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<pixelherodev> oof
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: do you have the notes?
<pixelherodev> I can do the implementation if you finished the design ;)
<andrewrk> are you trying to work on exactly the same thing as me again? :P
<pixelherodev> except now you said you're not working on it ;)
<andrewrk> I am now actually
<pixelherodev> oh huh
<pixelherodev> good
<pixelherodev> CBE it is
<pixelherodev> stupid net split
<pixelherodev> messing with my logs
<pixelherodev> ah okay
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: so I should probably add a CFile next to ELFFile and use that instead?
<pixelherodev> should there be an Allocator-like interface that goes to both?
<andrewrk> use your best judgement and let's see what you come up with
<OmegaDoug40> Hi, does using a c-library require installing a c compiler? Does cross-compiling still work if using c-libraries?
<andrewrk> OmegaDoug40, the beauty of how it works with zig is that it can cross compile c libraries too. but you have to mess with the build system of the C library to make that work. it will be part of the role of a package manager to help make this easier
<OmegaDoug40> andrewrk Messing with the c libraries build system sounds like it isn't a "hello world" kind of change for someone who doesn't program in c
<andrewrk> that's correct
<andrewrk> in the future the idea is that it will be as easy as adding a package dependency to your build file
<andrewrk> but we're not quite there yet
<OmegaDoug40> That's a good goal. Once you achieve that you'll have a fantastically unique feature.
<pixelherodev> I mean, we could probably add basic e.g. Makefile support straight to the ZBS
<OmegaDoug40> Are there any docs for how to use c libs?
<pixelherodev> That might be a nice break from stage2 after CBE
<pixelherodev> OmegaDoug40: mostly just reading the source, unfortunately
<pixelherodev> Well
<pixelherodev> That's true for most docs with the build system
<pixelherodev> Feel free to ask away on here
<andrewrk> OmegaDoug40, yeah:
<pixelherodev> Whoa
<pixelherodev> When did that happen?
<pixelherodev> :)
<andrewrk> years ago
<pixelherodev> Oh huh
<pixelherodev> ...
<pixelherodev> I haven't looked in forever
<pixelherodev> :P
<pixelherodev> ZLS FTW
<OmegaDoug40> So when you say mess with the build system of the c-library, do you mean the Zig build system, or c build system (ex: make)?
<pixelherodev> There's multiple ways to do it, really
<pixelherodev> You can build a static library using the C build system, and link to it from ZBS
<pixelherodev> You can build the library using build.zih
<pixelherodev> zig*
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: I was asking what interface to use because I don't know what's considered idiomatic anymore :P
<pixelherodev> I'll just do whatever
<pixelherodev> The interface can always be changed anyways
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<pixelherodev> Copying the interface used for Scope instead
<pixelherodev> Internal consistency, and I'm more familiar with it
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<andrewrk> lemmi, I'm curious if you got a chance to try your example from with the latest master branch?
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<stripedpajamas> what does "function with calling convention 'C' cannot be async" mean? i don't see it mentioned in the docs
<dimenus> functions with the C calling convention conform to the C ABI, which has no concept of async
<andrewrk> if you're getting that error it probably means you need to set up your async stuff in main() or something like that
<andrewrk> stripedpajamas, if you don't mind video as a medium, I go over it a little bit here:
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<stripedpajamas> will watch! thanks
<stripedpajamas> god the video still shot has my exact trace :o
<andrewrk> haha
<andrewrk> ugh, redis labs still kept those videos unlisted. I'm going to mirror them now
<lemmi> andrewrk: will do
<andrewrk> lemmi, note that if your ensureCapacity is correct, you should be able to use putAssumeCapacity() rather than `try put()`
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<dimenus> don't look now but JAI is taking 5 seconds to compile a program
<daurnimator> dimenus: is that good or bad? is it a big program?
<dimenus> daurnimator: it's more of a joke than anything. He wants everything to compile on the order of 100s of ms
<dimenus> iirc it's about 100k loc
<dimenus> Jon is a great programmer but JAI has a lot of complexity compared to zig for example
<dimenus> life is full of tradeoffs...
<andrewrk> dimenus, this is with his x64 backend, not llvm?
<dimenus> i didn't happen to notice what backend it was, the 5s was just the frontend time
<dimenus> probably debug build
<dimenus> of the compiler
<andrewrk> ah ok, so just a joke, not a real data point
<dimenus> indeed, i'd like to see JAI succeed as well tbh
<andrewrk> I'm... not sure I can say the same, given that it is proprietary software, with no clear intention of making it open source
<andrewrk> tbh I'm a little bit put off by blow's attitude toward the open source community in general
<shakesoda> all i really want is for compiles to be either fast or not needed
<andrewrk> now that is something I can get behind
<shakesoda> i have made a lot of engineering choices to this end
<shakesoda> if jai happens to give us some good ideas to this ends and others in the name of things going faster, great
<dimenus> andrewrk: does it need to be opensource?
<daurnimator> shakesoda: what if they have great ideas but the implementation is hidden?
