raistlinthewiz changed the topic of #coiniumserv to: v0.2.4 beta | Documentation: http://bit.ly/1plFgvp | FAQ: http://bit.ly/1xOHH0m | Project page: http://bit.ly/V1ycNw | Official site: CoiniumServ.com | Live demo: Coinium.org | Logs: http://bitly.com/1rtN140
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<fragar10> Does anyone have a json file for Worldcoin?
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<fragar10> How do I reach the web server from other computers. I can reach it from the localhost but not from other computers on network using the ip address.
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Caberhagen has joined #coiniumserv
<Caberhagen> hi @ all
<raistlinthewiz> hey
<Caberhagen> shit day, pc pc is death.now work from tablet...
<Caberhagen> :have now build from dev
<Caberhagen> one error on tests: CoiniumServ.Tests.Pools.PoolTests.ConstructorTest_NonNullParams_ShouldSuccess [FAIL]
<Caberhagen> is it a problem?
<raistlinthewiz> nope just skip it
<Caberhagen> thx
<raistlinthewiz> and Caberhagen
<raistlinthewiz> be aware
<raistlinthewiz> *warned
<raistlinthewiz> don't run develop branch on your production server
<raistlinthewiz> it's bleeding edge
<raistlinthewiz> can get broken in terms of functionality
<raistlinthewiz> but for helping the project, running a develop is highly advised
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<Caberhagen> i see at startup an error with peercoin: http://pastebin.com/bnS9YcmD
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<Caberhagen> 10/30/2014 17:00:07 +01:00 [Error] [NetworkInfo] [Peercoin] Can not probe submitblock() support: Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers)
<Caberhagen> 10/30/2014 17:00:07 +01:00 [Error] [NetworkInfo] [Vertcoin] Can not read getdifficulty(): The request timed out
<raistlinthewiz> Caberhagen:
<raistlinthewiz> do not use develop on your production server
<raistlinthewiz> just use it for testing purposes
<Caberhagen> can't test vtc self. but have useres for testing.
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<Caberhagen> a error from vtc: http://pastebin.com/xfpjGR3D
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<Caberhagen> looking as the nancy error comes on every startup from another coin.
<Caberhagen> found error pool manager; 10/30/2014 17:15:36 +01:00 [Error] [PoolManager] [global] Error recaching statistics; Object reference not set to an instance of an object
<Caberhagen> my friends mining now vtc for one live result. then we go back to master.
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fragar10 has joined #coiniumserv
<fragar10> I can't reach my coinium server from other computers on my network. What settings should I change to allow this
portalindo has joined #coiniumserv
<raistlinthewiz> FUCK C#
<raistlinthewiz> even it can't handle a fucking web-client connection correctly
<minerpools> raistlinthewiz how much of coiniumserv is written on C# ?
<minerpools> config files look like node.js files
<raistlinthewiz> %99
<minerpools> oh lol
<raistlinthewiz> config files are json files
<raistlinthewiz> not node.js files
<minerpools> yeah json
<minerpools> my bad
<minerpools> i want to test the server with some large hashrate, see how much can it hold
<raistlinthewiz> i'm really really tired of C#'s idiotness
<raistlinthewiz> you have to control every bit
<minerpools> yeah man
<minerpools> but is it too big now to re-write it?
<raistlinthewiz> fuck fuck fuck
<minerpools> I mean port it to something else
<minerpools> node for example?
<raistlinthewiz> it can't even handle more then 3 webclient connections
<raistlinthewiz> if you establish 3 of them quickly, your last one will timeout lol
<minerpools> lol
<raistlinthewiz> I'm really consering a complete rewrite either in nodejs or golang
<minerpools> but is that for the frontend or is the backend also affected?
<minerpools> dude nodejs would be awesome
<minerpools> nomp hasn't been touched in months but it really is much faster than the old python stratum
<minerpools> less overhead
<raistlinthewiz> I was actually going to start auto-exchange module but it's nearly impossible while managing .net's quirks as a one-man team
<minerpools> Yeah...
<minerpools> C# is too complicated
<raistlinthewiz> it's just bloatware now
<minerpools> yep
* minerpools hasn't checked out golang
<raistlinthewiz> i'll give a try to nodejs and see how fast i can port my existing code
<minerpools> you're using bootstrap for the frontend?
<raistlinthewiz> yes
<raistlinthewiz> and nancy sucks too
<raistlinthewiz> razor sucks even more
<raistlinthewiz> razor syntax is just bullshit
<minerpools> lol
<minerpools> bootstrap is really cool and simple
<minerpools> and looks good
<minerpools> your front end looks really good
<raistlinthewiz> i can just port the frontend
<minerpools> I hate smarty....
<raistlinthewiz> it's the simplest part really
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fishtrap has joined #coiniumserv
<fishtrap> How do I reach the web server from other computers on my network
<fishtrap> Is it a settings issue?
<raistlinthewiz> by typing the ip?
<fishtrap> I typed the ip from another computer and the website will not load. I can reach it fine from the localhost.
<raistlinthewiz> then dont run it over "localhost"
<raistlinthewiz> let it bind to
<raistlinthewiz> or so
<fishtrap> firewall issue. fixed now
<The_Cashier> hello @all
<The_Cashier> raistlinthewiz did you find a solution for the issue 541 on orphaned blocks ? My server is down until its fixed :(
<raistlinthewiz> not yet