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<rooted-arm> hello , is there a built-in version of cubieboard that has wireless apadter or blutooth ?
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<rm> I think cubietruck has both
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<mnemoc> the same IC/module does both
<n3glv> yes CT has both
<n3glv> rm: so a2dp is then a software/firmware question on the CT?
<rm> ...what
<n3glv> asking if my multimedia (cell bluetooth) headset should work on truck
<rm> why asking me? :)
<n3glv> thought you might know
<n3glv> hope to get my truck very soon
<n3glv> it left NY @ 6am on the 1st
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* rooted-arm ordered 100pcs of CT & 100pcs of CB2 :P
<FR^2> oh, wanna give me one or two? ;)
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<rooted-arm> FR^2 if you pay for the shipments , ok i will :)
<FR^2> Oo
<FR^2> Quite generous :)
<mnemoc> :o
<rooted-arm> but.. if your a SEXY female , ill do that :P exrta-boards too
<rooted-arm> :P
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<raffahacks> hello!
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<raffahacks> opened a small forum for italian allwinner users, anyone interested? thanks
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<arete74> raffahacks: +1
<arete74> was is the link?
<ssvb> n3glv: A2DP is a software thing, and the SBC codec needs only about ~5MHz of processing power with NEON, so it makes no sense to accelerate it or implement in hardware
<ssvb> n3glv: it should work as long as the bluetooth stack works
<raffahacks> arete74:
<raffahacks> r u from italy
<raffahacks> sorry /forum
<arete74> raffahacks: open an new section on
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<shineworld> Someone was able to change pwm value of PB2 using android brightness cursor ? Mine output always 10KHz at 48% of duty
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<vsoftoiletpaper> hi
<vsoftoiletpaper> does the cubieboard usually include a usb serial adapter?
<n3glv> to talk to external rs232 devices?
<vsoftoiletpaper> nvm
<vsoftoiletpaper> found it
<n3glv> dev/ttyUSB0 ?
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<syeekick> anyone alive?
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<n3glv_McWifi> nope
* n3glv_McWifi is a zombie
<n3glv_McWifi> what's up syeekick?
<syeekick> hey
<syeekick> i wanted to add repos to my cubie truck im using debian wheezy
<syeekick> echo >> /etc/apt/sources.list will this sort it out?
<n3glv_McWifi> my truck is in the mail
<n3glv_McWifi> in normal raspbian/debain isn't there an apt trick to add repo?
<syeekick> not sure
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<n3glv_McWifi> I have done it on deb7 on intel platform, and ubuntu
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<n3glv_McWifi> don't remeber the syntax
<n3glv_McWifi> seems more elegant that hacking at a conf file
<n3glv_McWifi> example from google
<n3glv_McWifi> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
<n3glv_McWifi> that is a ppa for a repo
<n3glv_McWifi> howto for the syntaptic system I think >
<n3glv_McWifi> syeekick: that do you any good?
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<mhoney> i wonder if there would be an interest in a pure aluminum case for the cubietruck
<mhoney> like these -
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