Busy, but not really on scopehal. I've been trying to hack the TDS420A to get it from 30k samples to 120k samples, learning Ghidra etc in the process.
Oh, lol
Turns out: the scope is actually missing RAM on the DSP board. So I have those on order now. :-)
All of this is completely academic, of course, just to prove a point.
I know a guy in another channel who turned ilke a 200 MHz keysight into a 1 GHz
they had to swap out over a hundred parts in the front end
but it worked
i don't think they'll be too cut up about it eating into sales for that series anymore :)
Also, your PR on #128 is unnecessary. All of those scope includes are from before we had the proper dynamic creation table and had a big if/else cascade creating "new foo" for each scope family
Can you amend the PR to *delete* all of the driver-specific includes from glscopeclient/main.cpp?
Yeah, that's a different level. I also acquired an HP 54825A scope (essentially for free.) Might be useful to try out some Agilent stuff as well.
Let me try.
i was very happy to learn that a lot of HP/Agilent kit has debug symbols included (anything vxworks-based that i've seen so far)
tverbeure: did you have anything in scopehal-docs for the driver yet?
No. If anything, it should be: "DON'T USE!". For example, right now, there's a hard-coded number of sample points of 500... I need to clean these kind of things up one by one.
I shouldn't take too long though to make it functional.
[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 3 commits to master [+2/-2/±3] https://git.io/JJIrs
[starshipraider] azonenberg 54bd610 - Routed backlight power, remaining pod power, setup for MCU
[starshipraider] azonenberg 0729f98 - Removed references to old cylindrical probe shell which doesn't fit the current PCB revision
[starshipraider] azonenberg 7cdbbd8 - Final v1.0 probe design for production run
[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JJIrl
[starshipraider] azonenberg 3dd57fd - Updated probe shell design to provide clearance for second tip ground
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[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 4 commits to master [+0/-0/±4] https://git.io/JJIis
[starshipraider] azonenberg 0a4b5ba - Moved input connector hole down. Increased wall thickness from 1 mm to 2 mm. Removed dead space at front side of enclosure.
[starshipraider] azonenberg 1a0378a - Increased floor thickness from 1.5 to 2 mm
[starshipraider] azonenberg a75db95 - Changed dimensions to match bottom. Increased thickness from 1.5 to 2 mm. Reduced size of LCD cutout.
[starshipraider] azonenberg 156797f - Added stiffener ribs to underside of lid
Degi has joined #scopehal
OK so... the v0.2 MEAD enclosure
3D printed black MJF nylon is $32.91 for the bottom and $13.99 for the top, or $46.90, and there's minimal discounts for higher volume
Expected to ship by the 10th and arrive by the 13th after paying for priority processing - i guess shapeways isn't very busy now?
along with two of the hopefully final probe PCB shells
If those look good i'll order the rest of the production run once the prototypes come in
Meanwhile, for reference, making the MEAD enclosure out of CNC'd 6061 aluminum with black hard-coat anodizing will cost $145.86 for the top @ qty 1 but this drops to $13.40 @ 50 and into the single digits per unit past 100 pieces
So for the top, 50 units is about the breakeven from 3dp nylon to cnc alu
For the bottom half, it's $200.85 @ 1, $32.69 @ 25, then cheaper from there. So 25 pieces is the breakeven
Keeping in mind that a full MAXWELL platform needs 12 MEAD pods, if i end up making even two full MAXWELL systems it will be economical to go with the metal enclosures
lain, monochroma: see above stats
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[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±22] https://git.io/JJIyy
[starshipraider] azonenberg 889338f - Continued work on MCU area layout
[starshipraider] azonenberg 6306f33 - Continued MCU/LCD layout
coming along nicely but still a ton of work to do
Got a substantial fraction of the MCU routed today though
1826 unrouted
Roughly speaking the signal layer allocation has big parts and LVDS lanes 0-3 of each input pod on the top layer
Lanes 4-7 and small passives on the bottom
then layer 3 is vertical interconnect routing and layer 6 is horizontal
with pretty much all of the control/status lines forced onto internal layers because everywhere i don't have parts on the front i have LVDS :p
Still need to finish the rest of the power supply and figure out where to put the spartan7
[stm32-cpp] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-0/±3] https://git.io/JJIAT
[stm32-cpp] azonenberg 04ad3a7 - Added StringBuffer class, moved printf to CharacterDevice, some other reorganization
[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±5] https://git.io/JJIAW
[starshipraider] azonenberg e46a18a - AMG240160P: now a character device, added some missing characters to font
[starshipraider] azonenberg 23012af - LCD now includes thermal readings for debugging, and includes initial channel name text
juli969 has joined #scopehal
ok there we go i can printf instead of doing manual char-by-char writes to the framebuffer on the lcd. So much nicer now
Need to bring up the DAC still, as well as providing a UART API for setting channel names and thresholds
My thought is to allow you to specify probe gain and attenuation separately then multiply as needed to get the true Vt
So for example if you say you've got a 10x probe and have 3.3V logic, you'd set Vt to 1.65V but the hardware would set the DAC to 165 mV
I'm thinking of how to format my text here... the 9x16 font is just a tiny bit too tall to have 2 lines of text for each channel
as of now no actual character is more than 14 pixels high, the top and bottom cells of each character in the font are blank
So if i were to shrink to 8x15, i'd have worst case 1 pixel instead of 2 pixels of margin between adjacent characters with the same size text
oh wait
So that would let me have 16 rows of text instead of 15, and save a little bit of flash in the font table
that would give me 2 full lines per channel
Production probe PCBs ordered, 15 working day lead time from multech. So I expect to have them around the end of the month
monochroma: So given that i now have 2 lines of text per probe I'm thinking of having channel name on the first line then some metadata on the second?
namely, probe attenuation and threshold
sounds good
I have a signal source connected via a 10x probe to the first channel, working on bringing up the DAC now
it's at least somewhat alive, the Vref test point is showing 2.5V
but i'm not getting it to output anything yet
And when i attempt to read the ID register i get nothing back. Probe access is annoying because of the LCD ribbon cable and giant alligator clip backlight feeds
tomorrow i'm gonna try and rig up a more proper bodged-on power source and go from there
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Does it make sense to delay and phase match the diff pairs before finalizing their routing?
m4ssi has joined #scopehal
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I have received my KC908 Spectrum Analyzer
very nice
Oh neat!
Degi: yes
in fact i'm doing that
as i start fanning each one out i'm delay matching within the pod
juli969 has joined #scopehal
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[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/JJLXb
[starshipraider] azonenberg bc97999 - Continued MCU subsystem layout, initial routing of 5V power