raistlinthewiz changed the topic of #coiniumserv to: v0.2.4 beta | Documentation: http://bit.ly/1plFgvp | FAQ: http://bit.ly/1xOHH0m | Project page: http://bit.ly/V1ycNw | Official site: CoiniumServ.com | Live demo: Coinium.org | Logs: http://bitly.com/1rtN140
JudeAustin has joined #coiniumserv
<JudeAustin> Dudes...
<JudeAustin> Bros?
Caberhagen is now known as Caberhagen|afk
feeleep has joined #coiniumserv
<ahmed_> JudeAustin: hi
<ahmed_> raistlinthewiz: right i see. i think thats how its done in NOMP too right?
<ahmed_> raistlinthewiz: im stuck :/
<raistlinthewiz> ?
<raistlinthewiz> shoot the question
<ahmed_> we need this code to get the timetable and give it to the config for the algo for the NFactor
<ahmed_> var n = Object.keys(timeTable).sort().reverse().filter(function(nKey){
<ahmed_> return Date.now() / 1000 > timeTable[nKey];
<ahmed_> })[0];
<ahmed_> var nInt = parseInt(n);
<ahmed_> return Math.log(nInt) / Math.log(2);
<raistlinthewiz> dynamic config contains the code already
<raistlinthewiz> just create a sample coin with the timetamble
<ahmed_> oh it doe s all that?
<raistlinthewiz> yep
<raistlinthewiz> give it a try
<raistlinthewiz> see thids
<ahmed_> raistlinthewiz: so in the algorithm's class i'd use config.Extras?
<raistlinthewiz> ahmed_:
<raistlinthewiz> give me a sample timetable please
<ahmed_> I did a pr
<ahmed_> Theres a sample timetable in there
<raistlinthewiz> and i commented
<raistlinthewiz> your implementation is incomplete
<raistlinthewiz> scryptn=scrypt
<raistlinthewiz> scryptn!=scrypt
<raistlinthewiz> which isn't correct
<raistlinthewiz> you need to have scrypt-n as a real algorithm
<ahmed_> Yeah I know it isnt
<ahmed_> Fot scrypt n we just need that line of code I pasted here to determine the n factor and pass that the scrypt lib
<ahmed_> I dont know how to convert that js code to c# tho
<ahmed_> We dont need any extra algo files
<ahmed_> raistlinthewiz:
<raistlinthewiz> are you sure scrypt-n implementation is exactly like the scrypt?
<raistlinthewiz> are you sure on that?
<ahmed_> Yrs
<ahmed_> Yes
<raistlinthewiz> okay then i'll fix your PR
<raistlinthewiz> but i'm not sure on that
<ahmed_> Well Caberhagen|afk can test it but im 90% sure
<ahmed_> If It doesnt work ill make a scrypt n algo implementation
<raistlinthewiz> ahmed_:
<raistlinthewiz> are these values correct?
<ahmed_> raistlinthewiz: the timetable and stuff is. Obvs urls arent. I havr to find a vtc block explorer but I was late for uni
<raistlinthewiz> okay where did u get the timetable from?
<ahmed_> Nomp I think
<raistlinthewiz> nomp doesnt contain for vertcoin
<ahmed_> Maybe my vtc stratum then let me check
<raistlinthewiz> link me so i can check too please
<raistlinthewiz> does vertcoin need a chainstarttime
<raistlinthewiz> i need testnet nodes for vertcoin
<raistlinthewiz> your timetable is wrong
feeleep has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
feeleep has joined #coiniumserv
Caberhagen|afk is now known as Caberhagen
<Caberhagen> hi @ all
<raistlinthewiz> hey
<Caberhagen> i see the work at scrypt-n is on. nice
<raistlinthewiz> yep
<raistlinthewiz> do you know any vertcoin testnet node ?
<Caberhagen> not atm. but i try to find one
<Caberhagen> short question, waht is here false? the miner runn the full time like the others in list. but in last 9 block he becomes no payout... http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3789/byjapxpj_png.htm
<Caberhagen> in log, it looks that all shares of this user listet Share accepted at 0.00/128 by miner eWFEGMFXwPoR7PQUedVKdt6ueNJzdgVWKa
<raistlinthewiz> seems incorrect calculation of rewards
<raistlinthewiz> please report it at issues
<Caberhagen> jep i do
<Caberhagen> mhh don't find any useful hint on www for vertcoin testnet node
<raistlinthewiz> which pool u'll be running with scrypt-n?
<Caberhagen> before it was nomp as stratum and mpos as frontend
<raistlinthewiz> i ask for the coin
<Caberhagen> vtc
<raistlinthewiz> okay scrypt-n done
<Caberhagen> yeah, cant wait to build... :)
<raistlinthewiz> here you go
<raistlinthewiz> though i'll improve the algorithms subsystem a bit for better performance
<Caberhagen> ok, i can wait until you have finished you improvements. so i not hav to update my page every day...
<raistlinthewiz> hopefully i'll push them today too
<Caberhagen> easy, tody or tomorrow. not a problem.
