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<d1b2> <TomKeddie> @esden for our jigs we consigned some 1604 LCD modules to the jig maker and had them mounted on the front panel.
<d1b2> <TomKeddie> They're used by English speakers though.
<d1b2> <TomKeddie> Jig has a pi inside, I worry about SD corruption but it's not my baby.
<d1b2> <Hardkrash> OK, NG. Don’t translate to Chinese yourself, google will add all of the special characters that are outside of the standard dialect. Make sure to use individual LEDs, red green colorblind is an issue. Red is a good color in Chinese culture.
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<d1b2> <madbodger> Happily, I have a friend who does Chinese translation professionally.
<_whitenotifier-f> [glasgow] electroniceel commented on issue #135: Regulator behavior after short circuit -
<_whitenotifier-f> [GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel pushed 1 commit to wip-revC2 [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-f> [GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel b373e6a - revC2: documentation improvements & small beautifications
<_whitenotifier-f> [glasgow] electroniceel synchronize pull request #196: WIP revC2 -
<electronic_eel> quick status update: I verified that changing the dropper/shunt resistor to 0.47Ω works without problems (see new comment in #135 for details)
<electronic_eel> so now the schematics part is done
<whitequark> thanks!
<electronic_eel> I'll begin creating / adapting footprints now, but I don't think I'll be able to start on actual layout today
<electronic_eel> whitequark: did you have a look at the new schematics? any comments?
<electronic_eel> I also added the i2c addresses the fx2 searches for bootup, since I remember looking them up like 3 times ago and slowly growing tired of it
<whitequark> electronic_eel: i have not
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<_whitenotifier-f> [GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel pushed 1 commit to wip-revC2 [+2/-0/±3]
<_whitenotifier-f> [GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel 374d2b1 - revC2: remove left-over traces, place new footprints
<_whitenotifier-f> [glasgow] electroniceel synchronize pull request #196: WIP revC2 -
<electronic_eel> ok, footprints added, actual layout still todo
<electronic_eel> I'm calling it quits for today. I plan to work on the layout over the next week but don't give any promises about when I'll be finished
<electronic_eel> if someone else wants to work on the layout, go for it
<electronic_eel> for example if @esden wants do show some more layout work on stream
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<esden> electronic_eel: thank you! :) I will take a look at what you have pushed. I will definitely want to show off the changes you made on stream on Tuesday. :)
<esden> If there is some additional work to do I am happy to do it on stream. We will see. :)
<electronic_eel> ok, so you plan to stream on tuesday
<electronic_eel> I think I can do some work tomorrow evening, but probably won't be finished by tuesday
<electronic_eel> so you can do some layout work on stream
<d1b2> <Hedge> @Greg the Rev C1 boards arrived today - many thanks!
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