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<andrewrk> fraktor, std.meta.trait should be renamed to std.meta.concepts
<andrewrk> to match the corresponding C++ terminology
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<shakesoda> is there a particular reason to match c++ terminology instead of rust's for it
<tdeo> well the concept (ha) is much closer to the c++ one
<tdeo> in that it just checks if a type fulfills some description you give
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<torque> std.meta.ducktype
<shakesoda> i would be all for
<pixelherodev> Agreed
<tdeo> yeah
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<andrewrk> haha
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<andrewrk> pixelherodev, I just merged some big stage2 improvements
<andrewrk> * virtual address allocation scheme * dependency tracking / handling deletions and no longer referenced decls
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, my question to you: what is it in stage2 that interests you, that you would like to work on, so that I can work towards unblocking you?
<pixelherodev> Well, first I want to finish the current PRs
<pixelherodev> get error_tests (#5422 IIRC) merged, and then finish implementing function calsl
<andrewrk> right of course
<pixelherodev> After that... hmm
<pixelherodev> I think the most pressing concern to me is esoteric platform support
<pixelherodev> Like, genuinely *weird* platforms
<pixelherodev> Because if we don't support them *now*, it'll be hell to do later
<pixelherodev> Since it'd require reworking existing backends
<pixelherodev> Better to get the infrastructure in place now
<andrewrk> for the error tests one, I'm actually going to update that to be merged with non-error tests. so for example, you could have some source that succeeds with some output. then you modify the source, and it has such and such error on a specific decl, then you modify the source again and now it has different output. that's an example test case for stage2
<pixelherodev> Gotcha
<pixelherodev> Want me to do that, since I was just working on it?
<andrewrk> stage2 tests are really involved because they test not only one input->output but input,output,modification,output,modification,output, etc
<andrewrk> sure!
<pixelherodev> Then I want to work on actual codegen for something more unusual, though I'm not sure what
<pixelherodev> What's a nice, unusual architecture?
<pixelherodev> Z80 is one I'm familiar with, but it doesn't *quite* meet esoteric standards IMO
<pixelherodev> I want to make sure there doesn't have to be something like SDCC for Zig
<andrewrk> ikskuh tends to know about esoteric architectures
<pixelherodev> Ooh, maybe something like a SUBLEQ?
<andrewrk> how about 6502
<andrewrk> the cpu of the NES
<pixelherodev> That's definitely a good *target8
<pixelherodev> *
<pixelherodev> but it doesn't meet my standards for this, I don't think
<pixelherodev> I'm looking for something unusual enough that it'll break our normal assumptions
<andrewrk> hmm I think your goals aren't matching up with my short term goals
<pixelherodev> That's because this isn't really a short term goal for me
<andrewrk> I want to focus on common architectures right now, getting self-hosted to a working state
<pixelherodev> It's a short term goal to ensure long term goals are achievable later on
<pixelherodev> The thought to me is that it's relatively straightforward to do this *now*
<pixelherodev> but it won't even be possible later
<pixelherodev> I don't want to spend *too* much time on it
* pixelherodev shrugs
<pixelherodev> Eh, it's probably not that big of a deal
<pixelherodev> Maybe I'll focus on x86?
<pixelherodev> Just to make sure we didn't accidentally introduce any dependencies on 64-bit
<pixelherodev> Plus, most of the backend is the same
<pixelherodev> So it'll be useful for amd64 too
<andrewrk> that's a good idea
<pixelherodev> I think my short term goal is to refactor it a bit
<pixelherodev> Anything AMD64-specific should be in backend/x86_64/something.zig and not in codegen.zig
<pixelherodev> A way to map architectures to backend structs when the arch is only runtime known helps, but that's probably what an inline for is for
<pixelherodev> One other idea that's been percolating for a bit is to make it easy to connect out-of-tree backends
<andrewrk> I'm not sure I agree with that refactoring idea
<pixelherodev> Whether that means exposing parts of stage2 in std.zir, an alternate library (`@import("zig")`, or explicitly defining a backend interface
<pixelherodev> the thought to me is basically this
<pixelherodev> Most of the time, if you're working on codegen, it's for a specific architecture
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<pixelherodev> You don't care how x86 implements calls if you're working on it for ARM
<andrewrk> counterpoint: codegen.cpp is architecture-agnostic and it is 11,198 lines
<pixelherodev> Yes, but it's also limited to LLVM architectures
<pixelherodev> One goal of stage2 is to extend beyond that
<pixelherodev> and, more importantly
<pixelherodev> We can't rely on LLVM
<pixelherodev> codegen.cpp is ~11K lines, and it can rely on an external library to do the heavy lifting
<pixelherodev> We're effectively incorporating both the parts that LLVM does, and the LLVM implementation
<pixelherodev> So we have more architectures, a lot of implementation, and the biggest part to me is what I was mentioning about unofficial backends
<pixelherodev> We should make it easy to work on unofficial backends, so that it's easy to get them merged upstream later on
<pixelherodev> If I'm working on an external backend, I don't want upstream patches to force me to rebase everything
<andrewrk> I definitely agree with organizing the codebase to optimize for contributions to unofficial backends
<pixelherodev> I'm not certain what the best way to do it is, I just want to make sure that it's done
<andrewrk> humor me a little bit though, let's figure out the best way to organize the code after codegen.zig is more than just a proof of concept
<andrewrk> once it starts to get unruly, it should be a lot clearer how to better refactor it
<pixelherodev> Agreed
<andrewrk> the patterns will be more clear
<pixelherodev> It definitely doesn't matter just yet
* pixelherodev casually reverts patches on the function_args branch
<andrewrk> all aboard the merge train! choo choo!
