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<dimenus> optional pointers prevent so many bugs
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<stripedpajamas> having a tricky time creating [][]u8 programmatically from a SplitIterator. i was trying to use ArrayList([]u8). is there a better way?
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<ifreund> well you could do an ArrayList(ArrayList(u8))
<ifreund> depends on your use case really
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<fraktor> Is there a way to do something like a comptime if? I basically want to ensure that a pair of constants add up to 16.
<andrewrk> fraktor, comptime assert(x + y == 16);
<fraktor> I'm getting an error that says "unexpected token" at the '('.
<andrewrk> global scope? use a comptime block
<andrewrk> comptime { ... }
<fraktor> I did not realize. Thank you
<andrewrk> no problem
<fraktor> Also, is there a built-in way to turn a SegmentedList into an owned slice?
<fraktor> If not I can just write a quick function out of an iterator.
<andrewrk> that would require a copy since the elements are not contiguous in memory
<fraktor> That's true. I'm okay with a copy in my case, but I understand why that's not advantageous to have in the API.
<andrewrk> it would make sense to have an API function for copying a range
<andrewrk> it would break it down into a small number of memcpy calls rather than iterating over each index with at()
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<opDispatch> what's better for zig ? vim or emac ?
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<wilsonk> opDispatch: if you want auto completion then vscode is probably best with zls at this point. Otherwise vim vs emacs is probably pretty similar
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<opDispatch> ok understood, so no auto completion in vim nor in emac.
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<daurnimator> wilsonk: why not ZLS with some vim language server plugin?
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<ifreund[m]> ok kak-lsp
<ifreund[m]> s/ok/or/
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<wilsonk> daurnimator: I am just stating that vscode already has the 'plugin' so there is no extra setup required to get the auto completion. Maybe I should have been more specific about that. I think you could use emacs with the company-backends to get autocompletion working also, just not sure how much work that is
<wilsonk> I am not a vscode fanboy (actually prefer emacs in evil mode) but I am using vscode because of the ease of setting things up
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<fengb> wilsonk: can you add Zanic to the store? I need another mug :)
<wilsonk> fengb: sorry Zanic?
<wilsonk> fengb: you just want that exact pic on a mug? Or are there other items I should make with that design?
<fengb> I just want a mug. Curious if anyone else cares >_>
<wilsonk> Ok, I can leave an open invite here in case anybody else wants some other design. I don't have any Ziggy designs but was thinking of adding them so I can do that at the same time (I will probably do a full kit-out with Ziggy, I suppose, since I think I remember a request a while ago for that design on some shirts or something).
<alexnask> Ziggy tshirt yould be cool yeah
<wilsonk> fengb: do you need it right away? Or can we leave this open for a few hours...I will be going to sleep soon is why ;)
<wilsonk> alexnask: ok, noted
<fengb> Gottagofast
<alexnask> Didnt realize you were the one running the store btw :-)
<fengb> Of course it isn’t urgent :P
<wilsonk> Lol
<alexnask> Thanks for that
<wilsonk> no problems
<fengb> Might want to ping Discord too. Maybe get some buyers
<wilsonk> Ok
<fengb> Thanks!
<ifreund> hmm, it'd be nice to update the shirts to the new logo as well
<wilsonk> ifreund: sorry which new logo? Or do you mean Ziggy?
<ifreund> wilsonk: it was updated a little while ago, new font and slightly cleaned up design
<ifreund> and the original issue
<wilsonk> ifreund: I guess I could if it is really necessary, but it is such a small difference that I might have to delete the original store to update to that logo...otherwise one probably couldn't tell the difference on the storefront. Adding Ziggy merch in a different store should work fine and a Zanic item or two (or new storefront also) would work too, but the slight difference of the new logo might be an issue.
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<ifreund> wilsonk: I'm sure you know better than i do what the practical way to handle things would be :D
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<cren> what's the rule for the letter case of builtin functions? @import is... that, and @TypeOf has UpperCamelCase. Shouldn't it be @Import?
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<ifreund> in general is it returns a type it should be TitleCase, which means you're technically right about @Import being correct
<cren> looking at the docs, I can see that most of the builtins are lower camel case, but some seem to be upper camel for some reason
<cren> oh, if it returns a type? that makes sense
<ifreund> yeah that's the idea
<ifreund> @import seems inconsisent now to me though
<cren> it doesn't always return a type though. std is a struct, right? Not a type.
<cren> `@import("std")`
<ifreund> oh i'm being obtuse
<ifreund> yeah it makes sense as is
<ifreund> this is documented here:
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<fengb> structs are types though
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<alehander92> oi
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<alehander92> i will try to learn a bit more zig with some example programs(main xp : nim/c/go lately)
<alehander92> i am thinking of `grep` and all kinds of cli
<alehander92> or generic stuff: i am very interested in writing dsl-s
<alehander92> what would be a good example of dsl
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<alehander92> typical for zig? i guess something returning new types based on declarative code?
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<ifreund> fengb: indeed, maybe it should be @Import...
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<cren> a `const` string of type `[]u8` is really a `const` pointer to the first item of a slice (and the length of the slice), right? So that makes the string mutable, right?
<alexnask> []u8 is mutable yes, []const u8 is immutable
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<cren> How do I read a file from the filesystem with Zig?
