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<vil> also why the fuck would you not have tmux installed
<vil> really
<elliottcable> vil ⑊ hm?
<vil> school servers don't have tmux installed
<vil> makes me sad
<vil> anyway
<vil> elliottcable: so you have a Leap now, how is it?
<elliottcable> yep
<elliottcable> yep
<vil> cool, cool
<vil> I pre-ordered a MYO yesterday, can't wait for that
<elliottcable> looked at it
<whitequark> oooh ruby syntax
<whitequark> I wrote a lexer which is very understandable imo
<whitequark> nested. heredocs.
<alexgordon> elliottcable: ^ another person who uses ragel, I'm not alone!
alexgordon is now known as drparse
<whitequark> ragel is cool
<whitequark> but it plays way better with C than pure Ruby
<drparse> yeah I don't use it with dynamic languages
<drparse> it works pretty much the same either way
<drparse> i.e., not gaining much from dynamic languages anyway
<whitequark> well, the culprit is iterating through each symbol
<whitequark> regexps are 2x-or-so faster
<whitequark> I'm actually surprised that ragel parser isn't 10x or so slower than the regexp one
gqbrielle has joined #elliottcable
<gqbrielle> so quiet a room
<whitequark> ... says a person who's been there for just one minute
<gqbrielle> the last three times i've been in here for 20+ minutes and no one's been fucking here
<drparse> whitequark: a lot can happen in a minute, or so I say
<gqbrielle> i usually say something when i log in
<gqbrielle> then sit for 20 minutes
<gqbrielle> then leave
<gqbrielle> so YAY
<gqbrielle> PEOPLE
<gqbrielle> ...none of whom i know
<drparse> gqbrielle: your nemesis is here
<drparse> gqbrielle: also you know me, hopefully
drparse is now known as alexgordon
<gqbrielle> well, yeah, NOW
<gqbrielle> i can't with you people & your changing nicks
* gqbrielle curls up in a ball, pillbug style
<gqbrielle> my nemesis?
<alexgordon> *cough* elliottcable
<gqbrielle> lol i thought you meant darkf
<purr> lol
<gqbrielle> i was like WHY
<alexgordon> oh
<alexgordon> no fuck him
* gqbrielle pokes elliottcable with a stick
<alexgordon> elliottcable is going for a JOB interview
<gqbrielle> whaaat
<alexgordon> he needs help
<gqbrielle> hmmm
<alexgordon> also, help with his interview
<gqbrielle> don't do what i did with my last job interview
<gqbrielle> i gave the lady finger guns & tongue-clicked at her
<gqbrielle> i was uh
<gqbrielle> nervous
<alexgordon> I… see...
<gqbrielle> heh
<alexgordon> one ellipsis of each type, just in case you were lacking
<gqbrielle> thanks
<alexgordon> I'm so considerate
* gqbrielle puts them in their ellipsis wallet
<alexgordon> gqbrielle: actually he said he's going for a pairing audition, so it could be a date. Fuck if I know
<gqbrielle> ...all google is giving me is meaning submitting writing samples to write for slashfiction blogs
<gqbrielle> mostly homestuck
<gqbrielle> so uh
<gqbrielle> that's what i'm choosing to believe.
<alexgordon> Elliott/Cable: opening the drobo
<gqbrielle> today is my birthday
<alexgordon> now WHY didn't you mention that first?
<gqbrielle> because i was distracted because people were actually talking
<alexgordon> is it really your birthday? when it's my birthday I'm all like "MOTHERFUCKERS, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY"
<alexgordon> well happy birthday!
<gqbrielle> thank you!
<whitequark> gqbrielle: wait homestuck is shashfiction?!
<whitequark> and I even considered reading it once
<gqbrielle> whitequark: homestuck is a webcomic
<whitequark> gqbrielle: that's what I thought
<gqbrielle> a very popular one
<gqbrielle> hence there are numerous slashfiction blogs about it
<whitequark> oh...
<gqbrielle> as tends to happen on Le Internets.
<alexgordon> well
<alexgordon> I've got to sleep
<alexgordon> because, I said I'd push a build today, but I didn't, so I'd better do it tomorrow morning while it's still today in america
<alexgordon> 'gnight
<gqbrielle> night night
<vil> gqbrielle!
<gqbrielle> vil!
<vil> gqbrielle: how's life?
<gqbrielle> vil: pretty good! it's my birthday
<gqbrielle> i'm working up the nerve to try & convince my brother to give me a haircut
<vil> happy birthday! :D
<gqbrielle> thank you!
alexgordon has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<sanitypassing> you know, I used to hate it when my English professor gave us a topic for our essays. But now that I have to write an "open" essay for another class, I kinda see why she did that.
<sanitypassing> I'm 3/5 done with the essay, and can't think of anything more to say.
<gqbrielle> yeah, i really hate 'open' essays
<sanitypassing> well, on the plus side, it's pretty much impossible to get anything less than a B on this essay
<gqbrielle> that's good at least
<sanitypassing> aaaand done
<sanitypassing> I like short, easy essays. <3.
