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<fengb> mikdusan: yes, commented with the now fixed behaviors
<mikdusan> awesome. ima closin' it
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<daurnimator> GreaseMonkey: ah. you want @as then, not @intCast
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<GreaseMonkey> daurnimator: ah alright, i might as well switch to @as for that
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<GreaseMonkey> merged and pushed
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<tyler569> qa
<tyler569> aah oops
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<andrewrk> Type :qa and press <Enter> to exit Vim 0,0-1 All
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: If I patch your x64 backend (as promised yesterday), would that be a PR against your PR-ed branch? :P
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, yeah, make sure you pull right now tho, just pushed something
<pixelherodev> Wowzers
<pixelherodev> Refactor yay
<pixelherodev> Alrighty, fixing up moves now...
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: what's MC stand for? Machine Code?
<andrewrk> yes
<pixelherodev> ALrighty, thanks
<andrewrk> it also stands for Moo Cows
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* pixelherodev rolls eyes
<pixelherodev> ... while reluctantly grinning
<andrewrk> `./zig build test-stage2` isn't passing in that branch yet but that's the next thing I'm working on
<pixelherodev> Alrighty
<andrewrk> btw in that branch, there is no more bit rotted self-hosted compiler code
<andrewrk> all the files are legit now
<pixelherodev> Nice :)
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: what's the max line length used for this?
<pixelherodev> I usually use 80 but that's clearly not it, and I'd rather configure kak now then have to clean up the PR afterwards
<andrewrk> my policy is: whoever last touches the code gets to have their preference
<pixelherodev> :P
<andrewrk> so if you wanna make a nice patch and modified lines are wrapping at 80, be my guest
<pixelherodev> :)
<pixelherodev> Oh, and to ZLS folks: thanks again, it's awesome
<andrewrk> error set awareness is going to be killer
<andrewrk> it's going to drive people crazy knowing all the ways that their code can fail
<pixelherodev> Oooooohhh, that sounds *nice*
<pixelherodev> Gah, have to break out the manual again
<pixelherodev> It's weird actually
<pixelherodev> Compile times are usually pretty good for most things
<pixelherodev> It takes longer to load the Intel manual than to compile most of my projects :P
<andrewrk> you can sorta get a picture of it with some generated docs urls:;fs.selfExePath
<andrewrk> when I look at this, it makes me ask the question, "wtf why is 'NotDir' one of the possible errors for getting the path to your own executable?"
<andrewrk> ...which is a good question, which leads to understanding the code deeply, and possibly improving the logic
<pixelherodev> And with *everyone* seeing that through stdlib *while they use it* for instance...
<andrewrk> yeah. my hope is that it will lead to more robust software, that ultimately is a better user experience for the end user
<pixelherodev> Roughly 6.1 seconds to load the manual, longer to be able to access the table of contents in the sidebar :P
<pixelherodev> ~nine seconds until manual is usable. Every single one of my Zig projects compiles faster than that *on my laptop*, let alone with my PC builder
<pixelherodev> Also I just wasted time modding my stopwatch script to show milliseconds just so I could measure it. This is why I never get anything done lol
<pixelherodev> Oh, and andrewrk: my biggest takeaway from yesterday's stream is that I'm not the only one who uses gas + objdump to figure out x86 encodings :D
<pixelherodev> That's literally how I tested my JIT initially, before I added a proper test suite
<pixelherodev> "Does it agree with as?"
<pixelherodev> I'm going to overcomment the codegen, so that anyone reading can use it to figure out the manual :P
<andrewrk> haha yeah I spent a bunch of time trying to read docs and tbh basically gave up
<pixelherodev> I figured it out, eventually
<pixelherodev> But only because I could compare against gas to prove myself right
<andrewrk> I'll return to it again at some point, but for now I'm unblocked to work on the other components
<pixelherodev> Or, more often, ocmpletely and utterly wrong
<pixelherodev> Yeah, it's really annoying
<andrewrk> yeah... my intuition has been correct 0/3 times
<pixelherodev> Maybe my comments will prove enlightening :)
<andrewrk> :)
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: is it okay if I tag the x64 register enum?