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<nycex> there are multiple ways
<nycex> look at the std.fs namespace
<cren> I found std.fs
<cren> just now
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<alehander92> guys
<alehander92> do you usually loop around command line args with `for(std.os.argv)`
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<ifreund> i use std.process.args() and getNextPosix()
<ifreund> *nextPosix()
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<alexnask> std.os.argv is not set on windows iirc
<ifreund> and nextPosix() doesn't work on windows but i don't really care :D
<alexnask> T_T
<fengb> I think `std.process.argsAlloc` only exists because of windows >_>
<alexnask> andrewrk, Have you had an opportunity to look at #5151 yet by any chance? Just curious about your general thoughts on it, the concept looks really cool to me and I wonder if I should build upon it and add some more allocator types that could potentially make it to std some time
<andrewrk> I haven't looked yet
<alexnask> πŸ‘
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<alehander92> what do you guys use for strings?
<alehander92> and lists: just `[]u8` and ArrayList ?
<ifreund> depends on if the string will change size or not, if it will, then ArrayList(u8) otherwise a []const u8
<ifreund> ArrayList should be your default resizeable container, though i also use a lot of linked lists in my project due to the need for pointer stability
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<betawaffle> didn't the repo have a shell.nix (or something like that) in the past?
<alehander92> ok
<betawaffle> andrewrk: you still run on NixOS?
<alehander92> so in this case function like `grep` which takes all kinds of strings would take ArrayList
<ifreund> only if grep needs to resize the strings
<ifreund> if not a slice is all that's needed
<alehander92> but i get expected []u8 got [7]u8
<ifreund> you need to take the adress of your array then
<ifreund> grep(&my_array(
<ifreund> (with the proper parentheses)
<andrewrk> betawaffle, yes
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<alehander92> global_allocator
<alehander92> leads to OutOfMemory to me
<alehander92> after only 593 additions to a list
<alehander92> of string slices
<alehander92> should i tweak its size
<andrewrk> global_allocator? that was removed a long time ago
<alehander92> huh it's just a big array
<alehander92> yeah i use 0.6 man
<alehander92> from the downloads in the website
<alehander92> huh its 0.5.0
<alehander92> anyway, is there a good allocator to use for common CLI apps? i guess a global one based on a big array *might* be a good fit for many of the short lived once
<alehander92> ones*
<alehander92> but probably that's naive (always edge cases)
<andrewrk> 0.5.0 is unsupported
<alehander92> sorry yeah, my question applies to 0.6
<leeward> If you want easy and functional, C's allocator works well (though you have to link libc)
<alehander92> huh i must ve seen that before: sorry, ty
<leeward> Hmm, still points to 0.5.0
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<fraktor> alehander92: If it's an application that will have a short run time and is okay with not deallocating things in the middle of operation, wrapping std.heap.page_allocator in an ArenaAllocator should give decent performance. Otherwise the c allocator would be a good choice.
<fraktor> andrewrk: Is the general-purpose allocator project still active? The latest commit is 6 months ago.
<alehander92> thank you!
<alehander92> my `grep` is now halfway there
<alehander92> i can just leave it be a `tree` command
<alehander92> but in zig 0.6 it seems just passing &"" doesnt work
<satchmo_> I have a question about the Allocator interface (pre-#5064). Is it correct to say that reallocFn and shrinkFn are the only functions that require implementations, while the rest can be optionally overridden?
<andrewrk> fraktor, it needs to be revived, but yeah I'm pretty sure it'll happen soon because the self hosted compiler (which is a big focus of this release cycle) needs it
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<andrewrk> alehander92, string literals are already pointers
<andrewrk> satchmo_, yes reallocFn and shrinkFn are the only functions that require implementations. The rest will always be provided and cannot be overridden
<alehander92> ok! so `[]const u8` !
<alehander92> hm, this syntax seems a bit confusing tho because the error message uses `*const [7:0] u8`
<andrewrk> you should check out the release notes :)
<alehander92> yeah, sorry
<alehander92> so in this case what i didnt get was the difference between `*const [stuff] typ` and `[]const typ` syntax : e.g. why slices dont just use `*const [] typ`
<alexnask> 5151 with some more composable allocator parts => 1 liner allocator definitions is my dream
<satchmo_> andrewrk: does that mean the only differences between allocators is how they realloc/shrink? Sorry if this is obvious, I'm a bit new to allocators.
<alehander92> it seemed inconsistent from outside, but probably there is an obvious reason
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<alexnask> satchmo_, realloc and shrink also do the allocation and deallocation ;)
<andrewrk> allocation is just reallocation with an old size of 0
<andrewrk> freeing is reallocation with a new size of 0
<andrewrk> the only reason there are 2 functions is that one of them is not allowed to fail
<fengb> But we’re gonna split out resize in place right?
<andrewrk> alexnask, I'm excited to check it out. I'll be sure to do that after landing the branch I'm trying to finish up
<satchmo_> ahhhhhh, I see now. Thanks!
<andrewrk> yeah something is going to change to the allocator interface
<alexnask> Marler is literally allocator Jesus
<andrewrk> lol
<alehander92> i see its more similar to `array` type
<andrewrk> alexnask, maybe some of that code will be useful in allocating .text segment blocks for self-hosted incremental compilation :)
<andrewrk> it's the same problem, after all
<alexnask> I feel like Ive overhyped this PR
<andrewrk> if it doesn't cure cancer I'm going to reject it
<alexnask> It just happened to fit my bias like a glove
<fengb> But... #1717 cures cancer
<alehander92> so why not just implementing `shrink` as a wrapper around reallocate
<alehander92> and ignore any error inside (asserting it cant possibly error for its args)
<fengb> realloc can fail. Shrink cannot
<satchmo_> alehander92: I think andrew said one of them never fails
<ifreund> we can have both 1717 and 5064 though, cancer cure and alexnask's glove
<alehander92> yeah but usually the implementation can be shared
<alehander92> and shrink can be just a call to realloc which expects no fail anyway
<fengb> Although there’s a separate task to make free optional
<fengb> I think the latest accepted proposal is: alloc / resizeInPlace / free
<fengb> And the last two are optional. So it’ll streamline these implementations
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<satchmo_> despite being relatively new to Zig, even I was excited after reading that proposal lol
<satchmo_> it just seems so nice
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<alexnask> The talk linked is quite good too
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<alexnask> Although I think there is a better version in DConf or smth
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<alehander92> i reached unreachable code!!
