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<whitequark> wow
<whitequark> I added a probe to my CNC mill and it leaks steps like the russian pump leaks water
<whitequark> something needs to be done with this, it's terrible. .1mm of displacement over 10mm Z move is typical
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<eintopf> whitequark: do you live in moscow?
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> eintopf: ^
<eintopf> cool
<whitequark> um
<whitequark> not really
<whitequark> hm, according to, the problem with lost steps is very well known and caused by missing caps on TB6560 drivers
<eintopf> why isn't cool?
<eintopf> oh the government etc...
<eintopf> and you need a gun to drive cars, I saw some russian dash cams videos
<eintopf> sorry, I know russian from tv and internet only
<whitequark> it's just a very poorly planned city that's pretty shitty to live in regardless of anything else
<whitequark> and expensive
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<eintopf> :(
<kyak> ..and yet it attracts people like holy grale...
<eintopf> I heard there are some devices for free
<eintopf> but...
<eintopf> windows, x86...
<eintopf> no
<whitequark> kyak: well, if the other places are even worse...
<eintopf> whitequark: how do use internet in russian, with tor or anything else?
<eintopf> I mean it's "free" there?
<whitequark> censored
<eintopf> ok.
<whitequark> although smaller ISPs don't have DPI hardware
<eintopf> :-(
<whitequark> so for example mine ignores the censorship rules
<eintopf> ah, ok
<whitequark> anyway, even if it didn't, I do everything via OpenVPN to UK
<eintopf> understand
<eintopf> ok
<whitequark> there's a saying, "the strictness of russian laws is compensated by optionality of conformance"
<whitequark> the censorship thing is an incredibly typical example
<whitequark> anyway. a law recently passed that would make storing *any* personal data outside RU illegal since 2016
<eintopf> :O
<eintopf> I didn't heard about this
<whitequark> obviously, it is absurd
<eintopf> but you don't want trouble with the russian police
<whitequark> hm?
<eintopf> if you store personal data on other servers
<eintopf> or it's only for government
<eintopf> :S
* whitequark shrugs
<whitequark> no one actually cares about personal data, it is a law written for selective enforcement
<whitequark> because, well, in the age of internet, personal data of literally anyone will be stored overseas somehow
<eintopf> mhh
<eintopf> my old mathematics professor cames from russian.
<eintopf> She didn't know that calculators can calculate determinate from matrix...
<eintopf> she never used one. :D
<eintopf> after she knows that, it was forbidden to used calculators in exam
<eintopf> okay maybe she used one but ten years ago...
<whitequark> um, sure
<whitequark> there's no point in using calculators on exams
<whitequark> if you need one, you screwed up somewhere
<eintopf> indeed
<eintopf> in digital logic exam, we could use a ~300 page script
<eintopf> but I need only one page
<eintopf> summarize of flip flops
<eintopf> okay, maybe you wouldn't need any page for this exam
<eintopf> was easy
<kyak> that's normal, calculators (even non-programmable) are not allowed during high-school final exams in maths
<kyak> you can use a ruler and reference books
<kyak> at least it raises confidence that future politicians/whatever won't get stumped by "how much is 7 by 8?" question
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* dos1 doesn't know how much is 7 by 8 without counting on fingers
<dos1> but when it takes me about 2-3 seconds, then I can't bother ;)
<whitequark> well
<whitequark> I can add and multiply 3-digit numbers in my head, it's convenient when, say, you have a drawing with relative offsets and you need to go to absolute
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<whitequark> or when you need to know how much, if approximately, something in bulk will cost
<whitequark> a skill I use daily. so I say, fuck calculators, too much hassle
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<dos1> adding and substracting large numbers in head is easy; multiplication is a bit harder; for some factors like 7*8 I need some quick help with fingers, but once result is already in short term memory it's no big deal; but with both factors being 3-digit I'd have problem to do it entirely in head
<dos1> but if only there's some piece of paper available (like on exam), there's absolutely no need for calculator...
