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<FromGitter> <decapo01> How do you update a scaffold....like for the pets example, if I wanted to ad a color field after migrations, how would I do that?
<FromGitter> <Thellior> You generate a new migration and add the column. You add the field to the model and update your controller. I guess that is the fastest way
<FromGitter> <decapo01> that worked
<FromGitter> <decapo01> do crystal arrays have a contain method
<FromGitter> <decapo01> like ["brown","yellow","green"].contains("brown") -> true
<FromGitter> <c910335> `#includes?`
<FromGitter> <decapo01> that compiled
<FromGitter> <c910335> `["brown", "yellow", "green"]. includes?("brown")` ⏎ Your example
<FromGitter> <decapo01> yeah...i couldnt find it in the documentation because it's inherited from Enumerable
<FromGitter> <decapo01> thanks!
<FromGitter> <decapo01> is there a way to print to the console for debuging purposes...I'm using puts and nothing is getting printed out
<FromGitter> <c910335> `pp!`
<FromGitter> <decapo01> that worked. Thanks again
<FromGitter> <decapo01> How do I make a path with a parameter public? I've added "/pets" to my PUBLIC_PATHS and i've tried to add both "/pets/{id}" and "/pets/:id" to the public paths but i'm not allowed to go to those pages unless i'm logged in
<FromGitter> <c910335> See the comments in `src/pipes/authenticate.cr`
<FromGitter> <decapo01> cool i got it...thanks yet again