<alehander92> seems cool
<andrewrk> check your front door, the police are outside
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<alehander92> i got `EFAULT` from write
<andrewrk> you passed a bad pointer to the kernel
<alehander92> hm, i print stuff i got from `split`
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<alexnask> as in std.debug.warn?
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<alehander92> eh, yes , it has a limit?
<alehander92> i shouldn't just warn so much
<alehander92> or i might get into a global warning discussion
<ifreund> no, calling warn isn't the problem
<ifreund> it's whatever you're passing to it (if that's really the line that's triggering this)
<alehander92> yeah i just got it with stdout print too
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<fraktor> By the way andrewrk, should I make an issue and pull request for adding a way to copy portions of a segmented_list into contiguous memory? I've got some working code that's passing tests, but I'm not sure if the API is what we want.
<andrewrk> feel free to put it up, let's take a look
<andrewrk> I'm guessing it would look like: pub fn copy(self: Self, dest: []T, start: usize, end: usizee) void { ... }
<fraktor> andrewrk: The only difference is that I didn't add an end, and just assumed you wanted to fill the slice. I can easily change that though, since I just say `const end = start + dest.len`.
<pixelherodev> Is a tuple of tuples valid?
<alexnask> I dont see why not
<pixelherodev> Neither do I, the syntax just feels weird :P
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<pixelherodev> I wish there was a way to have an import return an enum instead of a structure
<pixelherodev> Single-file enums should be just as easy to use as single-file structures
<pixelherodev> s/ingle-file/elf-contained/g
<fraktor> I mean, can't you just do `const MyEnum = @import("myenum.zig").MyEnum;`?
<pixelherodev> Yes, but you can do that for structures too
<pixelherodev> My point is that it shouldn't be less convenient to do it for enums
<pixelherodev> With a struct, it's just `const MyStruct = @import("mystruct.zig");`
<fengb> export default enum πŸ™ƒ
<pixelherodev> ?
<fengb> Steal inspiration from JS
<fraktor> I thought that const mod = @import("mod.zig"); would import the whole namespace, not just the struct.
<pixelherodev> fraktor: namespaces *are* structures
<fengb> Files are structs. Namespaces don’t exist at a technical level
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<pixelherodev> ^
<pixelherodev> Yeah, that's more accurate
<pixelherodev> "Zig's namespacing is provided via structures" would be a better way to put it
<pixelherodev> My point, I mean, not fengb's :)
<pixelherodev> When you import std, std is a struct
<fengb> The docgen simply treats empty struct field as a namespace
<pixelherodev> You can have fields and such at the root of a file
<pixelherodev> and if you use @This(), you can use it as a proper struct
<pixelherodev> But you can't have an *enum* as a file root, and that annoys me
<alehander92> guys
<pixelherodev> The problem is, I don't think there's a good way to do it
<ifreund> yeah there really isn't
<pixelherodev> Even if there was e.g. @importEnum, you'd need a new way to specify the file was an enum
<alehander92> i hit a strange issue in next in walker in fs.zig
<alehander92> / `top` becomes invalid after appending to `self.stack`.
<alehander92> happens
<pixelherodev> Well, no you wouldn't...
<pixelherodev> Because the import method *makes* it one
<pixelherodev> Actually, I think it can be done
<pixelherodev> Not sure it's worth it though
<alehander92> and indeed it appends, after that tries to return entry based on top which segfaults
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<alehander92> should i try to debug that more
<ifreund> enums/unions also have things like tag types and and ordinal values
<pixelherodev> Can't help with that, sorry
<pixelherodev> ifreund: true
<fengb> @import(β€œFoo.enum.zig”)
<pixelherodev> Tags and ordinals are the only blocker that I can think of though
<alehander92> what i mean is, is it a bug in fs function to have a segfault or does it depend
<pixelherodev> Actually
<pixelherodev> ifreund: `@importEnum(path, ordinal)`
<pixelherodev> The problem there is it breaks the standard encapsulation
<pixelherodev> You shouldn't be able to define the ordinal outside the enum
<ifreund> pixelherodev: that's not a solution imo
<ifreund> yeah waht you said
<pixelherodev> That's what I'm saying :)
<fengb> I know
<pixelherodev> ... why not just have top level be a `return` for @import?
<ifreund> basically it would be neat if there was a way to do it that isn't full of problems
<pixelherodev> I mean, yes Node does it
<pixelherodev> which is a strike against it
<fengb> @import(β€œFoo: enum(u8).zig”)
<pixelherodev> plus I do like it as is...
<ifreund> hmm, that could help the generic types thing too
<ifreund> top level functions?