<pixelherodev> Nice :)
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: you asked what *I'm* interested in working on; counter-question: what would be the most helpful?
<andrewrk> that was a helpful response btw! and I agree with your goals
<pixelherodev> Good to know :)
<pixelherodev> Oh, relatedly then
<pixelherodev> Should I move codegen/*.zig into codegen.zig?
<andrewrk> anything that gets us closer to self-hosted compiler completion would be most helpful. I can try to break that down into smaller steps
<pixelherodev> (The register definitions)
<pixelherodev> Nah, that's good enough
<andrewrk> nah it's fine
<pixelherodev> Should *definitions* go in codegen/arch, and *implemenations* go in codegen itself?
<pixelherodev> Or is it more "no need to change it" than "let's make this our organization!!!"
<andrewrk> I'm really not too concerned with which bits go in which files at this point
<pixelherodev> Gotcha
<pixelherodev> Oh, a thought occurred
<pixelherodev> Should e.g. FLAGS be defined in Register?
<andrewrk> I just think that moving things around is pretty easy, so might as well wait until it's obvious how they should be moved around
<pixelherodev> flags/eflags/rflags?
<pixelherodev> I can see how they *might* be useful, though branching might be better
<pixelherodev> (for e.g. `(a & b) != 0`)
<andrewrk> that's another thing that I think will become obvious when we get further along towards self-hosted completion
<pixelherodev> in other words:
<pixelherodev> Stop obsessing over design and focus on actually being productive?
<pixelherodev> Drats
<pixelherodev> :)
<pixelherodev> PR incoming shortly; extracting the REXes into a function
<pixelherodev> So that instead of reproducing the same logic at every point, it's just `self.REX(.{ .b = true});`
<pixelherodev> (as an example)
<andrewrk> :)
<andrewrk> I think obsessing over the design is useful, but we just don't have enough information yet on those particular areas of code
<andrewrk> btw what do you think about the virtual address allocation scheme?
<andrewrk> c7ca1fe6f7b8796a42de908faeaa6ec24e8eb118
<pixelherodev> Going to finish up and then take a look
<andrewrk> it's ironic that to implement zig, a language with manual memory management, the compiler has several different ad-hoc garbage collector implementations
<andrewrk> * ELF sections * .text blocks * top-level declarations * symbol table entries / offset table entries
<pixelherodev> self.REX(.{ .B = true }) uses `if (@hasField(arg, "B") and arg.B)`
<pixelherodev> Returns a u8, so it can be used in-place in a write operation and doesn't require a separate one
<andrewrk> huh why do we need reflection?
<andrewrk> `options: struct { B: bool }`
<pixelherodev> Because there's four options, and in 99% of cases only one matters
<pixelherodev> ... wait
<pixelherodev> Struct default values exist
<pixelherodev> I keep forgetting that
<andrewrk> you can also make REX and REX_fancy with one of them calling the other, and the other taking parameters
<pixelherodev> ?
<pixelherodev> You mean with reflection -> parameters?
<pixelherodev> That seems unnecessarily elaborate
<pixelherodev> anonymous structure with default arguments seems perfectly fine to me
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<pixelherodev> The only reason to even use a tuple as the argument is to avoid having to say "No, we *don't* need this; no, we *don't* need that" everywhere
<pixelherodev> This lets us say, "here's what we want," and not, "here's what we want, here's the other things we don't"
<pixelherodev> (Well, that and it lets us name them)
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<pixelherodev> hmm, another option is to make REX `write` the value directly
<pixelherodev> That has the advantage of simplifying codegen logic
<pixelherodev> Instead of `if we need REX, generate it too`, it becomes `generate a REX if we need one`, which is a simple `self.REX(.{.B = reg.isExtended()});` for instance
<pixelherodev> I wonder how much my comments in codegen will increase the line count :P
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<pixelherodev> andrewrk: thought; should e.g. XOR encoding also be moved into a function?
<pixelherodev> That way, any usage of it (e.g. an actual XOR implementation) can just be `self.XOR()`
<pixelherodev> The idea is to basically separate the low-level encoding (raw bytes) from the high-level meaning ("zero this register")
<andrewrk> I don't really see any reason to move any codegen.zig stuff around at this point, until it's more fleshed out
<andrewrk> remember: solve the problems that you have now. solve the problems that you will have in the future, in the future
<andrewrk> YAGNI
<andrewrk> we have plenty of tasks to do on self hosted
<andrewrk> some of this stuff is really difficult
<andrewrk> but some would be I think really helpful and would get things closer to the state where you are anticipating
<andrewrk> for example, implementing math and other binary operations would be really helpful
<andrewrk> function arguments and conditional branching at runtime are also good candidates
<pixelherodev> I'll do that after function calls
<pixelherodev> Function args is something I'm mostly done with
<andrewrk> exciting
<pixelherodev> How much special-casing should there be?
