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<agx_> marex: yes, with older firmware bt broke wifi. Recent ones seem to have that fixed.
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<marex> agx_: which are the recent ones ? the one in linux-firmware is recent enough ?
<marex> agx_: in fact, is there a version tag in the firmware blob ?
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<dos1> yes, there is, the downstream driver has some logic for reading it out
<dos1> the 2.0RC6 repo has the latest firmware blob I'm aware of right now
<marex> dos1: why does RSI not update the firmware in linux-firmware ?
<marex> dos1: the logic in the downstream driver is for reading it out from a running firmware (it has to be running on the WiFi SoC)
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<JohnnyonFlame> hmm... somehow my code is falling into some slow path that memcpies attributes, seems to happen here
<JohnnyonFlame> anyone knows what triggers this? I only have one GL_ARRAY_BUFFER in my entire program
<marex> JohnnyonFlame: using some weird pixelformat ?
<JohnnyonFlame> only 32bit floats
<JohnnyonFlame> seems like the worst case scenario is 14 floats per vertex, most are 7 to 12
<marex> isnt there something hitting ... err ... wait
<JohnnyonFlame> 12% of my entire execution time is sitting waiting memcpies :/
<marex> there was something like if the tiling/detiling isn't supported, it is done by software helper
<austriancoder> More vertex buffers are used than the hardware supports
<JohnnyonFlame> what are these "vertex buffers"?
<JohnnyonFlame> is it caused by glVertexAttribPointer or glBindBuffer?
<austriancoder> Did you used any search engine?
<JohnnyonFlame> :/
<JohnnyonFlame> I mean, I said a bit ago, only one array buffer was created
<JohnnyonFlame> I only have a single glGenBuffers and one bindBuffer call, since I'm streaming data to orphaned buffers
<austriancoder> JohnnyonFlame: what GPU?
<JohnnyonFlame> GC860
<JohnnyonFlame> testing on JZ4770 - RG350M and GCW0
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<austriancoder> one vertex buffer supported by that gpu
<austriancoder> count=2
<austriancoder> my crystal ball has no idea.. without the application (sources) it is quite hard to guess
<JohnnyonFlame> I'm only pushing the changeset towards the end for reasons
<JohnnyonFlame> the added code just does texture atlasing (streaming textures to a binpacker) and encodes the necessary information on a vertex attribute, no added bindbuffers, anything
<marex> JohnnyonFlame: I think pcercuei also has this gcw zero
<marex> austriancoder: could it be some unsupported tiling format ?
<austriancoder> marex: I don't think so
<austriancoder> marex: I have one too :)
<marex> austriancoder: you are great
<austriancoder> not really..
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* austriancoder builds sm64-port
<JohnnyonFlame> brb
<austriancoder> bed time
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<JohnnyonFlame> I checked the available extensions and noticed that we have VAOs, so I implemented these in the code and I'm not hitting the slowpath anymore
<JohnnyonFlame> funnily enough, there are more VBOs now than before
<JohnnyonFlame> but I can't get a single memcpy hit from inside gallium
<JohnnyonFlame> spoke too early I guess, I just dont hit that specific breakpoint