raistlinthewiz changed the topic of #coiniumserv to: v0.2.4 beta | Documentation: http://bit.ly/1plFgvp | FAQ: http://bit.ly/1xOHH0m | Project page: http://bit.ly/V1ycNw | Official site: CoiniumServ.com | Live demo: Coinium.org | Logs: http://bitly.com/1rtN140
<fishtrap> Do you have information to create a Worldcoin.json file. Also what is the rpcport?
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<portalindo> hi
<portalindo> noobs question, howto install the sql for coiniumserv?
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<minerpools> on which OS portalindo?
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<raistlinthewiz> ahmed_: u there?
<raistlinthewiz> what do you guys think about a complete rewrite of coiniumserv in nodejs?
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<portalindo> hi, minerpools on ubuntu 14
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<ahmed_> Ugh
<ahmed_> no way
<raistlinthewiz> ahmed_:
<raistlinthewiz> i do really consider this
<ahmed_> I'm out then I can't stand js
<raistlinthewiz> okay i hacked the server in c# which required me at least write 3x code then a nodejs alternative
<raistlinthewiz> and .net is now glitching
<ahmed_> (Well more like I don't know it enough but yea)
<raistlinthewiz> when you instantiate fucking webclient class a 3. time
<raistlinthewiz> it'll just timeout
<raistlinthewiz> this is ugly
<ahmed_> how about python?
<raistlinthewiz> in coiniuserv, i do mostly hack for .net glitches
<raistlinthewiz> instead of the actual stuff
<raistlinthewiz> i'm not used to python and npm is better then pythons
<raistlinthewiz> and npm environment is bigger
<raistlinthewiz> i guess i can quickly port my code to nodejs
<raistlinthewiz> with a better structure then nomp
<ahmed_> Hmm tis up to u
<feeleep> hi guys - I am interested in this project, however I dont have programming skills at this level, and I found out that indeed there is much too much issues with this environment. Some time ago I switched from python stratum to nomp (mpos as frontend) and except issues with mpos implementation (or rather issues with MySQL number of connections) nomp just works. Its stable - I did not have any crash since months,
<feeleep> reliable, easy to monitor. Moreover if you would switch to nodejs probably you would be able to use some nomp code :). But it is just my opinion...
<ahmed_> Naa
<ahmed_> Reusing nomp code wouldn't be good
<ahmed_> Its spaghetti zone117x said so himself
<raistlinthewiz> i'm not using nomp code
<raistlinthewiz> won't be for the most port
<raistlinthewiz> will be re-writing from stratch based on coiniumserv code
<feeleep> maybe logic of nomp is useless but stratum part should be quite OK, but as I said - dont have such knowledge to judge
<raistlinthewiz> anyway i'll be better hacking a simple stratum server in nodejs too see how easy it is
<raistlinthewiz> and then decide
<raistlinthewiz> lol i was able to hack the json-rpc part in less then <100 lines
<raistlinthewiz> where in C# it was 10x
<raistlinthewiz> 106 lines and now cgminer can connect lol
<raistlinthewiz> okay guys
<raistlinthewiz> suggest a new name for the project then
<raistlinthewiz> :)
<raistlinthewiz> hpool?
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<ahmed_> raistlinthewiz: i think i might port coiniumserv to python myself
<ahmed_> raistlinthewiz: hpool sounds good tho :)
<feeleep> why hpool?
<raistlinthewiz> nice idea
<raistlinthewiz> h stands for my names initial
<raistlinthewiz> but still up for more name ideas
<raistlinthewiz> give me more name ideas? :)
<raistlinthewiz> ahmed_:
<ahmed_> raistlinthewiz OPS? Open Pool Software
<raistlinthewiz> nah didn't like it
<raistlinthewiz> nah hpool.com is taken
<raistlinthewiz> hmm maybe qPool
<raistlinthewiz> ok hpool or qpool?
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<Biomech_> anyone about?
<Biomech_> I keep getting this:
<Biomech_> Stacktrace: Native stacktrace: /usr/bin/cli() [0x4b3f7c] /usr/bin/cli() [0x50c30f] /usr/bin/cli() [0x423637] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x10340) [0x7fb761343340] /usr/bin/cli() [0x53f5fe] [0x40195b6a] Debug info from gdb: 13:53:02 [Error] [StratumServer] [Darkcoin] Can not accept connection System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Invalid arguments at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Accept () [0x00000] in <filename
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<Biomech_> ubuntu server 14.04, latest mono and redis, mariadb. I don't yet have software.json setup the way I want it, so it's throwing an error on that, but it doesn't seem that should matter. Opinions? Options?
