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<Flashtek> Be there a cubbie that has dual ethernet ?
<rm> no
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<Flashtek> arse...
<Flashtek> hunt continues...
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<rneese> whats is the img name of the default os on the cubieboards
<rneese> I need to flash it back to default
<rneese> ?
<rneese> anyone
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<wickwire> rneese: have you checked cubieboard.org?
<wickwire> either nand images or sdcard images
<wickwire> if nand, then android
<wickwire> if by default you mean the one initially loaded on nand
<rneese> wow adafruit has a gsm module now
<rneese> that would allow the bots to phone home
<popolon> well, you can put usb gsm module on any board else
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<rneese> we are working on a robot
<rneese> and lookign at gps and other modules to embbed
<rneese> I need to find a img like the beagle bone blacks have
<rneese> for developing
<rneese> I also have to buy a brakout board
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<rneese> I am ordering a backboard now
<rneese> so I have breakouts
<rneese> then I have to get it working for the project
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<rneese> I need a cubieeze jessie img
<jelly> can you express that need with a monetary value
<rneese> well I found a img
<rneese> lol
<rneese> but I have to look at finidn a jessie base img also
<rneese> I want to put his board back to use
<rneese> and with the backboard and a few modules
<rneese> I will be able to
<rneese> have to get the weather module I haveworking also
<rneese> and a small lcd screen
<rneese> I wish the bbblack scrrn could be adapted
<jelly> upgrading debian in-place on a sluggish board can be done, but isn't exactly fun
<rneese> that and the 7 inch
<rneese> need one for the cubie
<rneese> wounder if we could adapt it
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<jelly> considering one can get an A20 7" tablet with 5 point capacitive touch for the same $50 price, it looks a bit expensive
<jelly> A23, sorry
<rneese> well this is a full robotic project
<rneese> and unless we can reload the table with linux and have all the addon to it
<rneese> a tablet wont do
<rneese> this is going to ne a robot that needs specific inputs
<jelly> I mean you can (and I will ;-) chop it up and use it with an A20 or A31 board
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<jelly> those things are ridiculously cheap; they don't make for good tablets with that 800x480 resolution and crappy colors, but to open up and use in other projects
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<jelly> but yes, experimenting and integrating the components into something usable is just more work
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<rneese> hmmm
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<rneese> well I have 1 year to do this base of the project and have a prototype
<rneese> so this will take time
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<utente> how to set cubieboard to control anoter board using USART protocol? (the old rs232 standard). What pin to use? what software? there are some projects already done that did it?
<rneese> well I ordered 25 new parts todat
<rneese> today the boss will love me friday when they all come in and I hand in reciepts
<rneese> got gsm modem the gps module
<rneese> the weather module
<rneese> and a few other items to go on this unit
<rneese> ok I got the breakout board for 12 bucks
<rneese> so this will all come together
<rneese> I just wish they would have madeit a breadboard breakout board
<rneese> thats the unit I got and the other modules will get added to it
<rneese> I have to find stand off rails now
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<popolon> yes !
<popolon> managed to run/update archlinux on nand :)
<popolon> on cb2
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<popolon> very nice distro
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<popolon> Is there a special limitation that cubieboard2 boot partition I found start at 32768 instead of 2048 ?
<popolon> (after nand-part)
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<popolon> on NAND
<popolon> seem to be an historical reason :)
<popolon> nanda starting at 2048 works perfectly :)
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<mhoney> everytime I try to use nand it gets corrupted
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<popolon> mhoney, depend on kernel version
<popolon> I just managed to get it working with archlinux :)
<popolon> it use 3.4.90
<popolon> and autoupdate kernel/modules specific to cb2 by package
<popolon> that's the only one distro that is able to do that as far I know
<popolon> arch linux ARM http://archlinuxarm.org
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<mhoney> if debian can't do it, it's not doable ;)