<Blacksmoke16> timestamp of the failed job? doesnt seem to be ones that completed
<robacarp> Is that a task entry that is empty?
<Blacksmoke16> im not sure, i cant seem to make any new ones
<robacarp> Hm. I’m not sure, I’d have to look for that. I know of a bug where jobs which complete wont get evicted from redis
<robacarp> Did that job run and get completed and just not get erased?
<Blacksmoke16> im not sure
<Blacksmoke16> ill see if i can reproduce
<Blacksmoke16> looks to be all the periodic jobs that failed
<Blacksmoke16> on another note, i think it would be nice if successfully completed jobs were stored as well, then could use that for like metrics and stats
<Blacksmoke16> but overall everything is working pretty good so far :)
<robacarp> Great to hear!
<robacarp> There are ways to calculate stats without storing jobs
<robacarp> The trick is... I get an email every few months that the disk is full on my worker machine
<robacarp> Because I have about 20 jobs that run once a minute
<robacarp> So I just have to flush all manually
<robacarp> @Blacksmoke16 will you file an issue about periodic jobs failing and hanging around?
<Blacksmoke16> what about a TTL?
<robacarp> We’ve talked before yeah, that’s an option for sure, and I think it’s worthy
<robacarp> Redis expiring keys could do that
<robacarp> Okay, great
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
<robacarp> I have a wip branch for wall clock scheduled jobs, and it addresses that, I think
<Blacksmoke16> \o/
<Blacksmoke16> great!
<Blacksmoke16> what about the throttling of jobs? ;)
<robacarp> I haven’t yet tackled that one 😬
<Blacksmoke16> hehe, when i get closer to needing it we can chat and i can maybe make a pr
<robacarp> Always welcome 😬
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<blankoworld> Hello there.
<blankoworld> Today I find what was wrong between Nginx and Amber : Content-type ! It seems that Amber don't return any Content-Type (for the default example while using amber new myapp)
<blankoworld> Ok @Thellior. Is that better than making a Pipeline (middleware I think) to change each response?
<Thellior> I think that is more a opinionated than really a better solution
<Thellior> My personal preferences goes to this solution but than in the ApplicationController. For me it's less magic feeling when it's defined in the controller instead of a pipeline
<Thellior> But i think both solutions are fine
<blankoworld> Ok, I see :). Thanks !
<robacarp> @blankoworld I’d opt for making a pipe, but this is a bug and needs to be fixed in Amber. Will you open an issue?
<blankoworld> @robacarp : Ok, I will try to make a ticket about that.