<vil> ...
<elliottcable> probably to become a solid 2 grand at some point?
<vil> what are the legal/tax implications of making a bunch on bitcoins?
<alexgordon> he's a notorious drug addict, so no
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ ... really? It's not hard. Use mtGox's “Euro Bank Account” input,
<elliottcable> or, whatever http://blockchain.info/ offers in the U.K.
<alexgordon> elliottcable: mmm is that the aurumxchange one?
<elliottcable> nah
<elliottcable> there's a europe-specific one that I hear is cheaper/better for you
<elliottcable> seriously.
<elliottcable> sign up there first
<elliottcable> and see if any of their deposit options work for you.
<elliottcable> Took me about an hour totes today (bought a couple more)
<elliottcable> ran to the local pharmacy, ATM'd out some cash from my bank account, dropped that off with the desk. Easy-peasy.
<alexgordon> interesting
<elliottcable> dunno how it works in Europe.
<alexgordon> which desk?
<alexgordon> desk at your bank
<alexgordon> ?
<elliottcable> no
<elliottcable> at the CVS
<alexgordon> weird
<elliottcable> weird as butts
<alexgordon> are butts weird?
<alexgordon> I suppose they are
<elliottcable> sign up for Blockchain, it's one of the best webapps I've ever used in my life.
<elliottcable> It could use a liiiiiittle design-polish,
<elliottcable> but it's *extremely* security-conscious, and very powerful.
<elliottcable> It makes bitcoin very accessible. Which is cool.
<elliottcable> And has security/notification features out the wazoo.
<alexgordon> interesting
<elliottcable> It's so weird that in Europe, you can use your bank account and cards and shit,
<elliottcable> but only cash in the U.S.
<elliottcable> Do they trust us less? Or are European debit cards somehow non-refundable enough to be traded for bitcoin?
<alexgordon> elliottcable: single market
<alexgordon> the US is one country, the EU is many countries with free trade between them
<alexgordon> that necessitates easy money transfer
<elliottcable> Interesting. Maybe so.
<vil> good point, I hadn't thought of that
<locks> and we have the euro now
<locks> well
<locks> except for you little britain shits
<alexgordon> locks: and sweden and denmark!
<locks> that's not europe
<alexgordon> lolol
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> nah they're too rich to be in europe
<elliottcable> LOL
<locks> right
<elliottcable> “Bitcoins are credit vouchers redeemable at a variety of locations worldwide. However we do not guarantee that bitcoins hold any value.”
<elliottcable> Love these disclaimers.
<alexgordon> :D
<alexgordon> locks: think a bunch of countries in eastern europe don't use the euro either
<locks> after the nasdaq, bitcoins are probably the best ponzi scheme ever
<locks> alexgordon: yeah
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ also, https://www.bitstamp.net
<alexgordon> oh and finland maybe? not sure
<alexgordon> oh and cyprus soon! :P
<alexgordon> nope finland is in the eurozone
<locks> isn't judofyr finnish?
<locks> [ed]
<alexgordon> norwegian no?
<locks> they're all the same to me
<alexgordon> blond bastards
<locks> blond, tall, fit, smart, fit, tall, fit, adsçkfjawefwe3333
<locks> all this chitchatting won't promise my chrome extension up
* locks goes back to drudgery
<alexgordon> scandinavians have it all: looks, money, meatballs... but what they're missing is an anarcho-capitalistic society free of any social safety net
<alexgordon> so really, america is better
<locks> guns
<locks> they have guns
<alexgordon> yeah it's not a real country unless it has regular bloody murders of innocent children
<vil> I can verify that
<vil> and that
<alexgordon> recruiters have found my email address... http://chocolatapp.com/snaps/omgajoboffer.png
<locks> Java?
<locks> why is it always munich
<vil> haha
<vil> go for it
<locks> my uni gets a ton of munich job offers
<elliottcable> holy shit LOL
<purr> lol
<vil> I've never put my new address anywhere, but it's extremely obvious
<elliottcable> that's adorably hilarious
<vil> haha
<vil> that's kinda crazy
<alexgordon> vil: I got one from facebook, that was better
<alexgordon> (still not going to work at facebook)
<locks> are you not, tho?
<locks> are you sure?
<alexgordon> I'm sure
<locks> I'd go to a seance to get my aura checked
<locks> pretty sure they sapping it
<locks> you're extra-bitter lately, Alex
<locks> you've… changed.
<alexgordon> it's not me it's you?
<locks> maybe
<locks> having a job made me a different man
<alexgordon> locks: you can buy your own food now!
<locks> I think I hijacked the local user group too
<locks> kinda unwittingly
<locks> I sent an email to the head guy "dude, we gotza organize"
<locks> "yeah, well, I'll be out of the country. you're in charge"
<locks> and that's how the cookie crumbles
<elliottcable> My server's fucked up. I don't want to spend tonight fixing this. Damnit.