<pixelherodev> Each register has a 4-bit id
<pixelherodev> ... wait that's a dumb question, that's literally the point of what I'm doing
<pixelherodev> What else am I going to do, implement a giant switch? :P
<pixelherodev> Oh wait, now I remember why I didn't do an enum for mine
<pixelherodev> Multiple values share an id
<pixelherodev> e.g. rax and eax both have id zero
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, just do what seems right to do, and explain it to me in the PR and we'll figure it out
<pixelherodev> :)
<andrewrk> oh boy, 46 pull requests
<pixelherodev> Sheesh
<andrewrk> after this branch is merged I'm going to have to pay the pied piper
<pixelherodev> That's a lot of contributions :)
<pixelherodev> Might as well update x86 while I'm at it
<pixelherodev> Going to turn it from an enum to a tagged union (Reg8, Reg16, Reg32, Reg64)
<pixelherodev> Need to ensure we don't give e.g. r10l as a 32-bit reg
<GreaseMonkey> if you're having trouble with x86 encoding, this site helps:
<pixelherodev> Interesting optimization idea that only occurred to me because of this situation: when passing a tagged union for which all values other than a single tag produce unreachable, in optimized builds, the compiler could just pass the underlying type directly and optimize out the check, correct?
<pixelherodev> GreaseMonkey: thanks, but I'm good
<pixelherodev> Manual is annoying, but it's worth it to me
<andrewrk> GreaseMonkey, nice! thanks for the link
<pixelherodev> ... that does look good... no, no, I'll stick to the manual! Intel engineers must have put in the effort making it, it'd be wrong not to use it!
<pixelherodev> Jokes aside
<pixelherodev> Mind if I move the arch-specific stuff into a separate file?
<pixelherodev> e.g. Reg(.x64) will return @import("arch/x64.zig").Register?
<andrewrk> that sounds nice
<andrewrk> are you leaving e.g. the genRet function tho?
<GreaseMonkey> do the Intel CPU manuals have bit fields where you have a group of bits saying "reserved", followed by a single bit saying "reserved", followed by another group of bits saying "reserved"?
<pixelherodev> Yeah
<pixelherodev> Only focusing on register definitions and moves for now
<pixelherodev> GreaseMonkey: I dunno, why?
<pixelherodev> There's definitely some reserved bits that are sequential but defined
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<pixelherodev> e.g. "this was reserved for X, so must be 0 for now; this is reserved for Y, so must be zero"
<pixelherodev> But I don't see anything like that at a "quick" glance
<GreaseMonkey> i keep thinking i've seen that phenomenon in the GPU manuals where it just says "reserved, SBZ" or something
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: idea regarding arch-specification
<pixelherodev> Instead of having a single genRet (as you mentioned) that switches over the arch, should there be e.g. x86.genRet / ARM.genRet in their own backends, with the main codegen just setting the backend?
<pixelherodev> That makes it easier IMO to extend down the line
<pixelherodev> No need to sift through the x86 code to extend the ARM backend, for instance
<pixelherodev> That's a larger scale refactor though, so I'm definitely not doing it *now*
<pixelherodev> That would come later
<andrewrk> maybe, I think it's worth considering. my goal is to make the code really contributor friendly, so that it is inviting to work on adding new architectures. I'm sure the code will evolve over time to achieve that goal
<pixelherodev> That's what I was thinking of when I suggested this
<pixelherodev> Especially as we actually implement backends, we're going to need some form of organization
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<andrewrk> pixelherodev, `./zig build test-stage2` passing tests in 294bfb3321f
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<pixelherodev> :)
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<kenaryn> Hello, please in a few words, can someone explain to me why we switched from `warn("Hello, world!\n")` in zig 0.5.0 to `warn("hello, world!\n", .{})` in 0.6.0?
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<foobles> variadic functions were removed
<foobles> kenaryn
<foobles> so now the arguments are passed in as a required tuple parameter
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<kenaryn> It's a clear explanation, thank you foobles.
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<kenaryn> Does the leading dot before the curly breaces mean that the whole statement is from now on a enum?
