can buildbot poll an API to looking for specific info?
i.e. buildbot polling the redmine API looking for new "tickets"
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tardyp: services aren't starting automatically and Ansible isn't getting far enough to do it
I can start them manually fine and did so for docs
you mean I need to fix ansible?
tuxillo: you want to start builds when there is a new ticket?
I have a PR open that will get it further
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tardyp: yes. there is some mechanism in redmine that you can pipe emails from procmail to redmine directly in order to create tickets in a specific tracker. and, since redmine does not have webhooks, i was wondering if one could go and poll the redmine api
skelly: merged
tuxillo: you can in theory create a vcs poller which polls redmine api, but I am not sure if buildbot is the right tool for that
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i don't know, probably it isn't
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Hey! What's a sensible approach to testing the same codebase in a number of different environments (ie different OS/distros and versions thereof)? We currently have quite the number of workers each running inside their own LXC container, all on the same physical machine. I'm not sure this is optimal.
generally one builder per environment (e.g. build-x-debian-10, etc) and all of those builders then are triggered from the same scheduler
can also have one builder to build and that triggers all of the test builders using Triggerable