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<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> JS is such rancid garbage
<sorcus> No one love JS :-D
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<FromGitter> <rishavs> i love js :(
<sorcus> rishavs: Don't worry, JS not bad :-)
<sorcus> rishavs: But for me JS has one thing that i little hate... HTTP requests :-D
<FromGitter> <rishavs> I love how json is a 1st class citizen in js. no other language that I have used has that simplicity
<FromGitter> <craysiii> What is a hash then?
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> a pita for the most part :p
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<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> > I love how json is a 1st class citizen in js. no other language that I have used has that simplicity ⏎ ⏎ Is this sarcasm?
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> or some other form of parody?
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<FromGitter> <grkek> Death penalty for the JS pleb
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<FromGitter> <Daniel-Worrall> Please be respectful to people.
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<FromGitter> <rurounijones_gitlab> Ahoi all. I have a Channel setup as a queue. It accepts different event types (Update, Delete, SetProperty). Each event is a NamedTuple alias with different fields. In the reader of this channel I am trying to direct the events to their respective by using a `case` statement based on `event.class` but the compiler is complaining about the fact that I have code, that is only called for the Update
<FromGitter> ... event, is looking for keys in the Delete event. My thought was that, since this code is never called for a Delete event, the compiler should know that and not complain. Is my thinking correct?
<FromGitter> <rurounijones_gitlab> (I am porting the code from Ruby hence the use of NamedTuples since the original was just passing hashes around. It would not be a complete pain to switch to using actual classes instead of aliases, I just want to know if I am wrong in my assumptions)
<FromGitter> <rurounijones_gitlab> Ah, reading the docs more, I don't think `alias` actually matters at compile time so the `case` statement is bunk since all it sees is `NamedTuple`, not the alias name
<FromGitter> <rurounijones_gitlab> and just to finish off for posterity. I believe it is `typeof(T)`, not `T.class` - not that it works for my use-case anyway.
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<FromGitter> <rurounijones_gitlab> Ok, even switching to sending events in fully defined classes I am still getting this behavour. ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ `Error: undefined method 'data' for TacScribe::ReferenceLatitudeSettingEvent (compile-time type is (TacScribe::ReferenceLatitudeSettingEvent | TacScribe::ReferenceLongitudeSettingEvent | TacScribe::UnitDeletionEvent | TacScribe::UnitUpdateEvent))`
<FromGitter> <rurounijones_gitlab> And again for posterity. `typeof` was not needed as `case` uses the `===` operator and from the docs "For example, Class defines case equality as when an object is an instance of that class,". No idea if this would have worked with `alias` but I am not going to rewrite the code to check.
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<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> :plus1:
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> @rurounijones_gitlab ⏎ ⏎ ```[1].class #=> Array ⏎ typeof([1]) #=> Array(Int32)``` []
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<repo> there's no version of JSON::Any#dig that would accept an array as subkeys?
<repo> so if i had a runtime input like "" i'd need to manually dig?
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> hmmmm, maybe `reduce`
<repo> yeah
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> ```arr.reduce(json) {|m, e| m.dig(e) }```
<repo> yeah
<repo> or for nilable stuff arr.reduce(json) { |m, e| m.try(&.[]? e) }
<repo> or dig i guess
<repo> *dig?
<FromGitter> <tenebrousedge> and for the obnoxious null issue: `arr.reduce(json) {|m, e| m.dig?(e) rescue m }`
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<FromGitter> <christopherzimmerman> For any baseball junkies out there, I'm working on a retrosheet play-by-play parser. Currently able to parse about 6300 games per second.
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<FromGitter> <Daniel-Worrall> Anyone used an rss feed builder on Crystal?
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