<shakesoda> daurnimator: usually the implementation itself isn't what i'm interested in
<shakesoda> daurnimator: more like thoughts i would not have otherwise had - automatic aos-soa transforms are something i don't think i'd have ever thought about if jai didn't bring it up
<andrewrk> dimenus, I certainly believe so, but I'm not prepared to make a well thought out case at the moment. maybe I can put some effort into that another time
<shakesoda> just as an example of the kind of idea i mean, just paths i don't think i'd have arrived at any time soon independently
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<shakesoda> something i'd be interested in existing eventually: some alternate zig compiler (perhaps a zig jit or so, that would be very cool)
<dimenus> andrewrk: fair enough. i don't have strong opinions on this. i'm just curious
<shakesoda> in the sense that when a language exists in a form that can happen, i'm pretty confident in it being around to stay
<andrewrk> shakesoda, I agree with you
<yeti> I wasnt impressed by go, rust, v, and lots of other newcomers. maybe I'm "rusted to C", but zig got me curious!
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<andrewrk> I don't get it. `CMP AX, imm16` and `CMP EAX, imm32` have the same opcode (0x3D). how is the cpu supposed to know which instruction it is?
<scientes> yeti, go also has the "no implicit control flow" rule
<scientes> andrewrk, by the encoding of the register name
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<andrewrk> hmm I see, so in this web page, "AL" is just an example, it could be a different register
<scientes> oh those are immediates
<scientes> no, but the length of the immediate
<scientes> yeah that is confusing
<scientes> x86 multiple-length instructions are really confusing
<scientes> you have to look at the instruction's bits for the answer to your question
<scientes> compiler explorer knows this stuff for x86
<andrewrk> how do you get it to show the bytes?
<daurnimator> andrewrk: operand-size override prefix
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: IIRC, each code segment has a default register/operand size.
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: if you're in a 32bit segment, then its EAX; if you're in a 16bit segment, then its AX
<daurnimator> you can use the operand-size override prefix to change.
<andrewrk> what does it mean to be "in a segment"?
<daurnimator> so e.g. if you're in a 32bit segment, use 0x66 to swap to 16bit
<daurnimator> uh; I guess back in early days it actually meant the segment registers? but now I just know it as writing e.g. `.code 16` in assembly....
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<ikskuh> <dimenus> andrewrk: does it need to be opensource?
<ikskuh> in my opinion: using a closed source toolchain is negligent
<ikskuh> i have the closed-source-toolchain at work
<ikskuh> *closed-source-hell
<ikskuh> oh, you want to read the debug symbols yourself? good luck, pup, there's no documentation on that
<ikskuh> why would you need to do this anyways? our debugging tools are perfect!
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<scientes> ikskuh, indeed
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<scientes> closed toolchain vs. open toolchain built on top of closed tool chain
<scientes> *using closed tool-chain as a back-end
<scientes> (and GCC has basically the same history_
<ifreund> yeah there's no way I'm using a closed source language
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<lemmi> Sahnvour: thanks for your comment. replacing all modulo operations with bitmasks sped things up by about 30ms
<lemmi> Sahnvour: and your comment about load factor makes a lot of sense. i rarely saw any probing beyond the first couple elements, if at all.
<lemmi> i also notices that the map used quite a bit less memory
<lemmi> so i ran benchmarks without preallocating memory and my impelementation was getting about 10-20% faster compared to the old stdlib hashtable
<lemmi> and bumping up the load factor near one lets the vectorized version gain a bit on the scalar, but not overtake it
<scientes> lemmi, on --release-fast?
<lemmi> scientes: everything on release-fast, yes
<scientes> hmm, sounds like a optimization bug
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<lemmi> scientes: code is here, if you want to have a look
<lemmi> scientes: i have a very hard time figuring out what's what from the disassembly, maybe you can spot something, if you are interested
<scientes> lemmi, well you said % is the problem
<scientes> and that should be optimized
<lemmi> scientes: i don't think the code is written in a way that the compiler could infer that this is always a power of two
<lemmi> so that's kind of expected
<scientes> oh ok
<scientes> lemmi, sounds like an excessive amount of meta-programming if you ask me
<lemmi> scientes: it kind of is. but otherwise it's hard to toy around with the parameters and the whole point was to see if you could actually write simd in zig without limiting yourself by the current hardware
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<daurnimator> There's a little thing in LinearFifo that does a mod vs bitwise-and change
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<ifreund> o.O
<ikskuh> loris is now doing as a fulltime job *.*
<ikskuh> :D
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<daurnimator> wow
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<ifreund> very cool news
<daurnimator> I haven't even had time to watch the last episode yet :(
<dch> ditto how are we supposed to keep up now :)
<ifreund> kristoff_it: congrats!
<kristoff_it> thank you very much!
<kristoff_it> ikskuh: just to be clear, showtime is still my "sidegig" and I'll work on it when I'm not working for the ZSF. I'll talk more about the precise relationship between the two things (and more) on saturday.
<ikskuh> hey, spoilers!
<ikskuh> haven't read the full article yet, but sounds good already
<BaroqueLarouche> congrats kristoff_it
<BaroqueLarouche> !
<BaroqueLarouche> Living the dream!
<kristoff_it> thanks, we'll see, we need to make the right moves, otherwise it's going to be a short-lived dream, at least when it comes to my ability to work full-time for the ZSF :)
<BaroqueLarouche> my dream: either doing games in Zig full-time and/or work on Zig full-time
<ikskuh> kristoff_it: > I will reveal my (until now) secret recipe for a nice summer pasta.
