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trabucayre, no I don't know it. Looks kinda boring.
secretly hoping you'll figure out the JTAG/ARM part of disasm[m]'s board haha
But before I even get to looking at that I want to find this stuuuupid bug that's breaking attosoc.
After that I can hopefully move on to the fun stuff like bram and the arm board and stuff like that
Bugs are always boring :)
disasm[m]'s board is already supported :)
I plan to try spi slave
mainly to write corresponding driver
* trabucayre
need to buy a binocular before
but before (again) I need to finish to write an article (in french) about the quickfeather and to learn a bit about ghidra.
oh! nice
So how does it work with uploading code to the ARM part? Is it part of the bistream, or you just use normal ARM MCU things?
it's the opposite :)
an header is produces
with a static char array
and the MCU program FPGA with this content
one way to program MCU is to use the bootloader with tinyfpga protocol
or using SWD and openocd
So what does it mean that the board is supported?
Wait, tell me moooooore about the bootloader thing. This is what I want.
(I think that was about QuickLogic FPGA)
It starts MCU and then the firmware loads the bitstream. IIRC.
Gowin is different: MCU is "part of the" bitstream.
IIRC the way they set up the flash for the MCU you can't do a bootloader really, but I'd loooove to be wrong
In the default setup, MCU loads its firmware from one of the internal flash memories
I think you can make a bootloader to overwrite the internal flash, but maybe you can't reset the FPGA from the inside
Also Gowin FEA mentioned that in the default SoC the flash is read-only, but I don't think it's impossible to make it read-write
IIRC it talks to the peripherals THROUGH the FPGA fabric. So either it uses its own flash but then it's read-only, or it uses the FPGA flash/bram but then it needs a bitstream to access it I think
Yes, it talks to the flash through the fabric. Actually this is what was in the encrypted IP.
to be able to program FPGA through USB maybe something like done for orangeCrab or FOMU.
Yea that's what I was hoping, but since the CPU talks to the USB peripheral through the FPGA, you can't really run a bootloader on the MCU and talk to the USB without loading a bitstream first. But then yea maybe the MCU can bootstrap the FPGA.
gatecat, I just pulled nextpnr and am getting cmake errors that /home/pepijn/code/nextpnr/3rdparty/abseil-cpp doesn't contain a cmakelist
I think you need a submodule init and update
ah ok that's a new one, thanks :)
pepijndevos: You need to have a first bitstream with the bootloader, and a second for the targeted design
Yea. Problem is just finding a writable location from the MCU so that it can reprogram itself.
for gowin it's maybe more complex since you need to fully erase flash...
orangeCrab, tinyfpga or fomu has access to the SPI flash, erase/write dedicated area
Maybe one can erase the internal flash in smaller blocks on Gowin, I don't know
It's maybe possible but instructions provided in AN talk about full erase :-/
disasm[m], the problem is how do you verify that it actually works
I'm actually thinking of building a Raspberry Pi CI setup that just has a HAT with a Gowin FPGA and runs integration tests
TODO: everything
You can just hook an STM32 board to an FPGA board and use something like avatar-rs for GPIO
Other options include FTDI chips and i2c GPIO expanders
I want it to be independent from my laptop and ethernet connected
So it's just git push and it runs tests on a pi in a closet somewhere
Ah, I see
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Debugging so far: AttoSoC works perfectly with -nodffe, but a single dffe works fine. WUT?
Any random ideas welcome
DFFE-based counter
Also, the shift example works with 5 LEDs, is a bit wrong with 6 LEDs and completely dead with 7 or 8 LEDs
That's basically what the shift example is, a DFFE counter + a shift register. So it depends on the size of the register if it works or not.
Can you pin them to specific locations to see if it's related to a location?
The failure mode of the 6 LED case is really fascinating. In that case it appears as if the counter reset doesn't trigger.
Yes and no. I don't really have constraints implemented for anything other than IOB at the moment.
I changed the beta parameter in nextpnr that controls how closely everything is spaced, and now 8 LED works
Hmm, so maybe it's routing, not DFFs
Could it be my first timing issue ever? Seems weird on such a small and slow design.
Or an issue with clock enable packing?
something like mixing FFs with and without clock enables can hit edge cases
lower beta would result in less packing together of FFs
What's the default beta?
I had it set to 0.5 and now I just commented it out
So I think it's *tighter* now
I made it 0.5 because the AttoSoC would not route with the default
default is around 0.9 iirc
so yeah, commenting out 0.5 would pack tighter
still, I think its defo worth looking at packing
As far as I can tell in the buggy case it wasn't packing anything at all. Every DFF in the source resulted in 2 DFF in unpacking, so nothing shared a slice. That could be a bug in itself, or just nextpnr spacing things out for this very tiny design.
So with the tighter packing, it works *slowly* at 8 and correctly at 6 LEDs. So the working regions kinda shifted up.
So it feels like there is a fixed *area* within it works. So I'm kinda starting to think timing. Hmmm, lemme see what kind of routing the vendor tools use for CE
Hypothesis: the vendor tool drives CE with global routing, and nextpnr currently drives it with generic routing, and if the design gets too big the clock skew breaks it
It should be driven by global routing
At least different vendors do so
Actually the vendor doesn't use global routing for the CE either.
buuuut my unpacking of the vendor bitstream is wonky. So that's something to go by!
You have a bitstream unpacker?
yea that's actually the first thing I had before I had a packer: you need to make sure your understanding of the vendor bitstream is correct
So the fact that my unpacker gives me different stats than the stats of the vendor netlist is concerning and something to look into
pfff... I must be able to understand and contribute to this!!