ec changed the topic of #elliottcable to: a
<purr\Paws> [Paws.js] ELLIOTTCABLE pushed 7 new commits to queueless+:
<purr\Paws> Paws.js/queueless+ 6c2a66e ELLIOTTCABLE: + using relation-backlinks to implement thing-backlinks! owners are here, bitchez
<purr\Paws> Paws.js/queueless+ 6395e29 ELLIOTTCABLE: + updating docs for Thing re: backlinks
<purr\Paws> Paws.js/queueless+ 58a6eaa ELLIOTTCABLE: + unifying other documentation style somewhat
<ec> hi all
<ec> o7 jfhbrook!
<ec> alexgordon: no kidding
<ja> hi
<purr> ja: hi!
<ja> 'sup ec
<alexgordon> sup ja and ec
<ja> hai alex
<ec> code
<ec> just finally pushed up a pureq for my zgen fixes from aaaaages ago
* ja is kinda finally wrapping up his bullshit invoicing hell project
<ja> -whatis zgen
<ja> :—(
<pikajude> wouldn't it be the other way around
<pikajude> is missing bot functionality a namespace
<ja> no.
<ec> -g zgen @ ja
<purr> ja: tarjoilija/zgen · GitHub <>
<ja> I did it in reverse on purpose to mess with people like ec
<ja> which apparently includes you, pikajude
<pikajude> EC: people messed with
<ec> -find e
<purr> ec: Found: bot, nuck, clouds, test, and micahjohnston
<ja> XD
<ec> fuck I need to improve -find
<ec> -find -
<purr> ec: dajsl
<ja> tarjoilija? that sounds delicious
<ec> wh
<ec> what
<alexgordon> ec: yeah
<ec> -factoid -
<purr> ec: Popularity: 3, last changed by: GreenJello, 454ſ 613mſ ago
<alexgordon> lol sol
<purr> lol
<ec> goddamnit GreenJello, whoever you are
<ec> gtfo
<ja> oh, it’s your shell plugin manager
<ec> my bot
<ec> ‘my’ shell plugin manager lol
<ec> -feature
<ec> -find feature
<purr> ec: Found: i can do without the sarcasm, scream, cannot, and damnit
<ja> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<ec> i can do without the sarcasm, scream, cannot, and damnit
<ec> -i can do without the sarcasm
<ec> -scream
<ja> wat even is dis
<ja> dis -find
<ja> wat
<ec> -cannot
<purr> ec: "I cannot do it; I cannot do it..." <>
<ec> -damnit
<ec> somebody wake akshat the fuck up
<ec> goddamnit international schedules lol
pikajude has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.6.2 -]
pikajude has joined #elliottcable
<ja> lol who's akshat
<purr> lol
<ec> rurik
<ja> purr: lol
<ec> slash Hrorek
<ec> slash … idk
<ja> oh
<ja> wot
<ec> he changes nicknames every week :P
<ja> how many names do they need?
<ja> i see
<ec> idk, incomprehensibly is possibly worse ;)
<ec> ♪ Emmi - Sleep On It
<ec> hm
<ec> -listening Sleep On It, Emmi
<ec> -listeningto Sleep On It, Emmi
<ec> goddamnit purr
<ec> -commands
<purr> ec: Valid commands are: --, -34, -best, -btc, -commands, -countdown, -dequeue, -dick, -factoid, -find, -forget, -g, -hates, -learn, -listening, -loves, -play, -purr, -queue, -sol, -song, -start, -stop, -topic, -twister, -uncode, -what, -whohates, -wholoves
<ec> fine. be that way.
<ec> -uncode
<purr> ec: JS / Paws code sessions cleared for your nickname.