<pixelherodev> I mean
<pixelherodev> We have e.g. u8_function_no_args and such
<pixelherodev> Should we have that for all common function types?
<andrewrk> it's a balance between maintenance cost, code bloat, and perf improvements / memory usage reduction
<andrewrk> probably some of those really special case ones will go away eventually. they were handy for when the type handling code was less sophisticated
<andrewrk> generally: add additional representations when it makes some code easier to implement, or if you have a benchmark demonstrating that it saves memory or improves perf
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<pixelherodev> Gotcha
<andrewrk> note that if you are trying to access information about a Type or Value you should be using the accessor methods, not looking at the individual tags
<andrewrk> e.g. use ty.zigTagType() == .Array and ty.arrayLen() and ty.elemType() rather than peeking into the guts of how the type is represented
<andrewrk> although, obviously, exceptions can be made if it makes sense to do so
<pixelherodev> I figured that out :)
<pixelherodev> Mostly because I tried using the tag first and realized how annoying it was
<pixelherodev> So I looked at other code and saw how it was done elsewhere
<andrewrk> nice
<pixelherodev> I'm just going to finish up the REX thing and go to sleep
<pixelherodev> I'm mostly doing it because it's already mostly done
<pixelherodev> I'm not going to do anything more like it until stage2's a lot further along
<andrewrk> oh I think I see what you were hitting with the type coercion tihng
<andrewrk> I think this is the ZIR parser emitting the wrong code
<pixelherodev> What i saw from tracing it in gdb was that the ZIR Inst representing the function's *name* was read as an array
<pixelherodev> within resolveConstString
<andrewrk> check out zir.zig parseParameterInst, the part where it doesn't find it in the map
<andrewrk> it tries to emit it as a declref but it's missing a ref there. adding it now
<pixelherodev> That's not it
<pixelherodev> At least
<pixelherodev> that's not what I hit
<pixelherodev> Because this was *without* parameters...
<pixelherodev> wait
<pixelherodev> ...
<pixelherodev> no yeah
<pixelherodev> that's probably it
<pixelherodev> been a few days and Ive already largely forgot it :P
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: let me know when that lands
<pixelherodev> Actually, I should finish error_tests first
<pixelherodev> Then enable the tests using the updated harness instead
<pixelherodev> alrighty, PRed
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<andrewrk> thanks!
<pixelherodev> :)
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<pixelherodev> #5457 is good to go now
<pixelherodev> (or at least be closed if you'd rather not merge it)
<pixelherodev> Would be neat if we could tweak CI so that it only runs relevant tests
<pixelherodev> e.g. if nothing in src/ changes, skip the stage1 tests
<pixelherodev> If nothing in src-self-hosted/ changes, skip the stage2 tests
<pixelherodev> !!!
<pixelherodev> There's an Intel manual on machine code optimization!
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<pixelherodev> Holy freaking... `push`, `pop`, `return`, etc have effectively no cost on modern CPUs (both from Intel *and* AMD)
<pixelherodev> The CPU just renames the stack pointer to a different internal register and keeps going
<pixelherodev> Sorta like running the actual memory access in the background
<pixelherodev> Faster in Ryzen than in Intel microarchs, apparently
<pixelherodev> ... probably not the right place for this :P
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<shakesoda> pixelherodev: i'm curious about the performance properties of the arm equivalents
<pixelherodev> ?
<pixelherodev> Ahh
<pixelherodev> I wouldn't know
<pixelherodev> I only know this from a microarchitectural optimization guide
<pixelherodev> Well
<pixelherodev> A microarchitecture analysis study that's used to provide info in a optimization guide :P
<shakesoda> somewhat directly related: just bought myself a raspberry pi 4 (8gb model exists now!)
<shakesoda> my arm knowledge could stand to gain a fair bit and it's a lot beefier than my other pis here
<pixelherodev> Ooh nice
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<data-man> Maybe you're interested
<data-man> > std.meta.trait should be renamed to std.meta.concepts
<data-man> andrewrk: I take it if you wish :)
<ikskuh> nycex: and here! 👋
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<data-man> Possible backend for Zig:
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<fengb> Is it not allowed to put extern in struct declarations?
<data-man> I don't know :) For example uses it.
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<antaoiseach> Hello ... I am trying to print an "expression" recursively ... is this sort of thing not possible?
<antaoiseach> I get the following error - "Semantic Analysis [555/831] ./eval.zig:21:13: error: cannot resolve inferred error set '@TypeOf(show).ReturnType.ErrorSet': function 'show' not fully analyzed yet try show(d.left, stdout);
<antaoiseach> "
<ifreund> antaoiseach: you can't use inferred error sets with recursion
<ifreund> if you explicitly specify the return type as `MyErrorSet!void` it should work
<ifreund> as noted in the docs, this limitation might be overcome in the future
<antaoiseach> ifreund: Oh... okay
<antaoiseach> The debug.warn examples works fine ... just confirmed
<antaoiseach> ifreund: Aha .. lemme try that and get back
<antaoiseach> ifreund: confirmed .. it works with anyerror as well!
