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<sorcus> Nicolab: Oh, i read only first part :-D :-D :-D
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> Haha
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> it's an interesting show. Gold mining seems like a lot of work. I've only done a little panning, myself
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> Indeed and a large financial investment to be amortized in one season
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> I think that's what makes him watch the next episode, damn it, he's got to find the gold!!
<FromGitter> <j8r> @tenebrousedge there are people defending Germanic purism in English - talk with only Germanic words, no Latin ones
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<FromGitter> <j8r> Alaska was russian long time ago, I wonder if there are still remains
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> We have one language per region lol
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> there are a few churches but the Russians didn't really build much
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> surely, there are expressions in all languages, borrow from others
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> using only Germanic words seems like an unusual hobby. I wonder if they also exclude Welsh constructs. That would eliminate more than half the language, at any rate
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> @Nicolab I think the Academie might disagree :P
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> ^^
<FromGitter> <j8r> It's kind of talking like before the normans came, I guess
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> In my region people still speak fluent Basque (even in primary school). A very, very old language that has survived
<FromGitter> <j8r> Some people think like that to defend an identity. For instance, avoiding englisicms in our language
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> In France too, that's why we're not good at English.
<FromGitter> <j8r> Lol not sure, that's because English is hard
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> Avoiding Latin words would only get you so far. Old English was a pretty different language. It might be worth learning to speak it, but I don't know who you would talk to. Modern English isn't just Old English with new words
<FromGitter> <j8r> Yep, usually there are a Germanic and Latin variant of a word
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> the english accent is very hard, I won't understand what I'm writing or reading if I hear it.
<FromGitter> <j8r> @Nicolab i doubt other latin countries perform significantly better
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> One thing that I don't recall as being part of Old English is our use of the word "do", as in, "Why do we use the word 'do'?"
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> "I don't know" vs. "I know not"
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> @j8r I have the impression that the Scandinavian countries and the Germans all speak it very well ^^ for the rest I don't know
<FromGitter> <j8r> We can say `I know not`?
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> but we don't
<FromGitter> <j8r> @Nicolab learning a language in the same family helps
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> 👍
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> yes
<FromGitter> <j8r> I hate in Latin `I`!=`l`, and `0`!=`O`
<FromGitter> <jwoertink> Is there a way to make an enum have `UInt` values aside from assigning each one individually?
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> @j8r see Contribution of the French lexicon to English
<FromGitter> <j8r> In monospace we see better the diff than I l
<FromGitter> <j8r> @jwoertink I don't think so :(
<FromGitter> <jwoertink> Yeah, I'm not seeing anything. I'll just assign them manually for now
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> I know not < (old english ^^)
<FromGitter> <j8r> Perhaps enum could be a generic
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> Won't it auto cast it if you set the return type of the enum?
<FromGitter> <j8r> Or an annotation somewhere
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> > Error: enum value must be an Int32
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> Only Int32?
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> no like
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16>
<FromGitter> <jwoertink> oh, maybe that would work. I didn't try that
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> @Blacksmoke16 ah, good
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<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> 👍
<FromGitter> <j8r> Didn't know this, nice!
<FromGitter> <j8r> But not really intuitive
<FromGitter> <jwoertink> yeah, that works so much nicer
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> it's in the book
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> Oh! Indeed
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<sorcus> Good night :-)
<FromGitter> <Nicolab> Good night!
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<sorcus> Blacksmoke16: Hi.
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<FromGitter> <j8r> @Blacksmoke16 you can ask to @jirutka
<FromGitter> <j8r> if he needs help, I could eventually update it
<FromGitter> <j8r> what's really suck is aarch64 will be dropped
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<FromGitter> <kingsleyh> hello - what is the best way to locate a users home directory using Crystal?
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> the current user?
<FromGitter> <kingsleyh> yes
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> in unix you should be able to rely on $HOME being set in the environment
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> Crystal may have a method for it, let's check
<FromGitter> <kingsleyh> does this really work: `Path["~/bin"].expand(home: true)`
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> the docs say it does
<FromGitter> <kingsleyh> Path.home
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> yup, was about to mention that
<FromGitter> <kingsleyh> oh cool it works :) thanks
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<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> np
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<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> @grkek @corcus got that PR merged :)
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> (will fix typos next PR)
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> made it build docs for it and its deps, so is quite nice
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> `Controller` type has an example controller
* sorcus happy
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> @j8r gotcha thanks
<raz> jfc, my hatred for Golang keeps growing.
<raz> so you're supposed to add this to your .gitconfig to make "go get" work with private repos:
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> let the hate flow through you!