<whitequark> yeh paper too
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<DocScrutinizer05> >>I'm using an Intel P4 2.6GHz, and initially the CPU jitter was greater than 90ms (not good). I needed to disable the Intel SMI, and make a few tweaks in the BIOS, and now my CPU jitter is 12ms. << BWAHAHAHAHA
<DocScrutinizer05> dos1: 7*8 == 5*8+2*8 == 10*7-2*7
<DocScrutinizer05> what I'm trying to say is: there are ways to calculate stuff in your head pretty quickly
<DocScrutinizer05> ...using easy to rememv´ber factors and summing them up
<DocScrutinizer05> remember*
<dos1> sure, I use it as well
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<dos1> 8*8-8
<DocScrutinizer05> I however have "acht mal sieben ist sechsundfunfzig* for that, which ahs 8, 7, 6, 5
<dos1> what I wanted to say is that I never remembered multiplication table
<DocScrutinizer05> wait till your 60, then you learned it ;-)
<dos1> yeah, most of it already got stored in my head without any explicit learning, so I guess it's only a matter of time for the rest
<DocScrutinizer05> meanwhile I even remember decimal values of 0x0a .. 0x0f
<DocScrutinizer05> ;-)
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<dos1> but by chance 7*8 isn't yet ;)
<DocScrutinizer05> I also don't know 7*8, but I know 8*7 ;-D
<dos1> my mind seem to not like sevens for some reason
<DocScrutinizer05> 7 is an ugly number
<DocScrutinizer05> 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42(!), 49 (eeew), 56
<DocScrutinizer05> and then even 63
<DocScrutinizer05> 7*7 is a nasty one you need to know
<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: nice one about abysmal chinese EE done for your CNC
* DocScrutinizer05 ponders getting a scope finally
<DocScrutinizer05> for sure I'll want one with complete control/data over USB as an option
<DocScrutinizer05> plus I'd instantly plumb together a 8 channel mux based on reed relays for that
<DocScrutinizer05> dunno if contact/A/B reed swaitches are available in ultra-tiny. Hope so
<DocScrutinizer05> you don't what to build such mux in a way where in theory two contacts could stay closed concurrently and would short two inputs then
<DocScrutinizer05> is what you wanna do
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<apelete> Hi larsc
<apelete> don't know if you sent this patch upstream already:
<apelete> but if you haven't yet, could you merge the change from this one it too ?
<apelete> either merge the change in one patch or pick them both, as you wish
<apelete> would be nice to have the full fix upstream either way :)
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: re abysmal EE, yes, indeed!
<whitequark> I don't think they *either* read the DS *or* actually tested the values they claim
<whitequark> WTF, how do you even sell such shite
<whitequark> I wonder if they turned it on at all!
<DocScrutinizer05> (relay) p15 figure Q SPDT with diode
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<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: remember audio of GTA02?
<DocScrutinizer05> from schematics I calculated that with nominal 16R headphones, you got a HPF with a -3dB cutoff freq of ~400Hz iirc. That device passed QA (before my time) since "it worked"
<whitequark> lol
<DocScrutinizer05> that's how chinese "QA" works
<DocScrutinizer05> "oh yeah, some noise coming out" -- QA-tester puts checkmark to '[ ]Audio'
<whitequark> I mean, I can understand a single device
<whitequark> but the whole design?!
<DocScrutinizer05> they test with maybe a 800Hz sine wave or whatever, and it sounds beautiful via headphones
<DocScrutinizer05> even looks good on scope
<DocScrutinizer05> probably nobody of EE ever really used the device to listen to music
<DocScrutinizer05> and even when they did, they probably wouldn't have noticed the missing bass
<DocScrutinizer05> odds however are they tested the audio output for doing voicecalls, and there a HPF with a cutoff of ~400Hz is even _improving_ the legibility of the voice ;-P
<DocScrutinizer05> to me it seems that chinese EE ofthe simply connect signals of same name together, no matter what
<DocScrutinizer05> reading datasheets isn't a commonly appreciated discipline
<DocScrutinizer05> pulsewidth, slewrate, noisefloor, dutycycle? forget about it
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<Petrarca> Can I do that in order to create a +1 usb hub?
<whitequark> Petrarca: no
<whitequark> this will violate USB protocol.
<Petrarca> how so?
<whitequark> well, to begin with, the physical level requires a certain line impedance
<whitequark> and your T-connection has it completely wrong
<Petrarca> I see... but is it just a matter of wiring or do I need some specific IC to create a hub?
<whitequark> IC
<Petrarca> damn it.
<Petrarca> tks bro
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<whitequark> hahaha I love the note in the stepper driver DS
<whitequark> In addition, do not use any device that is applied the current with inserting in the wrong orientation
<whitequark> or incorrectly even just one time.
<whitequark> I can just see someone complaining "but I plugged it backwards *just once*! surely it should still work!"
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