badcfe, it would be the same order for all the other double words. might be easier to answer that question
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is the order of a double word defined by and forth?
i wrote a forth program that produces a pnm image with the feigenbaum fractal. after an evening of browsing around some of the pages at forth.com -- it's quit nice, but i think i have a bad assumption on f>s down-rounding and on double words having the most significant on top
look, i didnt even need to use the return stack, only using data and FP, as i wrote it like the following
1080 constant t 1920 constant n : linear ( n i FP a b -- FP i*{b-a}/n+a ) fover f- s>f f* s>f f/ f+ ; create rndn 1 , : rnd ( -- FP {0..1} ) rndn dup @ 1103515245 * 12345 + dup rot ! 65536 / 0x7fff and 0 d>f 32768.0e f/ ; : logistic ( FP y m -- FP y*m*{1-y} ) fover 1.0e fswap f- f* f* ; : feig_row ( n addr FP m -- ) rnd begin fdup over s>f dup f* f>s cells + 1 over +! @ 65535 < while fover logistic repeat
2drop fdrop fdrop ; .( P5) cr n . 32 emit t . cr 255 . cr variable v n 1- cells allot : main t 0 do v n cells erase t i 2.4e 4.0e linear n v feig_row n 0 do v i cells + @ 8 rshift emit loop loop ; main
my pseudo random generator was stolen from the man 3 rand on my gnu/linux, and i'm using gforth here. would be cool to try and compile this tho
badcfe, I wouldnt worry about making your programs standard. forth isnt like C where you want it to work on other systems. each program is it's own thing and there is no UB to worry about
A bit hard to read all in one line. I suggest using a pastebin like https://bpa.st/ for pasting code.
MrMobius: but maybe the forth implementation i use specifies that there is UB. how does forth normally define behavior on an uninitialized cell, non-aligned address with @, integer overflow, zero div, and such anyway?
you would need a standard in order to define behavior
whereas most forths just do whatever they want
which you cant really say for many C compilers for example
but maybe the documentation for a particular forth would address those things you mentioned
so, does ans forth leave things undefined for implementers of ans forth to vary on?
MrMobius: ANS is literally "American National Standard".
its weird to me that nobody seems to care to be ans nice
MrMobius: Sure, there are plenty of Forths out there that are not ANS-compliant, but badcfe explicitly uses an ANS forth, which offers properties defined in the ANS standard.
john_cephalopoda, right but the point is that you cant assume that basically every forth you encounter will be ANS compliant which is a reasonable thing to assume coming from a C background
Yeah, that's true.
in that case maybe ANS does define UB. youd have to check
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if the forth community saw no value in a standard, as there is more pragmatic focus on tweaking local forths for specific constraints or goals, then who requested ans?
the forth community isnt monolithic
for c, as example, there was immediate practical value on portability
im sure some people saw value in it
forth is closer to assembly in that way
than to C
in common-lisp there was one big lisp user who requested it, i think
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i think i should replace above "and 0" with "and s>d" to be more portable
do you have some tips on how to write \ comments and ( comments ?
MrMobius: i found out that there is UD in forth, namely UD. hehe
MrMobius: i am sorry. this seems to be a word defined in forth.com example ; (
puns aside, there is UD in forth
it's pretty much all of it
cmtptr: i already learnt that FP may use the data stack, as defined by ans, so maybe this is an example that illustrates that ans did a bad job, and that this is to blame implementors to disregard ans
s/this is to blame/this is a reason for/
a signficant portion of forthers are in the camp that doesn't respect ans
and i think those would tell you your forth can do whatever it wants, hence it's all undefined behavior
( comments are usually for stack comments showing what a word does
badcfe, what im getting at is there is not much point making it "more portable"
even if that's something important in C
kind of like writing assembly in a different way to make it more portable
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MrMobius: but there are other implementations of gforth, and it's nice if they can run my thingy too
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MrMobius: all the world's not a vax
badcfe, if thats what makes you happy :)
MrMobius: yeah. but maybe i could try to write a little forth, which should be feasable for the small subset of forth that i use for this.
badcfe, a lot of people go that route
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