<fengb> Nodejs way is terrible
<pixelherodev> Yeah exactly ifreund
<pixelherodev> fengb: I'm looking for technical reasons that apply to Zig though
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<pixelherodev> Node is terrible
<pixelherodev> That's a given
<pixelherodev> I'm looking for a reason that a specific feature it has is bad in a specific context though :P
<alehander92> i have to open an issue
<fengb> Their default export got worse in ES6
<pixelherodev> Node has addition; we shouldn't avoid ideas just because horrible projects use it
<ifreund> i think toplevel functions would be blocked by 1717
<alehander92> probably , sorry for no time now
<pixelherodev> Yeah exactly
<pixelherodev> alehander92: that's a good idea
<pixelherodev> Open an issue, so people can see it and provide help when they have time
<pixelherodev> IRC is more meant for immediate discussions
<alexnask> Lets just use different file extensions for different types of files
<pixelherodev> There *is* a log, but it's not an ideal place for this
<fengb> No I mean imports and exports are crappy
<alehander92> yes, no problem just wondered if there is like a policy
<pixelherodev> alehander92: Not that I'm aware of
<alehander92> (e.g. segfault in stdlib function always an issue vs not)
<pixelherodev> Just open an issue
<pixelherodev> It's fine
<alexnask> .zig -> struct, .zit -> enum, .zif -> functions, .ziu -> unions
<alehander92> ok, thanks !!
<pixelherodev> Worst case, you find out you were using a function wrong and you feel dumb for a few minutes
<pixelherodev> It's happened to all of us probably :P
<pixelherodev> alexnask: doesn't really help
<pixelherodev> See discussion above re ordinals
<alehander92> yeah, no worries :D i
<alexnask> pixelherodev, Yes I was obviously trying to help all along /s
<pixelherodev> lol
<pixelherodev> Seriously though
<fengb> alexnask: we have room for only 1 troll here
<pixelherodev> Can someone give me a specific reason why top-level returns would be bad for Zig?
<pixelherodev> Or at least, why they wouldn't be better than status quo
<ifreund> pixelherodev: i'm not quite clear on the syntax you're proposing
<ifreund> where do you specify the function signature?
<pixelherodev> In the file
<pixelherodev> Top of the file would look like this:
<pixelherodev> `return fn(arg_list) func_attrs return_type {};`
<pixelherodev> This would of course require #1717
<pixelherodev> Existing structures become `X` -> return struct {X}`
<pixelherodev> and so on
<ifreund> hmm, imo if that's implemented it should replace the current thing
<pixelherodev> That's the idea
<fengb> How about @This() = fn () {
<ifreund> i like that
<pixelherodev> fengb: how's that better than tlrs?
<pixelherodev> (top level returns)
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<fengb> Because it’s not a return
<pixelherodev> I'm not opposed, just curious
<pixelherodev> So?
<fengb> There’s no control flow
<ifreund> it feels a little more explict
<pixelherodev> Ahh
<pixelherodev> Just to clarify then
<pixelherodev> fengb: the idea was never to allow control flow
<ifreund> it's more intuitive to me than a random return and implicit file-level function scope
<pixelherodev> it wouldn't be e.g. return if() else
<pixelherodev> but yes I do like that
<fengb> Then I’m not sure why it’d be return
<pixelherodev> You want to open the proposal, since it's your idea?
<pixelherodev> fengb: because it's *returning* a value to the import
<fengb> It’s more of an export default
<ifreund> hmm, what happens to the other stuff in the file?
<ifreund> also this kills my lovely toplevel fields
<ifreund> rip indentation
<fengb> Yuck back to ES6 crap
<fengb> Well we can’t auto export if we want top level functions
<fengb> Since functions aren’t namespaces
<fengb> But what if they were? πŸ€”
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<ifreund> that sounds really weird
<fengb> Containers*
<fengb> Nah it’s fine. Just like JavaScript
<fengb> Actually it’s solve a few things for me, like tagging
<pixelherodev> okay please stop the trolling :P
<pixelherodev> I can't tell what's real and what's not anymore
<fengb> I’m always trolling
<fengb> That 1% of brilliance is pure luck
<fengb> I’m a walking 1 million monkeys
<pixelherodev> ugh
<pixelherodev> Actually
<pixelherodev> everything-as-a-namespace isn't necessarily a bad idea
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<pixelherodev> That allows static variables in functions, userspace union tags and ordinals (instead of in the language itself), and probably a few other neat tricks
<pixelherodev> still doesn't solve the imports issue though
<fengb> Are you agreeing with my trolling?
<pixelherodev> Actually, yeah, it does
<pixelherodev> fengb: that's the wrong question
<pixelherodev> The right question is, how do you deal with a troll?
<fengb> Fire and acid
<fengb> Gotta melt them limbs
<pixelherodev> lol
<pixelherodev> Anywho
<pixelherodev> jokes aside
<nephele> pixelherodev, give them so much authority they cant troll anymore, obviously
<pixelherodev> I do think there should be a way to import enums, functions, etc
<pixelherodev> The problem is *hohw*
<pixelherodev> s/hoh/ho
<torque> @import('file.zig').myenum
<torque> plus using the shift key as appropriate
<pixelherodev> torque: yes, of course, that already works
<pixelherodev> that misses the problem
<torque> I don't even understand the problem you're trying to solve here but overloading "return" to mean "export" is a very bad idea
<pixelherodev> I'm not saying return is a good syntax
<pixelherodev> raw structs can be imported directly
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<pixelherodev> `@import("Type.zig")` can be used instead of `@import("type.zig").Type`
<pixelherodev> but *only* for structures
<pixelherodev> I think that it makes sense that enums should be importable in the same way
<torque> I'd argue that that's a coincidence of structs being used for namespaces
<pixelherodev> Sure, but it does also have advantages of its own
<fengb> We should switch to unions instead πŸ™ƒ
<torque> such as?
