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<joe9> I am reading the jonesforth material. Is there a way to get data structures in it?
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<siraben> joe9: you mean defining structs and so on?
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<neuro_sys> Forth Challenge, palindromic numbers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOnqhOrEwxc
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<joe9> siraben, thanks.
<joe9> siraben, do you know if it would be easy to call C library functions from jonesforth?
<siraben> joe9: like an FFI? You'd have to figure out the C calling convention and have words to call with certain arities
<siraben> like CCALL, CCALL1, CCALL2 etc
<joe9> yes, like ffi.
<joe9> any suggestions on where I can find any documentation on such ( CCALL, CCALL1, etc.. )?
<joe9> I could not find anything by searching in the forth standard website for CCALl.
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<neuro_sys> Lisp-y Data Abstraction in Forth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdsh3E_0EDk
<proteus-guy> neuro_sys, yeah saw this - it's mostly about how he implemented garbage collection, however. Several good talks in this month's SVFig.
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<siraben> joe9: I'd be interested to know as well since that would improve the usefulness of forth
<veltas> I think if I had a C abstraction for forth I would make it so you can create words for the functions you want to use, that consume/produce the right number of words for that function
<veltas> And when you create words you could get it to parse a C prototype or have some forth words to build it
<veltas> create FFI words I mean
<veltas> consume/produce right number of things on stack I mean
<veltas> ffi void *test(int, char *); \ parses up to ;
<veltas> Or something like C( int char* ) void* ffi test
<veltas> It would make forth more useful in your average OS environment, letting you integrate with what's there.
<veltas> The 'right way' is probably to dig into the ABI docs and figure out what the minimum you need to reliably hook into functions is, and avoid trying to replicate the entire C type system
<joe9> veltas, I would be surprised if this has not been done already.
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<joe9> is anyone aware of any simple samples to test and play around with indirect threaded code vs call threaded code? some simple working implementations to play around with..
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<crc> finding palindromic numbers is easy; I'm hoping for something more complex for the next challenge
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<neuro_sys> Yeah, it was still good to see great variety.
<neuro_sys> I actually like different approaches, and how it's valid to create a "DSL" to solve things. Like that Lisp-y guy, and APL guy.
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<MrMobius> they had a really simple problem to solve for the programming competiton last year at the hp calculator conference, so points went to efficient solution rather than just solving
<MrMobius> *most
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