<ikskuh> that's a daaaamn good incentive :D
<kristoff_it> yeah I still have to negotiate with andrew the goal we want to put behind it
<kristoff_it> but I'm going to push for a pretty high one
<kristoff_it> hah]
<ikskuh> over 9000!
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<ikskuh> kristoff_it: but nice read, i can relate to that :)
<kristoff_it> thanks!
<ikskuh> also, looking forward to sunday :D
<kristoff_it> Sunday because you're in Australia (or whereabouts), right?
<ikskuh> nah, german, CET :D
<ikskuh> i can't let 23:59 be saturday anymore :D
<kristoff_it> haha ok then that makes sense too :D
<fengb> Off by 1 minute error
<kristoff_it> urgh it seems the mods have tanked the lobsters post
<kristoff_it> went from #2 to the bottom of the page in a blink
<fengb> You got -2 off topic
<daurnimator> kristoff_it: care to explain the dig at jepsen?
<fengb> Not sure why
* daurnimator always liked aphyr's write ups...
<kristoff_it> daurnimator: jepsen and Redis have a long history. the guy is tecnically very correct in all he does, but I think it's no secret his dislike for Redis
<kristoff_it> and in the end his was just yet another voice that screamed in one specific direction simply because he makes a living out of calling out database companies
<daurnimator> I can't say I even knew he had an opinion about redis
<kristoff_it> the problem is the nature of the audits he does: he can only prove stuff it's broken and never that it's correct
<kristoff_it> and when you mix that with his history with Redis, I think he should very well get one good plate of boogers and cum
<dch> such is the nature of science. proof by invalidation only requires 1 example.
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<kristoff_it> anyway, it's just part of my explicitly over-the-top analogy
<kristoff_it> don't take it too seriously
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<Sahnvour> lemmi: cool! what max ratio did you use?
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<Sahnvour> just checked actually, 9/8 it seems
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<Sahnvour> kristoff_it: congrats, taht's a huge milestone for Zig
<kristoff_it> thanks!
<kristoff_it> next step: take over the world
<Sahnvour> I'd be ok with just not having to write c++ anymore, but heh :)
<lemmi> Sahnvour: this ratio was giving best performance. you can go higher, like 257/256 and ist still works ok, but there is very little point in doing that
<Sahnvour> yeah, ideally that's something the (advanced) user can control because this is one of many compromises that can be made in a hashmap, depending on your usecase
<Sahnvour> anyways I have been convinced than most of the recent discourse on hashmaps is about making up for bad hash functions, which is kind of the wrong approach
<lemmi> possible. but this was a fun project for a zig newbie like me. also this was my first hashmap implementation ever :>
<Sahnvour> (by recent I mean various blogposts etc. not zig specifically)
<Sahnvour> sure, i find it gratifying and you didn't go for the easiest one :)
<lemmi> my guess is another speedup is to be had by using aes instructions for fast hashing like the go implementation does and i need to have a closer look at the new std map
<scientes> Sahnvour, kyotocabinet is a great database with no press whatsoever
<Sahnvour> hmm aes-based hash functions are good for large data, but for small keys (main hashmap usage) not so much i think
<scientes> just use BLAKE3
<scientes> chacha20-based
<Sahnvour> these are cryptographic-level, we don't need that for a hashmap (plus they're slower :p)
<lemmi> no the idea is to just use a single round or two of aes-ni to get something fast and not broken.
<scientes> Sahnvour, i was saying that aes-based is dumb
<lemmi> and if not available, there are tons of other suitable noncrypto hashfunctions
<Sahnvour> that's useful in this case because you can hack the hardware support recent x64 CPUs have to make non-cryptographic hash function that go very fast, this is what lemmi is referring to
<Sahnvour> this is what meowhash (and others) do lately
<scientes> kristoff_it, lol, I got at one point
<scientes> i think it is about to expire
<kristoff_it> nice, I don't know how expensive party domains are, but if you have some spare cash, renew it, you can make something with it in the future
<kristoff_it> zig partytime?
<kristoff_it> actually Zig Party sounds so much better than ZigConf to me lmao
<kristoff_it> lmao that title
<scientes> kristoff_it, the problem what the shitty web site of the register
<scientes> its load AWS or google cloud
<scientes> so bloated you need a cloud desktop to view it
<fengb> Did you reserve
<kristoff_it> you could still transfer it, there's namecheap that supports a bunch of weird top level domains
<scientes> when the price is $2/year your are limited with reigsters
<kristoff_it> if it's that cheap you should totally try to renew it :D
<kristoff_it> if you don't someone else will
<fengb> Haha I read that as Andrew R.K.
<kristoff_it> and as zig becomes more popular, that someone might very well be an amazon employee or god knows what
<kristoff_it> on the topic of making zig popular, anyone got any more of them upvotes for HN? :D
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<companion_cube> what's the post?
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<leeward> ^
<kristoff_it> can't link it, otherwise the vote would not count
<kristoff_it> but a trick is to try to resubmit the link
<kristoff_it> acts as an upvote
<kristoff_it> this is the link
<jaredmm> When cIncluding a library that imports OS headers causes redefinition errors because of translate-c errors, how would I prevent translate-c from creating that duplicate definition and instead use my own implementation of it?