<pixelherodev> e.g. with #1717
<pixelherodev> Look at std.array_list
<pixelherodev> that's implemented currently, std.ArrayList == array_list.ArrayList
<pixelherodev> s/currently/currently such that
<pixelherodev> With this, the root of the file could be the generic type
<pixelherodev> `@import("array_list.zig")(T)`
<pixelherodev> instead of `@import("array_list.zig").ArrayList(T)`
<pixelherodev> Which is a tad simpler
<torque> it's a lot uglier and less clear imo
<torque> either way it seems like you're mainly interested in subverting namespaces
<pixelherodev> Namespaces would be unaffected
<pixelherodev> I'm not trying to make it so namespaces can't be imported, but so that imports aren't definitionally namespaces
<torque> no, I mean from a usage standpoint
<pixelherodev> How so?
<torque> what you actually want is to be able to ignore namespaces on import
<pixelherodev> Well, sort of
<torque> to avoid doing a single unwrap
<pixelherodev> The idea is that when there's only a single value in the namespace the namespace shouldn't exist
<torque> I think I generally disagree with that
<alexnask> I find this feature nice with structs as it removes 1 level of indentation from a whole file
<pixelherodev> ^ yes, exactly
<alexnask> But its not the biggest of deals either way
<pixelherodev> ^ that too
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<pixelherodev> BUt hyeah, it doesn't matter all that much
<torque> I don't like file-as-instantiable-object for reasons I can't really describe, but I think it's because it smells too much like java
<pixelherodev> To me, I care more about it on its own merits than how it compares to other langs
<pixelherodev> If it's bad, it's bad; if it's good, it's good
<pixelherodev> The fact that Java/Node/whoever may have done it doesn't make it bad
<pixelherodev> That's like... programmer's godwin's law
<torque> it's not bad because of the comparison
<pixelherodev> "Any discussion on programming language development will inevitably draw a comparison to Node.JS"
<pixelherodev> torque: that's why I want to have the discussion on the underlying merits, or lack thereof
<torque> it's bad because generally speaking it's ugly and not easily extensible to couple your software datastructures and affiliated data to a rigit filesystem heirarchy
<pixelherodev> Sure, but you could make that argument about structures too
<torque> the allusion to java being moreso that there has been a lot of discussion of the (lack of) merit of one-class-per-file in that domain that I can't articulate
<pixelherodev> By that logic, we should make it so that the root of a namespace shouldn't be allowed to have fields
<pixelherodev> Plus, we have one-class-per-file already
<pixelherodev> This wouldn't change that at all
<pixelherodev> All it would do is give the same treatment to enums and generics
<pixelherodev> This doesn't affect "classes" (structs)
<pixelherodev> Just the opposite
<torque> I am drawing a semantic difference between struct-as-namespace and struct-as-data even though from an implementation standpoint they are identical
<pixelherodev> Right, but from real usage there's no difference
<pixelherodev> There are many examples already in usage of namespaces-as-structures
<pixelherodev> struct-as-namespace+data, if you prefer
<pixelherodev> Again, this won't change that in any way
<pixelherodev> It won't encourage or discourage it
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<pixelherodev> From the sound of it, you want to argue the opposite of what I'm saying
<pixelherodev> I'm saying enums, functions, etc should be able to be file roots
<pixelherodev> You're saying structs *shouldn't*
<companion_cube> what's the usage of having a file being exactly one function/one enum?
<torque> no, I think that structs being the root of a file is a simplicity tradeoff that works in favor of the language even if it has side effects I don't agree with
<fengb> One function can be nice for generics like ArrayList.zig
<pixelherodev> torque: except that again, you can get both of those at once if you wnt
<pixelherodev> want*
<torque> how so
<pixelherodev> You could argue that structures-as-namespaces and structures-as-data should be distinct in the lang
<alexnask> torque, Im curious, would you rather we reverted into a different Namespace type returned by @import (with different TypeInfo etc).
<pixelherodev> And that namespace structures shouldn't be allowed to have fields or member functions
<companion_cube> fengb: oh. good point.
<fengb> Very occasionally :P
<pixelherodev> Yeah, exactly; what alexnask is saying
<alexnask> I dont see what the difference is except for using fields at top level and the file-as-struct pattern
<pixelherodev> Structures are currently namespaces *and* data
<pixelherodev> YOu could argue it should be one or the other
<pixelherodev> Unrelated: ZLS bug report: `@import("file.zig").` should work directly
<torque> I'm not arguing that zig needs to reintroduce distinct structs from namespaces
<pixelherodev> wait, I should just open an issue
<alexnask> hm that feels like it should work :P
<alexnask> I mean, currently
<pixelherodev> exactly
<pixelherodev> It's so weird
<pixelherodev> `const a = @import; a.` works
<pixelherodev> but `@import.` doesn't
<alexnask> aaah
<alexnask> Yes its the same bug as func calls not getting field access completions
<torque> however, from a philosophical design perspective, I also am not in favor of introducing more behavior that blurs that line
<pixelherodev> torque: what you're basically saying is that you dislike it when it comes to structures but think it's worth it, but that same logic doesn't apply to other types?