<foobles> it means it's an anonymous struct/tuple
<foobles> basically it creates a new type on the spot
<foobles> that may be able to coerce to a named tuple/struct type
<foobles> and doing `.identifier` is an anonymous enum literal
<foobles> that can coerce to a value of a named enum as well
<foobles> by "anonymous tuple/struct", i dont mean its declaring a type; rather it's declaring an instance of an anonymous type, with the provided fields
<kenaryn> I understand, you're very kind.
<foobles> no problem :)
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* daurnimator is trying to get something working with tizen and zig..... this is not easy
<daurnimator> it bundles clang and calls it with:
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<sjm> can anybody explain why i'm getting "error: expected type 'void', found 'std.fs.IteratorError'" with ?
<sjm> for the line "while (try |item| {"
<alexnask> Your function returns void
<alexnask> It should return !void or InsertYourExplicitErrorSet!void
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<sjm> alexnask: ahh. thanks.
<r4pr0n> andrewrk: hey, how did you actually do the completion in your livestream? i'm not aware that vim is type-aware or something like that and that the completion works across files (that vim knows in which files to look...)
<r4pr0n> i also couldn't find anything about it in your vimrc
<mikdusan> while inserting text, type a minimal amount of letter(s) and hit ctrl-x,tab
<andrewrk> you can get surprisingly far with the simple token-based ctr+n completion
<r4pr0n> well that doesn't search in other files for the token for me
<ifreund> r4pr0n: it should search all open buffers by default iirc
<r4pr0n> oh
<r4pr0n> that makes sense
<andrewrk> it even searches in buffers that you opened once and then closed
<r4pr0n> good to know, thanks
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<ifreund> andrewrk: thoughts on removing the panic from std.log.fatal and letting the caller decide if a panic is needed?
<andrewrk> ifreund, in this case, we may as well remove "fatal" entirely, in favor of err followed by panic, right?
<andrewrk> that might make sense. we can also define the default panic handler to log an error before aborting
<ifreund> hmm maybe fatal would still have a place as the highest tier of error than can't be filtered out
<ifreund> i'm not sure about that though, getting rid of it completely would also make sense
<ifreund> software written in zig hopefully wont be logging so many errors that ignoring them is desireable
<andrewrk> we're going to want the concept of setting different log levels per package
<andrewrk> we already want this for other things
<andrewrk> such as optimization mode
<andrewrk> I have some ideas on how to set this up but haven't completely solved it yet
<andrewrk> one idea is that @import("builtin") could give you different values for each package
<andrewrk> the problem there is when std lib accesses it on behalf of a different package
<andrewrk> it would get its own @import("builtin") and not the callsite's @import("builtin")
<ifreund> i'm working on adding some kind of "scope" parameter to the logging functions that would allow for more finely grained filtering
<ifreund> i'd like to make it something more that just a []const u8, but i haven't found a way to abuse enums and comptime enough yet
<andrewrk> this might be related to
<andrewrk> idea being that you could accept a comptime parameter such as `callsite: sourcelocation`
<andrewrk> and you would call it with log.warn(@src(), "{}", .{foo})
<andrewrk> this is introducing a new type called `sourcelocation` which you would be able to use to access properties about the callsite, such as the optimization mode of the scope, log level of the scope, float mode of the scope, etc
<andrewrk> possibly also put line/column/file info in the log messages
<ifreund> that seems super powerful
<andrewrk> yeah more consideration is needed before accepting this idea, to make sure it's not too powerful and problematic. but it might solve a few problems for us
<andrewrk> the actual implementation would not be very difficult, I think
<ifreund> hmm, would it give info about the callstack as well? if so we could call this internally to std.log and look at whatever called it
<andrewrk> not sure I follow
<ifreund> no that was a bad idea, it doesn't make any sense :D
<ifreund> i was trying to think of some way to avoid having to pass @src() every time you log
<andrewrk> ah I see. I understand the desire to remove it but I think it's simpler to make it explicit
<andrewrk> it's not really possible to change this without some invasive language feature such as macros
<ifreund> yeah, say no to macros kids
<r4pr0n> while I don't have any better idea at the moment, changing std.debug.warn to need such an parameter makes it even longer, which it already got through the switch from varargs to tuples
<r4pr0n> that may be a problem since it is often used as a debug tool
<ifreund> i'm trying to figure out if lets me do what I want and have an enum of possible logging scopes
<andrewrk> r4pr0n, I agree this is a problem
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<alehander92> hm, do you have currently sourcelocation-like primitive
<alehander92> a cool thing in nim is that one can pass a parameter to `instantiationInfo`, so you can get compile time info upper in the "expanding stack" for your sourcelocation
<alehander92> but not sure if this happens actually in zig, as you dont have templates
<alehander92> but you have ct callstack
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<alehander92> hm, how big deal is it
<alehander92> i wonder if i should aim for caching of functions or files
<alehander92> but maybe this can force people to not write big modules, so recompiling a module is not much slower than a function
<alehander92> (if zig/another system caches only on module level*)
<andrewrk> already has implemented caching (in memory) on a per-declaration basis
<andrewrk> caching on disk is a matter of serialization/deserialization
<andrewrk> is anyone excited about setting up a repo for tracking the performance of various zig things over time?
