an enum literal as an agrument without using `var`?
<pixelherodev> Is it of a specific enum type?
<ifreund> var works, but i'd like to restrict the things passed to enum literals
<pixelherodev> Ahhh
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: `(if (reg.isExtended()) @as(u8, 4 | 1) else 0)` ?
<pixelherodev> A literal of any type of enum?
<pixelherodev> daurnimator: nope
<pixelherodev> It's one bit if reg is extend, a different bit if src_reg is extended
<ifreund> this is for std.log, so the idea is that each library would pass an enum literal which the user would then add a tag for in their LogScope enum
<daurnimator> ohh
<pixelherodev> Since they're two different registers, the fourth bit of each goes to a different part of REX
<pixelherodev> :)
<daurnimator> otherwise I was considering if `@boolToInt` would be useful in a few places
<ifreund> i prefer doing it with an enum over strings as it makes filtering easier as you can use a switch
<pixelherodev> ifreund: so the idea is, effectively, an enum with field generated at usage spots?
<ifreund> yeah
<pixelherodev> Maybe take in the enum as the first param?
<ifreund> ok, doing @TypeOf(.dummy) works, but i'd prefer an actual keyword
<pixelherodev> `comptime e: enum, val: e`?
<pixelherodev> `const MyEnum = { only_val }; logger.function(MyEnum, .only_val`
<ifreund> but then each library must know about all the others, that doesn't work I don't think
<alexnask> ifreund, @Type(.EnumLiteral)
<alexnask> Pretty sure that should work
<alexnask> Ah nvm
<alexnask> <source>:2:20: error: TODO implement @Type for 'TypeInfo.EnumLiteral': see
<ifreund> alexnask: hmm, that seems like what i want but it's a TODO sadly
<ifreund> hey, that would be trivial to implement though right?
<alexnask> Yes
<alexnask> It has no payload (well, a void payload)
<ifreund> maybe i should make my first compiler contribution
<alexnask> The typeInfo code is definitely some of the easiest to contribute to imo
<alexnask> And @Type is the reverse
<ifreund> right now @TypeOf(.my_thing) works but is ugly :D
<alexnask> I mean, not in difficulty :P
<ifreund> i think I'll give it a go
<pixelherodev> :)
<pixelherodev> daurnimator: anything else?
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<daurnimator> pixelherodev: trailing empty line after your `id` methods
<pixelherodev> That was intentional
<pixelherodev> but i'll remove it
* pixelherodev shrugs
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: I wouldn't mind doc comments explaining what `id` is
<pixelherodev> Ahhh, good call
<pixelherodev> Should document extended registers while I'm at it
<pixelherodev> ... ugh, I should turn other comments into doccomments, probably
<daurnimator> ` == 0` is... opaque; perhaps .id() should return an enum?
<pixelherodev> That's... actually, easier idea
<daurnimator> something like ` == .A` would be more explanatory
<pixelherodev> `reg == .Rax`
<pixelherodev> We're currently only allowing 64-bit ops
<pixelherodev> Returning an enum doesn't work though
<daurnimator> but .id() returns things for non-64 bit registers
<pixelherodev> True
<pixelherodev> But look at the 8-bits
<daurnimator> you'd have to invent a new enum here: RegisterID or something
<pixelherodev> RegisterID wouldn't be consistent though
<daurnimator> `enum (u4) { A, C, B, D, .... }`
<pixelherodev> Yes, *but*
<pixelherodev> Look at the 8-bits :P
<pixelherodev> `al, bl, cl, dl, ah, ch, dh, bh`
<pixelherodev> They break the pattern
<pixelherodev> For good reason, but still
<daurnimator> "Dumb question: what does "perfect" hash mean? Got a quick answer, thanks haze :)" => hmm? where did haze answer you
<pixelherodev> Discord :P
<daurnimator> oh.
<pixelherodev> Yeah
<daurnimator> anyway. for anyone else:
<pixelherodev> /buffer 37 for me :P
<pixelherodev> (IRC <=> discord bridge = :heart:)
<daurnimator> hehe; looks like I linked the same as haze
<pixelherodev> Yep
<daurnimator> brb dinner
<pixelherodev> :)
<pixelherodev> If I go missing for a few hours, i fell asleep :P
<pixelherodev> Yay, checks passed again :)
<pixelherodev> Looks like the GCC 5 fix should also have checks passing again
<pixelherodev> Quick note regarding it: it builds but doesn't link for me, as it's linking against LLVM which is built with GCC 9
<pixelherodev> Time to look through the list of contributor-friendly issues...