<ec> oh woah, he has µpaws integration, I completely forgot o_o
<ec> >> a = 1
<purr> ec: 1
<ec> >> a
<purr> ec: 1
<ec> also that
<ja> mmmm
<ec> ja: … want to contribute to Paws? ;)
<ja> maybe when you rename it (brutal honesty, I know, love me) and when I know more about language design / I feel more up for learning more about language design
<ja> + ec:
<ec> why would I need to rename it? :P
<ec> also, it's already renamed, but that's beside the point ~
<ja> because everyone who’s ever been bitten by a dog as a kid might have irrational bad feelings about it
<ja> cute as it may be
<ec> ... what
<ja> what what!
<ec> are you saying dogs are possibly anything less than the best thing in the world
<ec> gtfo my room.
<ja> i'm not!
<ja> I'm saying some people have dflgkad faewtnuc23 twegsdjk
<ec> anybody who has less-than-plesant-feelings towards dogs is, categorically, a person *I* will never care about. |=
<ja> but maybe that's a tiny amount, so Iunno
<ec> lololol
<purr> lololol
<ec> anyway, it's named Pratchett; I've just decided not to make any sort of big announcement, or change any of the code, until a little more time has passed
* ja tries to have pleasant feelings about everything, really
<ja> alright
<ec> ja: good life-choices
<ja> nice
<ja> so you stuck with that
<ec> somebody commented that it was a bit soon to be capitalizing off of his death like that
<ja> I like how it ends in double-t like your given name, ec
<ja> oh
<ec> and I was like … fuck you, for saying I'm capitalizing off of it, but also ... has a point. so.
<ja> hm
<ja> yeah
<ec> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ going to do it maybe after Christmas, because it's been a while now *anyway*. we'll see.
<ja> “capitalizing” in its true meaning is probably not a good choice of words
<ja> but there's maybe a point, yeah
<ec> also waiting maybe until I get the current giant-effort completed
<ja> what about some abbreviation of Pratchett?
<ja> +“”
<ja> what’s the current giant-effort?
<ja> ec: “Prat”?
<ja> hahaha, that’s actually a word
<ja> which means buttocks
<ec> pratfall
<ec> :3
<ja> or, in british, “an incompetent, stupid, or foolish person; an idiot.”
<ja> could be the next Git, just saying
<ja> pretfall? i like it
<ja> but it’s still long
<ja> Paws is short and nice
<ja> sorry, I’m just stating my thoughts as they happen here, ec
<ja> correct me if I’m wrong thinking that’s what this channel is really here for
<ja> whoa, “pratfall” is also a word
<ec> probably yep
<ja> dude, I need to read New Oxford’s back-to-back asap
<ec> but nah, I'm fine with long
<ec> I'm the type who uses .markdown as a file extension
<ja> but, but, Ruby, Crystal, Jade, etc.
<ja> haha
<ja> oh
<ja> right. very well then!
<ja> sure!
<ja> I really like Pratchett
<ec> and there's no need for a file extension, because Paws doesn't have a syntax
<ja> takes an IQ above 100 to even spell
<ja> so
<ec> lollll
<purr> lollll
<ja> NO SYNTAX?!
<ec> shut up purr
<ja> yes, PLEASE make purr accept that we lol a lot
<ja> *please*
<ja> nah, it’s not that bad
<ec> yep, Purr is a language that climbs a graph of data, by following a second graph of instructions; neither of them have a pre-defined format, basically
<ja> did you just call your language Purr by mistake?
<ec> fuck, paws.
<ja> ec: are you okay?
<ec> yep
<ec> nope
<ja> omfs
<ja> ec: please be okay soon. <3
<ja> ec: I’m here if you need to talk.
<ec> picking up the ex-girlfriend that I am impossibly, continuously, and deeply infatuated with, from the airport tonight
<ja> Why would you do such a thing?
<ja> Pick her up, I mean
<ja> from the airport, that is
<ec> she's coming back from the shithole in Maine she moved to, for the holidays. I'm going to have to put an unbelievable amount of effort into pretending everything is fine and I have no lingering feelings for her.
