I'm using a type system with types dependent on both types and values, but place an additional restriction that no type variable should survive the optimizations
i.e. every type must only depend on constants.
interesting choice of language to build this on top of
but my interest is very piqued
micahjohnston_: the rationale was very simple
Ruby is quite mature, and features extensive metaprogramming facilities which are somewhat widely accepted
I don't really know another language satisfying these conditions
(if we only look at top20 of TIOBE.)
well, they're all runtime, so if your type system stuff allows it all to be compile time, I am definitely interested
or else it doesn't really seem like a systems language
heh. optimizing metaprogramming to be fast at runtime is hard. I don't like hard problems, so I simply avoid them
the compilation consists of two phases.
in the first phase, the compiler essentially features a Ruby interpreter and a more or less regular Ruby runtime featuring all the well-known dynamism.
of course, the semantics of the target is completely preserved; we don't need yet another autotools problem.
in the second one, the compiler begins analysis of the resulting image (think of it as of a Smalltalk virtual image) from several defined entry points
actual runtime semantics is quite restricted and it actually features very little metaprogramming. There is however a reason this will still be very convenient, and it's quite simple.
real-world, production-quality Ruby programs aren't very dynamic after they load all the dependencies. Even stronger, most call sites are monomorphic
(which is the main reason they can be efficiently optimized by runtimes like JRuby)
There are however some call sites which are inherently megamorphic, such as internal `yield' in Array#each.
CLR solves this by adding generic classes; JVM doesn't try to solve this problem per se, as it, very unfortunately, has type erasure, but can improve performance of them by inlining these methods in their immediate caller
after which in most cases the call site becomes monomorphic
oh yeah, I've heard that about ruby programs, that most dynamism happens in setup
that's a really cool idea, creating an image by running fully privileged code
kind of reminds me of something in paws, actually
the interpretive preprocessor
Ole Agesen has achieved some very impressive results while applying this to Self software
fully privileged paws code is run on the ast
kind of lisp macros but like
not so segregated
I guess
ruby's metaprogrammning can be thought of a poor man's macros sometimes
oh cool, there seems to be a lot of awesome research about self and slate and those
that I'm not too familiar with
Ole Agesen's thesis is really awesome. It also features an extensive overview of prior art.
Ok. So.
Back to bidi-DFA.
First I should explain one thing which is, I think, somewhat unusual for compilers in general.
In my compiler, optimizations--at least some of them-- are not optional, but on the contrary, are actually guaranteed.
I.e. whatever you write inside `if false; end' will not only be stripped from the resulting binary
but the complier will explicitly not analyze that code and thus will skip any semantic errors.
Given that SCCP is also mandatory, this allows for writing code which is guaranteed to compile to very simple instruction sequences for a common case [with a constant operand], but gracefully degrade to a more complex one with an uncommon case.
The key word here is `guaranteed'. If sometimes I'll have a spec, the spec will require and specify this behavior.
oh that's cool
("a spec" as in "a formal separate document describing the language and runtime.")
I really like this idea
I have a feeling that elliott would get over his dislike of staticness for this idea too
hm, what's next...
The types in the type system are just Ruby classes, and thus values. In the interpreted phase, you can freely manipulate them however you want.
Want to construct a type dependent on some computation with a piece of code reading an external file? No prob.
That's just Ruby code.
This allows to implement behavior which would otherwise be a part of the language in the stdlib, in pure Ruby.
are you adopting ruby's syntax, warts and all?
In particular I have a 100 LOC implementation of a DSL for atomically setting bitfields in registers which looks like this: "PERIA.regfoo = { a: 10, b: :bar }"
that's hardcore
you won't believe how much hoops you'll need to jump over to achieve the same result in C++
and I'm not sure if you even can do that at all, much less portably
in C you can't.
Ada features this as a syntax.
Oh also, have I mentioned that you can write compiler plugins which operate on both HIR [high-level intermediate representation] and LIR?