<pixelherodev> Maybe I'll tackle #5008...
<pixelherodev> Ah never mind
<pixelherodev> Can someone with permissions close #5008?
<pixelherodev> A fix was merged today in #5032 :)
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<pixelherodev> Three PRs in one night :D
<pixelherodev> Surprisingly productive
<ifreund> nicely done
<pixelherodev> Yep :)
<pixelherodev> Might get to work on self-hosted detection of ARM CPUs next
<pixelherodev> That's a larger one, but it'll come in handy once I end up getting a PineBook (which I plan on ordering within the next week or two if they're still in stock)
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<ifreund> I'm eying one too for when my current laptop dies
<ifreund> i barely use a laptop though at the moment
<alexnask> Hmm Im writing a better debug allocator for zls and then I will try porting the zir stuff for PE executables
<alexnask> Although Im pretty clueless, should be fun
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<pixelherodev> #4106 and #5008 can both be closed
<pixelherodev> They've been solved already :)
<pixelherodev> Similarly, #4205 is no longer applicable, since std.Buffer is gone
<pixelherodev> Rather, it should be applied to Fifo?
<pixelherodev> No, doesn't apply there
<pixelherodev> Ahh, array_list_sentineled
<pixelherodev> Okay, #4205 can be closed also
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<ifreund> pixelherodev: probably best to just comment on the issues so it doesn't get lost here
<pixelherodev> good call
<ifreund> are "module level" doc comments a thing? like one comment at the top of the file giving a general overview and maybe an example?
<alexnask> I don't think so, pretty sure doc comments must be attached to declarations
<greenfork> hello, I hope it's appropriate to post some questions here. I'm trying to write a simple game of tic-tac-toe in terminal and I have this strange bug that error messages appear twice, here is a pastebin link . Do I do something wrong?
<alexnask> Is the Bi specifier supposed to work for floating point types? I'm getting an error using it but not sure if it is a bug or not
<ifreund> i knew i saw something about this
<alexnask> Huh, TIL
<alexnask> This is gonna be super useful since I'm using files-as-structs a lot now
<ifreund> same
<ifreund> i love not having my funtions intented
<ifreund> *indented
<alexnask> Yes, 1 less indent level is bae
<alexnask> Also const MyType = @import("my_type.zig") instead of @import("my_type.zig").MyType;
<ifreund> i really suck at spelling, maybe i need to figure out how to get a spellchecker in weechat
<ifreund> yeah the imports are way cleaner too
<alexnask> greenfork, readIntNative(u8) will read one byte
<alexnask> So in this example, it will read 'a' in the first loop, error then the stream still has the '\n' char so it will also read '\n' and error
<greenfork> alexnask, I see, thank you!
<alexnask> You probably want to do something like readUntilDelimiterOrEof or one of the readUntilDelimiter variants with a '\n' delimiter and then parse the line yourself
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<alexnask> You probably want to do something like readUntilDelimiterOrEof or one of the readUntilDelimiter variants with a '\n' delimiter and then parse the line yourself
<alexnask> woops
<alexnask> woops
<alexnask> omg >.>
* pixelherodev grins
<pixelherodev> I've accidentally sent "/buffer" messages three times in the last few days :P
<pixelherodev> glad to see I'm not the only one :)
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<pixelherodev> There we go :)
<pixelherodev> Is there a way to say "pointer to any type of function"?
<pixelherodev> I want to store a function pointer to an arbitrary (user-provided) function type, and use type reflection to pass it arguments in a JIT
<pixelherodev> I'm thinking I might just restrict calls though, as that seems much simpler
<alexnask> You would have to store a type erased ptr and some runtime representation of the TypeInfo
<pixelherodev> That's what I figured, thanks
<pixelherodev> One alternative might be to pass the function call straight to the native JIT or something
<pixelherodev> Maybe use it as a graph edge for register allocation
<pixelherodev> Unnecessarily compmlex though
<pixelherodev> s/compm/comp
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<alexnask> ifreund, I think it would be clearer to define EnumLiteral = @Type(.EnumLiteral) in std.meta or something instead of repeating it everywhere
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<alexnask> Minor nitpcik though, I like the idea of using it this way
<ifreund> hmm, yeah I don't think it reall justifies having it's own keyword, maybe std.meta is the right place for it
<ifreund> or maybe std.builtin? idk
<ifreund> honestly @Type(.EnumLiteral) is pretty clear
<alexnask> I can live with it I guess ^_^
<pixelherodev> Hmm
<pixelherodev> "Have to ststore type erased ptr + TypeInfO"
<scientes> we need a better hex dump
<scientes> {x} is lame
<pixelherodev> I can literally use the type info from @TypeOf, right?