<jaredmm> Other than fixing the cause in Zig/translate-c (because I have successfully failed at accomplishing that).
<ifreund> jaredmm: one way would be to generate the translation manually, then edit the outputted zig and include the zig file in your project
<ifreund> you can do this with zig translate-c path/to/head.h
<jaredmm> Hm. I have been manually running translate-c to try to solve the problem but did not consider that. Thanks.
<ifreund> no problem
<kristoff_it> aaand here's the aws astroturfer, precise like an atomic watch
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<THFKA4> shills out in full force
<THFKA4> so uhh are you living off savings now or what?
<kristoff_it> andrew is investing some good money in allowing me to work for the ZSF
<fengb> Living off the foundation!
<THFKA4> sick. the dream.
<THFKA4> about to take the plunge myself
<THFKA4> leave a very very comfortable FAANG job in this pandemic
<THFKA4> uuh yeah i might cut my contribution a bit
<scientes> kristoff_it, what blows me away the most about them is when they say that AWS is cheap
<scientes> AWS has *never* been cheap
<kristoff_it> yep
<kristoff_it> the margins they have over what they sell, especially once you move away from pure compute, are borderline idiotic
<kristoff_it> which is in part why they can afford to spend equally idiotic amounts of money on astroturfing
<scientes> the sphere of mind-control goes so far that people were saying that YouTube must be operating at a loss because they use so much bandwidth
<kristoff_it> etc
<scientes> even the compute is really expensive
<scientes> the only reason to use them is that you need AVX-512BW
<scientes> to test
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<leeward> So, I don't want to be that guy (I don't use AWS personally) but there are other reasons to use them. They just aren't technical.
<kristoff_it> it should also be noted that if you're big enough they offer fat discounts
<kristoff_it> especially if you decide to move with them from a competitor
<kristoff_it> redis labs knows that well too
<leeward> I used to work at a company that had all its software written in Ada. The CTO was a big fan. By the time they hired me they had rewritten the vast majority in C because they couldn't hire Ada programmers.
<leeward> AWS certifications are a big deal, and encourage people to use AWS at several levels.
<fengb> I remember they were one of the blessed services for credit reports
<fengb> Had to stick with AWS or go through a lengthy audit process
<marler8997> saw there was a discussion last night about open/closed source. My two cents, the more experienced I've gotten, then more I've realzied how important it is to have full control of your system, to be able to build/reproduce/debug and make changes anywhere in the system. If I have a closed source component, it becomes a rigid black box that I can't fix myself, and now I have to rely on others to support it for me.
<ifreund> 100% agree
<ifreund> I will never use closed source software out of choice
<leeward> If only software people got to decide what tools to use...
<leeward> "This chip costs 6 cents less. We're using it."
<marler8997> There's some open source hardware that's been coming out recently, that's exciting
<leeward> marler8997: Do you mean like raspberry pi open source hardware or Risc-V?
<leeward> Or, for that matter, Arduino
<leeward> ?
<ifreund> pine64 stuff as well
<marler8997> librem 5 phone
<leeward> Oh, OpenMoko
<ifreund> there's also this awesome looking but expensive laptop:
<marler8997> been seeing articles about them recently
<ifreund> i've been longing for a trackball ever since I saw it
<marler8997> oh yeah that looks cool too
<ifreund> it also has a legit mechanical keyboard
<marler8997> ifreund, I just read that !!!!
<leeward> Wait, their phone isn't an android fork?
<marler8997> I've spent so much time looking for a laptop with mech keyboard, I've given up
<marler8997> leeward, if I remember right that's correct, not android
<leeward> I miss laptops with track balls.
<marler8997> goodness Android is quite a project, we put it on our products and it was my job to get that working...
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<Sahnvour> too bad the librem doesn't have a ryzen cpu
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<marler8997> I'm half tempted to get one of those MNT laptops, but I think I'm going to have to hold out until there's an open source laptop/PC with a RISC-v CPU
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<leeward> marler8997, re: - It's taken straight from Rust. Absent a reason to change it, I think consistency wins. Also, the right place for that discussion is probably
<marler8997> leeward thanks for the link
<ifreund> imo //// would be the most consistent, but that's arguably too ugly
<leeward> It may be most consistent, but it sacrifices a lot in readability.
<leeward> It's easy to tell // from ///, but at //// I have to count to tell if it's //// or /////.
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<ifreund> fair
<marler8997> I didn't realize this was already implemented
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<leeward> Yeah, that PR was because people keep showing up in here asking about it. Gotta tell people about new features.
<marler8997> gotcha, carry on
* leeward would like to make Zig a language you can use without having to read the source. We are not close.
<pixelherodev> Ooh!
<pixelherodev> register_allocation branch is nice
<pixelherodev> coming along nicely*
<pixelherodev> marler8997: my thoughts exactly
<pixelherodev> re: laptop *
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<marler8997> what's this register allocation? link?
<pixelherodev> register_allocation branch
<pixelherodev> e.g. `gco register_allocation` in a source tree
<pixelherodev> `git checkout`*
<pixelherodev> Sorry, used to abbreviations :P
<marler8997> says' there's no remote ref named "register_allocation"
<marler8997> is it in your fork?
