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<FromGitter> <rishavs> @robacarp the commits to the 0.26 fix still need to be added to the amber-stable cut. if someone follows the quick start tutorial, they will hit the shell table issue.
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<FromGitter> <Sija> @rishavs since #931 has been merged it’s enough to use amber from the `master` branch to make it work on Crystal 0.26.0, just FYI
<FromGitter> <rishavs> yep, thats what I am using for now. But wanted to tell that anyone following the official docs will be stuck
<FromGitter> <Sija> it’s not for long since new release is coming soon I reckon :)
<FromGitter> <rishavs> have hit a bug. seems that the postgres user and database names are hardcoded. IN my dev config, I have defined the postgres url as `postgres://someuser@elephantsql.com:5432/somedb` but on starting amber i get the error; ⏎ `Connection unsuccessful: postgres://postgres:somepass@elephantsql.com:5432/postgres`
<FromGitter> <shayneoneill> Are there any known incompatibilities with the Nil that query puts out for no record and should_not be_nil in specs?
<FromGitter> <shayneoneill> Trying to test a Table.first for nul and it shits the bed and tells me something about wrong number of params to .to_s ⏎ https://gist.github.com/shayneoneill/a46af7c13a4c23b24b4a723422b920b4
<FromGitter> <shayneoneill> Like, has nil been monkeypatched in some strange way?
<FromGitter> <shayneoneill> Solved it. Apparently object_id is a reserved word
<FromGitter> <shayneoneill> and I'm using it in my table
<FromGitter> <robacarp> @rishavs the placement of the database config has changed a bit, can you describe the way you’re storing and sending your credentials to Amber?
<FromGitter> <robacarp> @shayneoneill hmm... I wonder if should not be nil checks the object id
<FromGitter> <robacarp> @rishavs elephantsql is also not in the codebases anywhere, I don’t think. Check your environment variables for “database_url” and “amber_env” etc
<FromGitter> <rishavs> i am adding the url in the config/development.yml file as `database_url: postgres://someuser:somepass@elephantsql.com:5432/somedb`
<FromGitter> <rishavs> when i run amber, it picks the password, host and the port correctly. But it doesn't picks the username and dbname from the database_url. it instead uses `postgres` as both the user and db for its connections
<FromGitter> <rishavs> i am using the `amber new` to generate my project and this is the current master
<FromGitter> <Hansterdam> If jou use a <Class>.all(<some JOIN query>) with Granite in Amber, how can you access the values that were joined to?
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