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<jfred[m]> Ugh, I hate that so many devices now feel the need to advertise at you and force logins to network services
<jfred[m]> it's insufferable
<jfred[m]> makes me really appreciate the free software community, but also makes me sad for all those niche markets where free software hasn't taken hold
<jfred[m]> well, I suppose ebook readers aren't really a niche anymore, heh
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<TorC> jfred[m]: Time to think about an EOMA68 driven ebook reader, is it? I'd like that (well, more like a tablet format computer with full USB host capabilities including a few ports), preferably with a power draw <1W.
<jfred[m]> yeah - it'd be nice with a keyboard attachment too, so you could use it like a very low-power e-ink laptop
<jfred[m]> I hear the displays are really hard to get though
<TorC> That's about what I would hope for.
<TorC> I've done some reading, but I don't have the electronics-fu to put it together.
<TorC> From what I've read, they're not quite so hard to source as they were a couple years ago.
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<TorC> Here's one screen . IIUC, these guys sell e-paper tags/billboards, so the controller may be "corruptible" to our purposes. I could be misremembering which source was who, though.
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<TorC> I'd earlier wanted about 10", though I'm now kind of thinking a 13.3" or so might be nice, because it could be easily turned into a music viewer to play with if the refresh isn't too slow.
<TorC> It's a bit bulkier to carry, though.
<TorC> I also want Emacs running on such a display.
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<ericxdu> TorC: I'd love an EOMA68 e-reader
<ericxdu> Or a multi-purpose device that's similar
<ericxdu> The e-ink screen seems to be a massive power-saver
<C-Keen> it is also massively expensive still and highly proprietary
<ericxdu> One can dream
<ericxdu> It seems very new, so maybe in a few years
<ericxdu> In the meantime: an EOMA68 tablet would be *quite* nice
<C-Keen> indeed
<TorC> ericxdu: I agree - though if I want to use it as a music reader as well, then the ability for it to be legible under bright lights would be worth something. The multi-purpose device is the direction I'd prefer to go, though I think I'd rather forgo the touchscreen for anti-glare.
<TorC> C-Keen: It is still on the proprietary side for now, though it seems there is (finally) some competition coming in.
<TorC> From my reading, the basic technology was devised and patented in the mid-90s, so I think there may be some hope for something soon.
<C-Keen> TorC: patents must die
<TorC> Yep. I think e-paper may have missed the chance to go big because it was locked up by patents during the critical window.
<TorC> Now all that's left is to play catch-up with the power savings.
<TorC> The mostly static display front is where that's taking hold now, from my reading.
<ericxdu> TorC: before touch screens devices has trackballs and trackpads which seem to not be terrible
<ericxdu> The trackpad/clicker on my Blackberry Curve at least was nice
<TorC> ericxdu: There is also the trackpoint. Just a little nub and a couple buttons
<TorC> It will be a bit, but the Ultimate Hacking Keyboard is coming out soon, and hopefully at the end of June there will be all three pointing device options as add-on modules for it.
<TorC> I have in my mind that keyboard, and EOMA68, and an e-paper display as a rather nice little combo.
<TorC> Might look a bit hackish, but the elegant implementation can be left for later. I want what I want now! :)
<ericxdu> Does sound like a nice project
<TorC> Unfortunately, if I'm to do it, I need the display already interfaced to a standard display input. From my reading that interface might consume more power than I'd like.
<TorC> I might be able to follow in someone's footsteps, though.
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