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<diginet> sivoais: what are you doing here?
<sivoais> haha, hey diginet! I'm an engineer. I like engineering things.
<diginet> I'm not an engineer (lol), but I've talked with azonenberg a little about homecmos
<diginet> I think having a DIYable chip fab would be just about the greatest thing ever
<diginet> we were talking earlier actually (in PM), and I thought of something that seemed odd and he didn't know either, maybe you can answer
<diginet> sivoais: why is tungsten (often) used for vias in CMOS? I know that copper has issues with electromigration, but why not aluminum?
<sivoais> diginet: no idea. I'm not a materials person. Would be a good thing to look through the literature for
<diginet> good idea
* diginet googles
<Sync_> diginet: I guess it has to withstand KOH etches and be easily depositable
<diginet> Sync_: yeah, I looked up some papers and they basically said something similar
<Sync_> but it seems cu is possible after all
<diginet> yeah
* Sync_ is going to kill his prof....
<azonenberg> Sync_: Nobody uses KOH for CMOS
<azonenberg> TMAH maybe
<azonenberg> but Cu survives exposure to low-concentration TMAH used as developer
<azonenberg> Al is slightly attacked
<diginet> you know, I was thinking, wasn't the whole point of silicon that it has a (relatively) good native oxide? If high-k dielectrics are replacing SiO2, why even both anymore
<diginet> the problem is finding an alternative that isn't made of unobtainium or something stupid like Arsenic
<Sync_> I thought KOH was still used for bulk etching
<Sync_> diginet: germanium is the answer
<diginet> really? why do you think so
<Sync_> becaue I work in it
<Sync_> we're doing Ge on Si
<Sync_> and GeSi stuff
<Sync_> which is easily integratable in current cmos processes
<diginet> really
<Sync_> your phone does it
<diginet> I wasn't questioning you, I was just curious
<diginet> I don't have a phone :P
<diginet> I knew it was used for RF stuff, but could it replace silicon in general?
<Sync_> well, that's the hope
<Sync_> because slowly making ever so slightly smaller devices is getting interesting
<diginet> but isn't germanium a lot more fragile than silicon?
<Sync_> to a degree yes but that's why the GeSi stuff is so interesting
<Sync_> but really, the person who finds a way to integrate optoelectronics in cmos will take the deal
<Sync_> that'd solve a lot of interconnect issues
<diginet> optical innerconnects?
<Sync_> yes
<diginet> as I understand it, the main issue right now is parasitic capacitance, no?
<Sync_> yes
<diginet> what about GaAs?
<Sync_> that's not really compatible with cmos
<diginet> ah
<diginet> isn't germanium like insanely expensive though?
<Sync_> that's why GeSi + C HEMTs are so cool for HF
<diginet> C, like graphene?
<Sync_> because you can put them on die with the rest of the chip
<Sync_> no just plain carbon
<diginet> HEMT are the one's which use 2d electron gas right?
<Sync_> yeah germanium is spendy, that's why you take a Si wafer and deposit stress free germanium
<diginet> what is their main usage? in theory could you use them to speed up a regular chip like a CPU?
<Sync_> mobile phones, RF stuff
<Sync_> they have transition frequencies over 500GHz now
<diginet> okay this is weird, according to wikipedia, SiGe has lower junction leakage because it has a /lower/ band gap
<diginet> I thought it was a /higher/ bandgap which would lead to lower leakage?
<Sync_> yes
<Sync_> magic of sige
<Sync_> no, really it does some really strange things
<diginet> wait, how does that even work though?
<Sync_> in hemts you can do strange stuff like vary the ge concentration through the channel
<diginet> if the energy required to jump from the valence band to the conduction band is lower, shouldn't that mean an electron is more likely to make the jump?
<diginet> why are HEMTs not used for non-RF stuff then?
<Sync_> price and that cpu speed is as you said limited by the intereconnects
<diginet> but they are otherwise superior in nearly every way?
<Sync_> yup
<Sync_> but the main thing about them is that you can integrate them cheaply in a cmos process
<diginet> what makes them more expensive than regular FETs?
<Sync_> well
<Sync_> putting ge in?
<Sync_> :D
<Sync_> sorry, exam in 1h by brain is a bit wonky
<diginet> no problem :P
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<berndj> diginet: electromigration goes with atomic mass. aluminium is worse than copper because it's lighter. tungsten is better than both. maybe you need high current densities at contacts, so you use tungsten?
<diginet> Al is worse than Cu? Huh. I didn't know that
<berndj> [citation needed] and all that. don't take my word for it
<diginet> gotcha
<berndj> but yeah, as far as i understood it people moved from Al to Cu because Cu could take higher current density, which mattered as feature sizes got smaller
<diginet> yeah
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<diginet> does anyone here know a good place to buy tantalum pentoxide?
<diginet> does not need to be high purity, ~97-98% is fine
<berndj> azonenberg, was using it some time back. if you're lucky the channel logs might find it for you?
<azonenberg> diginet: You can get a solution of it from Emulsitone
<azonenberg> well
<azonenberg> tantalum chloride in ethanol
<azonenberg> spin coat and bake and you get a film of Ta2O5
<azonenberg> It cost me $500 for 4 ounces
<diginet> yikes
<azonenberg> I wanted to use it as a MEMS hardmask
<azonenberg> I might still try that once i solve my photoresist adhesion issues
<azonenberg> HMDS might help with that
<diginet> surely there have to be cheaper sources of Ta2O5
<azonenberg> In what form
<azonenberg> In my issue the issue was the minimum order
<azonenberg> i only needed a few drops
<diginet> powder
<azonenberg> they wouldnt sell me less than 4oz of the 16% solution
<azonenberg> What are you trying t odo with it?
<azonenberg> High-K?