<pixelherodev> :)
<pixelherodev> scientes: `0x{x:0<W}` where W is bytes to pad?
<pixelherodev> e.g. `0x{x:0<2}` for 8-bit values
<pixelherodev> s/bytes/nibbles
<scientes> I want something like hd produces
<pixelherodev> hd?
<scientes> in the shell
<scientes> echo "foo" | hd
<alexnask> pixelherodev, TypeInfo is a comptime only type
<alexnask> Since it stores comptime_ints and types
<scientes> all types are comptime only
<alexnask> And vars
<alexnask> Yes all types are comptime-only, Im not talking about TypeInfo as a type but about TypeInfo values obviously
<alexnask> all types are comptime-only values*
<scientes> and how do I dump an array?
<scientes> I seriously don't know how to use fmt
<pixelherodev> Plain {} might be useful
<alexnask> ^
<pixelherodev> alexnask: disappointing, but unsurprising :(
<alexnask> You can use most types out of the box with fmt
<pixelherodev> I mean, the info *is* comptime-known
<scientes> pixelherodev, but i have to list ever array element
<scientes> and i want it to just enumerate them
<pixelherodev> `fmt("{}", .{ array })` might work
<pixelherodev> problem is, info is comptime known but I don't want to use it until later :(
<alexnask> It does work but prints them without separators I believe
<scientes> don't work with slices
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<pixelherodev> It should
<pixelherodev> Hmm, here's an idea
<scientes> i just get an address
<scientes> i'm not trying to complain
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<alexnask> What type are you trying to prin?
<alexnask> print*
<scientes> strings
<scientes> [][]u8
<pixelherodev> Heading AFK, I'll be back later
<scientes> or maybe even []struct
<scientes> but i get that that wouldn't be supported
<scientes> in Go you can write your own print() function
<alexnask> pixelherodev, You should be able to make some comptime hashmap that gets updated to hold the typinfo
<alexnask> scientes, You an write your own format method but the default format does handle structs
<alexnask> Slices do print the address though, yeah, this is annoying
<pixelherodev> alexnask: figured out a better solution :D
<pixelherodev> Instead of storing the function as is, it breaks it down into pieces
<pixelherodev> various LoadArgument instructions, the Call, then some instructions to deal with the outputs
<pixelherodev> e.g. Clobber, Alias, etc
<alexnask> You still need to hold the type of the arguments in some data structure though right?
<pixelherodev> Not really
<pixelherodev> Well
<alexnask> Ah, I guess you only need size info
<pixelherodev> Yes, but it doesn't really matter nearly as much
<pixelherodev> It's a matter of storing minor type info for e.g. integers
<pixelherodev> and not *functions*
<alexnask> Right
<pixelherodev> it's much much simpler
<alexnask> Just for the ABI stuff
<pixelherodev> Nah, don't even have to worry about that lol
<pixelherodev> That's at a lower level :)
<pixelherodev> This is a high-level abstraction ISA
<pixelherodev> It then gets translated to e.g. amd64 at runtime
<alexnask> Gotcha :)
<alexnask> If you havent recompiled zls master in the last 19 hours or so you should, local variable completions work now thanks to aurame :D
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<ifreund> nice! time to recompile :D
<ifreund> y'all are moving super fast on zls
<alexnask> I owuld recommend recompiling a couple of times a day :P
<scientes> switch to gentoo ;)
<scientes> and spend endless hours watching compiles scroll
<scientes> and think you are learning something
<nephele> I'm sure it will be the fastest installl after it is done wasting my time :)
<greenfork> scientes, very true about gentoo :)
<scientes> what a stupid idea
<ifreund> alexnask: would a PR adding xdg base directory support for loading the config be welcome?