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<raistlinthewiz> so no names yet? :)
<raistlinthewiz> ahmed_:
<minerpools> wow that was fast
<minerpools> hpool-server
<minerpools> sup raistlinthewiz
<raistlinthewiz> hey
<raistlinthewiz> yep i started testing a nodejs port
<minerpools> name change
<minerpools> oh noice
<minerpools> I can help testing
<minerpools> it'll be a lot of wor
<minerpools> work
<minerpools> but changing to nodejs is a great idea
<raistlinthewiz> not much really
<raistlinthewiz> it was hard the first time when i was developing coiniumserv because i had to learn about the json-rpc, stratum, bitcoin etc
<raistlinthewiz> i do know have all the information
<minerpools> wow
<minerpools> awesome
<minerpools> yeah I saw you already created some .js files
<raistlinthewiz> https://github.com/int6/hpool-server just empty now
<raistlinthewiz> i'm implementing https://github.com/int6/hpool-stratum right now
Caberhagen has joined #coiniumserv
<Caberhagen> hi @ all
<Caberhagen> now my workstation back. so can make tests if needed....
<raistlinthewiz> Caberhagen:
<raistlinthewiz> big news
<raistlinthewiz> today
<Caberhagen> have a busy day, lot work at job. don't see anything
<raistlinthewiz> i'm porting coiniumserv to nodejs
<Caberhagen> as info, vtc looks goog. we have discovered a block. now on waiting for confirmations. then can say payment processor works...
<Caberhagen> to node.js, why? mean you hve a good system.
<Caberhagen> i have node allready on my server because used nomp befor cs.
<Caberhagen> so if you have stuff to test, you know i will help good i can...
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<raistlinthewiz> because nodejs is more maintainable
<raistlinthewiz> i had to write 3x code within c# for every bit of functionality compared to nodejs alternative
<minerpools> and node.js has less overhead, it'll be more efficient
<minerpools> I'm running a node.js stratum engine, and it's really fast
<Caberhagen> ok thats a good point.
<minerpools> plus, it's true. Maintaining the code would be much easier
<raistlinthewiz> lol startum code is nearly done: https://github.com/int6/hpool-stratum/blob/master/lib/stratumClient.js
<minerpools> wat
<minerpools> hyper fast
<minerpools> you started like an hour ago or something
<raistlinthewiz> except the mining.submit reply
<raistlinthewiz> will start with the daemon connection now
<minerpools> noice
<ahmed_> damn
<ahmed_> i think im going to get started porting it to python
<raistlinthewiz> ahmed_: i'm faster then you :)
<raistlinthewiz> :DD
<ahmed_> raistlinthewiz: much faster
<ahmed_> and ive got a lot of research to do
<raistlinthewiz> :)
<raistlinthewiz> this time i'll start using BDD tests
<raistlinthewiz> and integration tests
<raistlinthewiz> and even sockets tets
<raistlinthewiz> and hopefully we'll gather old the old nomp developer community back
<ahmed_> mhmm
<ahmed_> i give up already LOL
<raistlinthewiz> :D
<raistlinthewiz> start hacking the nodejs version really
<raistlinthewiz> before coiniumserv i couldn't hack nodejs too, but by reading the nomp, i can now use it
<raistlinthewiz> and it's really fun to nodejs
<raistlinthewiz> when you can code the same with at least x3 lower lines of code
<raistlinthewiz> and without all the glitches of .net/mono
<ahmed_> i think i might just give in and learn nodejs so i can help out
<raistlinthewiz> nodejs is easy really
<raistlinthewiz> and event driven programming is really well suited to a stratum server
<raistlinthewiz> as rpc itself is 'event' based
<ahmed_> yea
<ahmed_> i just dont like the syntax
<raistlinthewiz> i was too
<raistlinthewiz> but getting used to it
<ahmed_> ill just help out with hpool i think
<raistlinthewiz> i'm still not finalized about the name
<ahmed_> yeah an initial name is fine tho
<ahmed_> MPOS started with mmcfe-ng
<raistlinthewiz> here we go :D https://www.npmjs.org/package/hpool-stratum
<raistlinthewiz> bah published an old release
<The_Cashier> would be nice if one of you had time to debug my issue, got my server down since 2 weeks almost :(
<The_Cashier> i ve added a bounty on it, nobody is interrested
<ahmed_> ahh
<ahmed_> i think ive figured it out
<ahmed_> Hartland/Dreamwatcher submitted a patch for that same issue to stratum mining just before i stopped maintaing it
<ahmed_> ^ raistlinthewiz that might help The_Cashier's issue
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<Biomech_> Just had that happen on my test pool, with TEK. Broke a block, it has long since confirmed, but it shows as an orphan.
<Stoner19> bummer dude
tomgie has joined #coiniumserv
<tomgie> Does CoiniumServ support switching to the best profitable coin on that algorithm?
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formerStoner19 is now known as Stoner19
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