I like the arbitrary precision integer types
oh that sounds very nice
The former is equivalent to macros; the latter allows for things like precise edge profiling.
this sounds like it could be easy to write programs that already run fast
like, competing with C speed without effort
pretty much.
you *have* to compete with C to gain anything in embedded :)
oh also, the debugger/analyzer alexgordon was talking about could easily be implemented within the language or as a compiler plugin, it seems
yea, debugger would be a compiler plugin
there is some quite complicated machinery required to make it work with LLVM over remote targets which possibly execute code from ROM and don't have JTAG
but back to typeclasses!
as I've said, I need to perform bidirectional DFA to infer all types
the most obvious reason to have backwards DFA is to infer block type signature from its usage.
I'm however going to extend that concept and add something I'd call "ad-hoc typeclasses".
So, if a certain method receives a variable `a' and calls `a.b(10)' and then `a.c()', then, in absence of more specific info about a's type--essentially, when a's type is a free type variable--the inferencer could deduce a partial type by going backwards from usage to definition
Something along {b<Integer,*>;c<*>}
so what exactly is bidirectional dfa?
you define a dfa to analyze the type of an expression, so you can run it backwards?
The rationale for this behavior is as follows: Sometimes, type inferencer could not construct a single fully qualified type just by performing one iteration
so, it would perform several ones and combine the results
micahjohnston_: um, no
I love static duck typing things like this
bidirectional dataflow analysis is a kind of DFA which propagates type information in both directions: through use-def edges and def-use ones
oh, data flow analysis
thought you meant automata, haha
there's a recent-ish research on how to perform it efficiently; Static Single Information form
yeah right now I'm writing a functional reactive language so I convert ASTs to data flow graphs and then analyze/compile them
if in SSA, you have phi nodes which "join" different definitions, then in SSI you also have sigma nodes which "split" them prior to control flow divergence
that's details though
I don't quite remember how the whole phi thing works
I was going to compile to llvm once but then I didn't :P
* whitequark
you can just use stack slots and then do mem2reg
llvm will run dominance frontier calculation for you
I know some of those words
sorry I am a compiler-theory philistine :P
ah I understand dominance frontiers now
thanks wikipedia
<3 graph theory
Let it be known that micahjohnston_ hearts graph theory.
is mem2reg an optimization that takes llvm code using memory and makes it use registers?
spares you from having to construct ssa
oh nice
so in llvm "registers" are the ssa names?
I think it's just the transform which is named weirdly
ok nice
so an SSA graph is basically a data flow graph, right?
actually you can more or less throw any crap which passes verification at llvm and it will make sense of it :3
like, data flow where nodes are statements?
well, instructions
micahjohnston_: combined CFG+DFG
you also have basic blocks
what's DFG?
data flow graph
ahh ok
control flow graph + dataflow graph
well you don't *have* to build a DFG there, but it's convenient, LLVM does it and so do I
I thought you were saying context free grammar at first, haha
man there is a lot of acronym overloading in this field
sure thing
ok so you use phi at dominance frontiers?
well kinda, placing phi nodes across dominance frontier is optimal in terms of time/space
this is cool
well, I'm off to dinner
be back in a bit probably
though it's 6AM here
* whitequark
oh, we're just about 12 hours apart :P
I have a theory
That elliott brought whitequark in to bring back micahjohnston from his not-programming.
I have been programming a lot recently
but it's just been a game in C++ and a level editor that runs in the browser
no language dev
alexgordon has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
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<elliottcable> oh gods eboyjr is a progress bar
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<malia> Jenna is jenna and your friend and that is cool
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<Nuck> $20 on devyn turning out gay because of elliottcable
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I really hope Google and Tesla team up to make the ultimate self-driving electric car
Cause that'd be REALLY cool
And I can't imagine a better team
<devyn> yes, dad, I am paws
$ git commit --amen
this may be the ugliest code I've ever written