<antaoiseach> Thanks!
<ifreund> oh that's interesting
<ifreund> no problem!
<antaoiseach> ifreund: Another question if you don't mind
<ifreund> fire awawy
<antaoiseach> in the type signature for stdout that I pass into my show function
<antaoiseach> I printed out the type of stdout explicitly and then used that as the signature
<ifreund> i would do @TypeOf(stdout)
<antaoiseach> What I am not clear on is this - why does not work by itself? The signature works for stdin?
<antaoiseach> Also, I figured that itself is a function of sorts which needs those three types to become a type itself ... is this correct? Is this some sort of trait-like feature?
<ifreund> yeah it's a comptime function returnin a type
<ifreund> *returning
<antaoiseach> Hmmm ... interesting!
<ifreund> this is how generics work in zig, there's no special language feature, just the ability to use types as first class values at comptime
<antaoiseach> I'm sorry .. how would you use that snippet - @TypeOf(stdout) ... I mean where exactly?
<antaoiseach> ifreund: Ah, right ... I'd forgotten about that part entirely (the generics bit)
<ifreund> @TypeOf() returns the type of a given variable at comptime
<ifreund> i assume you're using getStdOut() or something?
<antaoiseach> ifreund: right ... but how would I be able to simplify the function signature using that?
<antaoiseach> yes, in the calling function..
<ifreund> then you could do @TypeOf(getStdOut)
<ifreund> err with the right parentheses
<antaoiseach> ifreund: trying that like to show(stdout: @TypeOf( anyerror!i32 ... is that right?
<antaoiseach> This gives me an error about constness
<ifreund> hmm, maybe `stdout: *const @TypeOf(...` would work
<antaoiseach> Ah never mind... got it working
<ifreund> i have never actually tried this tbh
<ifreund> nice
<antaoiseach> `stdout: *const @TypeOf(`
<antaoiseach> that works very nicely indeed!
<antaoiseach> Thank you so much for the help, ifreund! :-)
<ifreund> no problem!
<antaoiseach> Cheers!
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<gonz_> Has anyone successfully included sqlite3 statically in zig?
<gonz_> statically from source, that is
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<gonz_> Oh, hang on, it seems I just did. I just had to change one of the types in the zig windows intrinsic includes.
<data-man> gonz_: can be helpful
<gonz_> Hadn't seen that, but it's also linking shared libs.
<data-man> Including c source isn't hard, IMHO. :)
<gonz_> my point exactly
<gonz_> And it was hard now (apparently) only because there is a type error in one of the Windows intrinsics that Zig ships.
<gonz_> A mismatch with real windows headers, that is.
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<gonz_> sqlite3 didn't use to build from source correctly, though, AFAIR.
<gonz_> I tried maybe 6 or so months ago and had to resort to shared libs back then.
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<gonz_> Or I just didn't have the presence of mind to diagnose this error I was getting now back then, I don't know.
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<gonz_> Including C source in Zig is neither hard nor easy in any meaningful general sense of the word, IMO.
<gonz_> It pretty much always just depends on whether or not someone has stepped on and found a landmine before you.
<ifreund> hah, that's some good imagery
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<andrewrk> wtf, the ninja package on alpine is called samurai?
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<FireFox317> haha lol, thats weird indeed
<wilsonk> nice
<data-man> no, samurai is pure-c reimplementation
<fengb> We should reimplement it in Zig
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<pixelherodev> No yeah, samurai is a reimplementation :P
<pixelherodev> Alpine prefers samurai over ninja because samurai has historically been more willing to work with distros to meet their needs
<pixelherodev> On a different note, nooooooooooo
<pixelherodev> All my PRs being merged!!!
<pixelherodev> Going to need to open new ones!
<dimenus> is anyone currently using the tcpConnect* functions in
<dimenus> Seems like I can keep reading from the socket forever even if the underlying other end is closed
<dimenus> i'm a bit of a linux noob still, is that expected?
<pixelherodev> I don't think so, but I'm not certain
<pixelherodev> The network functions are... not stable yet.
<pixelherodev> at all
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<edr> How many bytes do you get from the read? If 0 that means the connection was closed
<dimenus> ah good call
<pixelherodev> not necessarily
<pixelherodev> The other end can just not write to it for a while
<pixelherodev> Or the internet connection can drop for a second
<pixelherodev> or...
<pixelherodev> you get the point
<edr> I am not sure exactly how the zig code implements it, but getting 0 from recv() means the other side has "gracefully disconnected"
<dimenus> currently it calls read not recv
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<dimenus> edr & pixelherodev: looks like recv returns 0 if the other end flushed 0 bytes ooooooooor it terminated
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<dimenus> i take that back, the write syscall will catch the 0 byte write when SOCK_STREAM is specified and basically do nothing or return errors
<dimenus> so checking if read() returned 0 is a valid case
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* ikskuh silently points in the direction of zig-network :D
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<leeward> What am I missing in fs.Dir? openFile wants an instance, but I don't see a Dir.init.