<pixelherodev> no
<pixelherodev> it's in upstream
<pixelherodev> git fetch?
<marler8997> that's what I used, fetch
* pixelherodev shrugs
<pixelherodev> It's there
<pixelherodev> Check your remote?
<pixelherodev> Maybe you're using a fork as your defaulT?
<pixelherodev> t*
<marler8997> oh it's a dash, not underscore
<pixelherodev> Oh
<pixelherodev> sorry
* pixelherodev facepalms
<pixelherodev> my bad
<marler8997> liveness there any github issue that discusses what this is?
* leeward blames git.
* pixelherodev doesn't
<pixelherodev> - vs _ is a reasonable distinction
<pixelherodev> marler8997: no
<pixelherodev> tl;dr:
<pixelherodev> it determines when a value is alive
<pixelherodev> and when it's dead
<pixelherodev> let's say we have e.g. `var a: u8 = blah;`
<pixelherodev> liveness analysis detects when a is needed, and when it isn't
<pixelherodev> So if we put a in some hardware register A, we know when we can use A for something else
<marler8997> is this going to affect semantics from the programmer level at all, or is it just for the optimizer?
<pixelherodev> Neither
<pixelherodev> It's for raw codegen
<pixelherodev> If you don't plan on working on stage2, and aren't interested in internals, you don't need to know this exists
<pixelherodev> Anyways, working on adding a C test harness to stage2 :D
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: should the CBE work with ZIR using the same path as Zig?
<marler8997> oh I see, just an implementation detail for the codegen
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<pixelherodev> marler8997: yeah, basically
<pixelherodev> Hmm, I think CBE should work at the same level ELFFile does, so yeah
<leeward> pixelherodev: I'm not saying git shouldn't make the distinction, but it should tab complete branch names and it should also be friendly about typos: "branch X doesn't exist, but x does. Is that what you meant?"
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<pixelherodev> leeward: sure, that's fair
<pixelherodev> I mean
<pixelherodev> leeward: it does tab complete branch names for me
<pixelherodev> But the latter would definitely be useful
<leeward> Well that's something.
<marler8997> the term "liveness analysis" reminded me of Walters "liveness" feature for D, where it implements some Rust-like lifetime features
<pixelherodev> Hmm
<pixelherodev> Should `pub` fns be non-static?
<pixelherodev> Main is typically defined as `pub fn main`
<pixelherodev> So `static void main(void)` would probably not be what we want for instance
<pixelherodev> Okay, so for the CBE, `main` shouldn't be main
<pixelherodev> We need to translate `start` as main, effectively
<pixelherodev> Which makes this a bit more complex than just 1:1 translation
<pixelherodev> Wait no, we'd be replacing crt0, that's all
<leeward> pub functions definitely do not map to C's static functions.
<pixelherodev> That's not what I said
<pixelherodev> leeward: I said the opposite
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<leeward> I know.
<leeward> I'm agreeing.
<pixelherodev> Non-pub functions should be static, pub should be normal
<leeward> Yes.
<pixelherodev> Hmm, need to figure out how to translate noreturn
<pixelherodev> Probably just an assert(false)-esque bit at the end of the function?
<leeward> GCC uses __attribute__((noreturn))
<leeward> Probably don't want to go using non-standard compiler extensions though.
<pixelherodev> Definitely not.
<pixelherodev> That's a no-go.
<pixelherodev> Appreciate the input though :)
<leeward> Ooh, C11 adds <stdnoreturn.h> with _Noreturn.
<pixelherodev> Huh
<pixelherodev> So now we need to keep C standard in mind? :P
<pixelherodev> That's actually a really good idea
<leeward> We didn't before?
<pixelherodev> CBE didn't exist before lol
<pixelherodev> Hmm
<pixelherodev> According to `catinc stdnoreturn.h`, noreturn is defined as _Noreturn
<leeward> I maintain a fairly large C code generator that's strictly ANSI C because that's the least common denominator, and it's intended for embedded systems. If we're generating C code that isn't C89, we should probably have a switch for the supported standard.
<pixelherodev> Now it's just a matter of figuring out unreachables
<pixelherodev> leeward: that's what I'm doing
<pixelherodev> Standard *must* be specified
<pixelherodev> I'm going to use C11 for now, because e.g. noreturn is waaay too convienent
<pixelherodev> But I'll implement the rest long before this is merged
<leeward> unreachables are easy. Only allow --release-fast and --release-small, and make them UB. :P
<pixelherodev> lol
<pixelherodev> That's not an option
<leeward> So much for the easy path.
<pixelherodev> Yeah
<pixelherodev> `function declared 'noreturn' has a 'return' statement`
<pixelherodev> Implicit returns
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<pixelherodev> Or
<pixelherodev> for non-main functions
<pixelherodev> `'noreturn' function does return`
<pixelherodev> Needs an explicit `unreachable` of some sort
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<leeward> You know, a working C back end could actually be a path to using Zig in my work stuff. We have qualified C compilers, and generated C code can be audited. It might be horrible though.
<pixelherodev> My primary goal is for it not to be
<pixelherodev> I'm writing some test cases explicitly geared towards readable code
<pixelherodev> e.g. comments will be copied over properly if I have my way
<pixelherodev> Formatting should be straightforward, and potentially configurable
<leeward> Oh, I don't mean the generated code would be horrible, just the process of using Zig and auditing every line of C it generates.