<andrewrk> one place to start would be tracking the perf of the self-hosted parser, and of zig fmt
<andrewrk> we would also want this for tracking various self-hosted compiler benchmarks
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: dumb question, sorry, but: how do I build ZIR?
<pixelherodev> "zig compiler out of tree, rejected" (paraphrasing)
<andrewrk> assuming an up to date self-hosted-incremental-compilation branch, `./zig build` will build you the self-hosted compiler
<andrewrk> which will go into zig-cache/bin/zig
<andrewrk> then you can use build-exe, build-lib, build-obj like normal with the self hosted compiler
<andrewrk> the --watch CLI option gives you the repl
<andrewrk> you may also be interested in -femit-zir or -femit-zir=path
<pixelherodev> Got it, thanks
<pixelherodev> Where does it find build.zig out-of-tree? I didn't know that was possible
<pixelherodev> Rather, it looks up a folder to find it?
<andrewrk> yes it looks up until it finds one
<andrewrk> like git
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<andrewrk> I don't need money, just hosting
<andrewrk> oops, meant to /msg that to ddevault regarding using peertube to store live coding videos
<r4pr0n> oh you wanna post your videos to peertube?
<THFKA4> funds sent
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<alehander92> andrewrk thanks, i'll eventually play with it
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<pixelherodev> andrewrk: is the breaking down of values into registers done at a higher level?
<pixelherodev> That is, if there's e.g. a u128 and we're targeting x64, will that have already been broken up into multiple 64-bit register accesses?
<pixelherodev> Mostly curious because I might want to add an official z80 backend, not just my Operation Tricarbon one
<pixelherodev> Also, is genSetReg supposed to be atomic? (That is, a failure will leave the output completely unmodified)
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<pixelherodev> ... I'm going to assume yes and just use a different code path for extended registers instead of emitting the REX prefix separately
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<pixelherodev> Also, just so I can give an idea of what I'm doing before actually committing it
<pixelherodev> Probably going to extend comment line lengths to 100 or something though
<pixelherodev> Oh, and s/reg8/r8d in the comments
<ifreund> not a fan of the trailing comma i see :D
<pixelherodev> ?
<pixelherodev> ifreund: what do you mean?
<ifreund> pixelherodev: if you add the trailing comma in the slice zig fmt will wrap things
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<pixelherodev> Ahh
<pixelherodev> Nah, I'm just copying the style Andrew was using
<pixelherodev> ... I think now that it's more than just the raw bytes it should be wrapped though
<pixelherodev> I really wish there was a `zig fmt` tool that didn't depend on Clang or LLVM
<pixelherodev> Because I
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<pixelherodev> 'm not dealing with getting those building on Gentoo again
<ifreund> i mean, you could use the static tarball
<pixelherodev> Not in a form Zig can link against, anwyays
<pixelherodev> ... there's a static tarball.
<pixelherodev> Of *course* there's a static tarball
* pixelherodev facepalms
<pixelherodev> Worth having if only for formatting
<ifreund> for sure
<pixelherodev> anyways, I'm going to actually implement the register structures now
<pixelherodev> ...might just copy them from OT though
<pixelherodev> :P
<pixelherodev> It'll need a tad of patching, but it's easier than redoing them from scratch
<pixelherodev> Oh, and I just noticed
<pixelherodev> We can return an error union value directly?