<ja> srsly wtf are you picking her up for
<ec> she's staying at my place over the weekend lol, before heading out to her family's place, a couple hours out of the city
<ja> srsly wtf is she staying over for
<ec> she's my best friend, still.
<ja> are you still close friends?
<ja> how can you be best friends with someone you're impossibly, continuously, and deeply infatuated with?
<ec> it's just easy to compartmentalize when she's 100,000km away lol.
<ec> whereas being in person with her is gonna be A Bitch.
<ja> without the infatuated being mutual
<ec> idk? badly? slowly?
<ec> painfully?
<ja> hah
<ja> :<
<ja> STAP IT
<ja> PLS
<ja> goodbyes are sometimes underrated
<ec> nah.
<ec> you're like my most *recent* ex.
<ja> emo-maso ec is maso
<ec> who's all like ‘Lol learn to let go of people’, acting as if it's a *bad* thing that when I say “forever,” I fucking mean “forever.”
<purr> Lol
<ja> hrm
<ja> so this is The One?
<ja> “The One” The One?
<ja> is there really such a thing, even, honestly?
<ec> I've lost two friends in my entire life, one of them due to my own horrible, horrible mistakes (Bluebie, she's in here occasionally), and another because she slowly turned out to be completely psychotic and dangerous to my everyday life (gq, *also* used to be a regular in here)
<ec> idk man I don't generally believe in The One
<ec> but chellio's pretty clearly The One For This Decade.
<ja> How can you have lost Bluebie if she’s still here? Don’t answer.
<ec> I'll probably get over her eventually, in all honesty; it's just going to take way longer than reason would hope.
<ja> hi gq
<ja> “The One For This Decade” lol
<ja> shit
<ja> I know the feeling dude :<
<ec> lol bluebie and I used to be literally the closest friends I've ever heard of. Like, nobody I know of has had a best-friend as close as Jenna and I were. I fucked up, and we're like, back on good terms now, but it'll never be the same.
<ja> and they didn’t even want to be friends
<ja> I kinda sorta wished they would’ve
* ec nods
<ja> Oh. Right.
<ja> I hope you didn’t fuck it up Mikoangelo-grade.
<ec> everybody going into a relationship with me generally knows right off the bat that I'm going to be pushing to stay friends afterwards. :P
<ja> lol
<ec> if only because they have to deal with the cloud of exes that *is* my social life. :P
<ja> hahaha
<ja> I like you, ec
<ec> I don't really have much in the way of *friends* in real life.
<ec> Like, I basically have ...
<ec> - people i want to date,
<ec> - people i *am* dating,
<ec> - and people i dated, found out it didn't really work with, and could finally just be calmly and happily platonic with.
<ec> I don't think I'm capable of being just-friends with somebody without feeling attraction or interest in them; so I keep failing to have platonic friendships right off the bat >,>
<ja> so this morning I was relaly afterdrunk and I accidentally wrote this long email to this guy who owns the biggest goth/punk/alt community website in Denmark and asked him to sell it to me and how much he wanted etc. I don’t know what the fuck I was doing. I’m saying this in case you want to change the subject, but come to think of it, you’re you, so if you wanted to, you’d probably just do it.
<ec> afterdrunk
<ec> whaaaaatlmao
<ec> yes, so Paws
<ec> ja: come work on my work with me
<ja> hahaha, sounds like me with the friends, except like 1 or 2 :x
<ec> it'll make you famous†, and I can reimburse you†, and it's also super-fun and fulfilling†
<ec> †: lies)
<ja> Pratchett*
<ja> ec: I can’t even afford the plane ticket, no kidding
<ec> nah, just keep calling it Paws until I decide to pull that particular trigger
<ja> lol
<purr> lol
<ec> what plane ticket? you're alreday right here
<ja> you and your lies
<ec> we're all adjacent in the future
<ja> alright
<ja> sure
<ec> YES
<ja> I’m not anywhere, ec
<ja> oh
<ja> adjacent in the future
<ja> I like the sound of that
* ec high-fives other elliott
<ja> LOL
ec is now known as ELLIOTTCABLE
* ELLIOTTCABLE high-fives ec back
<ja> XD
ELLIOTTCABLE is now known as ec
<ja> I’M SO NOT
<ec> sl are
<ec> o(
<ec> so*
<ja> even though I’ve been on the GitHub team for 99 years
<ja> approximately
<ec> approx
<ja> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<ec> or maybe it's https
<ec> idk
<ec> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<ec> ¿¯\_(ツ)_/¯¿
<ec> man shrugging while holding Christmas ornaments
* ja Resolving deltas: 100% (2279/2279), done.
