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<berndj> azonenberg, just watched transuranium_elements.ogv, in one scene there's a bottle of 24M HF
* azonenberg hides behind berndj and looks for the nearest calcium source
<soul-d> :)
<azonenberg> Worst I have in my lab is like 2% w/v
<azonenberg> which is maybe 1 molar off the top of my head
<azonenberg> if that
<berndj> they used it to show that curium behaves more like gadolinium than like uranium, showing that the transuranic elements form the actinide series and not a uranide series. (old film, got it from somewhere in the bowels of
<berndj> i just did a calc, 24M is 456g/l
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> what's 2g/l?
<berndj> about 0.1M?
<azonenberg> Ok, that sounds more reasonable
<berndj> but also 0.2%, not 2%?
<azonenberg> oh, hmm
<azonenberg> Gotta go, it is christmas eve after all
<azonenberg> talk more when the festivities are over :p
<berndj> have a nice turkey or whatever you do
<berndj> i'm cancelling xmas
<soul-d> when is xmas ?
<berndj> i'm perpetually confused; i'm german, and we do our big do on the 24th. the 25th is the afterparty for us. i gather other people have their big do on the 25th
<berndj> 24th is christmas eve, the 25th is christmas day
<soul-d> well then hope soldering goes well then ill have a nice present but im stupid should use drc :P