<azonenberg> hardmask?
<azonenberg> optical coating?
<diginet> no, I decided to use it for my WORM storage thing
<azonenberg> Oh
<azonenberg> Hmm
<azonenberg> What advantages does it have over SiC
<diginet> I would buy the metal, but it's fairly easy to refine, and supposedly a lot cheaper
<diginet> no, Ta for the metal
<azonenberg> Oh
<azonenberg> So you really want metallic Ta
<diginet> yeah
<azonenberg> How much, what purity?
<diginet> but metallic Ta costs more, so I figured I'd save some money and DIY the refining, I've been meaning to make an FFC reactor anyway
<diginet> not high, 95+ would work
<azonenberg> sec
<diginet> maybe 10g? (10g metal, not sure how much oxide I'd need for that)
<diginet> tantalum has such good properties, probably the best for my purposes of any metal that isn't some insane 10-component superalloy
<azonenberg> Which properties
<diginet> corrosion resistance and high melting point namely
<diginet> tungsten melts at a high temperature as well, but it oxidizes at above 300 C
<azonenberg> How about Au or Pt or Pd?
<azonenberg> Ignoring cost, just thinking mechanical properties
<diginet> more expensive
<azonenberg> or Nb
<diginet> and Ta is better than all of those
<diginet> hmm
<diginet> Nb is an option
<azonenberg> Looking up corrosion resistance
<diginet> /troll
<azonenberg> its very similar to Ta, wiki says it melts at 2477C
<azonenberg> Slightly less corrosion resistant
<azonenberg> but...
<azonenberg> 10 grams of Nb in 1/4" pellets, 99.95% purity
<azonenberg> $28.50
<diginet> yeah
<diginet> that's kind of hard to beat
<azonenberg> $16 for 7.2 grams
<azonenberg> 99.9%
<diginet> hmm
<diginet> look at hastelloy C
<diginet> insane
<azonenberg> beer, lol
<azonenberg> can you imagine being in a lab evaluating the corrosion resistance of materials to beer?
<azonenberg> hydrofluoric acid...
<azonenberg> ratred 3 against wet chlorine gas
<diginet> hastelloy C?
<azonenberg> You need to be able to do fine patterning of it too though
<azonenberg> Ta can be patterned precisely
<azonenberg> sorry, i meant 2
<diginet> yeah
<diginet> ah
<diginet> what about Nb?
<azonenberg> Alloys may not be the best bet
<azonenberg> I havent looked at Nb but Ta is used in IC fabrication as a barrier/adhesion layer for Cu
<azonenberg> So you can get deep sub-nanometer patterning and fine grain sizes
<diginet> hmm
<diginet> apparently alloying Nb with Zr and W can substantially improve it's qualities
<azonenberg> Bear in mind you need to deposit the alloy as a thin film somehow, right?
<azonenberg> Not all deposition processes are amenable to this
<azonenberg> evaporation for example does not work well with alloys
<azonenberg> i think sputtering does
<diginet> it's not thing film though
<azonenberg> isnt it a thin film on a glass substrate?
<diginet> that wasn't my intent
<diginet> I was going to cast an approx 5mm thick plate
<azonenberg> And read back how?
<azonenberg> the benefit of metal film on a clear substrate is easy optical readout
<diginet> with a microscope
<diginet> this isn't a digital medium
<azonenberg> I'm just saying, tiny variations in surface topography
<azonenberg> are less good contast than presence or absence of an opaque material on a clear substrate
<azonenberg> contrast*
<azonenberg> Yea, but I pictured your design as being a film a few nm thick
<azonenberg> of metal
<azonenberg> maybe a micron at most
<diginet> the plate is cast seperately
<azonenberg> then a thick substrate and a slightly thinner cap
<azonenberg> why?
<diginet> because it gives me more options on the composition
<azonenberg> I'm just thinking in the end you have to be able to read it
<diginet> you can, the HD rosetta process, while it is a film on glass, is all nickel
<diginet> i.e. you can't see through the Ni film
<azonenberg> Oh
<azonenberg> I was envisioning something similar to standard chrome-on-glass semiconductor masks
<azonenberg> except with a second layer on the top surface for protection
<diginet> see
<diginet> haha, no, lol
<azonenberg> Such that you could backlight it and read out optically
<azonenberg> with extremely high contrast
<diginet> remember, I'm planning on making it holographic though
<azonenberg> Hmm
<diginet> the read out will be with a laser
<diginet> I won't be directly writing the pixels to the plate, rather I will computer the diffraction gratings and then draw those out
<azonenberg> oh, i see
<azonenberg> I was talking about if you wanted direct optical imaging
<diginet> yeah
<azonenberg> of either binary data or text or graphics
<azonenberg> something like that could be read with nothing but a microscope
<diginet> yeah, but I think a non-holographic version of mine could as well
<diginet> I could fill in the troughs with something else
<diginet> to increase contrast
<azonenberg> The ideal structure for my idea would be a clear SiC wafer or similar with a very thin patterned metal film
<azonenberg> then more
<azonenberg> Ta2O5 might actually be a good surface coating lol
<azonenberg> Almost nothing but HF will corrode it
<diginet> indeed
<azonenberg> and even HF does so very slowly
<diginet> that's why I decided against W, a lot of stuff corrodes W
<azonenberg> weeks of immersion in hot KOH
<azonenberg> etch rates were too slow to measure
<diginet> wow
<azonenberg> That was why i decided to use it as a hardmask for KOH etches
<azonenberg> my problem was, it was TOO etch resistant
<azonenberg> i couldn't pattern it
<azonenberg> my photoresist would peel off the surface before it etched through
<azonenberg> HMDS might help with that
<azonenberg> on my "future research" list
<azonenberg> too many other things going on lol
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