<sanitypassing> as long as I can think of content to write, at least. Had that problem with this one...
<Nuck> Holy shit this room is semi-active
<Nuck> Hi gqbrielle, sanitypassing, vil, etc.
<sanitypassing> Hi.
<sanitypassing> I rediscovered irc.
<gqbrielle> Nuck: ikr
<vil> hi Nuck
<gqbrielle> see whitequark, i told you it's unusual for there to be people here
<Nuck> gqbrielle: I give it three days before it dies again, tops
* gqbrielle grumps
<gqbrielle> Nuck: then it'll be just us again
<gqbrielle> watting at each other
<vil> whitequark: hello, also. I don't believe we've met
<gqbrielle> across a silent IRC landscape
<Nuck> gqbrielle: what
<gqbrielle> Nuck: wat
<Nuck> gqbrielle: wat
<vil> Nuck: you've done it wrong
<gqbrielle> Nuck: wat
<Nuck> gqbrielle: wat
<gqbrielle> Nuck: wat
<Nuck> gqbrielle: wat
<vil> Nuck: leave and try again
<Nuck> vil: shhh we're watting
<gqbrielle> Nuck: wat
<vil> WAT
<vil> WAT
<gqbrielle> hahaha
<vil> WAT
<vil> WAT
<purr> lol
<vil> -duck
<vil> -purr
* purr
<Nuck> -duck
<Nuck> -goose
<vil> oh good, purr is purr again
<gqbrielle> how many watts can a woodchuck watt if a woodchuck could watt watt
<sanitypassing> oh god what is going on
<vil> sanitypassing: hehehe
<vil> the usual
<vil> of course
<Nuck> gqbrielle: 1.21 gigawatts
<sanitypassing> I look away for one minute, and suddenly backlog.
<Nuck> sanitypassing: Our sanity is passing.
<sanitypassing> <3.
<gqbrielle> haha
<vil> WAT
<Nuck> As our sanity passes, we become elliotts ourselves, and eventually this room forms into a giant blob of elliott-matter.
<sanitypassing> so yeah
<sanitypassing> anyone here play Magic: The Gathering?
<gqbrielle> nope. why, you considering getting into it?
<sanitypassing> Already am into it.
<sanitypassing> Building a deck online currently.
<sanitypassing> Added 12 cards.
<sanitypassing> Already worth ~$140
<vil> nice
<sanitypassing> M:TG is an expensive game.
<Nuck> I know a guy who is supposedly one of the best in the Michigan-ish region at M:TG
<sanitypassing> Name?
<sanitypassing> Might know him. I know a few people who play in Michigan.
<Nuck> Uh, Tony?
<sanitypassing> Nope.
<sanitypassing> Don't know him.
<Nuck> Don't remember his last name, he usually just went by the name "Mavyrk" online
<sanitypassing> yeah, don't know him.
<gqbrielle> oh my god pidgin
<gqbrielle> i will bite you
<sanitypassing> lol pidgin
<purr> lol
<gqbrielle> fffffffff
<sanitypassing> >mfw pidgin
<Nuck> ^
<gqbrielle> heh
<sanitypassing> oh god this deck is already up to $260
<sanitypassing> STANDARD, Y U SO EXPENSIVE?
<gqbrielle> heh
<gqbrielle> reasons i do not play MTG: 1) sexist brodawgs 2) i has a broke
<sanitypassing> 1) not all of us are. D: 2) yeah...
<sanitypassing> this game is too damn expensive
<gqbrielle> the existence of sexist brodawgs
<gqbrielle> not that all the players ARE sexist brodawgs
<gqbrielle> overwhelming existence, that is
<sanitypassing> that is true...
<Nuck> The same can be said about Reddit and 4chan
<sanitypassing> indeed
<gqbrielle> yep, and i don't particularly enjoy those two things either
<gqbrielle> easier to deal with when it's online though
<sanitypassing> I need more creatures in this deck...
* gqbrielle adds a mouse to sanitypassing's deck
<sanitypassing> Pack Rat deck. Every card is a Pack Rat.
<sanitypassing> EVERY card.
<sanitypassing> ALL of them.
<sanitypassing> PAAAACK RAAAAT
<gqbrielle> did i tell you guys i got parakeets?
<gqbrielle> i have parakeets
<Nuck> gqbrielle: Parakeets are cunts.
<sanitypassing> s/parakeets/animals/
<Nuck> And YOU are Richard Stallman
<sanitypassing> I'm up to ~$300 for a single deck.
<Nuck> Dude, like 5 lines ago it was $100
<sanitypassing> I should throw in a few Tarmagoyfs just to make it ~$1,000
<sanitypassing> check some of the card prices.
<sanitypassing> Especially the land types.
<gqbrielle> Nuck: lol richard stallman. my parakeets will EAT YOUR FACE, or at least your fingers, whatever
<purr> lol
<gqbrielle> one of them, anyway. one of them bites. the other one is an escape artist.