<FireFox317> leeward, cwd()
<leeward> FireFox317: Of course, now I remember. Thanks.
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<satchmo> would anybody be interested in a Zig version of rust-vmm (a collection of common components for building VMMs/hypervisors)?
<satchmo> been trying to find a project to do and I quite like this one
<leeward> If it's a thing you want to do, go for it. I wouldn't use it, but that's not a reason not to build it.
<leeward> Particularly since there exist users of other languages who would.
<gonz_> Yeah, I think most libraries stand the highest chance of being good when someone just wants to make and use them, regardless of the outside world.
<satchmo> trueeeeee
<leeward> I mean, I can't use Zig at work anyway until at least 1.0. Not a reason to refrain from building libraries for it.
<gonz_> IMO the best thing people can do for Zig before 1.0 is to write tons of code in it
<gonz_> There's been enough armchair language designers drive-bying the repo, to be honest.
<satchmo> ^
<leeward> Batteries included did a lot for Python. Probably not as much as not being Perl, but it's debatable.
<leeward> Plus, the best way to find problems with a language is to use it.
<gonz_> Indeed
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<fraktor> I'd also say that being batteries-included helped Java, although that's a very different kind of philosophy
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<satchmo> what do you mean by different kind of philosophy?
<pixelherodev> "Worse"
<pixelherodev> Probably
<pixelherodev> That's the general view of Java I've heard
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<leeward> Do you not have an opinion of Java, pixelherodev?
<pixelherodev> I have a more positive opinion of it than most
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<pixelherodev> I like the JVM, and I mostly like the language, though i think the standard library is... well... "not nice" is the nicest way I can put it
<pixelherodev> I still use it occasionally for some tasks
<fengb> I'm always impressed that Java collections exists alongside Java dates
<fengb> The best and worst OO patterns right here!
<pixelherodev> I have a small Java "script" that converts a ... hold on I don't even remember how it works
<pixelherodev> Read in a CSV and generates a C file :P
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<companion_cube> oh boy
<gonz_> How fast is the generation? I feel like you probably spend most of your time starting the JVM(?)
<pixelherodev> That C file was linked against by my OS game entry for the terminal game jam IIRC, which used it as a renderer demo
<pixelherodev> No
<pixelherodev> It ran nearly instantly
<leeward> It's not like the JVM takes several seconds to start up on a modern computer.
<gonz_> How short is the JVM startup nowadays? It used to be massive.
<pixelherodev> Nearly instant
<pixelherodev> For something this small? Milliseconds I think
<fengb> It's a lot better. Usually sub second for Java proper
<fengb> Um... it's still around 200 ms
<fengb> Unless it's been warmed up
<gonz_> It definitely used to be ridiculously high, and not because of computers being slow.
<fengb> $ time java -- 0m0.423s
<pixelherodev> `time java` -> 0.097 seconds
<fengb> There's some design flaws, like needing to load all the classpaths
<companion_cube> have you ever tried julia? that makes the jvm soooo much faster in comparison
<fengb> You primed it by running it before
<pixelherodev> @fengb no I didn't
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<pixelherodev> THis was a first run
<pixelherodev> But
<pixelherodev> It's compiled with -march=native ;)
<leeward> It just ran a hello world in 0.338s on my system.
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<pixelherodev> I don't use a binary VM
<pixelherodev> I have a compiled from-source OpenJDK optimized with `-O2 -march=native`
<companion_cube> oh nice.
<companion_cube> gentoo?
<pixelherodev> Gentoo ;)
<fengb> A lot of Java languages are still balls slow to start, like Groovy and Clojure :(
<fengb> OpenJDK isn't what most people consider Java though >_>
<pixelherodev> But I'm curious now how much faster the VM startup time is with an optimized build vs a binary
<pixelherodev> *distributed* binary, ofc
<fengb> Hotspot is what most people refer to when talking about the VM
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<leeward> OpenJDK is what runs when I type java. I call it fair.
<fengb> Fine!
<fengb> "fn getA() uint8_t" I've forgotten how to write C -_-
<pixelherodev> lol
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<pixelherodev> Just use translate-zig ;)
<pixelherodev> ... ohhhhhh
<pixelherodev> I should totally make a C backend to stag2
<pixelherodev> s/stag/stage
<leeward> I mean, if you're running a stupid script that's going to take a few seconds at most, it doesn't make sense to run a fancy VM.
<pixelherodev> It doesn't even take a full second IIRC
<pixelherodev> It's subsecond
<pixelherodev> and it's not about the VM
<pixelherodev> It's about the language
<satchmo> it's about sending a message
<pixelherodev> Do you know how much easier string manipulation is in Java vs C?
<leeward> Is hotspot a different language? I don't java.
<pixelherodev> It took, like, 50 lines of Java
<leeward> Oh, that. Yeah, I would have written that in Python for the same reason.
