faustinoaq changed the topic of #amber to: Welcome to Amber Framework community! | https://amberframework.org | Developer happiness, productivity and bare metal performance | GH: https://github.com/amberframework | Docs: https://docs.amberframework.org | Gitter: https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber | IRC Logger: https://irclog.whitequark.org/amber | Amber::Server.start
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<FromGitter> <codenoid> hei
vivus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<FromGitter> <blankoworld> Hi all ;)
<FromGitter> <blankoworld> I'm searching for someone that can explain me how to deploy Amber without crystal and amber on the target server. Seems that we can build a static binary, but I don't know what's needed for it to work.
<FromGitter> <blankoworld> For now I already have built a website in a docker with Alpine, and then use the binary on a server. I test here: http://cdj.o9.re/
<FromGitter> <blankoworld> On chromium, I get the HTML page like a text. On Firefox it appears like 'normal' page, but without all JS files (he said it doesn't find them)
<FromGitter> <blankoworld> I use nginx like a proxy to the binary. In fact : 1/ I start the binary with a systemd service file 2/ the server is launched on a specific port (for example 4242) and then 3/ nginx use proxy_pass on http://localhost:4242/;
<FromGitter> <blankoworld> Another problem: how to generate the database creation and migration?
<FromGitter> <blankoworld> I solved problem with JS files (need public directory) and problem with static binary (I use non-static binary). ⏎ But 2 problems remains: why chromium display HTML as a text instead of real page? and what should I do to make "migration" of database?
<FromGitter> <blankoworld> Great, I solved another problem about migration : I generate amber as binary and place it on server to migrate database schema (but need to create myself the database as I don't have any permissions to create database as normal user).
<FromGitter> <blankoworld> So last problem: Chromium don't display the page as a website, but as HTML source (text).
<FromGitter> <silentworks> I thought I would share here my progress on this reddit clone repo I am working on and that @drujensen has given me help with https://github.com/silentworks/reddit-clone-amber
<FromGitter> <silentworks> I hope to complete it and do a write up on it
<FromGitter> <drujensen> @silentworks excellent.
<FromGitter> <blankoworld> It's a good idea the "12 weeks 12 project". And adapt for Amber ^_^
<FromGitter> <blankoworld> On my side, seems to be a nginx problem with ssl_params on the whole server (I so fix a problem that I never saw before)
vivus has joined #amber
<FromGitter> <silentworks> I think Granite docs can be improved, I will try and contribute where I see possible. The one that got me last night was how to get the count of a collection, luckily I looked into the tests and saw `.size`, I was busy the entire time trying `.count`, neither of these are documented, for instance `.count` is a method, but just not available to collections
<FromGitter> <silentworks> Any pointers on how to do nested routes?
<FromGitter> <robacarp> Nested routes need to be handled manually for now
<FromGitter> <robacarp> Ie, just define the routes as you would, all with a repeated prefix
<FromGitter> <silentworks> Ah I see
<FromGitter> <silentworks> If anyone want to help out on this reddit clone, feel free to contribute anything on this to do list https://github.com/silentworks/reddit-clone-amber#to-do