<pixelherodev> I can understand that
<torque> I'm primarily saying that I personally would always treat a file as a namespace and declare structs/constants/enums/unions within it, as I think it's a cleaner separation of concerns
<pixelherodev> That does raise an interesting point though
<torque> and to a large degree eliminates the "seam" that you want to eliminate, just in the opposite fashion
<pixelherodev> ` * Only one obvious way to do things.`
<alexnask> I agree it can be abused I just like it for system-level structs that use some children types etc
<pixelherodev> torque: yeah, that's what I was getting at earlier, though I probably phrased it poorly
<pixelherodev> I think that you have a point, actually
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<pixelherodev> There's only supposed to be one obvious way to do things
<pixelherodev> As is though, there's two here
<fengb> I like the organization of toplevel structs but dislike how the definitions look
<pixelherodev> I like the organization because it makes life easier, but I think that I actually have to agree with torque here
<fengb> In almost every project, I've been doing `const Foo = @import("foo.zig").Foo`
<fengb> And I much rather just hoist it to the top
<pixelherodev> I prefer it at the top when writing, but I'm honestly not sure how I'd want to proceed here
<pixelherodev> I really like top level structs, and I don't think they're any harder to read than explicitly defining them within the namespace as a separate type
<pixelherodev> But I'd rather give that up in exchange for consistency
<pixelherodev> some people *will* continue doing them as subtypes, and there's no way to [justify trying to] remove the ability to do that
<pixelherodev> Whereas disallowing fields and member functions in top-level structs does make some sense...
<pixelherodev> Gah
<pixelherodev> I'm just going to get back to work
<pixelherodev> Status quo is probably fine, there are two ways to do things but both are similar enough that it doesn't really matter
<pixelherodev> Nobody's going to be confused by one more than the otehr
<fengb> Prior to toplevel structs, I had silly things like `const op = @import("op.zig"); var thing = op.Op.init();`
<fengb> And getting rid of the wrapping namespace was just better
<stripedpajamas> if I'm getting "error.OutOfMemory;" while running some unit tests, is that an indication that I've written shitty code? or is there a memory limit when running tests? if the former, what should I be looking for?
<pixelherodev> Is there a better way to add to an enum than @intToEnum(@enumToInt + offset) ?
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<alexnask> stripedpajamas, What allocator are you using?
<stripedpajamas> testing.allocator
<alexnask> testing allocator uses a 2 mb buffer
<stripedpajamas> hmm i see
<andrewrk> I believe it's planned for testing.allocator to use GeneralPurposeDebugAllocator after it lands in std
<andrewrk> which would not have the 2 MiB buffer limit
<stripedpajamas> does that mean allocations whose sum that exceed 2mb in `zig test` will cause OutOfMemory?
<stripedpajamas> just making sure i'm understanding
<andrewrk> that is currently the case, if you use std.testing.allocator
<andrewrk> the workaround is pretty straightforward, use a different allocator if you need more mem than that
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<fengb> Yeah it was picked to run the stdlib tests at that point. Super scientificβ„’
<andrewrk> maybe put a "todo" in there to switch it back once GeneralPurposeDebugAllocator lands in std
<fengb> I thought I have a todo somewhere
<fengb> Might not be in the right place
<stripedpajamas> got it, thanks so much
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<pixelherodev> I documented the register enum in Lightzing, where I adjust the IDs by adding 16 (64-bit -> 32-bit form), and figured I'd port that back to stage2 :)
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: if I add utility functions to the Register enum (e.g. isNative), should I add those to Zig even if they're not immediately needed?
<pixelherodev> s/Zig/stage2
<andrewrk> I think they should be added only if they are used
<pixelherodev> That makes sense
<pixelherodev> Anything I can do to help with x64 backend?
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, how about implementing function parameters and return values?
<pixelherodev> Sure :)
<pixelherodev> Just did a version of that for lightzing, so the details are mostly fresh in my mind
<andrewrk> that will unlock the ability to implement math
<andrewrk> and other binary operations
<pixelherodev> Consider it done :)
<andrewrk> then you can probably put your use case for isNative :)
<andrewrk> regarding function parameters and return values, my suggestion is to make all the other calling conventions besides "auto" a compile error for now
<andrewrk> the nice thing about "auto" calling convention is that we don't have to match any particular ABI
<pixelherodev> What should auto use?
<pixelherodev> I was thinking of just implementing callconv(.C)
<pixelherodev> and using that for now
<andrewrk> that would be fine too
<pixelherodev> Proposal: enum_literal keyword, similar to comptime_int
<pixelherodev> This would avoid needing to use @TypeOf(.Lit)
<pixelherodev> s/keyword/comptime type
<alexnask> std.meta.EnumLiteral ?
<andrewrk> that's a good proposal, mind typing it up? (might have been already proposed, I don't remember)
<andrewrk> it makes sense to be consistent though, why would we have one and not the other
<ifreund> yeah, i'd be a fan of a keyword
<andrewrk> you can also define comptime_int as @Type(.ComptimeInt)
<alexnask> Hmm good point
<andrewrk> maybe the actual answer is to also remove comptime_int :)
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<ifreund> hmm, i should probably finish up the std.log PR, got the scope thing working as I want with enum literals just need to decide between the current minimalism or the syslog protocol
<alexnask> Vector is the odd man out
<fengb> std.meta.comptime_int
<fengb> ComptimeInt
<pixelherodev> Hm
<pixelherodev> I almost always prefer userspace over language
<ifreund> i'm kinda leaning toward the syslog levels daurnimator linked since it seems like it would scale better, and Zig is intended to be useable for truely massive code bases
<pixelherodev> But this is one case where I feel that doesn't make sense
<pixelherodev> @TypeOf(.E) works, sure
<pixelherodev> And defining it in stdlib is an option
<alexnask> @Type(.EnumLiteral) is cleaner but yes :-)
<pixelherodev> but I feel like this, definitionally, is *part* of the language
<pixelherodev> The reality is, this is part of Zig
<pixelherodev> It's not an extension or a userspace addon
<pixelherodev> It's a core part of the language
<ifreund> a keyword would make it more clear that that is the case yeah
<fengb> So are vectors but they're userland now
<alexnask> Vector takes 2 args which makes it difficult
<andrewrk> @Vector isn't userland
<pixelherodev> ^
<pixelherodev> Vector is defined by a builtin
<fengb> std.meta.Vector
<pixelherodev> Comptime integers are enum literals aren't
<pixelherodev> Those are fundamentally language constructs
<fengb> @Type(.{ .Vector = stuff })
<pixelherodev> Not builtins, not user types
<pixelherodev> They're *part of the language*
<pixelherodev> We *could* probably devise a way to implement e.g. u8 in userland
<pixelherodev> But it makes no sense
<andrewrk> oh right, I forgot we took steps recently to phase out @Vector in favor of @Type(.{.Vector = ...})
<fengb> They are. std.meta.Int
<pixelherodev> Every zig compiler should be *forced* to expose these to be compatible
<fengb> >_>
<pixelherodev> fengb: yes, but as a wrapper
<pixelherodev> Not std.meta.u8
<pixelherodev> `uN` is part of the language, rather
<fengb> Hmm, should we deprecate uXX now?