<pixelherodev> and no mental effort
<pixelherodev> This was before I knew python well enough to use it
<fengb> Hotspot is the "official" VM published by Oracle
<satchmo> how much of that was boilerplate though
<pixelherodev> Maybe six lines?
<pixelherodev> It's like, a single function
<pixelherodev> Just repeated I/O
<pixelherodev> It's actually kinda sad, honestly
<pixelherodev> Java was the first real language I knew
<fengb> Java has a lot of baggage :(
<pixelherodev> Between Go, Python, C, and Zig, basically every use case I had for it is gone
<leeward> Depending on how you define real, I think VB3 was my first real language.
<pixelherodev> Web stuff -> Go, Low-effor one-shot string handling -> Python, literally everything else -> C and Zig
<fengb> And its design has been behind for ~15 years. Almost no real reason to use it now that Kotlin is a thing
<pixelherodev> Heard good things about Groovy, too
<fengb> Although admittedly Kotlin is becoming more C++ like
<pixelherodev> I also don't really like the OOP patterns
<pixelherodev> It's one reason I ditched C++
<fengb> Kotlin is more functional than Java
<fengb> And offers less OO style defaults, like dataclasses
<pixelherodev> I'm guessing you don't mean "It has more functionality" :P
<leeward> There are so many reasons to ditch C++. If only more employers could see them.
<fengb> I mean it's a lot more natural to do FP in Kotlin
<pixelherodev> I'll take C99 over C++ anyday
<leeward> seconded
<pixelherodev> C99 lets you take the address of a temporary
<fengb> Pattern matching, dataclasses, lambdas
<gonz_> I think C++ is less of a blight on the world than people make it out to be. But perhaps you're saying you'd like your employer specifically to see the light, leeward?
<fengb> I can't grok C++. My only knowledge was C++98, and that was already very bad
<satchmo> it's just hard to look at imo
<leeward> gonz_: I disagree. I've never met a significant C++ project that didn't make me feel a little squicky to look at.
<BaroqueLarouche> Wish I was working in and on Zig
<gonz_> I don't personally like it, but I feel like a lot of people make it out to be that the world would somehow be better if everyone switched from C++.
<pixelherodev> Ehh nah I disagree with that idea too
<satchmo> s/C++/Rust/
<leeward> But in general, yes, I would like more employers that I consider to share my view on C++. It doesn't hurt me if other people write C++ code and it works.
<pixelherodev> In the same way that I think JS is less of a problem than people think
<fengb> orly
<pixelherodev> The problem isn't the language
<pixelherodev> It's the people using it
<pixelherodev> If they switched to Zig, we'd have to deal with people trying to change the language for the worse constantly as well
<fengb> Like me
<pixelherodev> Nah, you're good
<fengb> Um... JS didn't really get worse over its history
<fengb> Honestly, the hard parts of web has very little to do with the language and more to do with the APIs
<gonz_> I think it's fine to use a piece of software and say "This would've been of higher quality if they used X, probably", but people silently working on their own stuff elsewhere isn't a bother to me.
<fengb> They're all terrible and we keep applying more bandaids
<leeward> I really wish JS would embrace its role as webassembly, and fork into another language that compiles down to actual browser-code.
<fengb> You mean wasm? It already exists :P
<leeward> For certain values of exists.
<pixelherodev> The web itself is the problem, not the language
<pixelherodev> I wasn't talking about the web though
<pixelherodev> Node.JS for instance
<pixelherodev> Just like Rust, the problem is the community
<companion_cube> satchmo: switch from rust to… what? :p
<gonz_> Shots fired :D
<fengb> Nodejs offered a niche that didn't exist at the time. Non-blocking IO wasn't really on app dev's radar
<leeward> Wasm became a standard last year. Javascript's been around for decades, and people have been using it as wasm for at least 15 years.
<fengb> When Java was struggling with 10k connections, and nodejs handled it out of the box
<leeward> Erlang?
<leeward> Erlang.
<andrewrk> there is no "the community"
<fengb> Hmm, why didn't Erlang get more popular?
<satchmo> companion_cube: i was joking about gonz's statement about everyone wanting to switch to c++, it feels like everyone wants rust to me
<leeward> fengb: I don't know, and it makes me sad.
<companion_cube> cause it's weeeeird, fengb
<andrewrk> that's an oversimplification
<satchmo> if the s/c++/rust was what you're talking about that is
<companion_cube> andrewrk: yesss, thank you
<fengb> Fair, I didn't really look at it until Elixir
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<gonz_> fengb: Erlang was internal for a long time, then got open source when they got "banned" internally at Ericsson.
<fengb> wat really
<leeward> It's not that weird, it's just functional. Erlang's a tiny language with amazing library support.
<fengb> I knew about it in 2007, but it was somewhat of a joke: "Hey here's a language more esoteric than Haskell!"
<marler8997> hey, working on getting DNS to work on windows
<marler8997> there's an error code ADDRFAMILY that is supported on non-windows platforms, but not on windows
<marler8997> and dns is switching on that there a way to make switch cases platform specific?