<raz> except. when you have that there, 'shards' breaks and starts to fetch stuff multiple times. :,(
<raz> the whole GOPATH, deps tragedy in golang infuriates me. how can new languages *still* get these basics so wrong.
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> it seems like lower-ranked answers there are better
<raz> yeh, i'm still trying to figure out a better way, but none of the other stuff worked so far
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<FromGitter> <jgillich> ⏎ Is there any way to make this work or will I have to define a type alias for the hash?
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> do you need a class, or would a hash alias work?
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> you can do either. You do need to declare the hash literal as that type either way
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge>
<FromGitter> <jgillich> Ah, that
<FromGitter> <jgillich> helps, thank you!
<FromGitter> <jgillich> And yes, the class is required unfortunately
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> I'd do this then
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> ^ _1
<FromGitter> <ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> hello
<FromGitter> <wrq> hello!
<FromGitter> <ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> i've finally been using enums and it's been great
<FromGitter> <ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> really helps instead of having to memorize int values to their functionality...
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> did you drop the tuples yet
<FromGitter> <ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> oh god
<FromGitter> <ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> not yet
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<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> updated the DI article for usage with the new upcoming Athena version
<FromGitter> <grkek> shardbox is down.
<FromGitter> <straight-shoota> Thanks @grkek
<FromGitter> <straight-shoota> Database connection was lost
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> js is such a hot mess
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<FromGitter> <grkek> np;)
<FromGitter> <grkek> does it need rebuilding, etc
<FromGitter> <grkek> shards are missing
<FromGitter> <grkek> @straight-shoota
<FromGitter> <straight-shoota> What do you mean @grek?
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<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> say i want to move a shard to an org, rename the repo and the shard. is that going to cause any issues with shards?
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> like would i be better off making a fresh repo in the org and archiving the other one, or move/rename it and delete tags or something?
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> I would assume that would cause issues
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> but I don't know how shards works
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> obs it would break existing installs, but would it still work if someone updated the info in their `shard.yml`?
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> id be ok with that, doubt anyone has these installed anyway :S
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> isn't that going to break the api too?
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> totally yes
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> I would archive and put a note in the README
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> if you've only had like four visitors/downloads then I would probably not worry about it
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> hmm
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> id like to keep the stars and history and such. API will be the same, just will need to do a find replace on the namespace
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> ill prob just transfer it to org, rename and test it, worst case i nuke the tags and start off at 0.1.0 again :shrug:
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> history is important. Stars are not, imo
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> but i like my ⭐ :p
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> they're nice to have
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> shardbox says im the only one that has it installed (thats public at least) so meh
* FromGitter * Blacksmoke16 wishes he made an org before making all these shards
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> a Blacksmoke org? o.o
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16>
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> Legion of the Black Smoke
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> ^
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> :P
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> moving all the related shards i made into it
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> so like `crylog => athena-logger` etc
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> pita
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> think i might just cut my losses and archive the originals then just start new repos with the current state
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> keep BC and all components would be on same version to start :S
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> is crylog used by anything else?
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> not thats public
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> is there a better logging framework out there?
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> iirc @nsuchy is using it
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> that seems like a project that could have a life of its own
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> logging is something that every framework needs
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> thats part of what im working towards
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> athena framework is to be made from reusable, independent components
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> i.e. usable outside of athena, but provides best integration when used within it
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> i wrote this a while ago so i didnt forget anything
<FromGitter> <Daniel-Worrall> @Blacksmoke16 Moving repos creates symlinks in github, and shards would handle those links perfectly fine since it uses git as the backend
<FromGitter> <Daniel-Worrall> As long as you don't create an identical user/repo name, the link remains
<FromGitter> <Daniel-Worrall> See: meew0/discordcr -> discordcr/discordcr
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> right, thats why athena itself was easy to move
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> but this results in a transfer, repo, and shard rename
<FromGitter> <Daniel-Worrall> Why would it? All the old names are usable
<FromGitter> <Daniel-Worrall> It just means new users would more likely use the new name
<FromGitter> <Daniel-Worrall> but it's backwards compatible
<FromGitter> <Daniel-Worrall> That's changing the name entirely
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> right, which ill be doing as well
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> `crylog => athena-logger`
<FromGitter> <Daniel-Worrall> Ah. You're renaming the shard.
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> and repo name `crylog => logger`
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> yea
<FromGitter> <Daniel-Worrall> Yeah, that's the only part that doesn't work
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> prob end up with just archiving old one, and make new one in the org
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> then delete the archived one a few months from now
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> er no point in doing that, just have link to the new one
<sorcus> Blacksmoke16: :thumbsup:
* FromGitter * watzon sighs
<FromGitter> <watzon> Well I finally got my emacs configuration all ready to go
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* FromGitter * tenebrousedge whines about JavaScript
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