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<kieppie> hi
<kieppie> I'm trying to set up the HDMI on my CB2 for Arch
<kieppie> I'm able to SSH in, but no video out
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<user> при включении питания кубиборд мигает зеленым светодиодом и не загружается ( подключен к роутеру и роутер его не видит) установил cubian r5 и теперь такая вот фигня. подскажите в чем дело?
<user> тут есть кто живой?
<user> ауууууууууууу
<th__> no
<user> что совсем никто не знает что желать?
<user> может другую ревизию cubian поставить?
<th__> I don't even know what charset that's from
<rooted-arm> enlish ?
<user> а на русском?
<[o^o]> enlish?
<[o^o]> ;-0
* rooted-arm watch's and learn.
<th__> supplies, it's enlish
<[o^o]> priviet
<[o^o]> ruskie
<[o^o]> or polsak or something
<rooted-arm> ukrainian
<[o^o]> polska that is...
<user> cubiboard not boot. only green led blinking . installed cubian r 5 whats wrong?
<[o^o]> k
* rooted-arm officially farted @ office.
<user> maybe reinstall other revision?
<user> sorry for my english
<rooted-arm> when ill get my new cubieboard , ill support you , meanwhile wait.
<rooted-arm> have you tried uboot ?
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<user> how to do it?
<rooted-arm> simply goto : google , write : how to USE uboot ON cubieboard , or what is uboot
<[o^o]> or type /topic and follow links?
<[o^o]> user: which cubie and do you mean NAND or SD ?
<user> nand
<user> system installed on nand
<user> but when a using sd system is started normaly
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<Shinyu> i'm having trouble connecting my cb2 to LAN it's running stock for now, are there some things i'm missing?
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<Shinyu> i might have a defective board unless there is some precedure involved in getting the lan port to function on the stock android
<Shinyu> procedure*
<FR^2> define "trouble connecting" and "getting the lan port to function"
<Shinyu> basically it doesn't work
<Shinyu> i hooked the lan port directly to the roiuter but no connection is established
<Shinyu> atleast not a functioning one heh
<Shinyu> router*
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<rm> I think there was some enable/disable Ethernet in settings
<rm> but REALLY
<rm> no one uses the stock android
<rm> boot a GNU/Linux distro from an SD card
<Shinyu> that was my next step
<rm> and then you can diagnose it better
<Shinyu> yes android sucks for that but
<Shinyu> it should work out of the box right?
<rm> not sure
<rm> during some period CBs were shipping with Android that wasn't usable
<rm> showing up in pink/green, and crashing on any mouse click
<Shinyu> i see i think i'll give cubieez a try
<Shinyu> though which distro has the best video playback support atm?
<Shinyu> 2d/3d acceleration
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<raffahacks> how many cubies were sold?
<FR^2> raffahacks: Green!
<raffahacks> what does it mean?
<mnemoc> raffahacks: there is no one from cubietech here
<raffahacks> sorry
<raffahacks> who is italian here?
<mnemoc> it's a community channel. not a company support thing.
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<FR^2> raffahacks: My answer was totally nonsense. What answer to your question would have made sense? ;)
<raffahacks> sold units? ;)
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<Shinyu> a lot?
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<jelly-home> about $3.50?
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<n3glv> ct ethernet not working in android?
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