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<popolon> mhoney, I had a crash yesterday evening trying to use ubuntu core 14.04 with the same kernel on nand, I put back archback no crash during the whole night and until now
<popolon> so it should also depend on some features/libs on the system
<popolon> (I used the same kernel, libs/modules, libs/firmware (last archlinux ARM available one for sun7i)
<popolon> the crash on ubuntu was not a permanent crash, I had ssh (but no UART) deconnexion and was able to connect again using ssh
<popolon> didn't keep the log. I would prefer to investigate in arch linux usage, ubuntu doesn't seem to manage arm very well, even htop package disappear in ARM flavor of 14.04
<popolon> (reported bug, perhaps only a problem with package building automation ?)
<popolon> seems it isn't in ubuntu-core standard repository or need to activate some *verse
<popolon> universe
<popolon> ok, understood, the apt/sources.list file enable only main restricted by default
<popolon> need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list
<popolon> so ubuntu still care of ARM :)
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<buZz> ubuntu just adopted debian's care
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