I feel like what Paws.js is doing is wrong
and I'm not really sure why it's doing it
completely possible, Paws.js is terrible :P
what's wrong with it?
well what Paws.js is doing is what you'd naively expect to happen, but the thing is, by the time [infrastructure execution branch[] []] has been evaluated, `implementation void` has already been evaluated... and impl void only accepts one caller (obviously)
but it ends up getting both
and (should) discard one
which is why that's happening in Paws.rs
errrr hol on readin' the code again
"only accepts one caller"
re-phrase that, or elaborate?
reduce it to a single example for now
infrastructure execution branch[] [] stages original and clone with each other
then both go to implementation void
but it's the same implementation void
not two separate instances
so it only uses one as the caller
why is it the same implementation void?
the semantics of <execution> <message> is call-pattern, i.e. it involves a clone *at combination-time*
well why wouldn't it be? `implementation void` is evaluated first, which gets a single instance, that goes on the stack...
there's a clone involved?
yes, and that single instance is cloned twice, and the *original* instance, the result of `implementation void` (generated by your own generative-natives-thingamajig) is actually never resumed!
that's the only reason the **non** generative-version, the naive implementation, works at all
yes. Paws itself, if you don't call stage() explicitly, will never stage an actual execution by combination.
oh boy, well then, I think there's a lot wrong
in Paws.rs
a lot? D:
that shouldn't be too big a change, no?
shouldn't, but I did some things that I think kinda relied on that assumption
it always clones first. the semantics of `foo [...]`, when foo results in an procedure and [] produces multiple values because the current execution is resumed multiple times, is to A) clone `foo`, B) stage the clone, and C) unstage the current-execution
hrm. any specifics?
this is what happens when your specification is terrible. |=
a) execution-style receivers are supposed to loop indefinitely in my impl in order to handle more than one invocation,
b) the whole namespace thing I talked about, where aliens get cloned
I think that's it
hi sorry grandpa called
namespace thing?
that should still totally work; that's basically *according* to spec.
namespace thing: impl and infra and etc. have a custom receiver that clones any aliens before delivering them
the only way that might deviate a little is if somebody actually wanted to grab an infrastructure procedure, and advance it once, and have that advancement apply across all callers
which is really weird and not useful and probably dangerous
in the usual case of using combination to invoke them, they'll *already* be cloned, so it won't make any difference that the original thing being cloned is *already* a generated clone
make sense?
as for A), not sure I grasp
okay, for A): receivers are supposed to take an object [, caller, subject, message]... my impl just assumes they can do this infinitely; it doesn't try to clone them
should it?
as for the namespace thing, well, now that I know that combination involves a clone, it just seems like an unnecessary clone
if someone wants to stage[] a bare alien that they got, say, implementation void, without combining it first, then they should know they (probably want) to branch it first
"assumes they can do this indefinately"
lemme think for a second here
if they're native, that's not dangerous.
the only thing that precludes,
is making a native receiver able to do Other Work, by being manually staged in another way, *after* having been manually staged (not as a receiver) with receiver-data
which is a very very very strange situation o_O
and I don't believe I can see any situation in which precluding that will cause any real harm to abstraction-builders.
oh w-
no i'm a dumb
okay. so.
receivers *have* to be cloned, because if you write a libside receiver, it has to be able to receive further combinations, *so that it can call things*.
yah. so, you can only assume infinite-recallability with native receivers. (remember, native == previously-called-alien, ughterminology)
does that destroy that optimization?
what I'll do in that case, then, is if the receiver is a stageable ObjectReceiver, it gets branched
if it's a NativeReceiver, it's just a plain function fn (&Machine, Params) -> Reaction anyway, so there's nothing to clone
and I think that still works, because NativeReceivers often don't require calling other things
mcc has joined #elliottcable
if they do, they can either be Alien ObjectReceivers instead,
or the NativeReceiver can create an Alien or whatever
so yeah I don't think this breaks that optimization, ELLIOTTCABLE
anyway, I'm going to be gone for a few hours
here's a thought:
optimization-wise, don't allow *native* receivers to call other things. *at all*.
perhaps native receivers can be synchronous in all cases.
then if you need asynchronous operations, require that they be **composed libside**.
like, write the native parts of those receivers as normal native executions, (not NativeReceivers), and then treat them as normal executions.
right? that cool?
no, no, NativeReceivers can call *exactly one thing* (that's what the Reaction) type is, so if they want to create their own Aliens to continue and React with that, that works
er, misplaced end paren, but lol
they get the caller as part of Params, so they can do whatever they want with that
usually they just React(params.caller, whatever)
but they don't necessarily have to
“ exactly one thing* (that's what the Reaction) type” wat
if you infrastructure receiver[] them, it actually wraps them up into an alien
*can* we skip the queue for any receiver, like that?
I believe so. if it's unsafe, that's up to the NativeReceiver function to machine.enqueue() instead of React-ing
oh, you said it *can* queue, instead of preforming a reaction itself?
(if I understand correctly, React is your event-loop body, right?)
well React() just means do-this-immediately
or you can Yield, which says go-back-to-the-queue
so NativeReceivers can electively, themselves, preform a “shorted” loop, on the stack?
yes, so can Aliens
we talked about this before :p
anyway I'mma be back later
ELLIOTTCABLE: on a scale from MLK to Churchill, how drunk are you right now?