<alexnask> Sure thing
<alexnask> It should prob fallback to the self exe directory for now though
<alexnask> eventually we will look for build.zig and for the config in that folder
<ifreund> ah yeah, that probably wouldn't be hard
<ifreund> traverse up till you find build.zig and look there, i guess I'll try that instead
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<alexnask> ifreund, This will probably be a little more involved since it would have to be file specific but knock yourself out :) The home directory is fine too, whatever you prefer is good ;)
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<ifreund> indeed, i just pulled up the code and realized that it wouldn't be quite as straightforward :D
* daurnimator just attempted to try zls... failed
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<scientes> $ whoami
<scientes> crazy
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<alexnask> daurnimator, languageId: "zig", syntaxes pointing to the zig extension's tmLanguage seems to be what sublimelsp wants
<alexnask> Let me give it a shot, I have sublime text installed
* daurnimator is reading through zls code.... some things are named... oddly. e.g. `checkSanity` actually mutates
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<pmwhite> Is zls use using compiler libraries for autocomplete and stuff? Or is it home made?
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<alexnask> daurnimator, Yes it used to do a lot different
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<alexnask> daurnimator, Shopuld have been renamed :P
<alexnask> something a lot different*
* daurnimator will send a PR with a few cleanups...
<daurnimator> fun to see all the json types declared!
<alexnask> I get errors just installing the zig language package >.>
* daurnimator is coming around to the idea of an un-mutated `var` should be an error
<alexnask> Yes it would be nice. There is quite a bit of this going on, I tried to fix it where I spotted it
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<pixelherodev> Neat, ZLS update :)
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<pixelherodev> Just need to implement live range register allocation and the Thor Hello, World is done for amd64 :D
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<alexnask> Nice!
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<xackus> in stage1 some functions returning ZigType* return nullptr and some an invalid type when they fail
<xackus> which one should i choose for a new function?
<andrewrk> xackus, if it returns a ZigType* then the calling code already will have to check for an invalid type, so it would be simpler to not additionally introduce the possibility of nullptr
<xackus> yeah, i just checked and type_is_invalid doesn't check for null
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<xackus> i am trying to prevent the creation of illegal error union types, but the functions used for creating types don't have access to an AstNode
<xackus> needed to add an error
<xackus> hm, get_opaque_type has an AstNode* parameter
<alexnask> It uses it to get the line number it appears in
<xackus> i know, but thanks anyway
<xackus> i have done some work in stage1 already
<xackus> by the way, could someone finally merge ?
<alexnask> Sure, I was curious about it too so I looked it up ;)
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<andrewrk> thanks xackus
<xackus> thanks for merging :)
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<dimenus> andrewrk: that live coding example is awesome
<dimenus> *code reloading
<andrewrk> :)
<dimenus> did you have any experience with x86 generation before Zig?
<andrewrk> no
<andrewrk> machine code generation is new territory for me
<andrewrk> well, that's not true, I did a pascal-to-mips compiler project at uni
<dimenus> yeah well the Intel manual is miles long compared to eg ARM or RISC-V
<dimenus> it's crazy how much cruft there is there
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<oats> ❯ zig build-exe --release-small hello.zig -target riscv64-linux && qemu-riscv64 ./hello
<oats> fish: “qemu-riscv64 ./hello” terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)
<fengb> 50 years of cruft now
<oats> hrm
<oats> doesn't happen in debug mode
<daurnimator> absurd idea before I fall asleep: what if all pub const declarations were just 0-bit fields ?
<dimenus> oats: does it happen in release-fast?
<oats> dimenus: yep
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<oats>"Hello, world!\n") catch return;
<oats> that's all the code does
<oats> just was trying out cross-compiling
<dimenus> oats: I get the same crash no on x86_64 & aarch64 as well
<dimenus> maybe an issue with that particular invocation
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<dimenus> oats: anything other than debug build with symbols crashes for me on all 3 emulators (x86_64, aarch64 and risc-v)
<mikdusan> dimenus: for x86_64, build with `-mcpu=baseline` and seems to work
<mq32> Merged #5307 into master. \o/
<alexnask> 🎉
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<mq32> 🎉🎉🎉
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<andrewrk> if anyone is looking to contribute on this, I think it might be at a point where there are some non-conflicting areas to work on simultaneously
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<andrewrk> might be worth it to coordinate a little bit first tho
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<andrewrk> also I think it's time for me to go set up the performance tracking / resource usage tracking repo now
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<dimenus> mikdusan: with `release-small` or `release-fast` still crashes over here
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<dimenus> hmmmm, the hello world example with zig build generates SIGILL when run with qemu
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<mikdusan> yeah I probably just got lucky with --release-safe, x86_64 and -mcpu-baseline . the -fast and -small still segfault for me
<mikdusan> qemu 5.0.0
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<mq32> short question: how do i resolve ~ in paths? Look up $HOME and replace it with that?