<ja> XD o rly
<ja> niec
<ec> cd Paws.js
<ja> so you do a lot of Paws when afterdrunk, ec?
<ec> go -t ec/Current+
<ec> er
<ec> git checkout -t ec/Current+
<ec> npm -s run-script contribute!
<ec> w/ bang
<ja> god
* ja has `go`
* ja has `alias go`
* ec has `alias alias`
* ec because he's a baller
<ja> O_O
<ja> lol
<ja> fatal: Cannot update paths and switch to branch 'Current+' at the same time.
<ja> Did you intend to checkout 'ec/Current+' which can not be resolved as commit?
* ja git noob
<ec> > alias alias=alias
<ec> > alias alias
<ec> alias=alias
* ja lols more
<ja> sick person ec
<ec> git fetch origin? idk
<ja> that’s what imma call you from here on out
<ja> same error
<ja> wtf is dis
<ja> also I need to work and not IRC
<ec> make it be there
<ja> it’s insane
<ec> liar
<ec> no you don't
<ja> I need pills for this
<ec> you definitely need to paws
<ja> o.o
<ec> I haven't even explained execution-flow to you yet
<ja> not today
<ja> not now
<ja> not here
<ja> oh god
<ec> save your pills for that
<ec> :D
<ja> please don’t
<ja> hahaha
<ja> +yet
<ec> what the *fuck* is the shit you snapchat me btw
* ja literally lols
<purr> lols
<ja> which shit?
<ec> you realize I 1. only speak one language, and 2. know absolutely nothing about your family or life, right?
<ja> i forget
<ec> :P
<ja> 1. Yes. I try to keep my story in English after adding you + some other English-speaking dofus. 2. Yes. That’s the point, dude,
<ja> doofus*
* ja ESL ʘ‿ʘ
<ja> wat did I snapchat you, *ec*?
<ja> try to describe it
<ec> no idea
<ja> please
<ja> oh, alright
<ja> it was that weird huh
<ec> lmao
<ec> I just vaguely have this impression now of ‘jakob is this guy who sends me weird snapchats constantly’
<ec> but no idea why I have it
<purr\Paws> [Paws.js] ELLIOTTCABLE pushed 1 new commit to queueless+:
<purr\Paws> Paws.js/queueless+ 9424fff ELLIOTTCABLE: + complete refresh of the test-suite's descriptions and naming
<ec> that took *way* too much work >,<
<ec> I hate maintenance shit
<alexgordon> ec
<ec> alexgordon!
* ja slips into work
<alexgordon> ec: teach me about paws so I can plunder it
<alexgordon> lol
<purr> lol
<ec> plunder it! :3
<ec> there is a dog jumping on me for attention!
<ec> alexgordon: I need to go soon actually to shower, etc, and get ready to pick chellio up
<alexgordon> ec: k
<alexgordon> I'll be... awake probably
<ec> have a few mins
<alexgordon> 3:37am! the night is still young
<ec> alexgordon: if you'll be awake ≥2 hours from now, I'll be back
<ec> and probably heavily caffeinated
<ja> your dog looks so cozy and cute, ec! ^o^
<ec> ja: my dog is the coziest and cutest
<ec> w/ sister
<ec> when she hears sirens
<alexgordon> you dog reminds me of the shah of iran
<ec> alexgordon: wat.
<purr> beep.