<alexnask> vector->(4, usize) when?
<alexnask> (jk)
<pixelherodev> This isn't a "meta" part of the language, not really
<andrewrk> alexnask, I'm definitely open to vector type syntax
<tdeo> should u8 and comptime_int be defined in an implicit prelude rather than keywords?
<pixelherodev> It's fundamental
<pixelherodev> I'm arguing the opposite
<pixelherodev> I really really don't like that idea
<pixelherodev> If nothing else, it'll push people away from Zig
<pixelherodev> Nobody's going to want to have to define every single integer types
<pixelherodev> s/types/type
<pixelherodev> `const u8 = std.meta.Int(false, 8);`
<andrewrk> usingnamespace std.meta.ints;
<fengb> @import("stdint").u8
<pixelherodev> *Nobody* wants to have to do that in every file
<fengb> πŸ™ƒ
<pixelherodev> Even if we can do it, the question is, what are the *merits*?
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: true
<pixelherodev> but that doesn't really alleviate the underlying issue
<pixelherodev> Fundamentally, integers are part of the language
<andrewrk> I do think it's pretty weird that i386 is a primitive integer type and not an available identifier
<pixelherodev> Not the *runtime* / stdlib / what have you
<fengb> lol
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: proposal to rename iN -> sN?
<pixelherodev> unsigned and signed, instead of unsigned and integer?
<pixelherodev> That frees up i386 as an identifier ;)
<fengb> s32 looks so weird
<fengb> Maybe it's just familiarity
<fengb> ssize
<fengb> That's familiar
<pixelherodev> i32 looked weird initially too
<pixelherodev> We're *used* to it
<fengb> Yeah I know, but i32 is used in a lot of other languages too
<pixelherodev> The question shouldn't be what do we *prefer*, it's what is better for the future of the language and the ecosystem
<fengb> s32 would be pretty foreign
<pixelherodev> Sure, but it's also more accurate
<pixelherodev> signed 32-bit
<pixelherodev> unsigned 32-bit
<pixelherodev> s32 and u32
<andrewrk> I think i/s ints is a closed issue
<fengb> All ints are signed, except when unsigned
<andrewrk> time to move on to other decisions now
<pixelherodev> Yeah, and all ints are unsigned except when signed
<pixelherodev> That's a tautology
<fengb> I'm the sphinx from Mystery Men
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: that makes sense
<fengb> std.meta.Sint(32)
<andrewrk> @Type is a relatively recent addition to the language. It makes sense to do a design pass over the syntax with it in mind
<companion_cube> you could have Int(…) + a few standard aliases like i8, u32, etc.?
<pixelherodev> companion_cube: but that defeats the purpose
<tdeo> i think that's how it used to work
<pixelherodev> u7 is very, very useful
<pixelherodev> Having to define any custom integer type to use it would be a pain
<pixelherodev> s/7/N
<alexnask> ^
<pixelherodev> That was just a generic example
<pixelherodev> It removes the whole advantage
<companion_cube> :D
<companion_cube> what
<companion_cube> why is u7 useful
<pixelherodev> uN
<companion_cube> I mean, for the average program
<fengb> u(32)
<fengb> i(32). Let's claim all the single letters
<pixelherodev> Custom bit-widths
<pixelherodev> companion_cube: enum ordinals for starters
<pixelherodev> If I have an enum with 8 entries, I can define it as u3
<fengb> Packed data
<pixelherodev> Indices
<pixelherodev> Actually
<companion_cube> it'll be padded to one byte, anyway, won't it?
<pixelherodev> companion_cube: not from the language's perspective it won't
<pixelherodev> In the backend, sure
<andrewrk> combined with the align(0) proposal, you can conveniently express extremely compact data structures, with the usage code remaining the same
<pixelherodev> But safety checks remain
<pixelherodev> Optimizations too
<fengb> Also, sometimes it's nice to have type narrowed values just to match the data
<pixelherodev> It catches stupid mistakes more easily
<companion_cube> pixelherodev: but then, go for range types, not just powers of two
<alexnask> Yes, it nicely expresses the actual values you want it to take
<companion_cube> like what Ada and Pascal have done for decades
<pixelherodev> companion_cube: .... that *is* a range
<pixelherodev> But I was going to say
<pixelherodev> "Actually"
<companion_cube> it forces you to have a range [0…2^{n-1}]
<pixelherodev> Ranges do kind of remove the use case of indices
<fengb> I think he means actual ranges
<pixelherodev> But other use cases remain
<companion_cube> heh, well payed andrewrk
<companion_cube> played*
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<pixelherodev> and we shouldn't ever make decisions based on average programs
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<companion_cube> I'm sad that Ada has such a poor syntax, cause otherwise it looks freaking *amazing*
<pixelherodev> If we did that, we should remove vector types too; average programs don't need them
<pixelherodev> and so on
<fengb> Yeah, we should use my stupid emulator as the baseline πŸ™ƒ
<pixelherodev> github is down
<pixelherodev> Again
<ifreund> lol
<pixelherodev> (obligatory mention)
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<companion_cube> why did C win…
<andrewrk> look at my gotta-go-fast zig code handling the error correctly first try:
<andrewrk> it's printing this once every 60 seconds
<pixelherodev> companion_cube: syntax
<companion_cube> yeah
<pixelherodev> you already said that :P
<companion_cube> that's so sad
<alexnask> malloc()?