<pixelherodev> Ah, gotcha
<pixelherodev> I mean, it should be close enough to 1:1 that it shouldn't be necessary
<marler8997> to catch up, is the plan to create a "C Code Generating Backend", then compile the self-hosted zig compiler to C using that backend, then just maintain that going forward?
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<pixelherodev> marler8997: unclear
<pixelherodev> I'm working on the CBE because there's general use for it
<marler8997> ok
<pixelherodev> That has been floated by Andrew
<pixelherodev> But it's not remotely set in stone
<marler8997> I saw another langauge that does this:
<leeward> Definitely will be necessary, unless we want to qualify the Zig compiler, which is not an option before the language stabilizes and self-hosted is working.
<pixelherodev> leeward: one option is to just do a from-scratch stage1 in C
<pixelherodev> I'm personally in favor of a one-time translation to C
<marler8997> I think he first wrote a "Mirth to C" compiler in python, then wrote his "Mirth to C" compiler in Mirth, then he was done
<marler8997> he keeps the generated C code commited to his repo, so anyone with a C compiler can bootstrap it
<pixelherodev> leeward: do you think it's worth tracking extensions too?
<pixelherodev> there's a GCC / Clang extension for __builtin_unreachable()
<pixelherodev> It might be worth supporting these types of extensions via flags
<leeward> Is that part of one of GCC's supported "standards?" Like gnu99? If so, we could just adopt that nomenclature.
<pixelherodev> Problem is, I also want to support compilers that don't implement them
<leeward> If you want a compiler that doesn't implement GNU extensions to C99, pick "c99" instead of "gnu99"
<pixelherodev> I *know* that lol
<pixelherodev> I'm using that
<pixelherodev> I've been using `gcc a.c -o a -pedantic -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -nostdlib` for my tests
<pixelherodev> (to test ideas for generated code)
<pixelherodev> The idea here being to *additionally* support e.g. gnu99
<pixelherodev> Huh
<pixelherodev> That's
<pixelherodev> Actually exactly what we should do
<pixelherodev> Just add GNU99 to the Standard enum, not just C99
<leeward> Yes, that.
<pixelherodev> Yeah, sorry
<pixelherodev> Still on my second cup of tea ;)
<leeward> No worries. You might be on to something though: breaking down features more granularly internally might make for cleaner code.
<pixelherodev> Hmm
<leeward> `if (features.noreturn) { use_noreturn() } else { append_unreachable() }` instead of checking for standards everywhere.
<pixelherodev> Cleaner internals *and* more fine-grained control over output
<leeward> Then there's a single place with a map from standards to featuresets.
<pixelherodev> yeah
<pixelherodev> Thanks for the feedback, you've been really helpful
<leeward> Any time.
<pixelherodev> Literally?
<pixelherodev> how about two weeks ago?
<pixelherodev> ;)
<leeward> Mmm, almost.
<pixelherodev> Hmm... is noreturn separate from return type in C???
<pixelherodev> ... yep
<pixelherodev> weiiird
<leeward> Yeah, tacked-on features.
<leeward> noreturn int foo(void); // Totally a thing.
<leeward> In fact, I have the following code in a real repository: `int main(void) __attribute__((noreturn));`
<pixelherodev> lol
<leeward> The standard requires main to return int.
<pixelherodev> Hmm, okay, we want to support building without libc still
<pixelherodev> So I shouldn't use e.g. assert.h for unreachables
<pixelherodev> Call a panic function, maybe?
<pixelherodev> exit(1) for now
<pixelherodev> Need to translate exit for that, too :P
<leeward> It still has to use crt though, since it's depending on a C compiler, right?
<pixelherodev> nope
<pixelherodev> `-nostdlib`
<pixelherodev> Same thing you'd do for freestanding
<leeward> Huh, fun. My AVR thing links to libgcc, but only because it sets up the interrupt vector table.
<pixelherodev> Does e.g. stdnoreturn.h count as part of libc?
<pixelherodev> Or is it considered to be part of the compiler?
<leeward> _Noreturn is built into the compiler, I think anything in a header file is part of the standard library.
<pixelherodev> Right, which is why I'm using _Noreturn by default
<pixelherodev> I'm constructing the expected output of the first test
<pixelherodev> From there, I can expand the test harness, which will show where to expand the internals
<pixelherodev> ... do you have a good example of asm volatile syscalls in GCC?
<pixelherodev> I freaking hate inline asm
<leeward> stdnoreturn.h does just use the preprocessor to define noreturn, so it's about where you draw the line.
<pixelherodev> Which is why I'm defining noreturn manually
<leeward> At link time, there's no libc
<pixelherodev> I know :P
<leeward> There is no such thing as a good example of asm volatile <anything> in GCC. Inline asm in GCC is such a pain.
<pixelherodev> But the idea is to make it possible to use without the headers
<pixelherodev> Hence
<pixelherodev> I want to copypasta
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<leeward> You want to call a syscall or expose one?
<pixelherodev> Call
<pixelherodev> I want syscall1, effectively
<leeward> Why not just call it?