Uh, what.
||<----------> || by my reckoning
I'm completely sober at ten past five in the afternoon, getting ready to hop in the shower and then head out hunting down a trail-head up at Hatcher's Pass
Fuckin' Alaska™
devyn: although we did discuss situations where the *implementation* may need to be able to (or already can) jump the queue,
A) that requires a design change, and definitely needs some more discussion,
idk man your 7 tweets in a row…
brb getting 50% packet loss
gonna reset the router
but more importantly B) I *really* don't think that power should be handed over to an external API.
hell, the *act of jumping the queue* as has been discussed, is still actually working within the bounds of the design of the queue … we're just changing the semantics for the orodering of the queue itself.
I can't imagine where it'd be a good idea to hand an API consumer the central reactor and say “Hey, throw some shit in here to be run, but remember <all of the semantics of Paws' ownership and safety>, and make sure not to violate any of them at all, 'kaysies?”
really think it's best to only hand them the "put this in the queue" (i.e. reactor.stage() or .push() or whatever), and then do any possible queue-jumping / immediate-evaluation in an encapsulated methodology
vigs: I'm elliott, I'm still elliott when sober, I'm just *more* elliott when drunk
ahh, the feeling of not-51.4% packet loss
ELLIOTTCABLE: well, Paws.rs is meant to be a fast impl which kinda means I have to let API consumers do potentially unsafe things
that's kinda the goal, really
you can be safe and always enqueue() or you can figure out what you need to do yourself
eligrey has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
ugh suppose that makes sense
wonder if there's any *safer* way to expose that sort of power …
or rather, I suppose, a middle ground.
your impl!
ELLIOTTCABLE: well, anyway, I actually feel like *almost always* jumping the queue is safe, and it's just data-graph related operations that have to be ordered, right?
so any charge[]-type operation, really
or implicit uncharge
(i.e. removing a member that was charged)
er, owned
sorry, I mean own[] or charge[], really
those need to be ordered, for sure
ELLIOTTCABLE: at the moment, my impl almost always jumps the queue even now, and it's able to run your examples no problem
ELLIOTTCABLE: anyway, I think I'll probably just do it this way, and if your Paws runnable-spec finds problems with the way this works, I can correct them
* vigs
enthusiastically pets purr
* purr
thsutton has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
I hoped I could have made the yesterday's blog post better. but oh well.
mcc has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
ELLIOTTCABLE: hah, I think I already found a problem with my queue jumping :p
ELLIOTTCABLE: yeahhhh stage_receiver (i.e. exe/alien default receiver) jumping the queue is definitely a bad idea
ELLIOTTCABLE: I still don't like the idea of touching the queue so often... hoping I can think of a better optimization
talk me through it
well basically I've fixed test-branch.paws
not cloning was an issue, but the other issue was that I made stage_receiver skip the queue
which led to a bit of an ordering mess
once I made it enqueue() instead, that was fixed
anyway, I have no idea how to optimize things so there isn't so much touching the queue,
there's still quite a bit of queue-skipping, but it seems to be a much safer sort
which part was skipping, and why was it unsafe?
seems to me, anything after branch (with regards to which of the two branches runs first) is inherently unordered.
haha, you're going to laugh
that's not a problem, that's a feature, if anything.
if you want to order them, create a mutex, use responsibility.
I was skipping the queue every time you jux
Execution and Alien default receivers
React() immediately rather than enqueue()ing
but that was causing problems with branch
yeah I getcha
as in, your conception of the *semantics* of "call-pattern" were completely off
not only in that they're supposed to clone,
but in that they're supposed to *queue*, not just invoke
eek :P
well, there's no 'just invoking' in v. 10, so I don't really know which queueing is necessary and which isn't
I have discovered that the stage_receiver's queueing is necessary.
I lol'd
I still haven't tried this out with multiple parallel reactors
I really want to
have you already got infrastructure for *actual locking*?
not responsibility shit, but, data-level locking within the implementation?
yeah, absolutely, I did that pretty early on
thought so, just checking
I have tests that test it in parallel
haven't actually *tried* it on real code
what's blocking on you actually "embarrassingly parallelizing" a Paws program?
ah gotcha
basically contention around locking on the queue. I need to either find a queue structure that works for this that doesn't lock so much,
I guess some kind of work-stealing system
so, back to pipelining:
how can we arrange multiple ops in a way that can be executed without cognizance of the greater environment.
okay bbl finishing a movie
basically I think it's up to the individual receivers and aliens to know that. for example, the Thing default receiver should *definitely* be safe
(and Paws.rs does currently short-circuit that)
Paws.rs/master 45a7b47 Devyn Cairns: Fix ordering, stage_receiver semantics: SR now clones and enqueue()s instead of simply React()ing
but I'd like to find a way for the reactor to *cheaply* know whether the Execution/Alien default receiver can safely be short-circuited
and whether it even needs to clone in the first place
because that would be huge, I think
if it can get away just cloning once for a multi-arg call-pattern,
that would be... fantastic
and if it doesn't have to touch the queue, that would be more fantastic
the locks themselves are quite cheap, it's just contention I'm worried about,
but I think avoiding cloning would be a bigger benefit
since allocation is obviously more expensive
than atomically flipping a bit on a lock
“12:35 AM <+devyn> but I'd like to find a way for the reactor to *cheaply* know whether the Execution/Alien default receiver can safely be short-circuited”
would give money for IRC read-recipts
“12:36 AM <+devyn> if it can get away just cloning once for a multi-arg call-pattern,”