<alexgordon> > "WHY DO MY PEOPLE NOT LOVE ME"
<ec> root = (->@)()
<ec> constructGenericConstructor = (set)-> # Oooo. Smells like Java.
<ec> root[set] = set = (type, args...)->
<ec> set[] = new type(args...)
<ec> alexgordon: too dirty, or just right?
<ec> :x
<alexgordon> lol I didn't even know you could do that in coffeescript
<purr> lol
<ec> could do what
<alexgordon> with the splat
<ec> `new` w/ splat?
<ec> they work together, but the compiled code is Prty Evl
<alexgordon> or splat at all into a function call
<ec> oh.
<ec> lol.
<ec> yeah, it's basically a short-cut for apply()
<ec> I'm v. happy with how nasty this is.
<ja> wait, *that* chellio
<ja> shit
<ec> shit? what
<ja> ec: I love the thousand-yard stare and durping x3
<ja> shit shit.
<ja> my Twitter stalking tells me
<ja> stuff
<ec> tells you what
<ja> i mean
<ja> thati's serious
<ja> if it's her
<ec> so confus
<ja> since it's her
<ja> shit
<ja> yes e too
<ja> bu fo different reasons
<ja> i need to finish this
<ec> look at my terrible code I just linked slash pasted
<ec> it's so evil I'm so ahppy
<ec> lol yes
<purr> lol
<ja> i will not
<ja> i might
<ec> she's my bff
<ec> instead of every test opening with
* ja clicks
<ja> wait, that was your dog again
<ja> where's the code link
<ec> a_thing = new Thing, another_thing = new Thing, something_else = new Thing
<ec> or wtfever
<ec> I can just
<ja> oh pasted
<ja> wat
<ec> a Thing; another Thing; some Thing
<ja> you like things, ec
<ja> wat
<ja> srsly?
<ja> that sounds really nice o.o
<ec> and in the global scope those are available as `a.Thing`, `another.Thing`, and `some.Thing`
<ja> how does that even work?
<ec> yes it's cleaning up my tests soooo much
<ja> wat
<ec> been meaning to do this for a v. long time
<ja> but
<ja> ehh
<ja> is it good for antyhing other than tests?
<ja> i could imagine so
<ec> because my tests are very not D.R.Y in terms of `a_this` and `another_that` and etcetcetc
<ec> the approach is super-evil so plz no
<ja> you never told me if you do paws when you're afterdrunk
<ja> you evaded the question
<ec> don't do this in any code which will be included anywhere else lol
<ja> super-ec you say
<ja> k lol
<ec> oh like half of Paws is a hallucinogenic trip, for sure
<ja> i won't
<ja> XD ok
* ja loses his shit irl
<ja> at least you're aware
<ja> ec: how do i get work done
<ja> ec: why won't that instagram video of your dog play
<ja> stupid piece of shit safari
<ec> I'm aware of what
<ec> Safari <3
<ec> -best saf ari
<ec> hm
<ec> -best sa fari
<ec> yep. that.
<ja> the fact that I didn’t even say “you have a sister?!” is because I have a thing for hot eyebrows am I allowed to say this
<ja> right
<ja> i agree
<ec> what
<ja> see, now I’m subconsciously trying to piss you off so you’ll kick me so I can work
<ja> ec pls
<ja> ec pls dont
<ec> jesus you're hyper
<ja> ec did you see Safari has support for CSS/JS source maps now
* ec pats ja until he calms down
<ja> no shit
<ja> :i
* ja begins purring instead of calming down
* purr r
<ja> purr: u wot m8
<ec> (he agrees)
<ja> 0.0
<ec> (purr's a beautiful thing. she is my favourite 4 shure.)
<purr> ec: ... thing. *he* is
<ec> (she also gets angry if you misgender her ;)
<ja> (lol, yes, i recall)
<purr> lol
<ja> purr: are you a thing or a she?
<purr> ja: ... a *he*
<ja> :|
* ec laughs
<ja> purr: a he?