<pixelherodev> I've been using `return try` the whole time!
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<ifreund> lol
<pixelherodev> Ahh, resize() exists; that's what you'vebeen using to make writes atomic when there's multiple bytes
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<pixelherodev> ifreund: I take that as a yes? That's a thing?
<pixelherodev> ARGH
<pixelherodev> ifreund: I don't see it there...
<pixelherodev> where `a()` returns `!T`, `return a();` isn't mentioned there as valid
<pixelherodev> Just about done with the x64 genSetReg rework
<pixelherodev> All I need to do is implement ethe register type and every single register should be usablle
<pixelherodev> s/ll/
<ifreund> pixelherodev: oh i see what you mean, yeah it'll let you do that
<pixelherodev> Neato
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, in most of the code paths in codegen.zig you can fail with garbage inside the "code" ArrayList. it won't get used if you report/return an error
<andrewrk> looks like you're doing some clean refactorings!
<pixelherodev> The one thing that's probably going to need a few iterations is the Register type
<pixelherodev> Currently, I'm using a structure with a `width` enum (W8,W32,etc), u4 `id`, etc
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, regarding u128, I think you can get a sense for how that will work by looking at MCValue
<pixelherodev> Might be worth defining an enum containing all the registers and writing an automatic converter
<pixelherodev> So that `x64Reg(.EAX)` becomes the structure automatically or something
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: good to know, thanks
<andrewrk> yeah keep in mind this code is brand spanking new, so maybe some of the ideas in there, which are just the first thing I thought of, are going to be iterated on or reworked
<pixelherodev> That's completely fine
<pixelherodev> If anything, that means more ideas on how to improve my own backends
<pixelherodev> Except I'm doing mine more for fun than anything else so I'm not moving nearly as quickly as you are :)
<andrewrk> gotta go fast
<pixelherodev> Once this is done, I might e.g. implement function calls and such
<pixelherodev> See if I can't help finish off that merging checklist
<pixelherodev> :)
<pixelherodev> Actually... I can probably leave the registers as enums!
<pixelherodev> enums can have methods IIRC, which means it can just be a giant switch internally
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<andrewrk> one idea that I think might turn out quite nice is converting the arch tag value into a comptime parameter early on in the call stack, and so that the arch is available as comptime value pretty much everywhere in that file
<andrewrk> that's a way of organizing a compiler backend that is unique to zig
<pixelherodev> That would be really nice, yeah
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<andrewrk> atomicity is *not* needed for that code arraylist, to be clear
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<pixelherodev> I saw
<pixelherodev> I might still try to ensure it's atomic anyways
<pixelherodev> Because it might be useful later anyways, and as far as I can tell it currently is atomic in most uses
<pixelherodev> Oh, and that compiler backend organization might be unique to zig the language, but it's not unique to `zig` the compiler :)
<pixelherodev> I'm already using it for mine
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<pixelherodev> ifreund: thanks for suggesting the static build
<pixelherodev> auto-formatting is working again :)
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<pixelherodev> Came up with a nice organization for the register enum that makes it efficient to check IsExtended and such
<pixelherodev> :)
<ifreund> nice!
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, I'm not sure what you mean about "atomic" because it's not in any sense. the array gets resized before written to, and even appends to array lists are not atomic
<andrewrk> if `generateSymbol` returns an error, the value in `code` is ignored
<pixelherodev> I mean that either it returns unmodified or it returns resized and with all bytes written to it
<andrewrk> plus it would be really easy for the wrapping code - not the individual functions - to remember the original length of the array and shrink it in case of an error
<pixelherodev> But it doesn't really matter
<pixelherodev> Anywho
<pixelherodev> Thoughts on
<pixelherodev> The idea is that you can check width based on range, and isExtended just returns `(@enumToInt(value) & 0x08) != 0`
<pixelherodev> And id is just `@enumToInt() - (comptime_known_value_based_on_range)`
<pixelherodev> Need to shift the regs around a tad more for that though
<pixelherodev> (since e.g. eax,ecx,edx,ebx are 0,1,2,3 respectively)
<andrewrk> seems reasonable
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<pixelherodev> One minor note actually
<pixelherodev> Apparently bph isn't valid?
