f-menagr-a-mo: I use Git and it's very nice IMO
though for personal/smaller projects sometimes no VC at all
I use git. I hate it. Never will you find the occasion to use the default parameters to do anything useful. But it's won the market share without question. The best designed one, imho, is mecurial.
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proteusguy: what do you dislike about git?
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dunno if mercurial has it but one feature I use all the time is git rebase which makes it painless to rewrite history
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I guess long-term mercurial might have a future as a friendlier frontend to git repos: http://hg-git.github.io/
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patrickg, oh right i forgot all about that. I should consider adopting it.
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Also interested to know what's good about Mercurial
But unlikely to change because git works fine for me, and I like GitHub despite all its flaws
Interested to know exactly what's so *bad* about git, for one thing
to me git is just confusing to use
git is somewhat more open about its internals than most other VCSes, which both allows for more power but also adds confusion when all you want to do is manage the history of a few files.
nihilazo: how so?
as soon as I want to do something more complex than just add, commit, push, I have to spend a while looking through manpages and searching stackoverflow for how
once you used git in anger for a year or so these things become second nature, but that's not a typical learning curve for a tool ;-)
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I've been using it for longer than that lol
BTW magit makes working with Git pretty painless
the downside is that magit requires emacs ;-)
but yes, there are alternative user interfaces, but the main entry point remains the git cli
within a few weeks of actually using it beyond push/pull/commit I felt proficient with Git, so I guess it depends
rebase, cherry-pick, bisect are some pretty nice features, and Git is very careful about not deleting unreachable objects/commits
I've never sat down and tried to "learn git properly", and instead just try and understand the commands I need when I google for them, if it's not very basic management. I've never used a VCS I haven't had to google help with, and git at least has the most help online for it.
I have no issues with git myself (and was surprised when I recently used monotone again after ~10 years of non-use how much I adapted to git), but I remember being confused by its differences to ~everything else (and I used a lot of different VCS over the years)
Like with perforce you'll google for help and get nothing, if you're lucky someone will explain a cryptic addressing mechanism that lets you do half of what you need and that suffices most times
Should I bother learning other VCS? Sounds like the switching cost is high
patrickg: The thing is that mercurial seems to be quite similar to git in its model, the main difference I see from trying to look online is git has more control over how you stage stuff, and the way that merges are handled in branch logs
siraben: I don't think the switching cost would be high, the reason I don't bother is what do I gain?
It seems like it's for nothing
right. exactly 0 projects I've contributed to used something other than git
The only other thing I see people use is subversion, if the project is old enough to have been started before git was mainstream
In open source, anyway. In companies you see a lot of perforce
my main project (coreboot) migrated from subversion to git 10 years ago, and it started before git was a thing (we started with CVS). On the way I made some collaborators also try gnu arch (before it was gnu), monotone, svk (some subversion extension for distributed work) and a few other things, but it became clear early-on that git will win out. That's a huge argument
it was the only argument in its favor though ;-)
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siraben, there's really not much reason to learn another SCS once you know git. Most are pretty bad anyway and git is universal nowadays.
there is a good reason: some of them offer a more pleasant UX than git
I am always amazed at how painless darcs is, cherrypicking for everything
sadly, git is the only one which is battle tested for gigantic software
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f-a outside of mercurial, which one outside of git do you think that a pleasant UX? And mercurial actually scales better than git.
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* crc
uses fossil, but is providing read-only git mirrors of his public repos
crc, I'm not familiar at all with fossil. This something new?
repo is stored in an sqlite3 database; has a single binary that handles everything
I'm also a fan of fossil
never used it on a collaborative project, but for my hobby stuff it is my go-to choice typically
crc, yikes! sqlite is the opposite of fixed and never to be deleted forever! dunno that I'd trust that for VCS.
sqlite is a good project and it is actually very stable
If I had to choose between a btrfs driver and sqlite for integrity I'd choose sqlite
veltas, no arugument there - but it's designed to allow updates and deletions of data. Also, it can lose data in a process failure.
News to me
I've used perforce commercially and always liked it. I've never heard anything bad about mercurial.
Ah - I just checked and sqlite does now have a writeahead log. So I guess if you have that going a process failure is still recoverable.If you don't have that going then you can lose data.
mstevens, I used perforce years ago before good open source tools were available. I liked it. But I prefer distributed models now.
I hate the way it makes files read-only by default
proteusguy: This is where my experience is a bit limited, I used it pre-git, I believe they've tried to compete and come out with a distributed product, but I don't know anything about it.
mstevens, it was definitely one of if not these best commercial ones.
I'd use (and do) git over perforce in a commercial setting
veltas, re:read-only by default - you talking about perforce?
veltas, yes that's because it follows the pvcs model of locking files before modifying them. totally old school. :-)
These days I use git because it's good enough and it's nearly universal, but I don't actually like it.
mstevens, yep agreed - git has pretty much just won. resistance isn't worth it. it's not that hard to get it but it is entirely unnatural, alas. But it certainly is powerful and works.
proteusguy: It's for old-school performance reasons that don't apply anymore, meanwhile it performs worse in practice than basic operations than git does.
veltas, oh yeah - the pessimistic locking model is obsolete. very "enterprisey". But it was a strong tool in its day.
proteusguy: A friend works with mercurial and uses the git extension to interface with the rest of the world, I've not tried it but that might give you the best of both worlds.
mstevens, yes I need to give that a shot.
veltas, interesting that two examples of how sqlite can lose data were actually using fossil as their examples.... yipes! ;-)
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I find it trustworthy that they document how they have failed, give examples, and also it seems unlikely any of those issues will ever affect me.
Nothing should ever cause serious data loss, because you should *never* use a VCS without backups
But obviously data integrity is important to the extent I don't ever expect to have to deal with data integrity issues from my VCS, and with fossil it appears I am still unlikely to experience it myself
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proteusguy: which aspects of mercurial scale better than git?
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f-a: I don't quite have the full answer to your question, but in gforth source, useraddr is definied in the `prim' file as ( #u -- a_addr ). My guess is that <64> is definied at gforth compile time as user address space memory localation or something similar, and useraddr turns that into an address in a word
its not saying useraddr is a 64 bit address?