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<FromGitter> <silentworks> I changed my authenticate pipe to use regex as I think it allows for more fine grained customisation https://github.com/silentworks/reddit-clone-amber/blob/master/src/pipes/authenticate.cr
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<FromGitter> <Thellior> @silentworks I think i found a bug in your code. It's just a assumption because i was just reading your code. But your have https://github.com/silentworks/reddit-clone-amber/blob/master/src/controllers/comment_controller.cr#L26
<FromGitter> <damianham> @silentworks I agree wit that - however I added regex in addition to fixed string e.g https://github.com/mazeframework/recipes/blob/master/react/preact_redux/app/src/pipes/authenticate_jwt.cr
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