<pixelherodev> If we can translate inline asm, it makes the basic tests much easier
<pixelherodev> Because i need it in C
<leeward> I'm confused.
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<leeward> Does it make sense to make a syscall with -nostdlib?
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<pixelherodev> okay I can't figure out the syscalls lol :P
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<pixelherodev> and now I've got it
<pixelherodev> just when i complain I couldn't
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<leeward> \o/
<leeward> It's the ask for directions phenomenon. By the time you ask, you're almost there.
<pixelherodev> Lol
<pixelherodev> almost every time I ask for help on IRC, I either figure it out before or just after someone responds
<pixelherodev> How do I mark a syscall as noreturn? :thinkingface:
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<pixelherodev> Without __builtin_unreachable...
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<pixelherodev> Gah
<pixelherodev> I don't got it
<pixelherodev> It's using the wrong register???
<pixelherodev> Yay! Got it!
<pixelherodev> Constraints are dumb
<pixelherodev> Huh
<pixelherodev> musl uses ` for (;;) __syscall(SYS_exit, ec);` for `unreachable`s
<pixelherodev> I think I'll copy that
<pixelherodev> Except no
<pixelherodev> Hmm
<pixelherodev> maybe tho
<leeward> Calling SYS_exit isn't likely to do good things on freestanding or any non-posix.
<pixelherodev> True
<pixelherodev> Maybe I should just call an UNREACHABLE function?
<pixelherodev> Or panic?
<pixelherodev> @panic("Unreachable") equivalent?
<forgot-password> Is there any documentation on calling conventions?
<pixelherodev> Not really, sorta, kinda
<pixelherodev> LLVM docs currently, for most of em
<forgot-password> Is `Stdcall` the default one?
<forgot-password> I just want to export a function for use by another Zig program, so I don't need any c compatibility or anything.
<leeward> Use the default then.
<leeward> pub functionToExport() !void
<pixelherodev> forgot-password: the default is Unspecified
<pixelherodev> Which is explicitly, well, unspecified
<pixelherodev> the compiler can do whatever
<pixelherodev> If you export it, it needs to be specified explicitly IIRC
<pixelherodev> if it's @import-ed, the compiler handles it for you
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<leeward> Oh, you mean with `export`?
<pixelherodev> That's what I was referring to
<pixelherodev> *I* *
<leeward> \o/
<forgot-password> pixelherodev: I'll just chose one then, thank you :)
<pixelherodev> forgot-password: you're using with Zig stuff, right?
<pixelherodev> Are you @import ing it?
<forgot-password> I can't
<forgot-password> Well I will just import the type definition, but I need to produce a shared library
<pixelherodev> Shared libraries?
<pixelherodev> Gotcha
<forgot-password> Yep ;)
<pixelherodev> One option is to have the callconv defined by the build system
<pixelherodev> So you can use e.g. `zig build --callconv blah`
<pixelherodev> That way, as long as the library and client use the same callconv, you're good
<forgot-password> It's one codebase anyways, so I'll just have it share the definition
<forgot-password> Is there a reason to prefer some calling convention above others?
<forgot-password> over*
<pixelherodev> fastcc is fastest, coldcc is good for functions that aren't called often, ccc is... only worth it if you want C libraries to work
<pixelherodev> etc
<leeward> Someone probably ought to add a callconv section to
<pixelherodev> Not it
<pixelherodev> I *can* do docs
<leeward> Maybe under #Keyword-Reference?
<pixelherodev> But I'm much better at the actual code
<pixelherodev> :P
<leeward> I think until we get a tech writer that will be true of every contributor.
<forgot-password> I stumbled across ziglearn a few days ago. Looks really promising.
<pixelherodev> I mean, I *can* do technical docs, and pretty well if I do say so myself
<forgot-password> It's obviously not as in-depth the docs, but it gives a very nice overview
<pixelherodev> Problem is, I can *also* do code
<pixelherodev> and code tends to be more in demand :P
<pixelherodev> leeward: now for the fun part
<pixelherodev> I mentioned static earlier: Zig by default does the whole module as one
<pixelherodev> So should the CBE do that too, and mark everything static? Well, yes and no
<pixelherodev> It's useful as a default mode for simplistic output, yes, but if you want to actually look at the C afterwards, we need to auto-generate multiple files
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<leeward> #include "module_thing.c"
<leeward> ^abomination
<pixelherodev> lol, not what I meant
<pixelherodev> I meant auto-generation of headers and such
<pixelherodev> so e.g. std.os.exit(1) should result in auto-inclusion of a header std/os.h
<pixelherodev> and exit would be put into std/os.c
<leeward> If you wanted to make everything static, that would be a way to do it. Not a good way.
<pixelherodev> Not everything would be static
<pixelherodev> Everything non-public would be
<pixelherodev> Every public would be non-static
<pixelherodev> (and visible in the header)
<leeward> Yeah, that's the right way to do it.
<pixelherodev> That's... what I meant all along?
<leeward> I know.
<pixelherodev> "That wouldn't be a good way" -> "that's the right way"
<pixelherodev> I didn't change what I was saying though :P
<leeward> Oh, the way I said.
<pixelherodev> Ahhhh
<pixelherodev> #include ".c"?
<pixelherodev> yeah ew
<leeward> "that wouldn't be a good way" was at something I said, the right way was something you said.
