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<Taek> if I understand the scheme fully, it encourages the miners to prefer taking all fees oob, but it encourages users to pay all fees on-chain using the mechanism that could get them a discount
<Taek> and if a miner is unable to take certain fees oob, then they have to sacrifice all potential revenue from users that are using on-chain fees
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<Taek> I guess you could end up with an equilibrium where X% of blocks are fully oob, and then the rest are on-chain fees
<Taek> but then if you are paying oob, you know you can only get into blocks X% of the time
<Taek> well, same with on-chain too. If oob is >>50%, then it's probably something that would perpetuate
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<maaku> gmaxwell: I'm not sure why you're not seeing the all-or-nothing as an advantage, not a weakness. that's the argument from the other side -- it discourages out of band fees existing alongside regular fees
<maaku> you build a block containing either one or the other -- regular fees or out-of-band-payments. not both. not some of each.
<maaku> and in that model, it's the user incentive not to do out of band fees, because that only works if everyone does it, and if everyone does it it is strictly worse (because no rebates) than if everyone used regular fees
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<luke-jr> maaku: updated the BIP draft & code with your suggestions BTW
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<maaku> luke-jr: I was going to suggest moving the 520 push limitation too, but unfortunately that's enforced for all witness types :(
<maaku> It's only there because of implementation issues that could fully be resolved in script, and I don't know why it would exist for non-script witness types
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<luke-jr> maaku: eh, no it isn't?
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<sipa> maaku: no, it's not
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<maaku> sipa: explain?
<maaku> there's no opcodes that modify large stack operations. DUP could have reference counting semantics
<maaku> *large stack items
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<sipa> maaku: ?
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<sipa> the 520 byte limit only applies to witness v0
<sipa> and not to the p2wsh program, only to its initial stack
<maaku> outside of DUP bombs, which are solved by reference counting instead of duplicating, I don't know of any way a single 520kB push is any worse than 1,000 520b pushes, other than filling the script with repeated dup/hash, which can be trivially prevented with hash limits based on witness size
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<maaku> sipa: Ah, you're right. I misread VerifyWitnessProgram when I looked into this earlier.
<sipa> the main reason for the limit is that there is no use for large data elements - for now
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<sipa> and with the program itself no longer falling under that limit, even more so
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<maaku> It's possible tail-call scripts might want larger than 520 byte subscripts. Possible; I don't know of any examples. MAST itself reduces the maximum subscript size needed considerably.
<maaku> But a stronger justification is Merkle branch proofs, for which 520 bytes is quite limiting
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<sipa> i realized yesterday that if you have a sufficiently large merkle tree, an rsa accumulator would be more efficient instead, to produce set inclusion
<maaku> any idea what that cutoff woul be?
<sipa> in size, probably at 24 levels
<maaku> *would be; and can you compactly prove multiple elements?
<sipa> yes!
<sipa> constant size
<sipa> it's also much more cpu intensive to verify...
<sipa> if you use 3072-bit arithmetic (~128 bit security), i think the proof would be 768 bytes
<luke-jr> do we need new opcodes still?
<luke-jr> and are they expensive enough that we lose the "don't need to count sigops" property?
<maaku> Ok, FWIW my back-of-the-envelope calculation is that for a 256-depth tree (the highest I can reasonably imagine supporting, unless we want 384 for quantum resistance in the hash presumably used as key), the worst case proof of 1,000 items (stack size limit) is ~100kB with our 3 bit bitfield format
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<maaku> sipa: that proof would be constant size right? this hypothetical RSAACCUMULATORVERIFY opcode would take N items or hashes from the stack, a 768 byte proof, and a 3072 bit accumulator?
<maaku> I should go learn how RSA accumulators work, this is a gap in my knowledge :\
<luke-jr> maaku: the per-input hashing limit seems potentially controversial :/
<maaku> Proving one element from a 384-depth MBV is 12,434 bytes. One element from a 256-depth MBV is 8,289 bytes. I would be comfortable with a 12.5kB limit in a strawman proposal.
<maaku> luke-jr: how so?
<maaku> luke-jr: my thinking is that there isn't really reason to hash something more than a small constant factor, even if we had CAT or CAT-and-HASH opcodes
<sipa> maaku: so you (the prover) choose two primes p q, with n=p*q a 3072-bit number; you also choose a generator g (which can be a small number, i think 65537 is often used)
<sipa> then you compute for element in your set g^H(element) (where H is a 3072-bit hash)
<maaku> e.g. hash tree validation, in script rather than MBV, is absolutely constrained to < 2 * size of leaf hashes + data
<maaku> i can't think of a reason you'd hash more than that, other than purposeful attack, but maybe my imagination is limited
<sipa> wait, no, you compute ((g^H(el1))^H(el2))^H(el3) ...
