whitequark changed the topic of #elliottcable to: masturbation
eligrey has joined #elliottcable
<ja> that makes sense, whitequark
<ja> hi eligrey
<ja> so who's gonna keep me company all night while I work on this complete shit gig?
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<ec> fucking christ
<ec> yay?
<ec> hi ja; I'm around
<ec> can't be arsed to ask siri what time it is there
<ec> hm, wonder if I could hook purr up to siri
<ec> could wire up a terribly old iPhone somewhere near a speaker, and use text-to-speech to feed her questions … omg lol.
<purr> lol
<ja> hi ec
<ec> o7
<ja> haha, do that!
<ja> would be very rube goldberg-y
<ja> would you use speech-to-text to feed her answers back to irc then?
<ja> it's 4:51 am here
<ja> and I'm sick as fuck
<ec> ouch
<ja> wtf is zgen
<ec> er
<ec> do you use zsh?
<ja> fuck, what a writeup
<ja> yes, of course
<ja> what do you think I am, ec
<ec> well, shit like OMZ or Prezto increases new-terminal boot times by Approximately Infinity if you have more than, like, six freaking plugins enabled
<ec> so zgen rips out absolutely everything unnecessary from a plugin manager, and then compiles the inclusions for each plugin into a static init-file
<ja> jesus fuck
<ja> nice
<ec> so 99% of your terminals launch only sourcing ~/.zgen/init.zsh
<ja> but it's still slow?
<ec> and zgen *itself* only has to be sourced once in a long while, basically
<ec> it aids boot times somewhat.
<ec> slow plugins are still slow plugins, but ditching OMZ helps *substantially*.
<ec> this is helpful, as well:
<ja> yeah, I read that
<ja> I'm such a zsh noob that I don't even have any 3rd party plugins :<
<ec> between 1. profiling my startups like that, 2. setting up (and going a bit wild in patching) Zgen, and 3. lazy-loading everything I can
<ec> that's okay, I didn't until recently either.
<ec> I haven't even pushed any to my dotfiles repo yet, that's how new I am. I'm still deciding which I like.
<ja> but fuck, I love its autocompletion and that it has autocd
<ja> oh my
<ja> that's pretty virgin-y
<ec> … virgin-y? wat
<ec> language barrier prbs
<ja> that's a word, right
<ja> :<
<ja> should I have said “virginy” instead?
<ec> here's the plugins I've settled on so far:
<ja> :B
* ja marvels at your plugin selection
<ec> the *really* good ones: zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-history-substring-search are *absolutely indispensable*, if you're not using them already
<ja> i miss the syntax highlighting
<ja> can't remember why i stopped using it
<ec> deer, enhancd (spelling), k, and autosuggestions are also really great
<ec> probably because it's *really* pissy about other plugins
<ec> seems every third plugin I try out breaks the highlighting :P
<ja> terminalapp and zsh-osx sounds potentially cool too, if they do anything useful/awesome
<ja> ahyeah, I can imagine
<ec> actually, zsh-notify is really cool; terminalapp just sets the titlebar of the terminal in certain situations, but it's not great at all
<ja> jeez
<ja> that's bs
<ec> zsh-osx is just a set of aliases >,<
<ja> >.>
<ja> i leik aliases
<ec> although some of them are hella useful
<ja> % alias |wc -l 120
<ja> :x
<ja> I still have your git aliases, ec
<ec> damn, got me beat; I'm at 101 without plugins
<ja> which you gave me years ago
<ec> hahaha good
<ec> I love them
<ja> fuck yeah!
<ec> well give it a read
<ec> it's definitely improved since then
<ja> # vvv This is so complex, it should really be a script… lol. vvv
<purr> lol
<ja> lol
<ec> if you want to powerup your git,
<ja> ec: how do you even use your computer without o='open' and o.='open .'
<ja> plus question mark
<ja> jesus
<ja> I'm a big fan of seriously evil, hacky shit
<ja> if it does cool things, at leat
<ja> +s
<ec> ja: have you seen my best hacks before?
