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<nmz787> azonenberg: how did those laserlab masks look under the scope?
<azonenberg> nmz787: whoops, forgot to upload pics
<azonenberg> give me a minute
<soul-d> getting close here although started to break stuff again after that :P better let it rest for a bit and do a clean up of code
<azonenberg> They were a bitr tricky to image
<azonenberg> What I ended up doing was darkfield imaging (scattered light) with a texwipe under the mask
<azonenberg> so what you're seeing is basically a silhouette of the surface since i couldn't image the emulsion directly
<azonenberg> this is nominal 12.5 micron line/space i believe
<azonenberg> i'd have to double check the GDS to be sure
<azonenberg> the mask was for a client's project a long time ago and was obsolete before it even got made
<azonenberg> so i cant show the whole thing but i dont think the NDA covers generic alignment marks :P
<azonenberg> The coloring in the background is just due to the texwipe not being 100% flat
<soul-d> 2 lines to much to show how you feel about nda
<soul-d> but it's in there :P
<azonenberg> actually i only cant talk about their technology, which i'm not
<azonenberg> the fact that a generic alignment pattern from the lab made it onto their mask is irrelevant
<azonenberg> anyway, first impressions - slight bubbles in the surface of the emulsion
<azonenberg> small, maybe 5 microns or less, and not likely to show up in litho
<azonenberg> Grains are visible around the edges of the lines at high mag, maybe 500nm or so across each
<soul-d> got sofar today that i had some sd-card code somewhat working with reading and writing but his state machiene isn't so clean so probably gonna rewrite it but saves me hassle in seeing how it operates
<azonenberg> Some very slight grain in the "light" parts of the mask are also visible
<soul-d> now was trying to build memory or operate memory for display
<azonenberg> closeup
<azonenberg> So, it's not chrome on glass
<azonenberg> But its a lot better than a cheap printer on overhead transparency :p
<soul-d> stuf with printers usaly require high amount of luck and high retry count :P
<azonenberg> Lol yeah
<azonenberg> These masks look like they'll do the job at the 15-20um feature range
<azonenberg> which is what i'd target early on anyway
<soul-d> winter here most lab is closed down except i still need to clean up just hope glas and water mix wel when frozen
<azonenberg> lol your lab is not heated?
<soul-d> no it's a single walled shed with just asbestos plating on top
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> asbestos? fun
<nmz787> hmm
<nmz787> cool
<soul-d> i know lol
<nmz787> so is that the mask, or the emulsion/resist?
<azonenberg> nmz787: That's a laserlab mask
<azonenberg> some kind of photographic emulsion on polyester substrate
<azonenberg> laser direct imaging followed by developing
<azonenberg> i believe the particles in the background are bubbles in the emulsion but i could be wrong
<azonenberg> its entirely possible they're dust on the mask as well
<azonenberg> it was stored in a plastic bag on a desk, not in a cleanroom, after we determined it was obsolete
<azonenberg> so semi-sealed but not nearly perfect
<azonenberg> the image is theoretically DF but looks like BF
<azonenberg> because i'm DF'ing a white object with the mask on top :p
<soul-d> lol ofcourse it was somthing simple again just quited text started scrolling again seems i forgot to initial value
<nmz787> what was that matrix of As eariler?
<soul-d> my screen with a's ?
<nmz787> ahh
<soul-d> trying to write display driver thingy on fpga dev kit
<nmz787> any projects that use a microscope to downsize a projector?
<soul-d> nah already glad im getting stuff to work with vhdl this time
<azonenberg> nmz787: there was one
<azonenberg> i cant find the citation off the top of my head
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<soul-d> wanted to say i'm really done for today but then i figured it was already morning :')
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