<sipa> which is efficient if you know p and q
<sipa> if i want to prove e1 belongs to the set, i reveal H(el2)*H(el3) mod (p-1)*(q-1)
<sipa> and n
<sipa> maaku: so i think the CPU time for verifying a proof is proportional to the number of elements you're proving
<sipa> (one modular exponentiation for each)
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<sipa> maaku: so OP_RSAACCUMULATORVERIFY would take N items from the stack, a 3072-bit modulus, a 3072-bit exponent, and a 256-bit hash of the expected result
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<andytoshi> rsa accumulator proofs can be forged by the person who knows p and q can't they? i don't understand how these can be used on a blockchain
<sipa> andytoshi: the receiver chooses p and q
<sipa> and p*q is part of the proof
<andytoshi> right, that's how these are usually used but for MAST there isn't really a receiver
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<sipa> andytoshi: the signer is the receiver
<maaku> sipa: ah, i see. thank you for the explanation
<sipa> andytoshi: right, this may break down in case there are multiple parties involved
<sipa> it may only work if there is a single coordinator who is involved in every branch
<andytoshi> right, and that coordinator has the ability to take the coins (and can't provably eliminate this ability)
<sipa> right
<maaku> sipa: :( -- large key thresholds are something I was hoping to achieve here
<maaku> eg. 18 of 30
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<sipa> andytoshi: unless trusted setup :(
<sipa> so for this to work we really only need a group of unknown size... it's not needed that there is anyone who can construct an inverse
<andytoshi> sipa: sure. so fwiw this setup is super easy to split across multiple parties. there are use cases for this but they're more limited than those for MAST
<andytoshi> otoh you can do weird things like have n parties agree on a bunch of spending conditions (like various thresholds, timelocks etc) and later they can actually add coniditions if they all cooperate
<andytoshi> sipa: right, that too. you can use a UFO (but those are super big) or satoshi's pgp key or something
<sipa> having one party that has p and q makes constructing the proof and the 'root' massively cheaper, though
<andytoshi> yes. the size of the both is linear in the number of participants in the setup
<andytoshi> unless there is some prime-splitting black magic i have never heard of
<andytoshi> the setup i'm thinking of is that everyone choses a modulus, and the product of everyone's modulus is used as n, to be clear
<sipa> but that makes n much larger?
<andytoshi> yes, its size is linear in the number of participants
<sipa> yes, then it doesn't solve much :)
<andytoshi> heh. yeah :/
<sipa> i guess it could, if you want to do 18-out-of-30, there are only 30 participants
<sipa> not 30 choose 18
<sipa> but still... you're not going to beat a merkle tree then
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<gmaxwell> andytoshi: MPC construction of RSA numbers isn't that horrible.
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<maaku> luke-jr: I would let v1,20-byte be the hash160 of a script in your proposal
<luke-jr> maaku: I thought someone cryptographically-smart decided that was too dangerous for scripts?
<maaku> there's no need for a v1 upgrade to P2WPKH, and thare are potentially legitimate use cases where 160 bits are sufficient
<maaku> luke-jr: it's a foot-gun protection
<luke-jr> are there legitimate use cases, though?
<maaku> the _general_ recommendation is that you use a 256-bit commitment because in the case of a multi-party script construction you're still secure by default without doing anything extra -- worst they can do is reduce security down to 128 bits
<luke-jr> hmm
<maaku> by, e.g., grinding a nonsense public key for a hash collision
<maaku> but if you are the only party signing a script, but you're using a script instead of P2WPKH because you have more complex policy requirements (CLTV/CSV, multi-key but you own all the keys in different physical HSMs, etc.)
<maaku> ... then it is safe to have a smaller commitment. 128bit would be fine, but we seem to prefer hash160 over a 16-byte truncated hash, so _shrug_
<maaku> Or, if you do some sort of setup step where people sign the keys they intend to use, the keys are delinearized, and there is no other source of data like a hash primage, etc.
<sipa> as long as there is no P2WPKH-like construction that is Schnorr like, 160 bits is probably enough
<sipa> and a direct pubkey v1 version could be added later
<maaku> Having a 32-byte commitment by default is necessary to avoid inexperienced people doing dumb things. But it would be nice to save 12 bytes when you can
<maaku> with proper warning labels and such
<sipa> well instead of 32-byte hash P2WPKH, there should just be a direct pubkey in the output
<maaku> sipa: why was non-20, non-32 segwit commitments treated as invalid instead of return true?
<sipa> maaku: a mistake
<maaku> ok
<maaku> then yes, the signature aggregation patchset could later define v1,33-byte as a serialized pubkey using the new scheme, so long as we don't make that same mistake
<sipa> indeed
<luke-jr> tempting to try to shove a SHA3 opcode in, but that seems too much XD
<luke-jr> and annoying to review since the final SHA3 and draft Keccak are incompatible
<sipa> i think that can perfectly well be done independently later
<luke-jr> right, that too
<luke-jr> since we're ignoring sigops all over the place anyway, I'm just going to drop at least the per-script sigop limits..
<luke-jr> are witness v0 sigops counted toward the block limit right now? (where?)
<sipa> yes
<sipa> there is a concept of sigop weight, with a limit of 80000 per block
<sipa> there are per-script sigop limits?
<sipa> there is a 201 per-script opcode limit
<sipa> but that applies to all non-push opcodes, not just sigops