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<FromGitter> <Branksy> Is there a way to inspect params hash during runtime? Something like binding.pry in rails..
<FromGitter> <Branksy> Also when generating a scaffold or model, is there a way to undo it thru cli? amber remove...
<FromGitter> <Sija> Any1 recently encountered `Server | (ERROR) bind: Address already in use` error?
<hightower5> Sija: use 'ps aux' to check if another/old process is indeed running?
<FromGitter> <Sija> whichever port I’d choose (and I’ve double-checked whether they’re free), it always ends up with above error
<hightower5> (and/or use 'sudo fuser -v -n tcp 3000' to see what else may be connected to that port)
<FromGitter> <Sija> @hightower5 I’m on macOS
<hightower5> well, if there's no fuser there, the usual netstat could do. netstat -ntlp |grep 3000 or something
<FromGitter> <Sija> yup, I’ve double-checked
<FromGitter> <Sija> `sudo netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep 3000` returns nothing
<FromGitter> <Sija> changing ports doesn’t help either :/
<hightower5> see if you have 'netcat' program and try running it like 'netcat -l -p PORT_NUM' to see if you can't bind any port with any program, or it is just amber that can't bind
<FromGitter> <Sija> `netcat` works fine
<FromGitter> <Sija> I’d guess there’s sth off about combination of Amber `master` and Crystal 0.26.0
<FromGitter> <Sija> ahh, I think I’ve got it
<FromGitter> <Sija> there’s `server.listen(settings.host, settings.port, settings.port_reuse)` which triggers it
<FromGitter> <Sija> that’s it
<FromGitter> <rishavs> Is amber ready to use with crystal 0.26?
<FromGitter> <rishavs> I am still getting the shell table error;
<FromGitter> <rishavs> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5b7860ae802bc42c5f39a769]
<FromGitter> <Sija> @rishavs `master` with #931 works for me
<FromGitter> <rishavs> How do i install master for the amber cli? ⏎ i am currently following ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ... [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5b78630de40fdf5fb158ad36]
<FromGitter> <Sija> You need to edit `shard.yml` in your project root
<FromGitter> <Sija> Within `dependencies` you’d need to have: ⏎ ⏎ ``` amber: ⏎ github: amberframework/amber ⏎ branch: master``` [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5b78644f146618721cac7fe6]
<FromGitter> <rishavs> but then i cannot use the cli
<FromGitter> <Sija> yes, you can. u need to run `shards build` and use `bin/amber` afterwards
<hightower5> Sija: what specifically in that line was your problem, and how did you solve it?
<FromGitter> <Sija> `#listen` with arguments called `#bind_tcp` 2nd time, which in turn resulted in double-bind and errored
<FromGitter> <Sija> there was an API change in Crystal 0.26, which separated concepts of `#bind` and `#listen` allowing for binding to multiple addresses
<FromGitter> <Sija> @robacarp I’d recommend merging ASAP to get `master` working with Crystal 0.26.0
<FromGitter> <valamorgon> I managed to break some stuff in my project for every new version of crystal
<FromGitter> <valamorgon> not used to use cutting edge versions of anything
<FromGitter> <rishavs> thanks @Sija
<FromGitter> <Sija> @rishavs yw!
<FromGitter> <Sija> @robacarp I’ve updated the PR with `settings.port_reuse` option which I’ve missed before, sorry for the noise!
<FromGitter> <robacarp> Thanks @sija I can’t merge now, afk, but eilll when I get back
<FromGitter> <Sija> @robacarp Sure thing, thanks for the quick response :)
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<FromGitter> <johansmitsnl> Browsing through the docs, but is there a concept of jobs (rails) in amber?
<FromGitter> <Sija> @johansmitsnl there aren’t IIRC
<FromGitter> <Sija> there are several shards covering such functionality though, for instance https://github.com/robacarp/mosquito
<FromGitter> <johansmitsnl> @Sija thnx
<FromGitter> <Sija> also, there’s redis-based https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq.cr or memory-based https://github.com/bmulvihill/dispatch
<FromGitter> <Sija> @johansmitsnl yw :)
<FromGitter> <robacarp> @Sija mosquito is backed by Redis
<FromGitter> <Sija> yup, I’ve forgot to mention that
<FromGitter> <Sija> @robacarp Out of curiosity, how does it compare to sidekiq.cr?
<FromGitter> <Sija> … feature/performance-wise
<FromGitter> <Sija> @robacarp Would you mind merging #930 before the next Amber release? It’s the only thing left on my raven.cr v1.0 check-list…
<FromGitter> <robacarp> sure, yeah, I was just going to ask you about the name @raw
<FromGitter> <robacarp> oh, that's unfortunate...is that someones nickname?
<FromGitter> <robacarp> anyway
<FromGitter> <robacarp> `@raw` is a little opaque, would something like `@store` be more meaningful?
<FromGitter> <Sija> yup, sounds good to me
<FromGitter> <Sija> force-pushed
<FromGitter> <robacarp> re: mosquito: I haven't checked performance compared to sidekiq.cr, mostly because I haven't wanted to devote the time to it. I'm sure there's a few spots where it can be tightened up, but it's quite fast as is. (My current background jobs are network bound, so throughput performance hasn't been top priority for me.) Featurewise I believe it to be compatible and even a little more. Sidekiq.cr does have a management
<FromGitter> ... panel if you're using it to back a rails server for whatever reason, and mosquito has none but it wouldn't be hard to get any data.
<FromGitter> <robacarp> mosquito has the ability to perform jobs periodically built in, which was feature number one missing from sidekiq for me
<FromGitter> <robacarp> I'm working through getting wallclock style scheduled jobs too, "run this at 5am" kind of thing, which (surprise to me) has been requested several times
<FromGitter> <robacarp> I also want to build a more full featured cli for it... as it stands it requires handling like a library.
<FromGitter> <robacarp> @Sija merged!
<FromGitter> <robacarp> thanks
<FromGitter> <robacarp> the real reason I wrote mosquito is this: If demand warrants, I may port Sidekiq Pro and Enterprise functionality to Crystal for sale.
<FromGitter> <robacarp> I'm so conflicted about that kind of thing. I don't like to see the freemium model applied to open source projects. Sidekiq is a great product and mperham has done the community a great service with it... Who am I to say how a guy makes a living? But if I offered my *own* version of sidekiq premium and enterprise, and started hocking my wares on the internet, I have a hunch he wouldn't be happy with that.
<FromGitter> <Sija> @robacarp thanks a lot! I’m finally able to release raven.cr v1.0 - the moment I’ve w8ing for months... ^^
<FromGitter> <robacarp> @Sija no problem, thanks for your pull request. I'm going to wait a bit before tagging the release, because I have a hunch there are some other latent bugs around the upgrade.
<FromGitter> <Sija> sure thing, it’s always good to w8 a bit for the dust to settle down… :)
<FromGitter> <Sija> re: mosquito: I’m with you on the freemium model, I haven’t like it from the beginning - personally I believe there are other ways to make money on your OSS, like hosting, support and other enterprise services but ofc that’s my personal opinion...
<FromGitter> <Sija> having web panel would a nice thing to have, that’s for sure and wallclock jobs could make it a one-stop-shop for a background-jobs framework
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<FromGitter> <robacarp> :)
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