it's weird. I'm trying to complete doc about bitstream: line starting with 0x10 is said as bootmode but when I play with loading_rate this area is changed according to the value used.
well, then the docs are probably wrong...
daveshah, placement does use the timing estimate, right? So if I write a better timing estimation function based on actual timing data, that might help?
yes but I wouldn't expect it to improve routeability significantly, only Fmax
But also... there are just 33% more LUTS per slice now, so routing is just that much denser.
pepijndevos: not filestructure but commandstructure
trabucayre, ehhh, yea that's the one I mean
ok :)
you can reduce beta in PlacerHeapCfg for a less dense placement
ohhh! I was about to say, I can just make it less dense again.
I'll try that.
(have a look at nexus arch.cc as an example)
my problem (but it's may be delayed to a next round) is to find meaning of every values...
beta did the trick
I'll do the better timing model anyway... I've already thought it out mostly.
and I guess the last item is fix CI?
welp... attosoc doesn't actually work. blinky is fine.
great when your reduced example is ok but the big huge thing is broken.
* pepijndevos
I think it's just my packer that's broken, not nextpnr.
but who knows....
yea the global clock wires aren't packed I think