<ja> I think not
<ja> but seriously… o=open… *_*
<ec> this one's pretty badass, but probably no longer functional (lol last commit 2009) https://github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/it/blob/master/lib/it/environmented_proc.rb
<purr> lol
<ja> 2009 :x
<ja> oh my, more comments than code, haha
<ec> and this one's a fucking classic: https://gist.github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/891693
<ja> ……… :|
<ja> i'm intrigued
<ja> `self.self` lol
<ec> also fun, but not particularly badass: https://gist.github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/488236
<ja> I don't even… Have you ever used the sodomy in something?
<ec> yeah, Paws.c's API was designed around forms like that at one point
<ec> waaaaay back when
<ja> o.o
<ec> there was also some neat (and very productive) preprocessor hax to mutate the Paws public API:
<ja> my head nearly exploded from skimming EnvironmentedProc
<ec> basically, any public identifier was written as e(identifier) or E(IDENTIFIER); and then at compile-time, would be substituted for Paws__identifier or Paws__IDENTIFIER or whatever, if the end-user asked for it to be
<ec> that way I could write my function-names without freaking guards and prefixes everywhere; and use them internally w/o guards
<ec> you'd end up with code that, IMHO, was insanely pretty for something that compiles as C99: https://github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/Paws.c/blob/Master/Source/Nuketypes/label/Magazine.c#L103-L115
<ja> why don't more people do that?
<ec> idk it's complicated and fragile and just not popular
<ec> I put *so* much effort into making ISO C something that it's not
<ja> i'm sure people have told you before, but your indentation style is really-uhh… intesresting…
<ec> in retrospect I should have given up on trying to make something widely understandable by dint of language choice, and made something widely understandable by dint of idiomaticness
<ec> ja: haha, that's nothing
<ec> ja: take a look at this JavaScript: http://ell.io/iLodw
<ja> … :X
<ja> dare I?
<ec> mmhmm
<ec> click it, and scan through for a moment
<ja> … … … :X
<ec> no, that's not coffeescript
<ec> try a bigger screenshot:
<ja> what the…
<ja> what!
<ja> I was just about to say that's coffeescript
<ec> :e
<ec> :P
<ja> ………………………
<ja> now I'm slightly worried
<ja> I… I…
<ja> yeah…
<ja> uhmm…
<ja> at least now I don't have to worry about falling asleep anytime soon
<ja> thanks
<ja> vvvvvvvvv
<ec> here's some of my *calmest* code ever, for comparison:
<ja> that looks a lot less insane
<ja> man, looking at non-HiDPI monitors really feels like staring at a JPEG
<ec> lmao
<ec> awwww, I forgot about this
<ja> “Become a punk-rocker. (Acquire a full set of chainmail armor.)” lol
<purr> lol
<ec> i'm gonna go play this now
<ec> because I don't actually remember how to beat it
<ec> ja: do you Minecraft?
<ja> I need to try this with a friend next weekend
<ec> do it with me!
<ja> haha, nice that you forgot how to beat it yourself
<ec> I mean I know some of them
<ja> :>
<ja> I do Minecraft, but I don't actually have an account :x Always just borrowed one
<ja> makes me feel horrible
<ja> i'll do it with you (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) asap
<ja> but I gotta finish these fucking omdels
<ec> wat
<ja> and models and sleep
<ec> buy it bro
<ja> yes
<ec> sleep psh
<ja> they deserve my money
<ec> ja: play Elite: Dangerous, instead
<ec> I need an Elite friend
<ec> so bad
<ja> mnah, not my kinda thing
<ec> it's so antisocial for me right now
<ja> I don't have a 32-button controller
<ja> it looked pretty cool thoug
<ja> h
<ec> don't need one
<ec> keyboard/mouse are entirely possible
<ec> personally, I slightly prefer kb over gamepad
<ec> but neither can hold a candle to HOTAS :P
<ja> o.o really?
<ja> jeez
<ja> yeah, I meant I don't have a 32-button joystick thingimagjig
<ja> lol, i need one with pedals
<purr> lol
<ja> No Man's Sky would be more my kinda game, I think
<ja> if it's not too boring
<ja> boring as in uneventful
<ja> you really have a simplistic prompt, ec
<ja> don't you have your working directory in there?
<ec> it's actually more complicated than it looks
<ja> or is it just hidden when you're at ~?
<ja> i can imagine
<ec> I consider a lot of that shit useless
<ec> put it in the titlebar if you really care (directory, git status, whatever)
<ja> even current working directory?
