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<Flashtek_l> Q: Debian on truck with everything working, is there an image ?
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<rooted> hello
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<rooted> cubietruck a20 , android os , wifi keep disconnecting every 5 min , any help ?
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<rooted> cubietruck a20 , android os , wifi keep disconnecting every 5 min , any help ?
<discopig> Flashtek, yes
<discopig> give me a second i'll link you to one
<discopig> i use the latter
<discopig> it has an updated kernel and more features
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<Flashtek> discopig: can you give an absolute url? My browsing ability is limited to my mobile just now.
<Flashtek> Also, is that an SD image or nans?
<discopig> both
<Flashtek> Awesomeness. Could you give a url?
<Flashtek> And I can download and dd to SD?
<Flashtek> Downloading the wheezy image now
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<Flashtek> Ok... downloaded and unzipped.
<Flashtek> Next issue... where to store the image while it writes to the SD?
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<Flashtek> Solution found...
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<Flashtek> Installed and booted
<Flashtek> Awesome
<Flashtek> So
<Flashtek> Installed a new image from what was available. A usb stick an SD card and the cubietruck
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<wooy> Any news on Cubieboard A80?
<discopig> wooy, it's been delayed
<discopig> forgot the reason why
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<wooy> any price estimation, discopig?
<discopig> nope
<discopig> i tried asking but nobody knows
<wooy> same. lets home they put it on the counter before xmas
<discopig> i'm surprised it won't have any SATA
<discopig> i don't think if i'll buy it because of that
<wooy> yup, its shame to break the sata-supported chain
<Flashtek> I feel totally drained...
<Flashtek> Could do with a nice cold beer
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