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<azonenberg> For those who didn't see, somebody posted this to ##electronics
<soul-d> lol
<soul-d> at least video tutorials on intergration
<azonenberg> lol
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<soul-d> :( qute certain i saw puff of smoke from breadboard nasty
<azonenberg> That's never good
<azonenberg> what blew
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<soul-d> donno added a wire somthing started smoking probably my cmos cam chip
<soul-d> wan't clear where it was from
<azonenberg> Your camera is smoking?
<azonenberg> That doesn't sound good
<soul-d> not certain it was near that board could have hit somthing else on breadboard
<soul-d> ah well still din't explode wich already is quite somthing voltages still measure correctly
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<soul-d> ah well put it aside for awhile at least tried to solder somthing again cmos chip i already had for few years ( although almost none that ordered that one actually got it working anyhow most likely cause they wanted to use microcontrollers)
<soul-d> and can't smell it since im using these chinese premade wires wich all smell like burned plastic :P