<neuro_sys> I'm puzzled by the lack of visibility about Forth on the internet.
<neuro_sys> I think the first thing that got me interested in Forth was an episode of Computer Chronicles where Elizabeth Rather was a guest. And later the video on YouTube by Samuel Falvo.
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<tangentstorm> ^ chuck moore on colorforth. a fun surprise, but i'd also love a link to sam's video, neuro_sys
<siraben> Lisp lead to me Forth, heh.
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<veltas> neuro_sys: thanks
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<veltas> owner of a lonely heart I was meant to say
* veltas facepalms
<veltas> Can you please change your garbage collection terminology to conform with bad prog rock references
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<neuro_sys> tangentstorm: This is the video I mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvrE2ZGe-rs
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<neuro_sys> Do you have any other historically fundamental programming related books in mind similar to these? https://gist.github.com/neuro-sys/b749b638c771b69c8527027b4410dafb
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<veltas> neuro_sys: Starting FORTH is good for beginners learning Forth in my opinion, there is also "Forth programmer's handbook"
<veltas> Maybe have a look at http://www.forth.org/tutorials.html but I suppose you want our opinions? I can't give a good 'historical' opinion because I've only known Forth for a year
<hosewiejacke2> I probably wouldn't recommend "Forth programmer's handbook" for beginners...
<veltas> Can I ask what the goal is with this list?
<veltas> It's good after reading starting forth, I think that's the historical intention anyway
<veltas> I didn't mean to say it is for beginners, I see how what I wrote reads that way
<hosewiejacke2> No problem man :)
<veltas> I know some people really dislike starting forth, they think it is either way too slow or too condescending
<veltas> I personally enjoyed reading it, it is slow but slow is fine when you're being blasted by such an intense euphoric experience as learning forth the first time
<veltas> And slow is also fine when your language is highly factored, because you can get through more real code when it's all shorter :P
<veltas> There's also Thinking FORTH, also by Leo Brodie (Starting FORTH)
<hosewiejacke2> I think there's even a free PDF for this one.
<veltas> There is a recreated LaTeX PDF rendered online, made by the community of people that apparently appreciated it
<veltas> I think that's a good sign
<veltas> I really like the way the scanned PDF of Starting FORTH looks, typewriter + inked drawings.
<veltas> I know someone who has a copy of the original from back in the day, I wonder if it's worth anything to the right buyer
<neuro_sys> I think my goal with the list was that it would contain one book for each language and/or subject that historically comes before the similar books that was later published, and may be considered "seminal".
<neuro_sys> Of course it's subjective, so I was wondering your opinions.
<neuro_sys> Starting Forth (or Thinking Forth) is good candidate.
<neuro_sys> But after reading POL, I decided that I like that one better.
<veltas> It fits better in that list, even though Starting FORTH is a better read IMO
<neuro_sys> Yes, I've found the Starting Forth as the best introductory material. Forth Programmer's Handbook was more down to the point and more concrete.
<neuro_sys> I haven't finished the latter though (nor Thinking Forth).
<dzho> POL? Problem Oriented Language?
<neuro_sys> dzho: Yes, I liked that one personally, and made a lot of reasoning behind Forth clear.
<dzho> ok, thanks
<dzho> I saw it on the FIG list there just wanted to be sure
<neuro_sys> veltas: Awesome!
<veltas> You just know it's going to be good
<dzho> I can't remember if it was my first book about Forthlikes but RG Loeliger's Threaded Interpreted Languages was a thing I read very early on
<hosewiejacke2> Did the army use Forth?
<dzho> somewhere probably but I wouldn't know
<veltas> Is there a language called "forthtran"?
<veltas> What would it be like
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<veltas> Somebody made the same pun on a scheme IRC channel in October this year
<veltas> Freaky
<veltas> Okay the joke is that forthtran is fortran with a lisp
<veltas> I did day 1 today, and spent at least an hour playing with 1-2.fs and refactoring it
<neuro_sys> Nice, I'll check
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<veltas> "a 600 foot tape is sufficient"
<crc> veltas: thanks; I've marked that for later review. I'll need to build some retro instances with larger memory before I can try running my solutions against them.
<neuro_sys> veltas: That looks fun, I'll have a go at it.
<veltas> I know my day 1 part 2 will not work with the big boy solution because it's a dumb loop
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<neuro_sys> What die is it? GA?
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<X-Scale> veltas: ##adventofcode and ##adventofcode-spoilers are pretty active
<neuro_sys> Nice. Day 5 was quite simple.
<neuro_sys> There's a small typo in there: "bnary"
<crc> yeah, I just finally got around to looking at it
<neuro_sys> Also "bringng"
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<neuro_sys> Hmm, that's a good find that the boarding passes correspond to binary values.
<neuro_sys> Or it a known property of binary pratitioning?
<crc> neuro_sys: thanks, those will be corrected when the examples next update in a couple of hours
<crc> I suspect it's a property of binary partitioning, but haven't dealt with this before, so I'm not certain.
<neuro_sys> So you came up just thinking about it?
<crc> yes
<crc> I didn't actually expect it to work, but it did for the test values, so I went with it
<veltas> X-Scale: thanks
<veltas> The "bigboy" inputs are a bit more like the inputs I expected, to force you to actually think about how to solve it efficiently
<neuro_sys> In Samuel Falvo's video, he re-defines some words in the same source file. I think I need to re-read the rules how the words are searched. It seems like namespacing is not necessarily needed.
<crc> words are searched from newest to oldest
<crc> reusing a name is allowed, and does not alter code using the earlier definition