lkcl changed the topic of #arm-netbook to: arm-netbook: Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - EOMA68 spec - ML - Logs or - For Allwinner/sunxi discussions prefer #linux-sunxi - iMX6 Card - Flying Squirrel - Allwinner A10/A20 Card -
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<lkcl> rachelfish: the reason it's publicly logged is because i learned from the xda-developers channel that discussions can often take place over several days between people operating in multiple timezones even if their irc client is unreliable and disconnects, if and *only* if they have access to a publicly archived record of prior conversations.
<lkcl> rachelfish: also, as this is a libre project (and i formerly had *really* bad rsi), it is almost... irresponsible to repeat conversations privately multiple times to separate individuals. the public archives permit cross-referencing across the wiki, mailing list, irc channel and much more, saving huge amounts of time in the long run and generally being in the spirit of *open* discussion and collaboration.
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<aV_V> I'm trying to configure the touch device from a touchsreen but I'm unable. This is the doc on how to do the binding
<aV_V> Would u review my node?
<aV_V> The issue is that the driver loads correctly, the reset sequence is ok, but there is no interrupts generation when I touch the screen
<aV_V> the INT pin is on HIGH level by default
<aV_V> what represents the last value of irq-gpios = <&gpio1 4 0>; ? is the signal level? should i set it to 1?
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<rachelfish> Thanks for the explination lkcl !
<rachelfish> So... does anyone from rhombus tech frequently come here? I'm really looking forward to the next update post on CrowdSupply
<buZz> rachelfish: lkcl is the main person @ rhombus ;)
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<ericxdu> So.... dillo is pretty cool
<ericxdu> I like the focus on standards
<ericxdu> It also happens to be the only browser I've noticed that renders properly over VNC
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