<leeward> Text: not the best of media.
<pixelherodev> This'll be harder to conveniently test
<pixelherodev> Well
<pixelherodev> Tests could use single-file output
<leeward> A nice thing that might fall out of this is sensible header file generation. That's one of the things blocking a project I have.
<leeward> If --emit-h hooked into the C backend, it would be better.
<pixelherodev> Currently, we don't have that?
<pixelherodev> Or, not well?
<leeward> It's...not the best.
<pixelherodev> leeward: mind taking a look at a sample real quick?
<leeward> sure
<pixelherodev> Wait ugh
<pixelherodev> One sec
<pixelherodev> that's not right
<leeward> looks suspiciously familiar
<pixelherodev> Yeah I know
<pixelherodev> Wrong thing
<pixelherodev> Give me ~two minutes
<pixelherodev> Or not. stupid inline asm
<pixelherodev> leeward: does that look reasonable for an auto-generated `pub fn main() u8 { return N; }` ?
<pixelherodev> Actually, some of those calls are marked always_inline
<pixelherodev> We should do that at the CBE level
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<leeward> That does look reasonable, though most of it probably ought to be in rt.c or something.
<leeward> Too bad C's "inline" keyword is basically useless. The only effect it has in GCC is to disable the unused warning.
<ifreund> the order of evaluation for initialization of struct fields is defined right?
<ifreund> like, I can do this and expect it to work:
<pixelherodev> leeward: most of it would be in start.c
<pixelherodev> (for multi-file output)
<leeward> ifreund: Oof, side effects. I believe I did read something about that.
<leeward> pixelherodev: Yeah, that looks good then. For single-file output we have to tolerate a bunch of boilerplate.
<pixelherodev> Most of that would be in std/{start,os}.zig
<pixelherodev> s/zig/c
<ifreund> i know this has bit me in C++ before wrt order of evaluation for function parameters
<pixelherodev> unreachable probably needs to be user-defined for freestanding, but on standard targets we can probably define it as std.os.exit(1) or something like that
<ifreund> if you use an initializer list in C++ the order of evaluation is well defined
<pixelherodev> Or, down the line, do the optimizations and remove the unreachable before hitting cgen
<pixelherodev> The biggest problem here is e.g. never_inline
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<pixelherodev> Can't translate those without compiler-specific extensions
<pixelherodev> So, by default, they probably shouldn't be translated at all
<pixelherodev> Going to be volleying a test harness modification patch shortly
<ifreund> does that actually break anything? or is it just bad for perf
<pixelherodev> ifreund: hopefully, neither
<pixelherodev> never_inline can be used if you want to force the compiler to evaluate inline asm without doing anything else
<ifreund> i mean, there's a reason we have never_inline right?
<pixelherodev> e.g. on freestanding, to read registers from the firmware before the compiler overwrites them
<pixelherodev> So yeah
<pixelherodev> But IMO there should be a better way anyways
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<andrewrk> marler8997, yeah it's just for register allocation, so that the codegen knows when it can re-use registers
<andrewrk> when an instruction "dies" then it's not referenced anymore, so the stack memory or register it was stored in can be reused
<andrewrk> I'm pleased with the scheme I came up with to store the results of the liveness analysis
<andrewrk> nearly free in terms of memory usage, and only requires 1 pass over to compute, which is the theoretical minimum
<ifreund> sounds quite optimial indeed
<pixelherodev> Recommended compiler flags will probably end up being along the lines of `-pedantic -std=c11 -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -nostdlib -nostdinc -fno-builtin -Wno-main` lol
<pixelherodev> (since we effectively replace libc with zig's stdlib)
<leeward> So...what happens if I use the C backend to generate a bunch of C code, then zig cc it? I'm not sure what I think should happen, but "smite" is probably involved.
<pixelherodev> lol
<pixelherodev> It should compile without issue
<pixelherodev> Given that zig cc is currently just clang :(
<pixelherodev> If I eventually get my way and add a CFE, it'll still probably be supported
<pixelherodev> I can't imagine why it wouldn't
<pixelherodev> Hmm, C tests need to use a separate harness
<pixelherodev> They can't partake in the normal update process
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<andrewrk> pixelherodev, are you sure they can't? even if it mean redoing all the work
<andrewrk> update() just means do the same compilation again
<pixelherodev> Well, true
<pixelherodev> Some of it can just be unreachable
* pixelherodev shrugs
<andrewrk> for a C backend that means just recompile the changed files
<pixelherodev> I'm not obsessing over this rn
<pixelherodev> I'm only setting this up so I can use it to work on the actual CBE
<pixelherodev> This part can be fully redone later if desired
<andrewrk> yeah this is sort of what I was getting at earlier regarding making "destructive" changes to the code, and then reworking them back in later
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<andrewrk> you saw me do that technique when adding Zig AST->ZIR support
<ifreund> hmm, why can't I do Foo{ .x = 3 }.methodOnFoo();
<ifreund> i guess the syntactic sugar isn't quite sweet enough :P
<ifreund> gotta do Foo.method(Foo{ .x = 3 }) instead
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<fengb> Foo.method(.{ .x = 3 })
<fengb> I think adding parens makes the method syntax work: (Foo{}).method()
<ifreund> indeed, adding the parens works