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<rooted> when i connect CT Lubuntu 1.02 installed, into usb port , in a pc with windows os, it cant see the device is connected so i can flush into nand. help
<rooted> hello
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<rooted> hello ?
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<FR^2> *shrug*
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<rooted> when i connect CT Lubuntu 1.02 installed, into usb port , in a pc with windows os, it cant see the device is connected so i can flush into nand. help
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<n3glv> rooted:
<n3glv> trying to flash what into nand?
<rooted> n3glv , other lubuntu version or a debian
<rooted> the problem is , that when i use the usb cable, connectd to a windows PC , it doesnt show that there is a device connected. but when i ensert other CT with android os it detects it
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<jelly> rooted: that's expected behaviour, android has usb-gadget drivers and pretends to be a device, so that adb and file transfers work
<rooted> jelly exactly! , and yes lubuntu dont. what is the solution ?
<jelly> don't let it boot linux but android instead
<rooted> changing lubuntu is a mast , it doesnt support wifi , tried everything , editing the network interface, every thing, ifconfig doesnt work , cant scan for wireless network, etc.
<rooted> jelly , ive flushed lubuntu into NAND , can i recover it to android ?
<rooted> mast = must
<jelly> I have no idea, presumably you need to find the android image and flash nand from Linux
<rooted> can it do that , because rootfs is being used.
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<jelly> how come you installed to nand instead of a SD card?
<rooted> it was a stupid mistake
<jelly> I _guess_ you'd have to make a bootable SD, boot that, then deal with nand contents very carefully
<rooted> if i solve the wifi problem in lubuntu i dont care of the flush problem. but simply lubuntu is not a complete set..
<jelly> these are all dev boards, noone said all the hw would work
* rooted tries Linux Vs. Linux.
<rooted> doesnt work too
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<Dave77> what is being done to get binary for download with ARM?
<Dave77> I am told to compile but it ends up breaking something in the system
<Dave77> takes forever to compile.. and then doesn't work
<Dave77> why don't they provide binaries???
<froese> .oO(what is he talking about?)
<Dave77> any program for linux... often no ARM download just x86
<rm> such is the life
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<hari__> hello
<Dave77> I compiled mplayer but ended up with no audio.. compiled perl.. broke the system etc
<rm> in GNU/Linux world you aren't supposed to download binaries from webpages
<hari__> how to install teebx in cubieboard2??? Need help
<rm> rather, you just install all programs you need from your OS repositories
<Dave77> so that is the reason why user share is low..
<rm> mplayer and especially perl should be available from those
<rm> which OS do you use
<rm> did you try "apt-get install perl", if debian
<Dave77> yes I did that but script I used required 5.18 and only 5.14 was available via apt-get
<rm> 5.18 is in Debian Testing
<froese> debian has nearly everything available for arm...
<rm> trying *that* has a higher chance of success, than trying to comple it from source
<hari__> how to install teebx in cubieboard?
<Dave77> how do i install something from 'testing' ?
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<n3glv> rooted: did you get it to talk to pc?
<n3glv> rooted: to flash nvram you have to bring ct up in bootloader mode
<n3glv> and run the tool on pc
<n3glv> (plugged into otg port)
<Dave77> ty rm
<rooted> n3glv yes just did , someone helped me in cubieboard forum , and made me hold on REL+RESET botton
<rooted> now ive upgraded lubuntu , but still cant connect to wifi , cant find na scan option nor botton
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<rooted> got it!
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<n3glv> found the modprobe rooted?
<rooted> yep
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<n3glv> good
<rooted> the old version dont have modprobe, ive upgraded it, yet it didnt.
<n3glv> ?
<rooted> then ive discovered am a stupid person , have to use sudo first
<n3glv> modprobe is a basic function
<n3glv> yes
<rooted> though linaro has it by defualt
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<n3glv> you could mean the firmware?
<rooted> when i use it , without sudo , its says unknown function
<n3glv> yeah, root is not the same as user
<rooted> if it did said anything about permission ive been gone with sudo
<n3glv> user does not have rights to modprobe command
<rooted> and i though am a linux pro.. i feel a shamed
* rooted bad!
<n3glv> ok, anyway, lunch time, be back later from mcdonalds
<rooted> thanks man
<rooted> tc
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<Baronawesome> hello, can anyone tell me which Wifi dongles work out-of-box on CB2 Android?
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