<marler8997> not sure what the clean/right solution is here
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<gonz_> In 98 they open sourced it after being shut down inside of Ericsson. It was also very, very buggy for a long time and contrary to what you might believe didn't actually have SMP support for some time.
<andrewrk> marler8997, the pattern we have for this in std is: functions that abstract across platforms have a union of error sets
<leeward> fengb: Really? I don't think Haskell was in any real applications in 2007, whereas Erlang was in real switches with real uptime.
<andrewrk> marler8997, and then if you know you are in a code path where some error codes do not apply, => unreachable
<gonz_> Erlang hasn't always been rock solid and to some extent still has weird bugs and issues (specifically SSL stuff is very clowny even in recent OTPs).
<marler8997> I'm working on getaddrinfo
<andrewrk> in this case it will be useful to have an explicit error set, not inferred
<marler8997> it's not abstracted
<leeward> gonz_: Yeah, I don't think it got SMP support in beam for a while, but it did let you talk to other instances of beam running on a different processor just fine, even if the other processor was across a tcp link.
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<andrewrk> marler8997, hmm I don't think I understand your question
<marler8997> net.zig is calling that supposed to be an abstracted wrapper around the platform specific getaddrinfo?
<fengb> Haskell was always semi-popular in academia. Erlang just sorta existed
<companion_cube> well, erlang also has a super weird syntax
<companion_cube> which is why elixir is eating its cake
<fengb> That was my view of it at least. I graduated college 2007 so it's not like I knew anything
<andrewrk> marler8997, it's planned to rename std.os to std.posix
<andrewrk> is cross platform
<gonz_> Erlang is more popular than Elixir and Haskell in turn is more popular than Erlang.
<andrewrk> so if is unconditionally calling into the posix apis, it means that it is missing a windows implementation
<marler8997> right, but the windows implementation doesn't return one of the error codes
<marler8997> so I should just add it to the enum anyway, even if windows will never return it
<leeward> Erlang's syntax is basically prolog. I guess if prolog is weird, you're right.
<companion_cube> prolog is definitely weird :D
<andrewrk> marler8997, the enum of the cross platform abstraction? yes the cross platform abstraction error set is a union of all possible errors on all platforms
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<marler8997> what value do I set it to?
<marler8997> the enum that will never be returned?
<marler8997> some random value?
<andrewrk> are you talking about error sets?
<marler8997> I'm talking about EAI
<andrewrk> your goal is to get working on windows right?
<marler8997> with libc, yes
<marler8997> then without libc
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<andrewrk> I see, you are trying to unify the code paths for if libc is linked and with or without windows
<marler8997> here's what I got so far, if it helps to have a look:
<marler8997> yes
<marler8997> getting libc to work first
<andrewrk> so the windows libc has getaddrinfo but the error codes are different
<marler8997> it's missing the ADDRFAMILY error code
<marler8997> actually, I think windows FAMILY might be ADDRFAMILY, so it maybe it's actually missing FAMILY? not sure
<andrewrk> if the error codes are not compatible then I suggest splitting the code path into two switches
<marler8997> actually it looks like it's missing quite a few
<marler8997> ok
<andrewrk> the direct answer to your question is no, there's no language feature like this
<marler8997> yeah I didn't think there was, your other answer is what I was looking for
<alexnask> marler8997, You should check out
<alexnask> Its almost exactly like
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: true enough
<pixelherodev> "A vocal minority *within* the community" would be a more accurate depiction
<alexnask> It has blocking socket support for windows rn, I will be working on async sockets this w/e
<companion_cube> there already are several vocal subcommunities in rust, pixelherodev, I think
<pixelherodev> That's what I was saying, yeah
<companion_cube> there's a minimalist fringe, with low dependencies, there's the RiiR team, and the silent majority that just writes code
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<pixelherodev> I, unfortunately, have mostly seen the RiiR folks
<companion_cube> it's like the crazy haskell people and their towers of abstraction
<companion_cube> you hear more about them
<fengb> There are others? 🙃
<companion_cube> yes, there are people who want to get shit done
<companion_cube> or rather:
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<pixelherodev> heh
<pixelherodev> Oh, unrelated
<pixelherodev> I plan on implementing a Forth in Zig soon :)
<leeward> That sounds like a fun short project.
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<gonz_> RiiR = Rewrite it in Rust?
<companion_cube> yes
<companion_cube> it's cliché because a lot of rust users, even the more well known ones, aren't like that
<pixelherodev> But the ones that are never shut up
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<marler8997> what a minute what am I doesn't even have libc
<pixelherodev> lol, yes it does.
<pixelherodev> Not a good one
<marler8997> what happens differently on windows when libc is enabled?
<pixelherodev> but it does
<pixelherodev> I mean, you can use glibc on windows
<pixelherodev> and I think msvc has a crappy one too
<marler8997> I suppose it has to have a libc doesn' it
<marler8997> is it those msvc...dll s?
<marler8997> those really bad ones that you need to install separately, the versioned runtime packages, and then there's that unversioned one that can change!
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<marler8997> goodness what a mess
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<gonz_> And yet some people choose to use this method of library consumption voluntarily with system-wide shared libs.