<pixelherodev> Syntax matters
<companion_cube> also, I guess, proprietary compilers
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: that's neat, but also
<pixelherodev> Shouldn't be a concern :(
<andrewrk> *shrug* this is why I like git. it's decentralized, everybody can keep working no problem
<fengb> But, how will I get free downtime
<pmwhite> Isn't that the case with a centralized VCS, too? I mean, you obviously can't check anything in while offline, but you still have the code, right?
<afontain_> you can't play with branches
<companion_cube> but you can't even commit
<companion_cube> or, with svn, get the log
<fengb> Oh boy, I remember when I created my own adhoc local VCS
<pmwhite> Yeah, I guess that's not ideal. It's not too catastrophic though if something is just offline for a few hours or something.
<fengb> Just because the central server was down
<pmwhite> alias git=cp
<pixelherodev> oof that's evil
<pixelherodev> `alias cd='rm -rf'`
<ifreund> that's liable to get you punched or something
<pixelherodev> It's a security measure :P
<pixelherodev> If you log in but don't unalias it, it fails
<pixelherodev> wipes data
<pixelherodev> Better yet
<pixelherodev> set up more complex aliases to zero out each file before removing them
<pmwhite> what if your filesystem is copy-on-write? copying the whole tree is not so bad in that case, right.
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<alehander92> range types
<alehander92> sound good !
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<alehander92> and not only because of optimizations: but because of correctness
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<ifreund> anyone else bothered by the fact that zig fmt doesn't put a space between `error` and the following curly but does for struct/union/enum?
<pmwhite> No, I think I agree with that choice.
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<alexnask> It only does this for single item sets I think
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<ifreund> alexnask: does it for this for me
<ifreund> i don't hate it, just think it's a little inconsistent
<alexnask> Ah good point
<alexnask> It seems to follow the initialization style rather than the type declaration type
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<fengb> Time to fork zig fmt
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<ifreund> hmm, think I've found a bug, need to narrow down my minimal reproducer though
<ifreund> InvalidDirection error isn't in the Error set but this compiles
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<ifreund> note that if you change fooey to return Error!Barrr it doesn't compile
<ifreund> so I'm pretty sure something weird is going on but not quite sure what
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<pixelherodev> Finally
<pixelherodev> Ported my stage2 registers definition over to lightzing (and thus Thor)
<pixelherodev> Had to fix a bunch
<pixelherodev> `187 insertions(+), 221 deletions(-)` Much cleaner though
<pixelherodev> :)
<ifreund> i love diffs that remove code while maintianing all the functionality
<alexnask> ^
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<pixelherodev> ifreund: even better actually
<pixelherodev> It removes code and *adds* functionality
<ifreund> awe yeah
<pixelherodev> And I'm willing to bet it's more efficient too
<pixelherodev> Going to measure shortly
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<pixelherodev> More than 14% faster in release-safe mode :)
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<ifreund> solid
<fengb> Wow
<pixelherodev> I'm not too surprised
<pixelherodev> It changed a structure into an enum
<pixelherodev> Since the values are comptime-known, it was probably able to optimize and inline a lot more
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<fraktor> andrewrk: I don't know if you saw but I have a pull request up.
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<pixelherodev> It also made, now that I think about it, e.g., where reg is comptime known, into a constant
<pixelherodev> No unwrapping, no safety checks needed (since it's no longer possible for it to be optional)
<pixelherodev> About 12% faster in release-fast, which stacks up with what I expected
<pixelherodev> (than it was before, not compared to release-safe)
<pixelherodev> ifreund: maybe double check that issue you just opened?
<pixelherodev> The "if you change X to Y", X and Y are identical AFAICT
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<pixelherodev> might be a typo in one of them
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<alexnask> Havent looked through the issue but the godbolt example was broken for sure
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<pixelherodev> Oh, and just for context about how slow emulation is:
<pixelherodev> `Instructions executed to print Hello World normally`: 595
<pixelherodev> `Instructions executed with Thor`: ~40k
<pixelherodev> The real curious number is how Thor compares to just using the JIT directly...
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<gonz_> Which platforms support evented IO more or less completely atm?
<gonz_> `io_mode = .evented`, that is.
<pixelherodev> None, as I understand it
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<pixelherodev> All of them have varying degrees of support
<pixelherodev> But nothing is fully integrated with it yet
<gonz_> Ah, ok.
<pixelherodev> Hmm, I could probably speed up that example by ignoring errors, but that's not a valid comparison anyways
<pixelherodev> Since that would be improper usage of the library
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<fraktor> I'm attempting to build Zig on Linux and running into #4799, but adding the proposed fix gives me: c++: error: unrecognized command line option β€˜-W1,/usr/lib/llvm-10/lib/’
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<alexnask> It should be Wl instead of W1
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