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<andrewrk> in what context?
<mq32> i want to resolve a path like ~/.local/
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<mq32> want to use the defaults for .config / XDG_CONFIG_HOME
<mikdusan> if you do that, it's usually called "expanding path" in my exp. And it should only work if the path[0] == '~'
<mq32> oh wait. ~ is expanded by my shell :D
<mq32> so that should not be a problem
<ifreund> was about to say, ~ should probably be handled by the shell
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<mq32> hm, still the question: how do i get the home directory of the user? is there already a function for thaT?
<lunamn> os.getenv("HOME")?
<mq32> that does not work on windows i suppose?
<ifreund> yeah probably not
<mq32> std.fs.getAppDataDir() is something…
<lunamn> oh, just saw the other messages. yeah, $HOME is what I'd do, it wouldn't work on windows
<andrewrk> mq32, there is a cross platform way to get the concept of a home directory
<andrewrk> it's not in zig std lib (yet?)
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<andrewrk> the table here is useful:
<mq32> yeah something like "getSpecialFolders" from windows would be cool to have in zig std
<mq32> i'll do some research
<andrewrk> that + be sure to check for XDG environment variables
<mq32> yep
<mq32> have the link you posted still open
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<Akuli> for looking up '~', also make sure to expand ~foo, which means foo's home directory. so on this system for example, ~ and ~akuli are the same
<Akuli> python's stdlib has os.path.expanduser which handles all that
<mq32> hm
<mq32> i think i can work without ~ for now
<mq32> $HOME is enough
<Akuli> also i thought windows has HOME env var?
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<Akuli> hm it doesn't
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<BaroqueLarouche> It's %USERPROFILE% on Windows
<mq32> yeah, i keep it in mind
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<mq32> .windows => @compileError()
<mq32> done :D
<mikdusan> heh
<mq32> comment with BaroqueLarouches text above :)
<BaroqueLarouche> hahahaha
<mikdusan> windows support: ☑️
<BaroqueLarouche> time to grab a beer after all this hard work
<mq32> but %APPDATA% is better
<mq32> for that use case
<mq32> storing some configuration and trusted certificates
<BaroqueLarouche> indeed
<mq32> LOCALAPPDATA would be the place to store cachings
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<mikdusan> ; TL;DR free() is the enemy of high core-count systems and threaded processes
<mq32> mikdusan: what if we just use arena allocators? 😱
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<GreaseMonkey> TLB shootdowns, not to be confused with TLB shutdowns on MIPS which are absolutely horrible
<GreaseMonkey> if it happens, typically the only option you have is to reset
<mikdusan> VM 1.0 GiB per job building llvm with gcc 9 or higher not enough -> "c++: fatal error: Killed signal terminated program cc1plus"; when am I going to learn my lesson. 1.5 GiB per job
<mq32> GreaseMonkey: i have a similar thing in my arch
<andrewrk> I thought you needed 4
<mq32> you can un-memory-map the memory-mapping-tabe
<mq32> *table
<mq32> → you can lock yourself into not being able to change anything in the paging setup
<GreaseMonkey> ouch
<mq32> i just noticed…
<mq32> that's actually damn great :D
<GreaseMonkey> does your arch not expose physical memory
<mq32> nope
<mq32> you can implement "sand boxing" with that
<mq32> as RAM is persistent across soft-system-resets
<GreaseMonkey> neat
<mq32> just reset the CPU and you'll be back to the OS
<mq32> GreaseMonkey: i need the MMU because system bus width is 24 bit, but cpu width is 16 bit
<GreaseMonkey> fair enough
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<mikdusan> yaay... zig seems to boostrap with gcc-10.1.0 just fine
<mq32> neat!
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<mq32> andrewrk: you successfully made me planning to send a request to the BearSSL team
<mq32> the ubsan hit!