<gonz_> It's indeed completely braindead.
<marler8997> I think I might abandon the windows libc support, go straight to the ws2_32 direct support
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<pixelherodev> You can support e.g. mingw's glibc
<andrewrk> I think that's probably a good idea
<andrewrk> going straight to ws2_32
<marler8997> yeah, I'm switching to that
<marler8997> I don't use mingw so I don't care about it's support
<andrewrk> in my experience, windows libcs are more compatibility layers than anything useful. when implementing something from scratch like you are, better to target the actual interface rather than the compatibility layer
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<pixelherodev> ws2_32?
<andrewrk> ws2_32.dll is how you do networking in windows afaik
<pixelherodev> ahh, gotcha
<pixelherodev> Yeah, that makes sense
<marler8997> yeah I've found the same, I thought it was going to be some quick easy changes to get the libc route working but didn't turn out that way
<pixelherodev> Only support the compatibility layer if you don't have time to target the direct API IMO
<andrewrk> not relying on libc for windows builds is a pretty nice feature of zig imo
<pixelherodev> e.g. I have a header that does some #defines to improve POSIX support with MSVC's libc
<pixelherodev> but it's only useful because it means I don't have to bother with a second set of APIs
<andrewrk> I wonder what rust does
<pixelherodev> Zig is definitely nice in that I don't need either of those
<pixelherodev> Rust links libc IIRC
<andrewrk> on windows though, have you checked?
<pixelherodev> By default
* pixelherodev shrugs
<pixelherodev> Nah
<companion_cube> unless you use no_std, I think?
<pixelherodev> I have more productive things to be doing
<pixelherodev> Yeah, that sounds right
<pixelherodev> I think Rust has libc as opt-*out* whereas we have it opt-*in*
<companion_cube> but there are platforms where even Go gave up and linked libc for syscalls
<marler8997> I think I recall seeing a thread on rust complaining about the msvcrt dlls
<companion_cube> right?
<andrewrk> man, waiting for 1 thread to do 600 compile error tests is a huge bummer
<andrewrk> linux and windows are the only OS's I'm aware of that have a stable syscall ABI that is not libc
<marler8997> osx system.dll though?
<marler8997> or
<andrewrk> libSystem is libc
<marler8997> ah
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<metaterically> I'm trying to build andrewrk/zig-vulkan-triangle
<metaterically> and currently I'm stuck on readFileAllocAligned...
<metaterically> It was: const vertShaderCode = try, "shaders/vert.spv", @alignOf(u32));
<metaterically> but that gave: error: container '' has no member called 'readFileAllocAligned'
<metaterically> had a look in the stdlib docs, found it's moved to std.fs.Dir
<metaterically> tried this: const vertShaderCode = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAllocAligned(allocator, "shaders/vert.spv", maxShaderSize, @alignOf(u32));
<metaterically> but that gives: error: no member named 'readFileAllocAligned' in struct 'std.fs.Dir'
<metaterically> ???
<metaterically> What am I missing?
<metaterically> Is it neither here nor there?
<gonz_> `readFileAllocOptions` is also available, but you shouldn't really need it...?
<gonz_> In any case that version also takes alignment.
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<metaterically> Thanks, didn't realise it was renamed and extended
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<metaterically> Might not need it but my knowledge here is lacking, so I'm gonna go with the Options variant for now to play it safe
<metaterically> At the moment I'm just trying to update the code to current Zig, rather than making any changes
<gonz_> Yeah, stuff is moving fast in the standard library and friends, it's worth it to just have a tab open to it and navigate in the addressbar to the file you're interested in.
<gonz_> there's also the interactive stdlib search but I found that less complete and possibly out of date(?)
<metaterically> Yeah I was using the search, which shows readFileAllocAligned instead of readFileAllocOptions
<gonz_> Right
<metaterically> Though I notice now in the sidebar it says Zig v0.5
<metaterically> Which is weird given that it says master in the addressbar
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<fengb> Yeah those docs are manually generated
<leeward> Yeah, replace master in the address bar with 0.6.0
<leeward> Not the best, but at least it's usable.
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<leeward> Is there a way to check if an error is a member of a particular errorset? I want to handle File.OpenErrors up at a high level where other kinds of errors could also have happened.
<ifreund> just switch on the error set? I'm probably misunderstanding
<leeward> else |err| switch (err) { ErrorSet => blah }
<leeward> ^ That's what I tried at first, but no
<leeward> It was expecting an error, not an error set.
<ifreund> oh, yeah I misread what you wrote
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<leeward> I probably should handle the error further down the stack, but...this whole program is a crappy hack anyway.
<ifreund> does @TypeInfo give you what you want?
<leeward> hmm, maybe
<leeward> will check
<ifreund> it will give you a slice of errors that are members of the queried set
<ifreund> then you can loop over those and compare
<ifreund> this seems like a pretty weird thing to do though tbh
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<leeward> Yeah, it does.
<leeward> Reading builtin.zig makes me want to fix the docstrings though.
<leeward> Maybe tonight.
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