<ja> ok gr8
<ja> purr: pls code ma rubies
<ec> no.
<ec> don't ask purr to code.
<ec> it doesn't end well.
<ja> :x
<ja> oh
<ja> ec: so how fucked up and ec-indented is the source of purr?
<ec> it's really not
<ja> really
<ec> child Thing; another Thing
<ec> parent Thing child.thing, another.thing
<ec> this is so much more beautiful
<ec> jesus
<ec> child1 = new Thing; child2 = new Thing
<ec> thing = new Thing child1, child2
<ec> -^ previous
<ja> ec: should I ask for a job?
<ja> o.o
* ja agrees
<ec> wat
<ja> but how is that even
<ja> i don't
<ja> wat
<ja> ec: geohot’s Tesla competitor
<ja> don’t you read the news?
<ja> he wants people who can express themselves like Feynman
<ec> wow, I really don't like the sound of these people
<ja> really? why not?
<ec> sounds like the i'mma cül haxxor version of eligrey ;)
<ja> lol
<purr> lol
<ec> cross OFTN with Richard Stallman. or maybe weev.
<ja> XD
<ec> they sound like a ...
<ja> “There aren't any definitions for OFTN yet.”
<ja> “¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
* ec breathes deep, licks lips, whispers
<ja> like a…?
<ec> ... meritocracy.
<ec> >,>
<ec> |=
<ec> -oftn
<ja> is that bad?
<ja> how is that bad?
<ec> -find oftn
<purr> ec: Found: source and paws viewer
<ec> -paws viewer
<purr> ec: Paws source code viewer from PawsMonkey by eboyjr: <>
<ja> how is that bad in a startup?
<ec> what
<ec> -source
<purr> ec: oftn-bot's source (which purr is forked from) can be found at: <>
<ja> ec pls
<ja> wat is dis
<ec> who fucking knows
<ja> wat
<ja> ec: you were familiar with the name “geohot” before, no?
<ec> basically, a true ‘meritocracy’ is impossible, 'cuz privilege / bias.
<ja> yes
<ja> of course
<ec> so the sort of people who push for that sort of thing are universally horrible people.
<ja> hm
<ja> but in a small startup?
<ja> business-wise?
<ja> don’t you want the best of the best?
<ec> that's precisely what that page is speaking about.
<ja> trye A players
<ec> no, you absolutely don't.
<ja> oh
<ja> rite
<ja> WAT
<ec> you want a diverse group; and you want a group that works well together; and *none* of those things are measurable.
<ja> sure
<ec> (easily*) measurable (beorehand*)
<ja> but shouldn’t the people still be the best at what they do, preferably?
<ja> (right)
<ec> basically, you do some basic filtering to make sure you're not getting complete non-initiates, and then you throw them at the team and *see how they work*.
<ja> hmm…
<ec> there is no 10x programmer; and there are no rockstars.
<ja> but… dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<ja> aw comon
<ja> really?
<ja> “free electrons”, not?
<ja> where did I read that…
<ec> often the people who are the best for your company *aren't* going to be the ones who win those precise sorts of tests and coding competitions their page mentions
<ja> — actually I don’t think I ever finished reading that
* ja should get eye surgery sooner than later
<ec> the most useful people are instead going to be the communicators, the feelers, and the tortoises.
<ja> hmm
<ja> “the tortoises”
<ja> ^_^
<ja> meaning?
<ec> two mediocre programmers who communicate with eachother *really well* are going to get more than twice as much done, than two Rockstar Motherfuckers working at cross-purposes all the time (and they *will* be working at cross-purposes all the time.
<eligrey> ec: oftn calls itself a meritocracy but it's just a ruse
<ja> > The Free Electron is the single most productive engineer that you’re ever going to meet. I have not even provided a definition and I’m guessing a person has already popped into your mind that fits the bill.