<andrewrk> oh wow that's actually an accomplishment right?
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<pixelherodev> andrewrk: did you end up getting to work on implementing function calls?
<mq32> well, it prevents me from debugging that code path with any safe mode, but i'll send a mail to Thomas Pornin to notify him of the UBsan hit :)
<mq32> so hopefully zig makes SSL libraries more safe
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, that's next on my list. today I switched over to working on a new project to track various zig performance benchmarks over time
<pixelherodev> Oh neat :)
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<pixelherodev> andrewrk: regarding "implement local variables," are they implemented in the ZIR format but not the incremental compiler?
<pixelherodev> Looking for a next task :)
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, how about math operations? local variables is actually going to require some chin scratching I think
<andrewrk> by chin scratching I mean like, maybe needing to change the semantics of the language
<andrewrk> we actually don't have a way to get a runtime value yet in ZIR without inline assembly, hah. so what that might look like is implementing more inline assembly parsing and using that to make a runtime known value, then do math ops on it
<andrewrk> otherwise that would be blocking on functions, globals, or local variables
<pixelherodev> It'll need reworking at that point anywyas though, so I might as well wait
<pixelherodev> Hmm, maybe removing dead decls?
<pixelherodev> Oh, i know
<pixelherodev> Self-hosted ARM feature detection
<andrewrk> ooh that would be excellent
<pixelherodev> It'll be useful, and thanks to Thalheim I can actually test it on real hardware :)
<andrewrk> I'll try to get these other components to be contributor friendly ASAP
<pixelherodev> Plus, it familiarizes me with ARM
<pixelherodev> Which I'm going to need to extend Thor soon (since the hello world is finally just about done for x64 :D)
<pixelherodev> Soon, I'll have a single API for a JIT that generates both AMD64 and ARM64 code :D
<andrewrk> neat
<pixelherodev> I think working on the self-hosted codegen while I do this has been really useful
<pixelherodev> Helps me find places where one does something better than the other, and then improve them both
<andrewrk> :D
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<andrewrk> I think this is what it feels like when you start to acquire expertise in a particular domain
<pixelherodev> Anyways, heading AFI (away from internet) because my desk is too far away from WiFi :P
<pixelherodev> I'll probably have something done when I get back :)
<pixelherodev> oh my how did I never see #666 before
* pixelherodev bursts into laughter
<Thalheim> that's from Christmas Evil
<pixelherodev> One quick note regarding emitting DWARF info before I head off
<pixelherodev> I think daurnimator mentioned that std.debug largely needs to be rewritten, so it's probably best to have that done first
<andrewrk> I don't think std.debug is relevant to self-hosted emitting dwarf
<pixelherodev> I mean, the DWARF types are already in std.debug, should we not use those?
<pixelherodev> I can definitely see certain, uh, other applications using DWARF emitting if it's in stdlib :)
<andrewrk> the dwarf_bits.zig file will be relevant
<andrewrk> emitting dwarf is going to be tricky, it also needs to participate in incremental updates
<pixelherodev> Oof, which means the emitted info needs to be tracked as well
<pixelherodev> So that we can update and remove references...
<andrewrk> with potentially some weird tricks like having line numbers computed as offsets from previous decls, so that only 1 pwrite() is needed when , for example, a blank line is inserted in the middle of a file
<pixelherodev> Sounds fun :)
<andrewrk> I'm pretty sure no one has ever done this
<andrewrk> then we get to solve the problem all over again with microsoft's undocumented PDB format!
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<AlecTaylor> hi
<andrewrk> hi AlecTaylor
<AlecTaylor> I read that Zig can be used as a run-of-the-mill C compiler… should I expect anything interesting here, e.g., more optimisations, smaller executable size, fast compile times?
<andrewrk> yes you should expect different defaults for a few important things
<andrewrk> (1) without optimization flags, it defaults to debug mode, which enables undefined-behavior sanitizer
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<andrewrk> (2) there is a cache system
<andrewrk> (3) it will use LLD as a linker, not the system linker
<andrewrk> (4) it will default to the native target, taking advantage of your host CPU features
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<AlecTaylor> Thanks andrewrk
<AlecTaylor> I've been building a bunch of tiny C89 projects, and am about to cross-compile and cross-package their output, with as many different compile flags as I can think of