<elliottcable> “user group?”
<locks> *ruby user group
<vil> elliottcable: I accidentally my /usr/local the other day
<vil> that was fun to clean up
<locks> did it died?
<vil> yeah, pretty much
<vil> deleted everything I had installed with bew
<vil> *brew
<locks> hahaha
<locks> shit
<vil> misplaced slash in rm
<locks> did you `brew implode`?
<locks> oh
<vil> there's probably other stuff missing that I haven't noticed yet too
<vil> `brew beer`
<vil> best command
<Nuck> I ordered coffee on saturday
<Nuck> It got roasted on Monday
<Nuck> Shipped later that day
<Nuck> Arrived today
<Nuck> Also my grinder sorta sucks :/
<locks> there's an app for that
<locks> it's called Grindr
<elliottcable> ugh server shit
<alexgordon> locks: HAHA
<alexgordon> I also read it as "<Nuck> I got roasted on Monday"
<locks> it's getting steamy in here
<elliottcable> read it now, 'fore it goes offline
<alexgordon> why would it go offline?
<vil> pdf'd
<vil> 'cause busy
<locks> This Dispatch was unlocked for you by subscriber Gary Brecher and will remain unlocked until 1 day, 22 hours from now.
<locks> guys, my Kindle has the best bug
<locks> I can't delete documents
<locks> so kewl
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<Nuck> Last price on Mt. Gox is $234
<Nuck> Holy shit it just keeps going up
<Nuck> Also, I'm fapping to that nazi propoganda elliott linked. BECAUSE I FUCKING CAN.
<whitequark> what the fuck is wrong with canada post
<Nuck> >canada
<Nuck> Well, there's your problem
<locks> watch your language
<Nuck> Oh sorry
<whitequark> i think i found a postal service which is even worse than russian
<Nuck> C*n**a
<whitequark> i did not suspect that was possible
<whitequark> these fucking morons seemingly cannot distinguish Russia and UK
<Nuck> US post is pretty bad
<whitequark> Nuck: us post never, ever, delivered the parcel to WRONG FUCKING COUNTRY
<whitequark> errr wtf with the link
<Nuck> whitequark: But I can't see the number
<whitequark> 304599176765 ?
<whitequark> posted it above
<Nuck> Oh
<Nuck> I didn't see it next to the URL
<locks> it could be as simple an error as putting the package on the wrong conveiour belte
<whitequark> locks: they did that twice in a row.
<locks> maybe they have a wonky eyed worker
<whitequark> the address said (you can prolly find this in whois so i don't care):
<whitequark> Peter Zotov
<whitequark> fl. 78, h. 23/33 Rozhdestvenskaya str.
<whitequark> Moscow
<whitequark> 140008
<whitequark> Russia
<whitequark> Phone: +74993464223
<Nuck> It might've been routing through the UK's postal service to Russia
<Nuck> But then UK fucked up
<locks> yes
<locks> yes
<locks> blame those tea-drinking motherfuckers
<Nuck> ^
<whitequark> I then wish they *all* die in flames
<whitequark> north korea pls strike
<whitequark> it's an lg optimus g e971
<whitequark> well you could call it so, I guess
<locks> e-drugs
<whitequark> I'm buying a fucking canadian phone because you can't buy a phone compatible with russian lte in russia
<whitequark> and canada has compatible radio bands
<locks> motherfuckers
<whitequark> YES
<Nuck> haha
<whitequark> ALL OF THEM
<whitequark> I'm so pissed off right now
<locks> you're russian then?
<whitequark> yep
<Nuck> Yeah, you can tell by the way he beats down people while driving
<locks> did you guys play carmageddon and thought, "now, this is a neat idea"?
<whitequark> Nuck: i don't have a car. they're essentially overpriced tin buckets.
<whitequark> filled with nuts and bolts.
<locks> but they go vroom
<locks> that's the ticket
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<locks> hi alexis
<alexgordon> hi locks
<locks> hello
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<Nuck> >Send gqbrielle to rizon to troll >find her fitting in wonderfully in channels *without trolling*
<Nuck> I'm not sure if I should be proud or afraid.
<Nuck> Probably afraid.
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<locks> omg epic
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<devyn> Nuck: hey, bitcoin's down near $200 right now; you should probably try to buy sometime soon
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<vil> incoming BTC crash! looks like my prediction was wrong
<alexgordon> lol
<purr> lol
<vil> $150 and still falling!
<vil> I've never understood this
<vil> if everyone would just calm the fuck down, it would stop
<vil> that's how this works
<alexgordon> lol
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> vil: eh let it go :P
<vil> I'm not concerned, it just baffles me
<vil> I don't even have any BTC to be concerned with :D
<locks> so
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