<ja> ah
<ja> yeah
<ec> there's usually like two dozen prompts in a given window; that's all just a huge waste of space
<ja> good idea, actually
<ec> the only thing I'm considering is adding *dirty*-status to the right side of the prompt
<ec> i.e. lines-of-change on the stage, basically
<ja> nice
<ec> because that only lasts for a few prompts, and is only relevant when you're actively going from <dirty working directory> to <new commit> by interactively `git add -p`'ing
<ec> but yeah it's more complicated than it looks:
<ec> host identification, vi mode, exit status, superuser check
<ec> that's all the really important shit I need to know before I start hitting keys
<ja> o.o
<ec> to know where I am, I can just … remember where I last cd'd to. or, you know, spend the literally ~100 microseconds it takes to tab-complete a cd command to the directory I *want* to be in.
<ja> does it change color depending on exit status?
<ec> or the like, fraction of *that* to type `pwd` :P
<ja> lol yeah
<purr> lol
<ja> purr: I need to stop saying lol, don't I
<ec> yep, colour depends on host, except red, which is failure of previous command
<ec> character is > in insert and : in command
<ec> but # in insert when root
<ja> nice
<ja> don't you often ssh into boxes you don't own?
<ja> or like… yeah
<ja> where you don't have your setup?
<ja> s/setup/config
<ec> not particularly
<ec> I'm not a sysadmin :P
<ec> awwwh I forgot how good it felt to get feedback about this
<ja> right ^_^
<ec> oh wow somebody did a let's play
<ja> “-reserved” wut
<ja> oh cool!
<ec> watching now, this is adorable
<ja> i really need to try this
<ja> next weekend i'm totally game
<ec> :D
<ec> laughing so hard
<ja> :>
<ja> is the LP full of spoilers, ec?
<ja> I guess it is
<ec> for defshure lolz
<purr> lolz
<ec> I need to look into the changes w/ 1.7 and 1.8, and make sure none of them affect the basic mechanics of the map
<ja> lols
<ec> and then maybe include routes to achieving some goals specific to the new shit
<ja> ec: i'm doing this rails app that manages a company's customers, orders, invioces and bullshits like that; would you call that CRM?
<ec> er, don't think so
<ja> >.
<ja> <.<
<ja> I need an acronym for it
<ja> “Secondly, CRM applications enable firms to provide timely, accurate processing of customer orders and requests and the ongoing management of customer accounts.” says wikipedia, hrm
<ja> but… hm…
<ec> oh
<ec> I was thinking CMS. Ignore me.
<ec> I don't know shit about this stuff. :P
<ja> haha
<ja> my mind begins to bleed when I read such articles on wikipedia with lots of biz speak
<ja> “ For example, Piccoli and Applegate (2003) discuss how Wyndham uses IT tools to deliver a consistent service experience across its various properties to a customer.” :|
<ec> lol
<purr> lol
<ja> ^___^
<ja> maybe “ERP” (enterprise resource planning) is more accurate
<ja> at least its wikipedia article has the word “invoice” in it
<ja> but it sounds so enterprise-y
<ja> fuck it
<ec> lolol
<purr> lolol
<ja> have you seen all the new commands in Minecraft 1.8, ec?
<ja> like /fill
<ja> oh, and the new command blocks!
<ec> a bit, not in detail
<ja> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_administrator — hahaha, that picture! “A professional system administrator”, touching some cables in a rack. How great
<ja> alright
<ja> the new command blocks looked especially awesome
<ec> okay, things I need to solve:
<ec> actually, don't want to spoil in here lol
<purr> lol
<ja> haha
<ja> no, please odn't!
<ja> nor don't!
<ja> “IBM WebSphere Commerce” — cool product name ʘ‿ʘ
<purr\mc> [oh-chunk] ELLIOTTCABLE opened issue #9: Fixes for 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9 changes https://github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/oh-chunk/issues/9
<ec> don't look! lol.
<purr> lol
<ec> omg ja
<ec> I'm laughing so hard
<ec> just hit play on the Let's Play and watched the last few minutes
<ec> and in the last few minutes he's just *despairing*
<ec> it's funny af
eligrey has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<ja> hahaha
<ja> is the last few minutes totally spoiler free?
<ja> in that case i'll check it when/if I wake up
<ja> brb
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<ec> ja: definitely plenty of spoilers.
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* ja stays away then
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