<eligrey> we're just a ragtag group of misfits
<eligrey> hacking the system
<ja> ec: hmm…
<eligrey> (the system being the world)
<ja> ec: I suppose… hm… hmmmmmmmmmmm…
<ja> ec: you really make me question reality sometimes, you know
<ja> and I'm thankful for that
<eligrey> coding the righteous code
<eligrey> in order to overthrow sub-par cults like #elliottcable
<ec> idk this ‘free electron’ post
<ja> sub-par?!
* ja is disappint
<eligrey> (trust me, that's part of my 100-step plan to world betterification)
<eligrey> we can't have a better world until we disband this cult
<ec> “You can build an entire businesses around a Free Electron. They’re that good.”
<ec> yeah, this entire post is bullshit.
<ja> lol
<purr> lol
<ja> that sentence seemed a bit hyperbolic to say the least
<ja> but I like the rest, as I remember it
* ja is rereading it now
<ec> This post makes me sick.
<ja> :<
<ec> “The Junior versions have all the ability, they just don’t have the experience of dealing with people because they spent a lot of the youth writing their own operating system as a intellectual exercise.”
<ec> ‘the best people to hire are the free electrons’ && ‘the free electrons are the ones who spent their youth building an operating system’
<ja> mmh?
<ja> sure, idiots can build OSes
<ja> but that’s probably far from your point
<ja> please, enlighten me
<ec> Yes, let's encourage our industry to hire *less* disadvantaged people who couldn't afford a computer in their youth, had to hold down a job to support their ill or poor or layabout parents, didn't have *time* to build operating systems and programming languages until they were 25.
<ec> You know why I'm building a programming language? Because I'm filthy rich.
<ec> You know why I've been programming since I was a young teen? Because I grew up filthy rich.
<ja> O_O
<ec> Normal, and still perfectly capable, people, didn't spend their childhoods programming;
<ja> oh, so you think this is some elitist bs
<ja> or like
<ja> yeah
* ja programmed in youth while being filthy poor
<ec> and it's so fucked up that we're self-selecting, as an industry, into a small bubble of well-off, identically-opinionated people, who think the Next Big Thing is a fucking app that checks the ratio of girl-to-guy at nearby bars.
<ja> (just trivia, your point still holds)
<ec> yeah, I find this article super elitist bullshit /=
<ja> lol
<purr> lol
<ja> :< alright
<ja> hm
<ec> “A piece of code that’d taken two engineers roughly six months to design had been totally redone in seven days.”
<ec> yes, probably terribly.
<ja> so “give everyone a fair chance” is your preference?
<ec> You can't build excellent software ten times as fast as another engineer built excellent software. There *are* no shortcuts to good software. |=
<ja> seven days seems hyperbolic as well
<ec> ja: I don't give a shit about the social-justice aspects, for the purposes of this conversation.
<ja> hmm
<ec> It's not about helping some poor person get a job.
<ja> ec: Experience creates shortcuts, no?
<ja> No. Good.
<ec> It's about the fact that every rich, white, male, has the *same outlook on life* and writes the *same code*.
<ja> THen what? Sorry. I’m thick.
<ec> Like, your product is literally fucking boring and terrible if you fail to work towards diversity.
<ja> Agreed on that last one
<ec> You don't have to be a *nice person* to want to work on a diverse team; you just have to want to work on a good product.
<ja> *Very* agreed
<ec> bbl, shower, shit
<ec> llst track of time BAAAD BAAAAD
<ja> :X
* ja too
* ja deadline in ≤3 hours
<jfhbrook> deadline in love hours?
<jfhbrook> underlined love hours
<ja> yes
<jfhbrook> nice
<jfhbrook> I should spend some time making some JSON DSLs
<jfhbrook> a la the brongo query dsl
<ja> alexgordon: “&& punctuation symbols” :3!
<alexgordon> hehe
* ja reads rest when done with work
* ja hates self
* ja needs pills
<ja> srsly
<ja> this is like 3 months behind
<ja> because I'm terrible
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