<Caberhagen> hope with all algos we push your project over the top. :)
<Caberhagen> and with your modues it have to be one of the top
<Caberhagen> modlues
<Caberhagen> wtf modules
<Caberhagen> the news rss feed, make update in fix times like every 10min or something?
<raistlinthewiz> it's javascript based
<raistlinthewiz> client's browser fetch the rsss
<Caberhagen> ok thx for info
<Stoner19> anyone willing to help walk me through a few steps?
<Caberhagen> have tried a test with nicehash, the pool verificator means all is ok. but ist not able to connect. but can see any error or something in the logs. have anyone tested with same problems?
<Caberhagen> @Stoner19 what steps?
<Stoner19> config.json what is "bind"?
<Stoner19> do I put my url/IP there?
<raistlinthewiz> ra
<raistlinthewiz> read the documentation then: https://github.com/CoiniumServ/CoiniumServ/wiki/pool.json
<Stoner19> "bind: interface to bind stratum server."
<raistlinthewiz> which is the IP address of your network interface
<raistlinthewiz> a pretty common networking term?
<Stoner19> ok, I'm still learning about it ;)
<raistlinthewiz> Caberhagen:
<raistlinthewiz> here you go
<raistlinthewiz> I've implemented scrypt-n from stratch
<raistlinthewiz> optimization is done
<Caberhagen> wohoooo
<Caberhagen> thx very
<raistlinthewiz> though needs actual testing
<Caberhagen> yes you know you doooooooooo :)
<Caberhagen> yes you know i doooooooooo :)
bootstrapping223 has joined #coiniumserv
<bootstrapping223> I'm having trouble finding the configuration details for setting up coinservpool with mpos and bitcoin
<bootstrapping223> for storage do I disable the storage for hybrid?
<raistlinthewiz> yes you do so
<raistlinthewiz> and disable the payments also
<bootstrapping223> oh ok
<bootstrapping223> thanks!
<raistlinthewiz> Caberhagen:
<raistlinthewiz> just wait please
<raistlinthewiz> pushing another commit
<Caberhagen> yes take it easy
<bootstrapping223> raistlinthewiz: thank you!
<bootstrapping223> and then add the appropriate login details for mpos mysql db right?
<raistlinthewiz> yep
<raistlinthewiz> but in pool.json files
<raistlinthewiz> as for each pool mpos needs seperate dbs
<raistlinthewiz> Caberhagen:
<raistlinthewiz> you are good to go now
<bootstrapping223> I see so should I also keep the mpos mysql parameters in the default config file disabled?
<raistlinthewiz> set the common parameters in default.json
<raistlinthewiz> set per-pool params in pool.json
<raistlinthewiz> so you can basically set mysql server ip in default.json
<raistlinthewiz> but the database-name in pool.json
<raistlinthewiz> so one of your pools can have it as "btc_db"
<raistlinthewiz> while the other can have the db name of "ltc_db"
<raistlinthewiz> ie
<bootstrapping223> ok I see what you mean
<bootstrapping223> I want to start with just bitcoin
<bootstrapping223> in the pool.json file, does the database have to be different than the one mpos php is using, or do they have to be the same one?
<Stoner19> when it says that pool.json will "be merged with default.json" does it still utilize the stratum settings per coin.json or does the stratum settings apply to ALL coins?
<raistlinthewiz> they need to be the same with mpos
<bootstrapping223> excellent
<bootstrapping223> got it
<raistlinthewiz> Stoner19:
<bootstrapping223> makes perfect sense
<raistlinthewiz> settings in pool.json override the settings in default.json
<Stoner19> ok thank you for clarifying
<raistlinthewiz> so basically if a key doesn't exist in default.json, the value from pool.json will be used
<raistlinthewiz> if both has a specific value, the pool.json will override the defaults
<raistlinthewiz> Caberhagen:
<raistlinthewiz> i'll also update coinium.org for vertcoin tests
<Caberhagen> ok nice we search results :)
<raistlinthewiz> oh i just found a bug
<raistlinthewiz> don't update
<raistlinthewiz> wait for the fix for this - https://github.com/CoiniumServ/CoiniumServ/issues/667
<bootstrapping223> I'm getting an error [global] Can not read json file CoiniumServ/bin/Release/config/software.json
<raistlinthewiz> copy software-example.json as software.json
<bootstrapping223> ok got it
<Stoner19> grrr, last question for a little while, I promise...
<Stoner19> [Error] [n/a] [global] Json parsing failed for: config/pools/cannacoin.json - Extraneous value delimiter
bootstrapping223 has quit [Quit: Page closed]
feeleep has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<raistlinthewiz> Stoner19:
<raistlinthewiz> it already says; Extraneous value delimiter
<raistlinthewiz> your json is not valid
<raistlinthewiz> validate it over jsonlint.com
<Stoner19> thank you
<Stoner19> awesome website
<Stoner19> was as simple as a , in the wrong place
<JudeAustin> Hello.
<The_Cashier> hellooo
<JudeAustin> Is that Ahmed B.?
<JudeAustin> Cough merged mining cough
<JudeAustin> Beep.
JudeAustin has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]