<Nuck> gqbrielle: My sister has a parakeet tht bit my brother's finger and left a permanent scar
<sanitypassing> there
<sanitypassing> $350 for a 60 card, standard-legal deck.
<gqbrielle> Nuck: if your brother was like you he probably deserved it 8D
<sanitypassing> TIME TO PLAYTEST
<Nuck> gqbrielle: Nah my brother is cuntlier.
<gqbrielle> well there you go
<gqbrielle> lol
<Nuck> Throws a hissy-fit no less than once a week
<Nuck> He's like 5 years older than me >_>
<gqbrielle> excellent
<gqbrielle> also aww
<gqbrielle> little baby nuck
<gqbrielle> later suckers
gqbrielle has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<vil> ugh ssh-agent is broken on my server over ssh
<vil> too tired to figure out how to fix it
<Nuck> My laptop lacks an ssh agent
<vil> ew
<Nuck> Well, one which supports my keys
<Nuck> Since I switched to ECDSA
<vil> the fuck is that
<Nuck> Fucking Apple compiled without support for ECDSA
<Nuck> vil: Better public key system
<vil> reading wikipedia
<Nuck> More security in smaller files, even more unbroken than RSA
<Nuck> Apparently now the default for OpenSSH
<vil> interesting
<Nuck> Yeah, I only use my old RSA key for a few things now
<vil> too much effort
<vil> how do I fix this
<vil> halp
<vil> ssh-agent is running, but the tmux session was spawned before it, so everything is confused
<Nuck> vil: Kill tmux and restart it
<vil> but everything is running in it
<vil> ^
<sanitypassing> YOU SICK BASTARDS
<sanitypassing> lolwat
<purr> lol
<Nuck> DEAD.
<Nuck> BABIES.
<Nuck> ARE.
<Nuck> FUNNY.
<vil> also I bet a dollar that if I get it attached, Keychain Access will display the prompt, meaning that I can't use it from the terminal anyway
<vil> goddammit
<vil> fuck it
<vil> going to bed
<vil> o7
<purr> <alexgordon> I guess it kinda makes sense, in a weird elliottcable kind of way
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<Nuck> Well that's a new level of sucky that has been requested of me from family
<Nuck> "Hey Peter, you know computers, go fix the thermostat"
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<purr> <Nuck> With gqbe as the dictator \ Because all democracies need a dictator.
<purr> <devyn> why can't syslinux find menu.c32 :/
<Nuck> There's some shitty things in purr's wats
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<purr> <Nuck____________> devyn________: Srsly bro
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<Nuck> vil-lian.
<Nuck> That was your cue, vil. Missed it, dude.
<Nuck> According to these emails from mid-2011 I already signed up for NFSN
<Nuck> With the same username I have todat
<vil> muhuhahahahahaha
<vil> there you go, Nuck
<purr> <alexgordon> Judofyr: don't worry, micahjohnston is practically in kindergarten
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<purr> <Nuck> American English is a better-maintained fork of the English language.
<devyn> pfh, modern English is dumb
<alexgordon> yeah
<alexgordon> now that I've researched quite a few languages, I realize how badly designed English is
<elliottcable> Hi.
<alexgordon> hi elliottcable
<elliottcable> how is
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ Nah, you'll never be like me.
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ to your own benefit
notalexgordon is now known as notelliottcable
<elliottcable> bored.
<elliottcable> Holy shit, I just installed a Rubygem from http://gems.github.com/
<alexgordon> quite
<elliottcable> ba-last from the pa-ast
<elliottcable> hihihihih
<alexgordon> we need micah
* alexgordon summons micah
<elliottcable> wat
<elliottcable> yeah, where *is* micah? I haven't talked to him in nigh forever
<elliottcable> shit. hope he isn't dead.
<elliottcable> micahjohnston_ ⑊ micahjohnston micahjohnston__ micahjohnston___ micahjohnston_*
<elliottcable> speck
<elliottcable> is that a word? for real? it looks really weird.
<elliottcable> English is weird.
<sanitypassing> English is *very* weird.
<sanitypassing> god damn it I can't read my own handwriting.
<alexgordon> that's a lot of micahs
<elliottcable> yep
<elliottcable> hi alexgordon
<elliottcable> I'm writing ruby lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> sorta
<elliottcable> updating some old projects, to get the hang of things again
<alexgordon> "elliottcable: goes for interview at js shop; starts learning ruby."
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ wat.
<elliottcable> it's a Ruby shop that recently switched to JS.
<elliottcable> some of their codebase is still Ruby; and more importantly, all of their devs save one are Ruby devs who are new-ish to JS.
<elliottcable> Learning the lingo.
<alexgordon> elliottcable: just confuse them with regexes and division
* elliottcable laughs
<alexgordon> they'll think you're a GENIUS
<elliottcable> gemspecs have gotten powerful since I left
* elliottcable tries to figure out GPG
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