<drujensen> I usually say the latest and the one before that
<drujensen> but with mysql, the 8.0 is a big jump
<Thellior> 1) 5 / 10.4 /9.6 /9.5?
<Thellior> Or 10 and 9
<drujensen> probably 5.6, 5.7?
<Thellior> 1) 7 -> 8.0(5.8)
<eliasjpr> @drujensen what did we decided with the connections?
<drujensen> i am going to release after we fix the travis failure
<drujensen> > 10.5 / 10.4 /9.6 /9.5?
<drujensen> good question
<drujensen> Can we do all 4?
<drujensen> probably just 9.6 and 10.5
<drujensen> would be fine, right?
<Thellior> We can do all versions
<drujensen> @Sija @kolyaio @noahlh @robacarp @ZeroPointEnergy @shobhitic @eliasjpr I have fixed the credits for v0.9.0 release (https://github.com/amberframework/amber/releases/tag/v0.9.0). Sorry for not catching this and thanks for your contributions!
<Thellior> Travis will run them parallel anyways
<drujensen> awesome!
<Thellior> But's it's more like what do we support and fix if there are issues
<drujensen> I usually go with current and previous as a rule of thumb
<kolyaio> Awesome ! 😊
<Thellior> @drujensen Ok will do that
<drujensen> @Thellior took it over. Basically, we changed to test each db separately in its own travis process
<drujensen> but now that we maintain one connection per adapter, when we register the other db, it fails
<drujensen> A fix would be to lazy load the connection, meaning we connect on first attempt instead of at instantiation of the adapter
<drujensen> once we fix that, I will release a patch to address the connection leak issue
<Thellior> @drujensen What i noticed on the tests is that if you create the adapter it immediately connects to the database. That's why the travis branch is failing. Each seperate docker container only test one database so it will instance either mysql image or pg image or the ubuntu sqlite. When running the sqlite container it will try to connect to a PG database that does not exist so it will raise a error. I'm changing the
... tests now so we can handle that
<Thellior> Don't know if it was intended that the database was loaded on Adapter initializing
<drujensen> right. We can lazy load it instead
<drujensen> can you fix it?
<Thellior> If you do that the travis branch should run properly
<Thellior> I was fixing the test to check which database is running and creating only the adapter corresponding to that
<Thellior> Don't know how you want to lazy load the database
<drujensen> ok. I will work on that
<Thellior> Ok, are you fixing it in the travis branch
<Thellior> Or are you going to make a sperate branch
<drujensen> separate branch
<eliasjpr> I think we should just have one DB.open per granite instance since the CrystalDB shard handle the connection pool. no need to assign a connection per model
<eliasjpr> IMO
<drujensen> right
<drujensen> that is the fix
<eliasjpr> ahh
<eliasjpr> ok
<drujensen> we had it that way and it was rolled back
<drujensen> when the new Adapter pattern was added
<Thellior> @drujensen Could you merge master into my pull request
<drujensen> yes
<Thellior> Thanks
<drujensen> @robacarp thanks for the quick approval
<drujensen> For granite, the three big changes needed are enhancing the `has_many` relationship, supporting inheritance (although there is now debates if this is an anti-pattern) and finishing up the dsl for querying. Is there anything else we should put on the roadmap?
<Thellior> @drujensen Currently im working on validators
<drujensen> 👍
<Thellior> So i'm checking which validators are inside ActiveRecord(rails) and try to implement those who are usefull
<Thellior> @drujensen 🍻 on the green test branch now
<Thellior> Thanks for the support
<drujensen> sweet. okk, i will release this. Thanks @Thellior
<drujensen> @Thellior @winhackua @zaidakram @Hansterdam Released granite v0.13.1 with your contributions. Thank you!
<Thellior> :shipit:
<eliasjpr> I left a comment
<eliasjpr> jusst suggestions
<drujensen> k
@drujensen, thanks for addressing the connection issue on such short notice :D
<Sija> @drujensen gr8 :)
<Sija> @drujensen I’d remove commit sha’s too since they add lil’ value a and a lot of noise
<drujensen> > @drujensen I’d remove commit sha’s too since they add lil’ value a and a lot of noise ⏎ @Sija fixed
<Sija> @drujensen 👍
<Sija> @drujensen Any chances on being added to gh org as a member?