<pixelherodev> That is, you can't access the upper byte of {bp,sp,di,si}
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<andrewrk> good to know. I'll be honest I guessed and did not verify
<pixelherodev> Is there even a reason to support accessing the lower bytes of those?
<pixelherodev> Which, IIUC, is invalid in x86 mode anyways
<pixelherodev> Yeah, "bad register name" with --32
<pixelherodev> Needs a REX prefix to access :P
<pixelherodev> That's... weird
<pixelherodev> With a REX prefix, `mov IMM -> %ah` becomes `mov IMM -> %spl`
<pixelherodev> With a REX prefix, `mov IMM -> %al` becomes... `mov IMM -> %al`
<pixelherodev> Now I feel the need to actually check the manual and not just GAS, because this feels off
<pixelherodev> Meh, doesn't really matter
<pixelherodev> I'm not adding in support for the {sp,bp,di,si}l
<pixelherodev> If someone else wants to afterwards they can
<pixelherodev> But those require special-casing of their own
<pixelherodev> There's no real point IMO
<andrewrk> yeah that's fine, you can always emit a compile error that says, "TODO audit this code"
<pixelherodev> I mean, I'm not even adding them to the enum
<pixelherodev> I mean, it's not *that* bad; they just require a REX prefix
<andrewrk> I think they should go into the enum since you could potentially want to mess with them with inline assembly
<pixelherodev> but it doesn't mesh well with the rest of the codegen
<pixelherodev> I guess
<pixelherodev> Going to make e.g. `.id` return a compile error on those though
<pixelherodev> They can't be used the way you'd use other registers.
<pixelherodev> The id is exactly the same as other registers
<pixelherodev> That is, with e.g. rax vs r8x, you have 0 and 8; bit 3 goes into REX and the 3-bit id is zero for both
<andrewrk> that sounds fine
<pixelherodev> But one has id 8 and the other has id 0, because there's a REX byte vs no REX byte
<andrewrk> idk maybe you could call the enum "StandardRegister" or something
<pixelherodev> With e.g. %sil, there's a REX byte *but it has the bit set to zero*
<pixelherodev> Which means the *four-bit* id matches, not just the three-bit one
<pixelherodev> So it's not extended, but it also can't be used as-is or it'll cause a code-gen error
<andrewrk> call the enum something that indicates the intention, and then leave out the regs that don't belong
<pixelherodev> It's literally all of the registers except thos efour though :
<andrewrk> GeneralPurposeRegister
<pixelherodev> It's not general purpose registers though
<andrewrk> what is the fundamental property that makes a register belong in that enum, which excludes those 4?
<pixelherodev> "Can be used in a sane manner"
<pixelherodev> SaneRegisters?
<andrewrk> something objective
<pixelherodev> It is
<pixelherodev> Consistent?
<pixelherodev> They're the only four registers that require a REX prefix with B set to zero to access them
<andrewrk> "the other registers cannot be used sanely because ____"
<pixelherodev> Which is *supposed* to do nothing
<pixelherodev> in theory
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<pixelherodev> ConsistentRegisters?
<pixelherodev> They're the set of usable registers because they're the set that follow consistent access rules
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<tdeo> does zig try to create builtin.zig in its install directory when compiling something?
<tdeo> trying to build zls through nix and getting `Unable to create builtin.zig: access denied`
<pixelherodev> Uh... that's new
<pixelherodev> I don't use nix though, so I can't help
<mikdusan> that sounds like a permissions error trying to create a file in global zig cache
<andrewrk> tdeo, zig honors the xdg cache dir environment variable
<andrewrk> XDG_CACHE_HOME
<andrewrk> there's already a nix zig package, you can probably fork it for your purposes
<oats> is there an equivalent to (s)scanf in the stdlib?
<THFKA4> tdeo: i ran into that error on guix, nix is a bit more lenient though